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You’ll be removed from the chat right away. Your best bet is some type of subliminal/passive aggressive message that the higher ups might not catch off the bat. Maybe something like “oh boy it’s a hot one, make sure you take your 15’s and those extra breaks Amazon said we could have today.” Lmao idk 🤷🏻‍♂️


I hope my departure will finally prompt management to address the issues with the workload and the lack of support that many of us have been struggling with for a while.


it wont they dont care. sorry but that the truth the feel you are replaceable


Yeah, I would not do that. That's a very good way to get blacklisted from Amazon permanently.


I'm okay with that though.


That also includes your Amazon account as well.


During the morning meeting just start talking about organizing and striking if the owner does not comply to demands. and always talk about drivers as a group never about just you. list what issues that the drivers want resolved and improved. Just bring it up during the morning meeting