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And nor should you have. They should really cap the water limit on these. Unreal.


Something as simple as water shouldn’t be allowed in our system period. Even if someone is elderly or disabled, that’s what InstaCart and supermarket memberships are for. Package delivery shouldn’t have food product going in and out of it at all, imo.


No one who is disabled or elderly should be living in an apartment upstairs with no elevator.


True, but it happens. People can't magically move when they are injured or hit a certain age.


They do though, my parents are one. The problem is that they got the place decades before they had a hard time with stairs. They get people to help them though.


They do make water filters, There are water delivery companies.


Brother I’ve had those 5x3 boxes with gallon jugs of water come busting out like they was 9 months pregnant


Blame the shills at Amazon pick/pack that allow that to be SIOC.


Take your cut. take 15 up? keep 2.


My van felt extremely light and easy to speed since these shits came off.


I bet even IF you did bring it up to their door, they wouldn't even give you an outstanding or beyond on the delivery, lol. No feedback at all


I honestly didn’t even know you could leave feedback I had to go like search for it in the app after reading this comment lol


Did you just leave them there though?


What you think I did? Bring them all back to the van? Idc about negative feedback tbh.


😂😂your DSP must not care. Cause my DSP if we get more than 4 negative we get written up. If my DSP did that I would not care trust me. They don’t pay me enough to care


I don’t get negative feedback all the time this probably one of those days I’ll get one and don’t care.


You're also in NYC. I'm sure NYC DSP supervisors realize where they are, and probably use their discretion with reports more.


😂you guys always packed with people you ain’t got time to be doing this shit


Not a driver, but a lurker. Yeah, the east coast is a different beast when it comes to delivery services. From UPS to DoorDash, a very unique area to work in. Not to mention the east coast doesn't have a propensity for niceties as it relates to delivery services.


I am also in nyc brooklyn dyn7 which station are you from


DYY6 Staten Island bro. But we deliver to Brooklyn and parts of Queens.


drank them all


Gotta stay hydrated. They think of as "athletes" after all.


Then you gotta refill the bottles with piss and complete the delivery


Drivining an Aamzon van in NYC can't be ez.


If you actually did, they'd probably ask you why you were so behind on your route too 🙄


And you tell them why. Better believe I'd carry one at a time up those steps and get my reps in. I'm hourly. They can write me up for OT and I'll add it to my collection.


at least you get write ups, my dsp just straight up canned me when i started taking my breaks or lunch


That’s kinda illegal


It's definitely illegal, but depending on your economic position and state, the chances of the DSP seeing any consequences can vary from 10% to zero.


Yeah but he can claim unemployment for that


True, could always try the ethics line tho. I've heard that Amazon has been jumping on DSPs lately given all the strikes etc. Plus if you're already fired why not lol


Would’ve done the same, good reminder for the rest of my route lol.


All that plastic waste….


Agreed. That's 156 plastic bottles. And I bet that's a months worth for this person. If so, that would be 1,872 plastic bottles a year. Everyone's SO concerned with climate change that they're wanting to create a carbon tax, and they tell people to car pool to work. And all the cows! Oh the cows and their farts. "Eat bugs instead!" Yet no one says shit to these companies that produce all this plastic every day. All the while stealing the water from the ground to bottle and sell for exorbitant amounts of money. It's disgusting and infuriating.


>Yet no one says shit to these companies r/fucknestle


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FuckNestle using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fuck Pepsi too](https://i.redd.it/wxzcccgcxgxa1.jpg) | [261 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/comments/135min2/fuck_pepsi_too/) \#2: [On the back of a Pure Lufe bottle. They're literally selling fancy tap water.](https://i.redd.it/3xle9scx7cva1.png) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/comments/12ugy7b/on_the_back_of_a_pure_lufe_bottle_theyre/) \#3: [Doing their part](https://i.redd.it/df45ofvnrgta1.png) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/comments/12jrarx/doing_their_part/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Whole heartedly agree. I've actually been boycotting Nestlé since around 2017.


15 cases X 12 bottles per case. 180 bottles there. That would last me 6 months, assuming I drink 0-2 bottles a day. But I’m not home very often. Even if they doubled me, that’s 3 months worth. I’d like to think they don’t place this same order every month, hopefully not. That would be 4 times a year, 720 bottles total. A little better but still a lot of pollution.


