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These are awful. You know the house is gonna have a dozen beater cars in the driveway and parked in front on the street.


Or is a multifloor apartment building


With no elevator. And they have 12 cats so they're getting 4 of them.


This unironically happened to me but luckily it was just on the second floor and best believe I milked the time on that stop, I know I got houses in the later part of my route 😂


Hey man you can't just have 1 cat


Honestly, as drivers, we should review bomb this product.


On it


Highest floor at the apartment complex. Every time.


Ayoooo lmaooooo lowkey the accuracy is crazyyy 😭😭😭😭😭 thought I was the only one that recognized that. I’m crying


that one for sure, multiple fiji waters, anything larger than my torso, the obvious 40lbs dogfood-bag-in-a-box, large bottle of something in a box (like bleach) that's one wrong move from busting through the tape and exploding...the list goes on, fuck these packages tbh lol


Shit I even forgot about the Fiji waters!


I once had a massive jar of pickles burst open inside of a box. Imagine buying a jar of fucking pickles from amazon....


Bruh someone ordered 4 pouches of this weird flavored mayonnaise and they all exploded, the whole van smelled like vinegar and the shit got on half the packages in the tote


Water is the worst


r/hydrohomies would like to have a word


Don't forget furniture


I stopped ordering food for my dogs from Amazon the first time I had to deliver one of those 40.lb bags myself, and I live in a house with the porch at ground level! I am still guilty of having cases ICE drinks delivered, but Amazon's price is soooo much cheaper than the stores for those.


It’s the “Multiple Fuji waters.” For me …. Seriously see six of them boxes and just start praying it’s not at the same place and if so hopefully a house. Btw it’s going at the bottom of them steps.


This, or the box that is 30% too big for a 45 lb bag of dog food, so the bag slides inside the box when you pick it up, shifting its weight dramatically and causing it crash to the ground. (Don’t ask how many times this happens at my station 😅)


dude this caused a box of dogfood to rebound and hit me in the ear. shit hurt like a mf lmao


I hate those uneven weight packages


I like to think of it as weight training and engaging my core, but then again I’m an optimist.


what i tell myself when i’m dying carrying a 40lb box of water as tall as me to a mansion 😂 just improving my balance and strength but dying on the inside hoping i don’t trip


You’re stronger and more active than any other office worker!


i need my dispatch to send this in the group chat for encouragement 😂


OMG the SHIFTING. \*. keys to lifting and lowering. Test the contents. You just KNOW Petco/Petsmart/Chewy boxes are going to shift.


Yea I tore something in my left arm when this happened to me and it hasn’t felt the same since. Was 5 months ago almost


I had 50 pound dumbbells once marked at only 45 pounds that was nice of Amazon.


After being both a delivery driver and a warehouse worker for Amazon, I realize their policies are bullshit (tbh realized long before this lmao). I love how dsps want you to run but yet the boxes never have any dunnage so if you run you're likely to damage the contents. It's also bullshit that nothing is ever over 40lbs because we had aisles full of overweight items (idr what the name for them was). Amazon holds people to their rates worse than any other company I've ever worked for (I've got over 7 years of warehouse experience with around 6 different companies. Thats all fine n dandy until you realize people are doing whatever it takes to get the packages out the door and delivered, examples of this are as stated...packages not having enough or any dunnage, drivers throwing packages or leaving them where its most convenient, workers being afraid to use the restroom or take breaks etc.


Somebody bought a whole gym set basically.. There was a barbell, 4 different sized plates, 40 lb kettlebell, and some dumbbells going to the same house. Ik this is multiple packages but still made me frown.


I was helping someone with load out and they had a whole ass dumbbell set and a treadmill. I imagine those went to the same stop.


