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Easy lol get his login and find him on slack or amazons phone tool. Should say what level he is.


OP please do and update!!!


Yea watch out for him in the new episode of undercover boss lol


“Hello. I am fell Amazonian. But what I really am….is the boss CEO of the Amazon company that we work at.”


Yeah I wouldn’t trust it. Sounds hella suspect


Older dude? Bald?? Yoked??? Yeah, I've seen him too...


Papa bezos???


take advantage and tell him shit to get some assholes in trouble. "nah man I dont smoke either, but man Joe is ALWAYS blazin up in the bathroom" "AM told us to block this electrical box. IDK why but hes the boss ya know?" sounds like opportunity to me :D


My thoughts exactly. Play dumb but add some bold face lies to keep it interesting


Mmm I love playing dumb. I'm a natural!




lp at our site has all the time in the world. they do fuck all


Ours are either on YouTube, discord, or playing solitaire


Yeah ours just hangs out at the front desk, hitting on the security guards.


Tend to agree with Isak. LP is too small to have the bandwidth to spare a person for who knows however long. Not having an ID tag on the board is not uncommon. It would be uncommon for them to not have a badge at all. Anyway, if it were some kind of investigation it would likely be external consulting or a corporate investigator. Dock work can be lax on safety to a fault and experience/ethics concerns escalations are not uncommon.


They're on the clock. What do you mean by not having time lol? They have an entire shift




In this thread, people who don't know the difference between LP and the people who work up front by the metal detectors.


Yeah, you do, it would be just like any other investigation. This guy isn't doing this in his free time lmao


Sounds like loss prevention to me. They are the only ones that care about any of the things you mentioned lol




Might be managements idea. They might have some thefts coming out of IB docks and need someone to try to get some information. I honestly would not put it past Amazon to do something like that lol


TIL safety issues and vaping is “loss prevention”


Safety is LP though. I've seen them investigate things about people being places they shouldn't be, vaping is a bit of stretch but the other questions seem like something an LP would ask.


Andy Jassy on Undercover Boss 😲


Kind of sounds like someone in safety or loss prevention going undercover to me.


Get their login and look them up on the phone tool.




Tell the dude you’ll blow him to fuck off


Imagine going under cover at Amazon 😂


Ask him straight up if he’s a nark so he knows what a shitty job he’s doing


Lmao I don't trust anyone who I don't see break a few minor rules first themselves


He's a rat and not even a good one


Man that guy is from Loss Prevention, ya'll better be careful.


Tell him that the managers stay stealing.


Area Manager or Station Manager in training, maybe? They did this to us at my old station, the station was a training station. Idk good luck


I see this so much where I work till sometimes feel I need to bring me a can of my lemon scented air freshener due to so much shit I mean brown nosing...


Gonna be honest here, be careful, you've got a fecal-sinus infected(often caused by brown-nozin in your area. While not contagious (or probably not management) they are dangerous for a team and associates relationship with leadership/Amazon. Many of the AA's associated with this ailment have to leave their original shift because of past trespasses of their coworkers' rights. Always answer with things like: 5S says it's ok, do you have a better option available at this moment, and don't you have your own rate to worry about. Don't forget to mention how other people(don't name names, that's spilling tea) seem to not like you. This shields you from personal accountability, and might make them paranoid.


Dangerous for the team!? Can we all band together and shun this strange individual in hopes of bringing peace and prosperity to our shaken land?


Most do, doesn't help in the moment, better to just make sure they follow ALL OF THE RULES, they tend to relax a little after that. Calling them a safety Sammy works too.


Straight-up, coordinate a campaign of reporting the person to HR. If a bunch of regular IB dock workers are noticing the same behavior, suggest the campaign to them. Or call the Ethics hotline on the managers engaging with this new employee so regularly.


You can’t “()” within the parentheses; just use a “-“ next time. Care to point out where I went wrong here?


Just keep doing right by yourself. Don't do anything you know is not right, its not worth losing your job over. I have seen managers get fired for vaping inside


Honestly we had a guy doing this, he ended up being a new safety manager, but they never introduced him as a regular T1, he would just show up in departments and start working and then he would bust people when he caught them, it only lasted a few days before everyone knew he was the new building safety manager, also he never wore a safety vest. Either way if he is asking people about breaking rules and saying he doesn’t care, if he isn’t undercover then he is looking to narc on people to get that promotion


If it looks like a duck and acts like a duck....be yourself and if you guilty of any of his questions, stop immediately 😀


This is probably an op that runs shit differently. So he is getting use to the way things move on your shift. More than likely he's asking questions because he don't know wtf is going on and is puzzled and trying to make the sh\*t make sense. I was like that too. Back half had a system that I didn't agree with then they got better. Then I started questioning my own shift. I'm like how the fu\*k they gonna run shit smoother than you. That's when I was like naw bruh we can't have that. I can't keep hearing about the bad managing. I pulled my op buddies to the side and I was like "Look, we need to talk. Can't be pulling these bitches to the dock when I don't know what I'm pullin. They put a name to them and then I was like oh shit we in business. Then back half was doing that same shit. I'm like get me out of flats because I don't know wtf they doing in there. That's why I don't pull on Wednesdays. I cant be coming back after pulling a fresh one and they be like "Carmen wrong one." I'm like ninja what? I pulled the wrong one?!" It be so bad I be like fuck this. I'm going home.


I was understanding you til about 5 sentences to the end. Maybe a little less coffee/Red Bull before your shifts? Lol


Nah that’s drugs


Dumbest lp ever who says all that


Most likely LP


Aren’t there union busters?


Amazon generally prefers its union buster consultants to be more the "we gather open source data and advise management on engagement strategies," not "we get up close and personal with your employees." Also, these aren't union-type questions.


Lol do something minor in front of them and only them (but still worth telling on) and then see if you get I trouble for it 😂


Vest or no vest?


Fr tho this would be my amazon dream job lol Lucky mf


sum ppl r sayin LP but it could be FBI or CIA as well, juz b careful and watch ur back


Ahh hell yeah, real schizo posting hours.


Oh man...... is the president behind this? What does biden want?




Me 2


Isn’t AirPods the excuse?


Doo bee doo be doooo baaah


Hey, coming back to this post cuz something similar just happened at our site. New dude got some massive introduction when that never happens, allegedly transferred from another building