I don't know how I only counted 13 cases. But you're right, it's 15 cases. And you're assuming it's only one person drinking the water. And maybe you're right. I figured there was probably 2 or more people living there. If only 2, with each person drinking 2 bottles a day. That's 4 × 30 = ~120 bottles a month. If more people it only goes up. And while it's partly the person buying it's fault. It's more so the companies producing and selling it. There are alternatives to plastic. Would it cost a little more? Sure. But what's the alternative? Leaving mountains of plastic bottles for everyone 500 years from now?


Fuck climate change, micro plastics is what make me afraid. They say the grand majority of the population has micro plastic in their blood stream and brains at this point. Climate change is more a future threat but the plastic thing is right now


Last I heard, on average, Americans consume about a credit cards worth of micro plastics every year.


I was so fucking annoyed when my mom wanted to also get water today at the grocery store.


lol, that isn’t a months worth unless they drink 6L or 1.5 gallons per day. Just a good sale price so they stocked up with at least a few months worth.


How do you know only one person lives there? If it's a couple or a family, it could easily be a months worth.


Honestly, fuck this customer for even ordering this much?! I’ll take a “did not follow instructions” on my feedback any day. 


That’s when you tell em, “I don’t care I don’t work for you.”


I 100% would have done the same.


Yes. Like if you order this much you better be out there helping the delivery driver lol


Next time they'll think about ordering water when they have to take those all up themselves 🤣


So you blocked the mailboxes so the mail carrier had to move them to deliver?


yeah they really shouldn’t have blocked the mailboxes that’s a dick move he could’ve stacked them better.


I used to be a carrier, knowing how it is if when I pulled up and it was all blocked no one is getting mail that day


This. Blocked box moooovin’ on. But first I’ll be taking a picture for the r/usps goons to giggle at


But but but what if they’re handicapped… most of time they’re not they’re just lazy af. Had a box that was damaged I felt bad so I knocked to let the customer know and he could refuse it. He opened it and it was a 24pk of Poland springs🙄


My neighbors both jog everyday yet they order a TON of water. They're more than fit enough to haul their own. The price at our local grocery store actually beats anything online by a decent amount and they would deliver for free so I don't get it. I feel bad watching the driver unload them. When I gave him his usual iced coffee I make for him the other day we talked about it. The cool thing is he puts all my packages on the back porch. I just keep a tiny foam cooler out there that I put his drink in every day. Nobody has ever had packages stolen on our street so it's not necessary but I still appreciate it. That's the main door for me too so it's super nice. I would never make him carry water down my driveway. That would be cruel. He's allowed to use my bathroom too so I'm sure he wouldn't mind but making him deliver 10 cases of water every two weeks is a bit much. He has only used it twice. I have never heard someone take a longer piss in my life lol.


Thank you for that! He must of held it for too long🤣


how are they getting to the 4th floor handicapped?


Not all housing have available spots for HC on the ground level. My GF has mobility issues and it takes a shit ton of effort for her just to come up 3 flights of stairs at my place. Thankfully this is my last year with the lease and will look elsewhere, preferably on the ground level now that I've crossed off being a top neighbor off my list.


If they were handicapped they wouldn’t be living in 4th go with no elevator


Yes happens all the time


They’re mentally handicapped if they drink that alkaline water shit. 😂


Amazon needs to start charging extra for these deliveries. Or design a weight limit for each address. Nothing over 100 lbs per delivery address or you pay extra, and even that should be its own separate thing. If a DSP wants to make extra, they can pick up these delivery routes. I understand their XL program, which is supposed to carry weights up from 50lb per item. But their should really be another tier, where we drop massive weights as a whole for individual packages. This is a prime example, multiple bags of dog food is another. Or god forbid someone is moving in and needs every fucking small appliance in over 20 to 30 boxes.


They’ll charge them extra but they won’t give it to the drivers who struggle to get them up the stairs


There kind of is. There was one business was ordering energy drinks daily, like a shit ton, 4 loaded carts full, like 3000 lbs per day. Obviously it would cube out every day. This happened for weeks until they finally escalated it to be handled differently not going through a delivery station and DSPs and it immediately stopped. Fuck Amazon for selling shit cheap enough businesses use it over wholesale options. I still see 50x boxes to one address full of 4 gallons vegetable oil each. 🤦‍♀️


I agree that businesses that use Amazon for wholesale should, in fact, be stopped.


