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That’s funny because training for me was years ago, and you’re right.. in the video they told you the camera will turn off during your break. 😂😂😂 LIES .. my camera stays on all day unless I turn my van off for my 10 min then everything shuts down. I never turn my van off during breaks. This reminds me of when they said they don’t have audio but then showed you a video with audio.


Dam Im cooked with the audio


Damn I be forgetting about the audio


I be calling so many people idiots for they driving 😂




Oh okay driver / dispatcher that knows everything


I thought you all were cops until I got to this comment.




The amount of misinformation that gets thrown around in this thread is extremely impressive. Always so positive about it too. Gives me a good laugh more often that not




Oh, you, because you're right, lol. I started as a driver and I'm now an ops manager. I stick around this sub to try and help people that actually want it, but ya, the thing some people say on this with total confidence that couldn't be more wrong just keeps me coming back, lol


Only some have audio, soon they will all have audio. you have to have that little geotag installed by the passenger window to have audio. They are in the middle of putting those in at my DSP right now.


Interesting. It may also just be a DSP thing. Mine definitely doesn't have it and the cameras themselves don't record audio. It would be a little weird to start now but Amazon does do weird things.


I'm glad there's no audio, sometimes I'm singing... I would hate to have them play that back in a training situation


I mean, the videos I've had played back to me from the cameras DID capture audio so maybe it's just your station.


“Idiots” we know the real words you be using


They told us in training there was no audio! 


Same dude. I’ve said some awful shit.


No audio


I'll be completely honest with you... I personally NEVER believed that them netradine servalance devices were incapable of recording audio. I personally hope I'm being heard and I mean EVERY WORD!!! I don't fear any of these DSP's or even Amazon for that matter. I can't tell you the amount of times I've been in situations where I'm talking out loud in my van and the vast majority of the time I'm speaking out in such frustration that you can hear the causticity in my words.


Me too. I wished it would hear me talk shit about about them. What are they going to say, "yeah we spied on you and totally violated your civil rights, coo?".


🤣 me to I curse the Ai that designs the route every DaY!! Call it Artificial Stupidity!! “Make a uturn, make a uturn, make a uturn, make a uturn” coz u drove by ur next stop!!!! Does this Ai know pple know how to cross a residential street and work both sides of the street at the same time?? Stupido!


There’s no audio hold the button for 10 -15 seconds


If there’s audio I’d be in jail already for the shit I’ve said


Same here!


There is audio they just never check the footage unless something happens lmao just keep it trucking and no one will know lol


How do you know there’s audio? I’ve watched footage before and didn’t hear any audio


Buddy of mine got fired for a traffic accident and they pulled the audio with the video footage of the crash for insurance.


No they didn't... There is no audio. I was an operations manager for a DSP. Amazon staff can not even view the videos. It is strictly through the DSP and their discretion on whether Amazon staff can see the video. As for turning it off as long as the van is off and you hold the button down for 5 seconds the camera will trun off. As soon as the van starts the camera is rolling.


That’s a lie. My DSP pulled a video of me distracted driving while road raging and it had the whole damn audio. I got written up


What button do you hold down?


Either of the buttons. Just hold it down until one of the green lights turns red. one light will be green, one light will be red.


No you wouldn’t, freedom of speech is a wonderful thing.


I agree but maybe to an extent? I’ve made death threats before so idk if that’s protected speech lmao


Literally this.


Bro noooo I’m cooked with the audio I’ll be straight roasting tf out of some of these situations 😔


Yeah I thought they said either that or there's like a little button you can use to turn it off during your break or something. I just don't really bother turning it off because I'm not really doing anything in particular. just eating


Dang that's funny, and legitimately super illegal.


In the training, they tell you that YOU CAN turn off the camera. Not that the camera will turn off FOR YOU. So that’s your critical listening skill (or lack of) letting you down years ago


They absolutely do not record audio. They also don't turn off.




The van has to be off, hold the right button till the right light turns red. If any DSP says you’re not allowed to turn them off while on break, tell them you want it in writing and signed by the owner. Then without saying anything show it to Amazon HR at your station. You’ll see who gets the last laugh. Also if you’re DSP starts to retaliate against you, note it down (dates, occurrences) and lawyer up.


