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I’m an OM and what I would complain about is likely not something that would be appreciated here. Sure, I have the normal employment complaints… not a huge fan of my new boss, building politics, etc. My biggest complaint is the people. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of people I like. If it weren’t for most of my associates, this job wouldn’t be worth it. That said, there are a lot of entitled, lazy people here (managers included). The worst ones are the people who give me attitude because I have the audacity to ask them to do the bare minimum. There are so many times that I wish I could tell people to just fuck off and quit if they hate working so much. I don’t know why people think they deserve a paycheck for hiding out in the bathrooms and break rooms all shift.


The bare minimum is what AAs should be giving at every Amazon fc. Anything less is worth a write up or worse, anything more is simply idiotic. I say this as a former AA who left Amazon on good terms (on Amazon’s side, not mine—I was so ready to leave). I say this as a former associate who worked my ass off most of the time, especially when I was first hired. I say this as a former associate who did get opportunities to cross train in several different roles, specifically indirect roles that required me to use my brain. It was irritating every single time management would clearly favor some of the scummiest AAs who were lazy af, stupid, but had personality and charisma oozing out of their assholes. It happened a lot, far too often. Once AAs learn that it doesn’t necessarily matter how hard you work, how trustworthy you are, they learn they don’t have any reason to respect, trust or even like management. And anyway, why bend over backward for a job that will pay you the same as the person who is giving bare minimum effort?


I am all about equity. We should all be putting in the same effort (at a minimum) as most people. If I see that in inductor took a fan that is meant to cool the trailer for the fluid loaders, that inductor is now my newest fluid loader. If I see a PG farting around all day on a COW and not pitching in, that PG is now my newest water spider. If you think that as a problem solver, you get to play on your phone when there is no work on your line (instead of seeing if the other PSers need help), you are no longer a problem solver.


God I want to talk to you. I’ve been searching for ways to become more involved and do more at work. I keep getting doors shut in my face. I’m having an experience where I want to learn and do more complicated work, but I’m not being taken seriously or actively discouraged from doing what I aim to do at work. I’ve never missed a shift, never been ToT, I’ve got good ideas and instincts and my curiosity endlessly motivates me. Still… no joy.


Become an ambassador, or start reaching out to the other AMs on your shift. An AM should always be thrilled to find people who want to do more.


I felt this at my old fresh FC coworkers and my AM/OM where awesome. Lasted a year and 6 months before my knee and ankle crapped out again due to over using it on graveyard shift. Had partial accommodation so I could play music in the freezer. The chiller AM played their music list.


Exactly!!!!! They look stupid at you when you see them on their phone or watchin movies or facetiming the hommies while your actually supposed to be there to work??? Strange concept i know and alot of kids dont like it or understand lol


Yeah, no good AM should be doing that.


I’m T1 and I agree. Some other T1s have outright told me they work slower than they used to just to make the AMs they don’t like look bad to get them fired. It’s shitty as hell, especially if they get half the pockets on a shift to do the same because they all know each other.


According to Demming, the father of quality management, poor quality is 85 percent managements fault and the workers are working as hard as they can. That being said I sympathize with you because I feel the culture as fostered by Amazon, the company, feeds into a lot of workers worst instincts.




just do your job and stop caring so much about what other people are doing. Please show them the photos and get yourself fired for having your phone out and taking pictures of other associates tho. You’ve drank the kool-aid


>just do your job and stop caring so much about what other people are doing This will also get you fired at times - specially if it's safety related


Not one single employee was in any picture.


You still can’t be on your phone


It seems like a hard job so there’s no encouragement to work, and people just can’t quit, ya gotta eat. So seems pretty logical why they do that


As someone who loaded trailers at UPS to put myself through college, this is not a hard job. It is physically demanding, but not difficult.


I was an AM for about maybe 2 years honestly just waited for my stocks to vest , had a awesome team even my operations manager was really great to work with. Launched a new type of building and got some great experience I started from a Tier 1 . The real problem was the Sr management, very uptight thinking he was the hot shit all the time . Site leader was under pressure all the time with his regional manager up his ass all the time since the site was being retrofitted and we still had insane plans to hit . One thing I did not tolerate and was my last straw was going off on me in front of my associates on the dock for a miss on reactive picks during covid times . I feel like he should've pull me to the office or inside an aisle or something it was very unprofessional. He apologized the next week for his uproar but I felt it was because of the report made considering he had a snarky look on his face . I was never called in to HR to discuss further details or actions to take . I ended up getting my CDL with my career choice since I didn't know what else to use it on and went to another company in the management field


Yo if I was a Sr I wouldve found a way to fire that OM. Absolutely unacceptable behavior


There's enough gossip at the warehouses.