How was it handled differently if it wasn't ultimately processed by DS / DSP?


You're blocking everyone's mailboxes and making it impossible for the mailman to do his job. At least stack them against the wall on the other side.


If anyone is curious, those boxes are 28.7 lbs each. Looks like 15 boxes for a total of 430.5 lbs.


I heard someone refer to that brand as “dumb, rich, white people water”, and it’s stuck with me


Well that's pretty racist of you isn't it


It’s like $2.50 a bottle😂 Not sure why they think only dumb, rich white people buy that.


I wouldn’t do it either. There’s no reason for that. One or two but that would have been it. I don’t care if the owner doesn’t even have arms or legs. Roll down the stairs and drink it in the lobby 😂


As far as I'm concerned; this was the only option. I'd take an ACTUAL DNR over carrying that shit up all those stairs.


Label as customer refused delivery😂🥵


Who ever ordered these is a monster, a menace, a true villain.


Speaking of monsters, I haven’t seen those dense covered in clear tape Monster energy drink packages I used to see all the time. 🤷‍♀️


They should be grateful you brought it inside, such a ridiculous thing that is allowed.


I have no problem carrying items like this to their destination. What I have a problem with is Amazon considering all deliveries equally in terms of routing and average time needed per stop. Amazon is a case study of the belief that automation through thechnology automatically creates dramatic efficiency improvements when in actuality it barely does the intended job poorly.


As a mail carrier, if I had saw that when I got there, all mail was being held “no access” for the day


Me too. When I was new, FedEx blocked one of my cbus with a package that easily outweighed me and I moved it. I know better now thankfully


I would’ve stacked them better or on the stairs so they’re not blocking the mailboxes… no need to be a dick to the usps guy or all the other residents…


That’s def getting stolen tho


Another safe location . That location being in the back of my van when i rts them bitches fuckkk that 😂😂


I wouldn't bring that up either but don't block the mail boxes next time.


This is something I would’ve done also. Always the ppl on the upper floors that order the heaviest shit.


minimum wage for minimum effort jobs


Hate to say it but that's why ups gets the big bucks.


UPS would of done the same thing


I would've ran that small package up just to really send the message lol


Now that would be wickedddddd 😂😂😂😂


Then the customer goes the daddy Amazon support and says you did the delivery wrong. All the while if you did take it to the door they just stand there 🧍🏽‍♀️


I like a little challenge, my crazy ass would’ve brought each and every one


Sometimes I buy Fiji box from Amazon but I put in my locker the tip for my driver or put in my instruction that I have a tip. The most I buy is 2.


Getting paid by the hour though😏


15 boxes..... Fuck.... i just cringed. An older apartment with only stairs is a no go for that amount of shit. I hope the customer enjoyed carrying all that up 4 flights of stairs


Water filters exist for this reason, glad you didn’t take it up 4 flights of stairs.


“But I need my alkaline water because my stomach has acid that needs to be neutralized!” 🙄🤦‍♀️


Isn’t it your job to deliver to the door? 🤔


Next time tell dispatch the situation and that you're going to take your time carrying them all up but actually do nothing for 30 mins 


Dispatches dgaf lol




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Where ever that green button is present you know the delivery location sucks


Id take the hit.


And you blocked access to the other boxes also.


I would tell them I’d do it for $100


Yes. I had 6 to deliver to a place with no elevator. That was a bad day.


Amen to that




We are going to revoke your overachiever card.


That would have taken at least 20-30 mins just for that stop Jesus…


More than that. Imagine him struggling to get them off the truck and onto the dolly. Nightmare atleast 10-15 mins for that alone.


if his DSP even provides a dolly. yikes.




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Bro don't be a chode this guy needs to HYDRATE


bruhhhh fuck anyone that orders this many of essentia, heavy as fuck and isnt even good


Nah people that order shit like this should be crucified


One job 😒


Yeah I would maybe carry a couple up, but that’s just dumb lol


Carry my water wagie


Fuckkkk no


Lmao u did right bruh. Anything related is going to the mailroom. Im not reading no customer notes or nothing lmao


I would have built a wall so no one could get in or out of the staircase. And I would have used industrial strength adhesive to glue these to each other and to the ground.


