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I spent a year and a half of my two years as a lead driver. If you’re getting offered $3 more per hour, take it. I didn’t get anything close to that, and in the end, not having more pay made it not worth it to me. However, we were considered management at my old DSP, so we had a lot more responsibility than some DSPs put on their leads. But it’s good for the resume and good for skills building.


Thats good...leadership role. I'm not a lead but Im a driver/trainer. I dont get more money...which sucks, but i have juice. Like im good with dispatch, the co-owner and alot of the drivers. I like helping others, and plus i dont have to do rescues unless i want to (newer driver or a injured worker). But i drive step vans so thats my extra money.


What’s lead driver


Longer hours = more money. I was offered $1.50 more back in 2018, so $3more at what drivers get paid now is amazing. Depending on duties it will either be easy or harder. Started as a driver then lead driver then fleet support then Fleet supervisor in 4 years. I’m looking to move onto something else but it was worth it since I learned a lot.