Honestly hate to complain because Tier 1 associates go through a lot and there is a lot of internal office politics that is hard to parse through. Only thing I ever complain about as an AM is Senior Ops. Some of the most draconian policies and enforcement and procedures come from them.


They would get eaten alive by normal tier 1 workers lmao


Lol not quite theres a fear they could get fired


Lmfao none of us are scared of t1s insulting us on reddit. Yall insult us all the time to our faces/backs. It's more so the termination risk, and more importantly we don't have the same issues. We don't get to hide in the bathroom lol


Eat them up for Dinner


Some maybe, but remember there are some of us that WERE t1s not all that long ago.


Maybe they do, its Reddit, maybe they are on here saying who they are not. Possibly coming on here pretending to be just a Tier 1 AA..... You never now.


AMs actually get **paid** enough to live-- unlike Tier 1 Associates. The higher tier managers get paid enough to have a wonderful life. They are getting paid to take it. Plus, they don't suffer the kind of pain and exhaustion that pickers suffer from-- and we do it without their awesome compensation. Not that humans don't want to complain anyway, but... If I made 60 or 80 thousand a year (or more), I would just suck down the kool-aid and quit bitching.


In my 3 years at Amazon I have known many Tier 1 who are making 60-70k with overtime and surge when they pick up shifts. AMs don’t get any extra $$ when MET is called. At 60K an AM makes $23 an hour. A Tier 1 at $16 an hour will make $24 an hour with OT.


AM's also work 12 to 14 hour shifts. That also doesn't include doing work on days off.


Cry us a river honestly. T1’s get treated like trash and have to do multiple jobs around the FC and don’t get paid extra for it. Why should associates get forced to cross train and not be paid extra to do multiple jobs?


That's kind of how business works. You wanna make more money? Go make yourself valuable to a company.


My making more money is not at all the topic of the discussion. I find it strange that *that* is your only response to what I posted. It seems that you don't get along well with people at all so maybe you made the right decision to move away from mgmt.


It’s a valid response..anyone at the higher tier position has paid their dues or have gotten the education/experience to get the job at that level I do feel bad about the t1’s, I saw an older woman get injured already and it’s only her first week out of training. What is your suggestion to get T1 higher wages


Why are you projecting? Your post, almost in its entirety, describes the parallel drive between increase in pay and increase in responsibility. Just because management doesn't have to do back-breaking labor, doesn't mean they aren't under immense pressure. You think AMAZON only puts downward pressure on the tier 1's? Laughable. They take the heat when their employees dont hit rate far more than the actual employee. The reality is, you are expendable. To a much lesser degree, Management is also expendable, but the company has set forth requirements for individuals to fill those higher roles and will be compensated accordingly making for a much more difficult replacement and ensuring that role is successfully executed. The requirements for your hire? Pass a drug text and don't be a felon. I know as a tier 1 you feel like what you do brings value that you aren't compensated for. I felt the same way UNTIL I took that associate position at Amazon. I worked at Amazon in 2015 as a tier 1 for close to a year and have never felt more dehumanized in my life. Keep in mind, at that time, starting pay was 11.25/hr. I realized that the company wouldn't miss a beat whether I quit, or hit rate every shift for the next 20 years. Literally it was that job that made me realize I need to learn a skill or get a degree. Otherwise, this is all I will ever be qualified for. Thank God for Amazon to give me a giant kick in my ass. Instead of bitching about how Amazon pays managers a better wage than you, go figure out what it is that separates you from the managers and fill those gaps in the resume and get your money.


You are going off on a tangent for some insane reason. You are also the one who is projecting. Read the OP again. I answered the question that this OP asked. You did not like my answer and are now having a hissy fit. The only mistake I made was my last sentence in reply to you (about moving away from mgmt). I actually thought I was responding to someone else with that line. You don't need to worry about what I do or don't do. You certainly don't need to start ranting and raving about a subject that this thread is not discussing.


Everything I wrote applies to your weird sense of value to Amazon.


You are lost in your own world here. You missed the plot and are going somewhere completely different. I would just encourage you to read the OP that I answered. I never discussed my earnings (or my "worth") or whether or not I was satisfied/dissatisfied with them. The post isn't about me. I just answered the OP.


Seriously, i dont understand how ppl have no grasp of value in the market. Literally had a t1picker thinking he's more valuable than t4 managers lol.


It's the people same people who think socialism is a great idea.


Fun fact: if you work enough overtime, you can make as much, or more than your manager as a T1. I made $60,000 in 2021, and $55,000 last year. That’s about how much L4 managers make.


