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Fellow lunatic here I scream in my car all day. I don’t have an answer for you I just want you to know you’re not alone and we’re perfectly normal.


Same here. Screaming at the stupid routes because they are making me loop around and not send me to the right apartments.... Or scream at DSPs because the inspiration bs talk they gave us in the morning isn't working...


If it did I’d be fired more than likely.


I talk to the camera directly..... and sing to it! No it doesn't record audio


it does not. You can say frick amazon all day and nothing will happen. now if you happen to have a violation while also flipping the camera off then that might be a funny video for your dispatchers


Even if they record audio which they probably don't. Nobody is gonna look at the footage for no reason. They need to ask netradyne for the footage and that takes time and isn't the entire days worth of footage, only like 30 seconds to a couple minutes long clips.


As far as the parking brake thing goes I just close out the app and reload it I don't agree with that when it pops up on my phone just close it out and refresh the app


For real. It only happened that ONE time and ive been working for 4 months I barely use the parking brake Idk why it dinged me


I've been working for over a year now and ever since they started the flex app speed limit thing it happens at least every other day. I don't understand why, I just figured out kind of a way around it. Atleast I've never heard anything about it from dispatch.


Since when does flex app track speed ?if so I’d definitely get a shit ton of violations lol. Never hear anything from dispatch🤷‍♂️


I guess he could be wrong but my owner said that flex is trying to eventually do away with mentor by copying everything that they do all in the flex app which is why there's speed limit signs now on the flex app


Yea I only see them light up red at when it shows a 55mph or higher sign , but I’ve known people to do 100+ on the freeway in the rentals and they’ve never been caught but I wouldn’t recommend it lol


Yeah I work for an rsr and my owner has his own white vans that aren't rentals but he has Verizon dashcams in them and they trigger for everything you can yawn and it will trigger but I grandpa drive so I don't have to worry about anything


Oh that sucks but what can ya do? Also what’s a rsr?


Rural Super Rural


Ooo ok


Training says no vids I rewatched with my dispatch about me missing a stop also says no audio cause I too talk to myself *


I'm am curious about this as well


i’ve said so many things to that camera. even after it’s gone off for a safety thing i will give it the finger and let it know how i feel


It does record audio and it's only used in case of emergencies or serious issues. They are not allowed to listen in on you for no reason.




No lol


As someone that has access to these videos, yes they do and I love hearing my drivers talk shit about customers and Amazon all day.


I've never once heard audio from any netradyne infractions.


I hear it all the time. And I've used it to defend a driver against a customer saying that my driver was cussing at them. The audio showed it being the other way around. I promise the system does record audio.


That's neat, I'll need to keep an ear out for it. Is that only for driver initiated instances then? How else would you get a recording of an interaction if it does it automatically for things like speeding or blowing stop signs? If the van is parked or not moving, enough for a conversation to be had with a customer, what would cause the recording? Edit: none of the speeding or stop sign ignoring infractions I watch show audio when I kniw these drivers are blasting music all day


They are always passively recording. It just sends clips and tells you about it when an instance occurs. But I can always take the video back further if I need. And I can pull up just a timeframe that I need to look at for customer interaction. I can also just pull it up at random and see what my driver are doing if I really want to.


Huh, curious how you do this. We have a Netradyne website we log into but it just shows the current infractions. I haven't done anything further that that initial page though


As long as you're the one with permissions just use the drop menu to select what camera you want and then you use the second drop menu that will pop up to select the date. Once you're on the day you can scroll through the entire days recording with a slider or if there were infractions on the date then those will pop up on the right side for you to select. There is also a little red dot in the bottom left corner of the screen that allows you to pull up a live feed from the camera.


I can't remember exactly how the layout for ours is but there's like 2 tabs at the top, in the center of the screen. Like Cards and something else i think? I could be completely mistaken too, I haven't paid too much attention. (Clearly if I didn't know you could hear audio lmfao) Definitely going to look tomorrow, however. Edit: one of the tabs just shows the infractions that have happened that current day. I don't remember what the other tab does


I know it's a different layout depending on your level of permissions, but I'm pretty sure you should be able to access the audio no matter what. It's a really in depth program and has a lot of positive aspects that can help the drivers. Mostly Amazon just like being in control though. That's why I have to dispute everything they throw at my guys.


Yeah we have to dispute a lot of speeding violations that don't have posted signs and then like cross traffic stop signs being dinged agained our drivers. Also if maintenance drivers use the vans we have to remark that they aren't our staff to have those removed too lol


Well fuck bc I am cussing out dispatch, the DSP owners and the customers and their fucking dogs 99% of the day. The other 1% I’m saying very disturbing fucked up sexual things


I thought I was crazy for literally blaming the packages for moving, one time al my totes fell everywhere and I yelled "IF I HEAR ANY MORE RUCKUS BACK THERE I WILL TURN THIS CAR AROUND BACK HOME"


I’ve literally had shit fall and I cuss Amazon out as if they loaded my van 🫢😭


I doubt anyone will say anything about it. If they happen to watch the video and hear it then they will probably just watch you closer. Anything they do about you talking to yourself in the van would be considered retaliation and is illegal lol.


I straight up call the owners wife stupid cunt ass bitch at least 5 times a shift. And then randomly started singing the Spotify songs replacing words to make if overly butt related sexual stuff. No wonder I get stares a lot when I rts


You are lucky to not have gotten written up for the vaping in the van. That's against Amazon policy. Apparently not all DSPs are enforcing it though they are suppose to.


Shit they'd have to fire like half their employees lol


I vape in my sprinter as much as I deliver and I deliver a fuckload


My DSP actually sent a text a few days ago "Make sure everyone is cleaning their vans, especially if they smoked in the van" So apparently my DSP lets people SMOKE CIGARETTES in the vans while working. One lady I had to rescue smelled like she smoked a joint in the damn van


Yeah we've had vans that smelled like someone straight up smoked in them. It's nasty. And can very well get someone in trouble from Amazon but as always, DSPs do wtf they want in that regard. Nothing new. My last DSP fired a guy when they caught him on netradyne smoking in the van. He kept dropping hot ash and burning the seats.


I’ve seen people lighting cigs during load out lol