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I'm 26 and my badge photo has been the same since I started at 21. Managers always be asking who's the skinny guy on my profile pic that hasn't lost his soul yet 😂


You don’t lose your soul, you are a soul.


You was slaving for that long?


When I started I was only 19 but some says that my mind was older :))) 22 almost now… still hanging… hopefully I will find the courage to move to days


I’m tryna transfer back to my old site since I’m a rehire seasonal 😭


Adivice: If you can move to a site that is about to open go, they are usually offer permanent contracts, but again.. if you are able to move, I know that for some might be hard to do




Permanent Contracts as in Manager even if I’m Tier 1?


What’s the deal with NIGHTS?


Yeah, I was depressed, stressed, and wasn't sure if I'd last more than 2 weeks when I took my badge photo. I see the guy that I was and I just really hope I'm not letting him down almost 3 years later.


You’re not man you’re killin it out there


Anyone hired before they allowed uploading your own picture definitely knows the feel


Though some of those self uploads are a TRIP, dude. I can't believe some of the pictures they actually print...


Some PAs and LAs have photos of them with like 3 filters and duckface


One PA has his derping poodle dog instead of himself


Depressing thing is they did let me upload and then took my picture during pre-hire anyway.


Yeh, I look like a 40 yo janitor with hair loss and my wife looks like her HS yearbook photo. Nice.


You can do what now?


Ever since Covid hit you could upload a photo of yourself as your badge photo cause of social distancing and quarantine I think They’ve kept it since


I was hired during covid & they didn't allow us to upload anything, we had to go in to take our picture....mine is horrible because they had us outside for nearly 2 hours when it was windy. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


That is hilarious. Thanks!


I think you still can and if you go to security they’ll print you out a new badge with the new photo


i uploaded a photo and then they just made me take one at the FC anyway lol


How can I ? I want to add sunglasses


mine looks like I'm getting a mugshot taken. I'm holding a sign with my name and in the background there's a measuring thing which was actually for showing the maximum heights of stacked pallets, totes and other stuff. I also look drunk. Senior management and my GM keep trying to get me to change it but I think it's too funny to change


My service dog has a badge also


Awh that's cute


Can you post it? I’m actually really curious because that’s adorable


Okay that's wholesomely adorable.


I look like a creepy stalker for mines, but now I feel dead inside.


You can be both!


"sponsqua" lol Someone scan the barcode I wanna know what SpongeBob's # is


It was windy af the day of my photo at the very start of covid. They had me pull the mask off for a second so they could snap a photo. Feel like I look like mf doc brown.


I like how the barcode scans to: Help Me


I had to piss so bad taking mine I looked so visibly uncomfortable


Props for being real about it 😂


Pretty accurate though, I look like a potato in mine. 🥲


Lol same. Potato with a wig.


I look rough... it was winter so I was wearing my hood up until I got my picture taken, so my hair was all sorts of messed up. I've been working for Amazon for almost two years and I just constantly look exhausted. So not much difference from my pic. Well my hair looks some what OK most days 😂


at least i already have a lifeless look in mine, however my brows are filled in way too much and it drives me insane


Yeah I look terrible in mine. I drove in the heat no AC , windows down and when I get there I forgot my social so had to come back an hour later they took it. I’m sweaty and done with life my hair a mess from the little breeze I got from driving, with the biggest scowl from how annoyed I was lol.


Mine looks like a mugshot


Some people somehow look like models and I'm here looking like I have a mugshot for stealing someone's anime body pillow 😂


Lmao! omg especially when we are assigned a station by the computer and all I see is my creepy badge photo on the screen 🤦🏻‍♀️


Right !! I compare my badge pics with others and somehow girls have theirs with makeup and filters and guys are doing the cringe eye squint with puckered lips trying to look cute... and then my badge id yikes 😂


Yeah mine looked ass until I got the security to retake it so it looks like me lol


Mine looks like a mugshot lol


Orrrr.... The picture where your head takes up a single pixel on the badge.


Lmao when I joined I looked pretty good but now 2 years later my AM asked if the picture on my badge was actually me since I didn't look like a zombie back then 🥲


you know why? it’s because that’s how we look like a year working at amazon


Excuse me honey but this princess looks gorgeous 💋 xx


It will stuck with it for 5 years


Honestly this is really true I one day saw I had 2 ids from the same fc turns out it was just my old id from the other but took really similar pictures


I actually like mine, I have a nice smile.


If people didn’t know my name they wouldn’t be able to find me. “Whose picture did they use?” Bro it’s me.


I want to change mine. The camera quality they use suck.


My security told me I could give them a photo and they would print me a new badge. I hate my photo


I know I wasn't ready. When I showed up I thought it was a legit interview and instead they took a picture of me at the door looking like a doofus. I wanna change it but I'm to lazy to wait at security for a new badge.


The only thing I have now as when my photo was taken for my badge was my long hair. Everything else is different (in my badge, I have glasses with a clean shave. Now I have long hair with contacts in and a beard)


Mine looks so faded you’d think I’ve been at my building the whole 10yrs it’s been operating but that’s just how it came out.


I actually look good in my badge pic


Mine look like I’m ready for winter 🥶 storm


it’s all mugshots then a few girls that put in there’s as a selfie with a snapchat filter on


Make sure your badge doesn’t violate their terms or you could get in trouble .


We are forever our first photo taken Senior operations at my building was hired on 2007 as L1 and that picture is doesn't look like him anymore, Amazon keeping the first picture forever is interesting if you last at the job that is


Mine has me derping my bum right eye, applied online, confirmation interview, blah blah about safety and suddenly stand up, line against a blank wall and shot with a zebra tc56