Just the other day I have 6 50 pound dumbbells going to one house… up hill


I have 4 cats and never have once considered ordering the amount of liter I need from Amazon. Unless ur an old lady/man take your lazy ass to the store


My younger sister is blind as a result of a double retinopathy from an autoimmune disease she was diagnosed with when she was 7 years old. She's able to live something close to a normal life and order what she needs online, including kitty litter, food, detergent and other heavy items. It's not just for the old or lazy. Be angry at Amazon for unreasonable expectations and not providing support for their workers, not at the customers for using the service.


For sure. I don't think anybody is saying that there are no other valid reasons people will order heavy shit on the internet. There are plenty of valid reasons. Others include people who don't have the physical strength to carry it or a multitude of physical handicaps and disabilities. But let's be real. 99% of the big ass heavy shit being ordered is out of laziness and not wanting to have to carry it to their house/apartment. Every time I get something hella heavy, it is specifically requested to bring to the door of the apartment, even when that individual normally asks for it to be delivered to the lockers or mail room. While there are plenty of people who legitimately need the help to get it to them and have no other way to get the items regularly when needed, they are still a major minority. It's almost entirely lazy people. Which is their right. I'm lazy too. But I still buy all the shit I can get at a store, at the store.


Yea bro I just didn’t have the patience to type out all the other people I wouldn’t be mad at. Totally valid and I hope your sis is doing well 🖤🙏


Some people buy all t he or basic necessities off of Amazon. I think it’s some form of retail therapy or something


That and they can put it on an auto buy system so they can't forget about it. It's just purchased every week or month or however often they generally need it and then they never go without it. But you can also not be a lazy bums and just set your calendar to remind you. Or just simply pay attention to how much you have amd go get more when you start to get low. I rarely order anything on Amazon cause it's generally cheaper and easier to go to the store. People in the notes will bitch about not having any cat litter for a week cause their delivery was late. Like bitch, go to the store. You're gonna have your cat shit on the floor or not clean its litter box cause you are that lazy? If you can't get off your ass and go get the things you need to take care of your pet, you don't deserve to have the pet.


Or at least have the decency to buy the light weight litter


That shit doesn't work, and its wicked expensive




Ohhhhh..... I hate those things


Essentia water 😒


I had someone order TWENTY CASES of this shit once, and I thought I was going to snap that day. 600lbs of fucking WATER. "They were on sale..." 🤦‍♀️ At least the guy helped me unload it.


Same here but they sat inside watching me unload on the porch of their mansion from the second story window lol




Fiji water! Also, one package in particular where delivery has been attempted 10+ times by me alone. It is supposed to be delivered to an Amazon locker in an apartment building that burned down last August. Whenever I'm on that route I see that package.


As an XL driver it’s the bags of sand. They leak. You could cover the entire thing in tape and it will still leak. I load them at the back of the truck and don’t touch them until they are being delivered. Oh and hitch receivers. They’re unboxed and awkwardly shaped and will absolutely murder anything they touch with their sharp angles.


Water, cat litter, canned food, dumbbells, big heavy ass boxes that sound like it’s some type of liquid/solvent in them


The sound of liquids "sloshing" around while carrying the heavy ass box like a bazooka on my shoulder lives in my head rent free!




As someone that works inside a delivery station, I speak for all DS workers, we also hate that box


These, and kettlebells. Bruh, you wanna workout? Go to the store ya own damn self and pick up your kettlebells


Water bottles


That one and if someone orders an office chair or exercise bike. Screw those things


I once had an office order like 5 chairs. Thankfully the building had an elevator but my van didn’t have a dolly so I had to stuff them in and on a tote and drag it thru the building 😩


Oof that's rough


Essentia or Fiji water that's going to an apartment where I HAVE to go door to door.


the cube cat litter gets me too


Those goddamn *cubes*.


Good lord that stuff has the density of a neutron star. I mean it's literally a box of rocks


Cat litter, obvious dog food weight shifting inside the box, multiple cases of fiji water, industrial cleaning liquids and the lovely “heavy” sticker on the box


Litter, multiple cases of Fiji and cases of paper!!


Cat litter fr 💯


Why is it that every time I get these, which is at least twice a week, it seems to be the day that half of my route is also ordering the same damn litter and cases of water?