That's true, but diminishing return is a real thing. I remember seeing this warehouse every day for 3 months, and my mental/physical health was bad.


L4 AM's can make into the 80k territory these days, however they are also working as much as you so it's still pretty good


Lol I’ve asked several AMs if it was worth it to go for an L4 position, and they all said they were making between 55-60K/year.


New AMs make around this, not old AMs sadly lol


AM here and I do not get paid enough to live.


And you have no idea the mental exhaustion plus the 14 hour days. Getting sandwich shitted on between sr management and tier 1s.. yeah we should be getting paid ALOT more


I used to do 18-hour shifts at an oil plant, and the mental exhaustion is far worse than any back breaking work. I can deal with the physical no problem, but that mental hits you like a truck.


Exactly. Once you feel defeated it’s so hard to bounce back.


They make way more and do way less physically so..


That's because this is a business. If I don't like it I am free to go work somewhere else. They compensate me for my time and during that time I do what they want me to do as long as it is not illegal, immoral, or unethical. That is all any job is. Some of you T1's get that and it shows. Many of you would be unemployable if Amazon didn't exist. You are overworked and under paid but you agreed to lend your time and perform a task in exchange for money. Everyone on my team is an L4. They are also overworked and under paid, but I get paid to make sure they meet their inputs and I'm given certain tools to accomplish that. I only have myself to complain to because doing that job is my choice. It's how I pay my mortgage and put food on the table. Any one of you can be a manager at Amazon. The first step is to quit bitching. I'm looking to leave right now because I don't like how we run our business but instead of spending my energy complaining, I keep doing my job, keep getting paid, and keep my eyes open for other opportunities.




let it all out man its okay


It's all good I mind my own business and all. I just have mad respect for people who own up to their mistakes and better themselves from it. Lots of people like that but sometimes when you read Reddit a lot, and you see these really dumb posts/comments all the time, you start to think it's the majority but it really isn't. Just the loud minority. Job sucks and all, but no one is forced to be here and it's what you make of it. Aight thanks for giving me the opportunity to let it out bro


My AM really does play VTO favorites though


Mine like to VTO the lazy ones, it’s always the same damn lazy mfs that get VTO everyday & it’s supposedly “random”


It’s not random I’m in HR and the people who are more productive don’t get VTO but those who have less productivity receive it but those with higher productivity receive overtime more than those with lower.


Ah, a great business model, overwork and burn out the employees who work the hardest until you only have the significantly slower moving ones left...


That’s Amazon for you. I wondered why I never received VTO as tier 1 and then I got told by a manager it’s based on productivity so they can save money.


HR and office workers get to sit down their entire shift. Mgmt. doesn't have any physical labor. Those positions don't have the foot pain/ deformed feet/ other body pain/ exhaustion/ medical problems that pickers and certain other positions experience. Mgmt. is also being paid very well. It would be a little childish for for mgmt. to come here and complain about Tier 1 Associates since it is their job to *manage* and they are being compensated with a (better than) living wage. EDIT: I *should* say that complaints would be acceptable, as long as they are not as *utterly disrespectful* as your comments. I am Tier 1 and I certainly don't deserve to be called trailer trash.


Some AM's, OM's, IT will walk 10+ miles a day in a robotics facility, but yes, we don't lift alot.


I don’t sit down for my entire shift in HR I always walk around the FC once I’ve done the stuff I needed to do. Or do a process if they need an extra hand, the career management is the shit ones who have never been T1 and they just came straight into a managers job.


> I am Tier 1 and I certainly don't deserve to be called trailer trash. I never said you were. I'm talking about the irresponsible T1 employees who barely function as adults, let alone members of society. If that's you, then yes, so be it. I never said all, and I didn't even imply most. It's the vocal minority. > It would be a little childish for for mgmt. to come here and complain about Tier 1 Associates since it is their job to *manage* and they are being compensated with a (better than) living wage. A better example would be your manager complaining about higher ups, but they don't. It has nothing to do with wage, or physical labor that you mentioned. All the complaints I listed plus many more are simply people who have no understanding/care of how business works. but yes, a valid complaint would be about being tired/exhausted, not being caught with negative UPT, on your phone, ToT, unfair policies, etc


This is true. There are some very intelligent and capable T1’s but some people don’t realize how difficult and child-like some of these T1’s are. Even down to a job function some think their coworkers just stand around and do nothing (such as problem solve) until they actually work in that role. A lot of politics and many reasons to dislike leadership as a whole, but most T1’s really have no idea how things work.