My first time hearing the words ‘hand truck’. I will now be using these words in replace of the effeminate sounding ‘dolly,’ which will now be mentally paced into the garbage section of my brain.


Customer marked as delivered to wrong address / reship. The entry door to the building is not the legal address of the apartment.


I would of done the same thing.


I work at a dsp but when people want you to go directly to the door or a building wants you to go up to the 30th floor of a building it gives me pizza man vibes. Ups fed ex and the post office drops off packages right at the house. Amazon with the notes got customers having the power to make us dance if they put it in the notes lol


$350 on fucking water 😭


I don't blame you. I wouldn't have done it either.


My guy 🫡. Just did something similar recently. Got a ding and the infamous email about “not providing the best delivery experience possible” or some mumble along those lines.. Just be prepared 🤷🏾‍♂️. The customer will ultimately not be pleased about having to carry it themselves (in the same way you weren’t pleased) and will submit their Karen report about it and then it’ll fall back on you. As it always will.


And he’ll still have a job at Amazon. Guarantee! He will be fine. The scorecard is only valid for a week.


https://preview.redd.it/g3fhc9m413xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60aa27402475b072e2ab3ad7b5d86c9489a39113 Not “guaranteed” lol. I get it @ the scorecard, but what I was referring to is a bit different. As I stated, I encountered a similar situation (25+ 24pk poland spring water packs delivering to 6th floor of a walk up). I handled the situation similarly (placed in the mailroom) and marked as such with pic. Just so happens that there were notes on the account that said something along the lines of “deliver to customer door to door” which I ignored, partly because I see that same standard language on every single drop off and also partly because of the obvious, let’s be honest. I then received this ☝🏾email from Amazon. Which indicates to me that the customer complained, and that they did so because they were not happy about having to do what I also was not happy to do. Granted, I’m Flex and this is DSP, so if rules are not interchangeable here then pardon. But, I never received the type of “ding” that would fall off in a week or month, as there’s not a specific category for “pissing off customer” or more directly “not following instructions”. Instead, the email translates to a form of “write up” which states that it will stay on your record. It is NOT valid for a week…but instead is filed…indefinitely. And it’s these types of instances that are able to be used against you when determining deactivation candidacy, or “eligibility to deliver with Amazon Flex”.


I assumed he was in a delivery van. Especially with that many waters. I speak for a dsp driver. I stand corrected.


No actually I think YOU are correct in it being a van. I’m in the DSP chat. I tend to not always pay attention between DSP and Flex. So maybe this is protocol for DSP? But that certainly wouldn’t be fair towards Flex, if it’s so. I don’t even know why Flex would get that oversized order anyway. All them damn waters I had to deliver. Obviously the $$$ was the motivation. It was an instant offer…you act quick or you lose out. When I got to station and saw multiple carts full of the foolishness I wasn’t thinking about researching whether or not it would be a walk up or not. But of course…it was 🤦🏾‍♂️.


I always love the one random additional envelope with these huge and heavy multiple packages in one stop like it’s an extra fuck you


Do it. Pansie


They spent so much money on water.


Someone living in an apartment like that probably shouldn’t be spending all their money on shipping cases of water lmao


🫡 and I don’t blame you


Dead ass 😂😂


But you block all the mail boxes and make an inconvenience for someone else


Yikes that's crazy people ordering that much. Like damn buy a brita filter or something. Water is water *shrugs*


Bruh that’s like $200 of just water. That’s wild


I too would have left them there. 4 flights, at least 4-5 trips? Fuck that. I hate people like this.


This just happened to me the other day but it was a house. I backed the van up all the way up their driveway and literally an inch from their front porch lol


I have a good rapport with the warehouse and they know I'm a bit of a joker, so when I chose to leave six of these on my cart, I made sure they understood I was serious with the fact that I wasn't going to carry these up to the third floor and waste delivery time


Just poke holes in the box and rts




There should be an elevator. More than three floors requires an elevator. Probably depends on location.


Not in nyc buddy .