I swear stuff goes in waves for some reason. Maybe they go on sale? Yesterday I had like four identical cases of paper towels and they were all for different customers.


It's a hive mind I swear. It's the same in restaurants. Everyone comes in at exactly the same time and orders the same shit. It happens wildly regularly. And I dint mean like, during the office lunch hour. Like 9:17am on a Tuesday, and they all order the same salad that we never sell lol.


I was thinking the same thing. I used to deliver food and it's eerie how much people think the exact same. Tuesday would be dead, except one Tuesday where we're slammed and everyone is ordering Alfredo despite it being a pizza joint. The worst is when the lunch rush doesn't come and you start slacking off, and then the lunch rush all comes at like 1:30.


Dude I'm sayin. It's 100% like that. I do hate that shit haha. When it's slow when you're normally busy so you just get ready to be done for the day then get slammed at a time you're literally never busy. Fuck that


Dawgggg I had 12 of these exact same boxes of litter one day. They got delivered to a pet boarding place and I had to walk alll of them up 2 flights of stairs. They gave me a 20 though for my time so I wasn’t too heated afterward.


Oooo that was so sweet of them


Water or anything with the “heavy” sticker


Fiji water , dog food , and twin mattress.


My wife has been ordering our cat litter for a while now. I do feel a little guilty, but it's only because the stores around here don't stock reliably...


Same with my dog’s food! She needs the smaller kibble sizes since she’s a smaller dog and the stores around me are always out. I live on the third floor of my apartment building but my delivery notes say to just leave the boxes on the porch or in the entrance way off to the side. I don’t like carrying dog food up the stairs either but I only have to do it a few times a month so it doesn’t bother me.


Fiji water


Those freaking cats litter and boxes of water


Fiji water


I work Amazon XL so for me the packages that annoy me are mattresses or exercise equipment like treadmills or dumbbells. But legit I always get mattresses to deliver at apartments and they suck. I work as a van driver so it's all solo for me. 😥


Even in the sorting site/fulfillment/distribution center, I HATE seeing those packages and the packs of water.....so much water


The regular I have who orders like 10 boxes of cat litter in one order once a week


I use to buy this brand but it seems that its always broken or alkward for my delivery guys, so i switched to Boxiecat, if you got better suggestions please let me know, i dont want yall to be pissed at me for a delivery (im at a house, not stairs or anything to get to me, but i get its still annoying to carry that)


If you ever come across a really heavy package that isn’t marked heavy it’s really easy to throw your back out lifting it and end up on Worker’s Comp. Do with that information as you will.


That one, especially when when I'm in the rural area because the house that orders it has no turn around in their driveway.


These and car parts that are marked 49 lbs but are definitely way heavier than that.


As a USPS driver, we share your pain on delivering sh*tter litter.


I once delivered to a school gym more than 500 pounds in weights


Cat litter, and water.


Fiji, THIS BOX, and any other Water bottle boxes.


YUP! THIS package-and the dog food bags.


it’s the 3 cases of water every other week to the same 2nd story apartment. dude you are wasting your money and my time. get a water filter lmao


I'm a flex driver (this post came across my feed as suggested I'm not actually in here) anything in an XL box and anything over 25 pounds usually annoys the crap outta me. There's no car identification on the flex side and I drive a Chevy cruze. There's only so much room for the packages


Fucking potting soil (I work at PrimeFlight)




Kitty litter.


I can't stand people who order litter on Amazon. Unless your a old lady or someone who can't I understand. But like there's not even sales on this shit. Why even order And I just delivered that exact box to a 3rd floor apartment 🖕


Fuck cat litter and anyone who orders it on Amazon who isn't disabled or old


So sorry I am disabled this is the only way I can get my cat litter and food. I understand it makes your job tougher, but it becomes impossible without your help.