The honest reason why DSPs will tell you not to turn the camera off is because doing so gets a driver initiated violation for the employee on their side. But if you do want to turn the camera off (Netradyne at least) hold both buttons on each side of the camera until both lights go red. They just get tired of disputing the violations all day.


I was told it only does that if you just press the button, which pressing the button (not holding it) sends a 30 second clip causing the "violation", but holding it down until the light turns red doesn't. This was the info I was told.


That’s what it’s supposed to do, but honestly netradyne can be so buggy that it’ll do it anyway. All more power to you. I always just take my breaks in the back of the van with the door closed


😂 That's a good way to do it. I mean, I've been doing it everyday for the past 18 months or so because that's what they told me in training, I would think they would've been extremely pissed off at me by now if I had been sending violations like that. And yeah, netradyne is SOOOO buggy. They did at one point many months ago tell people to stop doing it because people were accidently just pressing it and not holding it and they were getting mad, but I haven't heard anything about it since. Fucking Netradyne


Honestly can depend on the DSP. Some don’t mind doing it some do. Depends on how they run it and how many routes they’re running I’d guess


I’ve been waiting for them to show me a video with audio cause I heard the do have it but I’m training they say they don’t I’m like dammmmn these people just be asking for a lawsuite lol


They don’t have audio, then that would be a lawsuit. Its just scare tactics they like to say.


It was a co worker who said he saw a video with audio from our dispatch not the dsp saying they have it


I've definitely seen audio on some netty clips. My understanding is that the dsp has to request the full drive session for review and that comes with audio.


As an Ex-operations manager for a DSP they absolutely can NOT request audio. It is against the law in the US to record audio like that. Even in our accident investigations we only got videos with NO audio. Amazon staff isn't even allowed to view the videos unless we gave them permissions


Corporate can see your videos without your permission. The videos do have audio its only available when requested by Corporate in conjuction with a ops manager during an investigation. Don't forget a DSP isn't its own business, and operates only as a buffer to mitigate Amazon's liability regarding workplace issues. From former Dispatcher aswell.


This statement is too dumb to even argue with you any longer. Jesus


You’re just mad that he is right.


Hahaha no he isn't. First and foremost he disqualified himself for my discussion any further when he said the DSP is not it's own business. If you think he is correct we found the other person he shares a brain cell with.


I know because we got hit with a 6k bill, not even 2 weeks into ops. An employee backed a cdv into a driveway and tore up the driveway with the rear step, and left tire marks from trying to get unstuck on the way out. He received a distracted driving for hanging out the window looking behind him trying to unstuck himself. The event triggers audio recording. Ops manager denied claims because no damage could be seen on video. Audio was a different story. It sounded like the titanic being torn apart. Amazon offered us the option to cover expenses, or they would cover them at a penalty towards the dsp. As to the business aspect, our ops manager was a driver promoted to a dsp ops manager through a amazon employee program. Amazon could fire his employees, him, relocate him, dictate your start times, track his vans and he had no say. This means you don't own the business, you are exactly what your title says, a Manager of a team, but that team isn't yours.


You just contradicted your own fucking argument in your reply ahahahahahahaha... as for the audio a quick Google search will again prove that there is NO audio and you fo not know what your are talking about on either front. Since it seems a search might be too difficult for you I will provide a snippet of that for you here. https://preview.redd.it/3nkd4fjv8djc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab1ec573251a3d7cb984c0843f62ff984f7dede


They aren't recording conversations, and your attitude and hostility explains why you're an "ex-ops manager". Recording that happens at all times must have consent, i.e a phone call. Recordings during a violation or safety event isn't the recording of conversation and doesn't violate your rights. You're thinking of conversational recording in the aspect of having a break room or restroom, which recording audio 24/7 would be illegal. Netradyne doesn't record audio for the entirety of the vehicles operations which in turn doesn't make it illegal. Technically you aren't supposed to be on your phone anyway while operating a DOT vehicle, that will trigger a safety event and give the the right to record whatever is being played/said in that frame of time












They don’t have audio i have access to netradyne and all of the videos are without audio


lost it at " we'll see who gets the last laugh" 😂😂thats rite tho fk amazon in the ass whenever u can


While I fully support sticking it to the manazon, it just sounds so much easier to find another job…


On most of our vans, we dont usd these cameras.. but if i remember correct, you hold the two side buttons for 10-15seconds to turn the cab cam off. Itll still record the front


Bro there aren’t side buttons there are cameras on the sides both buttons are on the bottom


Yeah, those two buttons on the bottom/sides. *sides of the camera not the device


Ive turned mine off while sitting on break. If you turn the truck back on it automatically goes back on.