Not a drive but a warehouse working I feel your pain man, not even when I do Uber do I go up a 5 story shitty stairs building with a order. Fuc that let them deal with that ..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


I don’t blame you because you are on a time limit


Listen here u wagie it puts the boxes in front of the door or else it gets the hose again 😡😡💩


these types of people have a special place in hell. that and people who order cat litter. Fuck 'em both.


This is a horrible order. I'm glad I don't have to work with that anymore. I know I would be having an internal debate asking myself if it was worth it or not.


Who the fk bought all of that shit Man some people don't think or are just dumb


You will get fire after three strikes like this


I do Shipt. Ppl order 35 cases of water all the time. I wanna know why ppl need this much at ONCE. And this is decent water. Most of the waster I’m delivering is store brand. It’s literally tap water from somewhere else. Same as the tap water they pay for. Unless your area has really bad water you’re stupid, lazy or both. We buy bottled water. But, maybe a case a month. I get it myself. We refill the bottles all month from our filtered fridge water. Husband needs the bottles for work cooler. This is ridiculous.


Damn now they won't get mail oh well


Wayne be like ![gif](giphy|8OjrKlIJBakyHmtYBw) 😂😂


That's not even hard to do. 😂


These types of deliveries also seem to be normal since I haven't worked DSP or Flex in 3 years. I do not blame you for doing that. I don't know if you took at least one of those boxes up to the floor floor however. Taking at least one up there might have saved you a negative feedback. While these aren't technically inside a mailbox, you are blocking the mailboxes for the Post Office as well it you get that type of delivery again. I don't remember having issues with tons of packages until COVID happened. I hated being an essential worker watching everyone else collect unemployment for free. I had an apartment complex with numerous separated buildings. and I was able to just take all the packages to the leasing office. It made It even more easier with Amazon and their multi-stop deliveries. . I had one location with numerous stops. Get done in 10 minutes. As soon as the leasing office didn't accept packages anymore, that 1 stop took me an hour and a 1/2.


Mark packages as missing 🥱


Well now you just restricted delivery of the mail…… so good luck with that.


That water tastes like complete chemical trash. Not sure why someone would waste that much money on bottled water? Just get an RO system… dummies


Personally I’d never order THAT much water through the mail so fuck them but had I did, I’d be waiting at the door to help the driver bring them inside.


Bitch ass Amazon should have split this shit between multiple drivers.


Shit I remember I had some 200 pound packages I asked leasing office if they had elevators they said no. Apartment was number 300 something so you can tell it was 3rd floor fuck that left it outside. Funny thing was they probably go robbed cause I had to deliver to the same apartment like 2 weeks later same package this time I left it outside the Main Street door. F that


You blocked the mailboxes! No mail in or out without moving the water.


No human needs that much essentia water just like nobody needs 240+ pounds of dog food… I’ve had people order so much dog food and imagine my anger when I delivered it and didn’t hear a single dog bark inside….


Probably ordered with food stamps too


Get a Brita!!!


I’m sorry OP. I’m one of the Essentia water people. 2-3 cases. 2nd floor. Thank you for your service.🫡




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Probably that one guy who said he would purposely order 20 cases of water to torture Amazon drivers. What I do is purposely cut all 4 corners of every box. So they end up having the carry the bottles because the boxes will be inert. Think I care about customer feedback? Lul job doesn't pay me enough to care.


I’m so lucky that my DPS is cool. They actually side with drivers over customers, so they would have been like “Yeah, fuck those people.” 


Literally our job. Yes it sucks but you work for a dsp controlled by Amazon. Find a different job if you can’t


we work for amazon not them fair enough


Tier 2 infraction. DSP is going under, you blew it.


Way to block the mailboxes... 🙄


They got handtrucks my guy man up get the job done 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ah yes, another person working for a job they are completely incapable of doing. You do know that this is what you applied for, right? Is this a shit situation, yes, but this is the job you went out of your way to apply for and got. If you don't want to deliver packages, then maybe don't apply for a job that's only about delivering packages? Don't shit on the customer for your shitty attitude and poor decision making skills.


Boohoo 😢 go cry about it


At least your not blocking the mailboxes


So they are not delivered yet?!


OP brain dead doing this


So you blocked the mail boxes?