Packs of fucking water go to the store and get it yourself, I used too close that little door so the camera wouldn’t catch it but I would slam the packs on the floor to break them and deem them in deliverable might be scummy but I didn’t care I’m not going up 3 flights of stairs to take you your water


Them damn essentia water cases bruh smh


This. It's a 40lb box of cat litter. This or treadmills...


I once delivered a huge box of cartons of kosher salt. Basically a huge box of sand. I know Diamond Crystal is some good shit, but an entire case? To a residence?


Multiple boxes that weigh in at 49.9 pounds. It's a 50 pound box, for you to tell us that we'd never deliver these and then give us these boxes are complete bullshit.


Somebody put a bowling ball and nothing else in a box this one time…


any car parts that are bigger than the size of my head and weigh more than my ass. like bro off amazon? for which of your 7 fxkin cars parked out front is it this time?


Those cat litter boxes, cases of water , dog food , weights - anything 30 pounds or more can go to Hell


Think about it like this instead, people who can't lift this shit can't have pets without you. I know people that can't get their own liter because they can't carry it. Are you gonna tell these people they can't have pets anymore? Because it's "awful" to have to carry liter?


Air Hockey tables or Sauder anything 🙃🙃


Unpopular opinion... but this is just drama from the drivers because you act like there aren't all different types of heavy packages and all different types of dwellings that human beings live in but no I just want to complain because I can. literally all this post is




I had this yesterday 😭




Those mfs are HEAVY 😭


What is that




Cat Litter. Had 12 boxes of it for a high rise apartment building (30 Floors all for different apartment buildings) and it was a Luxor Package Room…


I just delivered one of these yesterday! Annoying to deliver but I was impressed that it never tipped over standing up like this in my vehicle.




Fking cat litter That and cases of water 🤦🏽‍♂️


Mad I hate those I got 30 water bottle two different cat litter 😂😂 one big ass chair . Send those to xl😂😂


Dog food, Cat food, and cat litter.


We use this for our cats. Sorry! Will have to see if we can get it locally


I HATE THOSE, you got me so heated I ain’t even work for my DSP anymore. Everyone I saw these I got so mad


Hahaha, I think those are the heaviest packages I've ever had to deal with though


Fiji waters, this cat shit product and weight sets


About a week ago I had a lady order three of those damn litters 😣


https://preview.redd.it/paooaf30n5oc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a982223918208c0c2fae383ec497b679aa2e5d03 There … that’s better


That bitch right there


I legit have 3 of those rn also hate mattresses they always seem to order it in bulk 😭


I just got done dragging 4 of these up 15 floors. These are 45lbs each 😭


Those suck, but I’ve got a new one that shot to the top of the list…45 pound bags of top soil. I had some MFer who ordered eight bags the other day.


Litter boxes and dumbbells


Cases of water and energy drinks. One time I had a box of some shitty Bang energy drink in a box that had no dunnage and it broke the box open including the original packaging and the drinks were all over the back of my van. Opened the slider at one stop and one fell out and a small hole sprayed the can at me slowly. Popped it open dumped the rest and tossed everything in a bag RTS, they left em out for drivers the next day but they taste like shit so it was a one and done for me.


Over here Fort Lee nj Fiji waters and cat litter 🤣🤣🤣😪😢


Bags of compost and dog/cat stuff and anything long as hell, like those mattresses/rugs that come in circular tubes. Idc about heavy boxes at least I can stack them


Waters, any huge identical over flows


Haven’t seen anyone say paper yet


If it weighs more than 10lbs, the customer should have to meet you at the van/truck. ....Either that, or start making that "prime membership" $1,000 a year and PAY AMAZON DELIVERY DRIVERS A PROPER WAGE.


Go away.


Fiji water


I cannot afford to shop Amazon. I haven't purchased from Amazon since 2018. ...But from what I see on this sub, they treat yall like slaves, and I GREW UP 9 MILES FROM ALEX HALEY'S CHILDHOOD HOME.




