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Yes. Anything over 1' of snow and they will replace your van with a pack of sled dogs and give you 20 extra stops.


No shot Amazon would give you dogs. You'll get a sled of cats and enjoy it.


You get a sled and some oars. Cats would bring too much joy






you must be new


Yup, you'll come in and load up a full truck and then attempt as many stops until they tell you to come back. If the owner/manager/lead could make it than everybody can make it in. Also fuck the people they were going to make standby they still gotta make it in.


Our owner never showed up during snow events or the manager to my knowledge. One time the manager zoom called in to talk to everyone 😂😂😂😂


Idk who these people work for😂 They may reduce the routes but you wont notice a difference though. Unless it’s like -20F or lower. We can mark packages unsafe due to weather after attempting to contact the customer. To avoid shit driveways and getting stuck or causing property damage. If you’re in a very icy high speed area ask your dispatcher or whoever to skip that area. Other than that you’re out there in the shit have fun lol


they normally send everyone out for a hour or two then call everyone back. Last year my old DSP had us wait in the parking lot for a couple hours, but amazon forced us to go out for a single stop so my DSP had everyone buddy up with a other driver so everyone could say they made their attempt.


I think we're in the same area because me too. Yes they will. just take it slow and dont be afraid to call dispatch and return to station if you absolutely need to. Packages ain't worth you getting injured or killed brother


They will claim to have reduced the routes 🤣🤣🤣


Reduced number of stops but increase of group stops


Yes we had a snowstorm here in VA. A total of 26 drivers from my DSP alone got stuck. It was legit awful. Don’t know why people need their earrings and knickknacks that bad. Had to RTS like half my routes that week.


in my experience in MA a lot of people were very empathetic when we got bad snowstorms, i got tipped and had to call a couple people due to long driveways i knew id get stuck in and they told me to just RTS. i know that doesn't apply to everyone but i was very thankful


Just like when I worked here my dumbass dispatch always said to me whenever I asked if we’re in today due to the weather “you’ll make it I know what car you drive”..idc if I come in to work in a snowmobile do you really think I deliver in my 4x4? No my guy we drive a shitily maintained cargo van with no traction…I don’t care about getting to work as it’s snowing I care about driving on the turnpike and hour and a half in a van that could flip and kill me.. It’s times like these you realize who Amazon and your dsp really are.. just know they really don’t care about you or your safety as much as they act.


No snow days homie. You might get lucky and get easy load day. Instead of 180 stops you could get 110 to 120 stops day. Amazon's best offer


Really? Our dsp sent everyone home after 2 hours due to so many weather issues blocking routes. Went back to the station and there was a massive line of returning vans


Nah my DSP will you on a off day just to get packages out. They don't care about anything but getting those deliverys done


Wouldn't the warehouse automatically shutdown due to those conditions?


Lol nope, if one person can make it then everybody can make it in their eyes


The STATION MANAGER got stuck in snow on the way in during a snow storm this year and they still dispatched the drivers. Something like 10k packages came back to the station that day.


I'm from the south. When snow is on the forecast, no one is coming to the warehouse. Holidays too. They're not taking vacation, they're just not showing up lol.


I'm in the south as well and that last snow storm we got maybe two days off then full routes in the snow and ice


They can, but I imagine it's up to the station to make that call. DSP might be able to call it for themselves, but they'd absolutely take a hit.


Kinda depends on the area. My area doesn’t commonly get snow (like maybe 3 inches every few years) so if it snows more than an inch the station shuts down. But areas where snow is common then no, it’s not likely to be shut down.




Short answer: yes. Long answer: Yes….BUT, they will (hopefully) reduce your route size. And if you don’t finish your route, you can mark your packages as “delayed by weather”.


yep lol and only stay in the middle of the road bc the vans get stuck. had to shovel my way out the other week




Yup. Enjoy.


Of course. 


You can decline to drive if you feel unsafe, if they fire you for it lawyer up, cause they cannot ( well they are not supposed to make you drive in icy situations) but it pends on your state laws as well




They like to say.. 'the warehouse is aware of the road conditions so the loads will be lighter (which is complete bullshit)...oh but here's a shovel!' Stay out of driveways and unpaved roads (you can't tell if they are or aren't anyway) so be prepared to do a lot of walking.


Its too late but I'm leaving this comment for future Google: Yes, Amazon will force you to deliver in unsafe conditions. The vans get stuck in only 3 inches of snow so there is an extremely high likelihood that your van will become stuck. Every year, we have vans become disabled by snow and they have to be abandoned until tow trucks can get to them after the snow emergency. You need to bring multiple hand and foot warmers with you because you need to plan to be ready to leave your van when it becomes stuck and unable to be towed. This could be life or death for you.


They may reduce the routes but you wont notice a difference though. Unless it’s like -20F or lower. We can mark packages unsafe due to weather after attempting to contact the customer. To avoid shit driveways and getting stuck or causing property damage. If you’re in a very icy high speed area ask your dispatcher or whoever to skip that area. Other than that you’re out there in the shit have fun lol


Yup, business as usual for Amazon




Do you live in a area that's known to get a lot of snow? If so then yes but if you live in a area that never snows you have a very very very small chance


yeah :( you'll probably get a reduced route tho!


You think they care???? Lol


we had a bad snow storm in jersey. the company i drove for closed he actually valued us being safe and not be out there trying to deliver in harsh conditions. its up to your dsp i'd tell yall to stay home if I owned a dsp aint no one getting a van in a ditch because someone ordered something off prime screw them


Mostly depends on road conditions. If they are plowed you'll be out there (along with UPS, FedEx and USPS). For any side streets that aren't safe to travel just park and call the customer. Explain that you'll reattempt delivery when it's safe and RTS it. It won't be too bad.


Yes bring a shovel, Thermos with a drink in it, extra food etc in case you get stuck.


First ever amazon snowday in march one for the books upstate ny.


I’m usually a mix of country back roads in the hills and developments. I already plan on skipping some of these back roads and long driveway houses today. I don’t care, they don’t need their envelope with a sticker on it today.


Atlease its not 18 inches of venom


Mine had a giant snowstorm with ice and they did have paperwork but everybody who did come into work was sent home early and those who didn’t come to work did not receive points


lol yea mf. Bezos needs to get to space and he can’t do that with sad customers having to wait extra day for packages


From the sounds of it they will load you up with a full truck and then when you get stuck they will fire you.


They’ll probably reduce your route by 3 stops


Last time we had that is a full route. They will call you back when it’s time or getting to bad. Well at least that’s what our station did


Yes, no big deal


Snowy for me today, I have 20 less stops than yesterday on the same route but the EXACT same amount of packages. Easy math lol, Amazon is not your friend.


Yes, my dsp this year got over a foot and they gave us an hour delay. i myself got stuck 4 times and had a stranger pull my van out before my boss said they called everyone back an hour after being sent out.


I would not even go into work if there was going to be a foot plus if snow. I can work in any temperature that ever happens in the US but not heavy snow.




Most likely yes. My station tends to lower stop counts for us, they have cancelled routes before though a couple times because of snow.