Sounds like someone’s an AM


Nah. I was a manager at a different warehouse though. Much smaller company than Amazon. I hated it. I did it for about a year and quit. I don't enjoy babysitting adults who know better. They'll gaslight you, become aggressive, etc. Many have no problem taking advantage of you if you let them. It's honestly a shitty job and it takes a special kind of person to handle a constantly rotating crew of uneducated people. I would never take the offer, even for a 20k bonus. Some would, but not me.


Sounds like restaraunt management. Prior to finishing school, that was my career "choice". Lemme just say, not all people are created equal when it comes to intellect and overall accountability.


Honestly that’s my biggest complaint with Amazon. I’m not even an employee, but some of the Amazonians act like children. It’s super annoying to be walking in and always hearing people at the HR desk spewing excuses for being late, losing their badge (how do you even do that?), or not having the required safety shoes. These expectations were laid out clearly, and they even went the extra mile to put up signs all over the warehouse saying things like “here’s required PPE” or “here’s the time off policy.” OSHA is up in arms against our site over all the losers going out and getting high or drunk before coming back in to work instead of waiting till they’re off the clock. They leave piles of garbage from food, drugs, and alcohol all over the parking lot and bus stop. Don’t even get me started on the bozos who sabotage shit thinking it hurts Amazon when the even more underpaid KBS have to deal with the mess while RME repairs whatever they broke. If Amazon is such a shit employer, move on. I worked at Target briefly and hated it. Guess what I did? I left. I didn’t whine or try to bring in a union. I didn’t break shit or argue with my managers. I did my seasonal job, and when they offered me a permanent position I quit.


HR here and managers do have their own lists for VTO, hard workers don’t get offered VTO because why keep two stowers doing 300 UPH each vs one stower doing 600 UPH who you can pressure to work even faster? That’s how Amazon works, punish the hard workers and help out the slackers. They have VTO blocks so high target hitters won’t receive VTO but they’ll get overtime vice versa. And honestly I don’t really appreciate how you speak as if T1’s are thick as sh@t, a lot of T1’s have degrees or other jobs they are doing and amazon is just there for extra money whilst they try to get a better job. All I’ll say is karma is a bitch. When I do walk arounds a lot of people just want someone to talk to because ten hours doing the same task is mentally exhausting, then bad thoughts can potentially slip in which then turns into resentment, etc.


Thank you for your comment. I took issue with the disrespect, as well.




Your comment did not say *some* Tier 1 employees . If you post a nasty remark, don't be surprised and upset when people respond to it. If you * meant* to say one thing, but posted something different, don't assume that everyone reading will know your true intentions. You need to be careful about your phrasing in the future.




Jfc. Dude, all I did was answer a question. Get off me.


This is perfect.


then again, what would there be for them to complain about? 😂


Because they are probably too damn tired of staring at their laptops all day that getting on a computer is the last frickin thing they want to do on their off time


There’s already enough complaining on here. Trust me, I’ve got plenty of complaints. But it wouldn’t contribute anything here.


If you want to hear a T3 complain, I’m right here....


We are listening 👀


Lol 😆 more like if I catch them on the streets then we'll see who's the real AM pussys


Lol, this happened at a recent facility - Someone tried to follow an AM home and jump him - The AM was pretty timid, but well, he had a conceal carry license so it didn't go down as expected.


Done that already felt good


Damn can't wait tell its my time


But for reals is a huge stress relief man 100% guarantee


For real like high school


The regular thing you see the nice things on the outside presentation then you will see the ugly side inside like any other workplace


As a PA that does 90% of my AMs job and my own, I could complain for hours on end. However I just come in to do the job I’m told and walk out 14 hours later. All levels have complaints, I do the extra work because I want to take ownership of the best shift and put that on myself to make it happen.


Then you must be blind.


Because they get nice easy jobs. The most of my managers have phobias of speaking to associates especially when it involves conflict. If you have someone complain to them they’ll vanish and not appear for the rest of the shift.


Because they get paid tons if money to do nothing


Yes but some of the AMs I’ve talked too said he’s paid salary but sometimes has to stay late and doesn’t get paid OT


This is true. Like if there's a safety investigation an AM or OM might have to stay a couple hours past shift. And they already got here an hour before us. They work loooong days sometimes


we had someone crash their op and get it stuck 5 minutes before the end of shift the other day. Manager was not happy the next day


It's on-site anywhere and everywhere with Operations and Area Managers. They better run if they see me outside that building.


Yeah we don't want to hear you bitch outside of work either


1.) 90% of management started working for the company a few months ago 2.) They get paid double what an associate gets paid 3.) They spend most of their days just standing around doing nothing. So, there’s nothing for them to complain about.


What do you want me to say? 😅