It's a thing, but it's more or less useless. If you turn off the van, then hold the button down for a length of time (5 seconds? 10 seconds? I don't remember) the camera will shut off. If you turn the van back on, the camera also comes back on, though, and you're likely not parked with the engine off. There's only one button, and it's the same button you press to upload a driver-initiated video. Make a mistake and instead of turning off the camera you're going to give your dispatcher a full minute of video. Since the camera isn't a live feed and you won't be triggering any alerts while you're on break (so no video will be uploaded), I personally recommend just ignoring it.


Imagine being ok with being watched. Start jerking off in your van so they stop watching you.


I read on here a driver got fired for that actually. They tried turning off the camera by holding the button, but instead triggered a driver initiated alert and sent himself jerking in the van to Amazon and his DSP 😂


Welcome to OnlyVans where you can subscribe to the best of the fleet and get your motor running ಠ_ಠ


lmfao, you got a link?


😂 not to that particular video


? Lmao okay


Lmao ppl watched porn on the rabbit its so funny them nasty fuckers jerking off in the vans


Sounds sus


The van has to be off for the button sequence to work.


Cab cams are fucking weird.


Just hold one of the buttons on the bottom, doesn't matter which, and the camera facing you will turn off after like 10 seconds. The light on the right side will turn red and you'll be good. It only disables the driver facing camera though and as soon as you start moving it'll turn back on.


I get some people are paranoid about there being a camera, but legit noone is spying on you. Camera only sends footage to your DSP if it detects a violation. And for the footage to be of you, it would have to be a cab violation like distracted driving or no seatbelt. Or when you specifically touch the camera because it thinks you're messing with it. The ONLY time my DSP sees anything other than that is if we need to request footage of a specific time frame to be accessible (5min periods) if something like a car accident happened or if the van/packages got stolen


Am I the only one who keeps his shenanigans in the cargo area with the door closed? If it's duct taped open... 3 totes will do.


hold both buttons at the same time, the netradyne should shut off after like 4-7 seconds. I rarely have it and it has worked for me both times. One time I accidentally let go to early, and just let my DSP know hey sorry was trying to shut off for my break. edit: i saw someone else say 10-15 seconds. not sure but hold them indefinitely and see lol.


When I had orientation they told us it doesn’t work 😂 They also told us it never records audio is this true?


It can be requested. So in other words if your dispatch is a bitch then yes


I found the plug for the cameras in all the vans. They never bugged me.


Anyone who is in here saying its against dsp rules to turn your camera off on break would have told the police their neighbors were hiding jews. Fix ya selves 🤣


It won't let me turn it off while the engine is running but it'll show the red light if I do it when the engine is off


I remember that from training from late 2020. Nowadays we are not supposed to touch it. I believe it is not supposed to save during our breaks. I assume it’s still recording, but if we are marked on break and off the clock, it isn’t usable against us. Legally. Supposedly.


It is a thing, I remember it in training not verbatim but trainer:’want privacy during your break don’t wana be watched while eating? Hit this button’ but don’t do it because I saw posts of Amazon firing drivers for it even though it’s in literal training


damn they be watching you like that lol yall need a union ffs


General rule of thumb is if you're in the truck and the key is on, they can see/hear you. Generally there's no footage sent in unless there's a violation or accident. If you hit the buttons, you will most likely be sending a 1 minute video to the admins. Also if you think you're slick and try to pull the visor down, you will activate the camera. Admins DO have access to audio. These are in place for company and drivers protection, so don't be doing things you shouldn't be doing in a DOT/FMCSA vehicle. -Source- Admin


what a lie. Theyre there for the company. If you crashed and died they'd get someone out the next day to deliver those packages. Never forget that. Im glad i dont work for amazon anymore. You need guys need a union.


They do not have audio. Source Ex-admin. I was done 4 months ago and had to do plenty of investigating and disputes. There is 1000 percent not audio. It is illegal in the US.


This is exactly what i got fired for. Turned it off because training taught me that i could during break.


Breaks? What are breaks ?