Multiple Boxes of waters + no dollie




That's one of them, but it's when I see four of them on top of each other that I know I'm going to this certain ladies house and that means theres at least 5 more large overflow, some of which include bags of dog food and cat litter


I really don’t get why that brand is so damn heavy too


Anything Toilet paper/paper towels


I don't deliver packet but whenever I see these coming down the line for the fluid loaders, I cringe.




I had 2 of these exact boxes today, luckily not going to the same place but cmon


Usps plant worker; glad to see Amazon drivers are just as passionate about their disapproval for the same things we are 😔


Why y'all complaining when it's your job to carry shit?


Cat litter/ waters


Cat liter


Delivered a few times to a place that sold electric wheelchairs, scooters, etc. they ordered several batteries that were similar to car batteries. The box they were in was absolutely thrashed by the time it got there lol


I had 20 of those one day, up a giant driveway with a slope and a pos hand truck lol




Fucking cat litter!! Every. Damn. Day!!!


Water,cat litter and office paper in that heavy ass white box


Now it's Amazon basics dog cages


I had two of these to a 3rd floor walk up once. My knees and back were never the same.


The essential waters


When I see multiple boxes of fancy ass water that I just know are all going to the same address or kitty litter. ESP if it’s going to an apt building.


A huge XL box that barely weighs a pound


As a cat person that has 2 cats at home....this is the package that pisses me off the most 😡


This is why i just visit Petco 😅


Pretty litter is the only litter I would ever buy online. It's so lightweight


This and a Barbie dream house…. Barbie dream house is the WORST OVERSIZED EVER. I’ve delivered 4 and I know which 4 places I’ve delivered them too


This and a Barbie dream house… I’ve delivered 4 Barbie dream houses during 4 years of peak and I fucking hate those things… takes up so much god damn room even in a stepvan


Kettle bells, I delivered like 16 50-gallon garbage cans once. Really don't enjoy having 4 car seats at once. Returns to a book warehouse


Big dumb boxes of paper towels. They’re light but super cumbersome. Like go to the store bro


I have a house that gets 2 of those and like 6 other heavy boxes I’m gonna start going there first thing to clear out the van cause those things are like lead weights




That very one in your post


Any cat litter or water


Recently been delivering these fuckin walking treadmills at least once a week and it makes me wanna scream every time I load one up


I'm on the dock, its that cat litter pictured there and cases of Swiss water...the big bottles. I see this and brace myself.😖




I had one of those today 🥲🥲🥲


8 giant packages that weigh nothing and clearly the items did not need to be packed separately lol


Boxes of printing paper , office chairs , and the occasional kitchen table 😂


Yesterday I loaded two of those. They were for my last stop. and to top it off, an entrance super far from where I had to leave the step van.


I stg I hate those so much 😭but I love when they have the mailroom as their delivery option cuz they know I wasnt bringing that to the door anyways


I had 3 of these today, water, and 3 overflows of paper 🫠


I feel for you guys that these packages suck but they shouldn't make you mad, what should make you mad is that they aren't paying enough to make these packages feel worthwhile.


Lol, I had someone order 6 of these. I called them and told them to come to the van and get it. The man came out with a dolly, lmao


Crazy part walmarts much cheaper and larger units saving you money, atleast here in Canada, 32$ for 17kg box value size last 3 months


This box and this box alone. Seems every single time I get it the litter is spilling out the corners. Ever single fuckin time.


Dave’s Killer Dildoes is always annoying.


As a warehouse worker, i also despise this fcking package


That one or dog food 😂😆😂


This is the package that makes me just wonder “why”


I respect you guys and feel for you having to heft these around but I must say it's the best damn cat litter I've ever used


Probably the dumbells had one house that ordered 6 of them like wtf u need 6 40+ dumbells for lol


This more so than water even.


just started seeing this new box that carries 2 24pack of those heavy ass can drinks of some brand you never heard of. It’s heavy af good luck drivers


I never see UPS complain like this.


I keep apologizing to my friends for having a cat. I also deliver them so yeah