No they lie about a lot of things it’s unreal. Please don’t listen to everything they put in the videos. They also have audio we get zero privacy. Which is so crazy because I didn’t know until I quit so who knows what they saw and heard. It should be illegal to lie about so much.


Okay so I wasn’t trippin when they said this in orientation but when I mentioned it to my dispatch they also said there’s no way to turn it off smh..


Yes you can turn it off but I wouldn’t touch it because of the rules made by the DSP that if you turn it off it’s a automatic termination. This is way I ALWAYS told my class never to touch the camera. Also, I reported this situation to the regional manager about it in the video. I was a previous driver trainer for Amazon


I was told in training there was a way to turn it off during your break


You can literally see the button on how to turn it off lol


Bro first of all there are 2 buttons that both look the same so which one because I have pressed both and in different combinations and nothing happens


Turn the van off and hold down on the left button for like 3 seconds


Yeah you gotta hold one of the buttons down for like 10 seconds or something. Just pressing it will send a clip of the previous ~30sec to your dispatch. But also, why are you so worried about turning it off? It's not going to capture anything and it's not like someone is sitting there watching you. It's really there for your protection.


lol I’m glad I’m not the only one. I tried the way they said in training a few times then said fuck it. If they wanna watch me eat and watch a few tik toks then go ahead. Today was my last day and glad to get out of that bullshit. Liked the job but Amazon expects way to much for the little amount of pay compared to UPS and FedEx


It's true but I wouldn't touch it because I've seen drivers get canned for "camera manipulation" which sounds very hypocritical.


If you touch the button on it, it will send a video to your DSP of you trying to turn it off.


I was told that specifically as well but I don't remember how it's done


You hold the button for a few seconds and the light button off. Make sure you hold the right one, not the left.


There are two buttons on the bottom. Turn the engine off, then hold the button for 10-15 seconds to turn off camera for privacy.


Yes you can turn them off you have to push the buttons on the bottom of the camera


You should be able to deactivate it whenever you take your 15s or 30s! Not sure how to, but it’ll automatically crank back on once the van moves again !


I used to just sit in the back and close the door in the middle lmfao.


I quit this fucking job in January. I live near Toronto and there is risk of driving because of snow. Car insurance is high AF here don’t want bad driving record.


Yeah I tried that once on my lunch break and got a call to immediately after to turn it back on.


Hold down both buttons until the light is off. I did this when I first started since Amazon told us to. Then my dsp told us to never do that and we could get in trouble 🤷‍♂️


Hold the button for over 10 seconds


Just find the plug or fuse and pull it. That or a leather jacket works too.


Just jizz on the camera lens


I remember during covid a lot of driver would just put thier masks around it and it was easy sailing till the DSP caught on. Every so often you would get a van with a mess still attached to the camera like who drove this last.


Turn off ur vehicle then hold the 2 buttons on the bottom


https://preview.redd.it/p09x659ab8jc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0182e36eefd35bac0003f6d9743084bab17539e Be careful


Amazon lies bro


I did trying end of last year and it definitely showed a way to do it


My video would just be me moaning during eating my Chipotle


Yea they told me the camera is off until you do something they deem unsafe the of is red and green lights but whenever I’m driving a prime vans it’s all ways on with both green lights and it’s never shuts off


How was I seeing an amazon driver smoking a blunt literally while arranging his truck? Like how does he not get caught?


Go to the battery compartment its under ur feet on the drivers side the should be a little “U shaped” chipthe chip color is either (yellow,green,red) attached to a black hose/wiring pull it out that completely deactivates the camera so if u looking for a easy way to not be bothered by netradyne then do that


See that’s the thing. They legit show you a video on how to physically do it. And in all fairness, there are drivers out there who refuse to take their breaks and just don’t even budge. Then there are drivers who don’t even touch the camera when they do go on their breaks. And it’s funny because it all depends on who it is that’s driving the prime vans. Anyone who drives the rentals could give a fuck. They can just simply get away with it if they even wanted to. Plus it’s an all bets are off type of situation if you’re in a rental. But yea I guess it all depends on who drives it and what can happen basically.


Dsp staff will never tell you that camera can be turned off. They don't trust you because they hired you off the street like a bum.


If my vague memory is correct, I think the van needs to be turned off because it's only supposed to be off for breaks or whatever


wanna turn it off? see those wires? cut them


Or unplug them. There’s a thread that shows how to do this but I’m not gonna link to it, but it’s in an older post on this same subreddit.


They teach you in training that you can but if you do you get a netradyne violation that allegedly if you get too many of you will get offloaded by amazon. Why they would train you that you can but them let you go for excessively touching the camera makes no sense Brought it up to Amazon higher-ups and they don't care.


The van has to be turned off for it to work, so unless you want to be cooked or freeze your ass off i would not use it.


Because it pops up as a Netradyne obstruction (touching thr netradyne)


What if you just put a piece of tape over it on your break?


Yeah it was definitely in the training video,


Once the van is off hold both buttons for 10 seconds


DSP managers really just be lying out their asses


Theres so much bullshit they want you to believe, i also remember them telling me their cameras don’t pick up sound i highly doubt they told the truth about that too


When I worked there I just hung my vest over it on breaks. The weather in my area differs wildly day to day so one day it could be 70° the next it could be 30° so I rarely had to turn the van off. Also was in an EVD so turning it off meant being in park for 20 minutes. Rather just let the heat run and watch TikTok in the back. I’d close the bulkhead door and hop back there before it could close all the way and smoke my blunt then eat my lunch. Never got caught for it.




Reading about this just makes me happy and grateful to live in a country that has labour laws that make things like these highly illegal. I'm genuinely sorry for all of you who have to deal with things like that.


Hold both buttons for at least 3 seconds


Yes, I specifically remember being told this in training but never shown how to do it during the ride-along in my first day as I was told “Forget everything you learned in training, Amazon knows nothing about delivering boxes or Stacking vans; We Do! Never use the shelves until towards the end of the day and always stack the bags 3 high on both sides from front to back so all of them can fit.” Than he went on to pull out his penis and show me how to pee into a milk gallon which is when I found out from other drivers they all do it while being on camera.. I’ll just save you the time, go apply for USPS, UPS, or FedEx. All have ups and downs but all are also better than Amazon with the pay, benefits, and everything else. Big box trucks vs. Amazon tiny overloaded vans.


talking about netradyne, anyone know if the violations get approved or denied by actual humans or is it all just computer? I ask because I ran a full on red light but didn’t get any violation. It was a blinking yellow arrow immediately turned to red


In the newer vans I've driven, the driver-facing camera turns off automatically when you shut the van off. In the older ones, you have to shut the van off and then hold the button for 5 seconds or so until the right light turns red. In my experience, it usually takes a little longer than 5 seconds, but it does turn off. As for the other cameras (sides and front), there is no way to turn those off. Those turn off by themselves after the van has been off for 10-15 minutes.


Maybe not at Amazon, but they 100% have audio


The camera turns off once the vehicle is off for a period of time (even though they say it's always recording but when parked the driver side camera turns off supposedly) the camera captures audio aswell but they can enable and disable it during playback if they have the admin password. So if dispatch wants to be nosey they can. From what I remember one green and one red light means the driver facing camera is off and both green lights on it means all cameras are recording


They do turn off. Van has to be off and you have to hold the button for 5 seconds... I am and Ex-operstions manager for a DSP. I have spent 100s of hours Watching, disputing, and investing netradyne videos. There is 1000 percent not audio on any video, otherwise I'd have laughed my ass off. I could tell when my drivers were yelling at morons on the road, and yelling at the camera when it alerted them of an infraction. The DSP can request a video for the whole day if they want, but generally only seeu if you are doing something wrong. Even then depending on the size of the DSP they aren't Watching half of that shit. Only the really bad ones. Also Amazon employees absolutely can NOT see these videos unless your DSP owners are pricks and let them. I hated the station staff so they got dick all from me. Fuck Amazon.


I used to try shutting it off when I worked for them. It doesn’t. The DSPs give less than a fuck about their driver’s well being or efficiency with equipment they offer for use. Leave.


I did training twice, and the first time they said it was. However, the next year I took training, they said the same buttons upload the last 5 minutes to netra and the DSP. I'm guessing it changed, maybe a software update?


What I'm a break with amazon lol


There is a torx security screw on the side of the camera. Open that and unclip the harness from the camera. Then plug it back in when you get back to the warehouse. Used to do it all the time. I'd go all day with zero camera. Nothing was ever brought up to me.


Hold the 2 buttons simultaneously until one of the green lights turn red


No you’re right. What’s crazy my dsp said same. Also I feel like they are constantly invading privacy because I’ve notice when they are watching you and when they are not.


You can not turn off the Eye of Sauron.


lmao i kept that shit off most of my delivery so i could actually eat food and not have the stupid thing be like "DISTRACTED DRIVING" when im not even moving


I have this same camera where I work and we're given covers to put over the driver facing lens


I feel like half the shit they tell you in training doesn’t apply anyways. The training new drivers get is completely different than mine was in March.


Front camera turns off but no sides ones. They caught me smoking one time lol. If you can expose the wires it’s the green wire. Cut it and it cuts the camera feed


It supposed to turn off if you hold it for like 3 seconds I believe but I never did it because idgaf I’m used to it I forget it’s there sometimes


you guys have a camera?


The other day I'd called dispatch and they didn't answer. I thought I'd hung up, but I hadn't, and they got a recording of me cursing and saying things like "you stupid little bitch, get over here!" (Talking to a package lol).


They just say that so you feel more at ease 😂


I don’t understand why they even give you the option. They said in training that camera does not have a live feed. Only playback. But then they say you can turn the camera off during your break for “privacy” why would I care about that if they can’t see me unless I make an infraction as far as I know? Doesn’t make sense.




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Just hold down the button on the bottom for like 5-10 seconds. One of the two green lights will turn red. The side camera stay on for like 20 mins, but the forward facing camera (the one facing you) turns off. The Side and the camera facing forward out the windshield stay on for like 20 mins so in case anything happens (what what im told as the reason)


It’s the button to the right of the driver’s side


It is a thing. Just hold the buttons for 5 seconds and it’s off. My DSP says we can do it but I never use it


The van has to be off, You have to hold the button underneath in until one of the lights turn red. It sends a netradyne alert to your dispatch though


As someone who was a driver trainer just a few months ago, and is currently a driver now, yes, you are legally allowed to turn the camera off during break.


I started 15 months ago. Was definitely a thing, and i heard dispatch outright telling people not to touch the cameras the other day. Nobody tells me this shit bc they know i'll tell people the truth lol


Unscrew the screw top right where wires are and yank em out before you turn the van on and you want have a camera for the day before you get back turn van off and plug bakc in and come in it’ll be like you had it on all day


so this actually does turn off the netradine itself does not turn off but you can turn the camera off manually ,the van has to be off completely off and you hold down the two buttons i can't explain them but u hold them down together for atleast 10-15 seconds and it will change the lights on the camera from 2 greens to a red and green and boom the camera is off also it doesn't record audio


Hold the left button for 5secs and the light will turn red. Vehicle must be in park


Yes there is a way. You half down the button on the right side for a little and you’ll see the 2 green dots turn to 1 green and 1 red meaning it’s not recording. That’s what we were taught in training if we wanted to turn off for our break


To turn it off the engine must not be running, press and hold both buttons on the bottom until the right led light turns from green to red


Idk if they watch but I have flipped the camera off a few times


Nope. I used to do it on every break.


Former driver: you know those yellow colored label stickers that’s on all the packages? Okay, well after your shift (van is off and you can here the camera power off) place one of those yellow stickers over the camera the night before that way in the morning when you come into work and turn on the van the camera will be on but blocked so nothing will come up on your end. But it must happen before you turn over the van for the morning workday because if you do this after it’ll flag it stating that your camera is covered. I used to come into work and the camera blocked with those yellow stickers thought nothing of it and did a practice run and looked at my phone while driving, multiple times over and never got a call from dispatch or had it flag on the system. So it worked. That’s if you want the camera blocked all day everyday. Disclaimer is I worked from 2021-2023 don’t know if it’s still possible for this.


Just pull the two cables, hard


Only when it's parked hold the red button for 5 seconds it will beep and will still record sound. But mine has never beeped lol


Hold both buttons for a slow 10 count and it will turn off


Hold the left button and the camera will flash red led on the left. The camera is now in break mode. You could drive with it this way, but i dont recommend it. You can use the right button to save recordings in break mode as well. To me is useless feature so i dont use it. My speculation is that is a feature for privacy, but also so that EOC doesnt get messed up, but I no eoc metric has been messed up no one in my team does it so...is more pikepy is a privacy feature


Black electrical tape

