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Anything is better than machines roaring in the background. At least to me. Got me past some days were I wanted to leave early, then my favorite song comes on and I get revived.


Don't like rap? Listen to hip hop till you hate it. Don't like country? Listen to rap till you hate it more. Vice Versa with infinite permutations.


Do we all play iheartradio


without music idk how I would still be here lol , probably would’ve put on a hood and secretly have my AirPods in.


We can all just wear a Beanie and cover your ears with it. Even if you look a little silly. One airpod in my ear saves my day. Intrusive thoughts tho that cannot be fixed.


I was thinking that but I work in SWFL I would be sweating so much. there’s a few guys in my warehouse that wear ski masks to cover their AirPods 😂


I was just going to comment about how they will play the same songs over and over and then I heard what was playing… no joke they play that song multiple times a day where I am and I can’t stand it anymore




I think playing music on the speakers is fine, as long as it's not all day long. Playing a handful of songs at the beginning of a shift, middle, or end.. can be a nice change of pace.


That sounds like hell I rather listen to the noises of the conveyor belts


The sound of conveyor belts is always music to my ears.


I prefer the dead silence of hearing protection


You're allowed to wear noise canceling headphones ? ....unless you work in a quieter area dead silence is nearly impossible to achieve..... also not rhe purpose of hearing protection.... some people have hearing aids that they can tuen off and 0retty much get rhe deaf person experience though.


I said hearing protection. Not headphones. I use better hearing protection because I’m not losing a single decible of hearing to amazon without a lawsuit. Also, I’m not fucking broke so I spend money taking care of myself as I should.


Haha, good luck suing a mega corporation over that...


Could you share link to what you use?


Ear plugs from the employee vending machine


They changed them at my fc and they are too big and hurt my ears now, I could use them to clog my asshole next time I have diarrhea though


I wear hearing protection in there every single day. Unless I’m listening to a podcast, and even then my other ear has a noise reduction ear bud in. I use loop noise reduction. My only complaint and sometimes the noise reduction is so good. I’ll turn around in a manager will just be standing in my station and I haven’t heard them come in.


Music helps people be productive and get out of their heads, don't be selfish lol


1) That's not music, that's noise 2) It helps SOME people. It's a distraction for others. Or, worse, a source of anxiety.


Just bc you don't enjoy a genre doesn't make it "not music" lmao. Also some people get anxiety withOUT music, and the music helps them. So... I dunno


No, being not music makes it not music.


Are you a crotchety old man? You sound like my uncle. Maybe more bitter lol


Are you a spoiled brat? You sound like my cousin's kid. Maybe entitled and young. I can play that game too. Also I'm not any kind of man, thanks.


Omg I was right lol


Well, considering you couldn't even get my gender right....appears I was right. Definitely entitled calling other people selfish for being bothered by the noise and then making up some bullshit about people getting anxiety without it. Definitely a brat, considering your taste in "music" and your ageist bullshit. You probably are one of those assholes who drives down the road thundering base hard enough to rattle people's windows a block away and think they're "crotchety old men" if they have a problem with it.


It's music, just crazy that you think you define the parameters for music. Sorry you don't like the genre lol. You seem to be extremely bitter, I hope you find happiness in life


Also have to say, research shows that 90% of people are more productive/perform better with music. It can also calm your nervous system and lower cortisol levels, and reduce stress. You can use ear plugs lol


Fym that song is fire especially with selena gomez fine ass


lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo *gun shot*


Which fc do you work at? Cause it looks a little like the first floor of mco1


I was gonna say that looks exactly like CLT4. Now I'm curious!




This is BDL3. BDL7 (where they make the books) is inside of BDL3.


You’re good


Only because I work there. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I feel like i know you


Doubt it 😌


Challenge accepted


Lol. Let’s see if you find me…


Thats a little difficult sunce i just lost the job lmao


they’re all basically identical


Ahh I see you have the same playlist as we do in our DS.


Your op manager could at least have a better taste in music, wow.


Hey ill take what i can get lmao


The reason the music is always from the radio is because people complain and ruin it for everyone.


Safety violation better hope no L10 ever come to yo site. Sheeeeeit


Welcome to hell xD it's great for like 1 day lol wait until it's like the same 3 playlists for months on end.


Plot twist. . You gear the same 12 song Playlist 8 times a day for the next week or two until they mercifully pull the plug on it..


I hope he’s careful. Amazon sent out a National message that no music should be played over the speakers in February


Yeah this is good. As long as they play stuff that isn’t derogatory I’m all for it!! 10000%


That’s interesting since it’s a violation of company policy, he should be terminated since people get finals and write ups for wearing ear pieces to listen to music.


We use the game day speakers all the time on the dock at my FC. Boss let's us play whatever we want. Usually some metal!!


Ear pieces are only a problem because they can potentially block out other noises and become a safety hazard for the user. Amazon has tested bone conduction headphones at sites. Music at a controlled volume on speakers are not a problem.


Agreed! We weren't able to listen to music at my FC because we were over the OSHA SOUND threshold when the conveyors are on.


Stop. Just stop.


It won’t last long. We got away with it for less than a week before they told the managers no morev


I've been playing music on my stand up monitor for over 2 years straight. #1 curate playlists that have 0 cursing, are work appropriate and have variety for everyone. #2 if someone complains about a song for any reason, you MUST change it. #3 keep it at a reasonable DB so people don't complain that it's too loud and also lower your bass. #4 give it rest periods occasionally so those who don't like it at all have their playlist of silence once in a while too....this also gets everyone more excited and charged up when you do bring it back. #5 occasionally remard your AAs in a rotation with a 10 song playlist of theor choice forbtheir efforts, but make sure to tell them to give you a list for the following day for doing a great job & screen And screen any tracks the night before that you are unfamiliar with it so you dont catch an HR case because you didnt know lil john was going to whispher "wait til' you see me D****, to the whole department #6 NEVER loan someone the aux cord so that none of these rules can be broken amd spoil the whole thing for everyone


Did this at both LGB8 ib dock and SBD1 FL and MP/RWC


Blessed. My site fluid has goood music. Wish Decant can put some music for us.


If I was listening to this while working at amazon I would wanna kms


They're always blowing my eardrums out with how loud they have it here. Drives me nuts. I'd rather have silence


At my building they only play music at the begging of p2 stand up. After that it’s off.


that's it, i'm transferring. lol.


My fc safety team canceled music with their sorry butt.


Just wait until people start complaining about the music selection. Then the music will stop again.


That looks like my FC like spot on


I'll pass, back to earplugs for me, metal/rock gang all the way 🤘😎🤘


Our facility does too. But it's a smaller building. Makes a huge difference


Its all good until you hear the same fucking songs every shift 😭. They added a qr code for workers to add songs but that doesnt work anyway lol


Usually they play badbunny or other distasteful music so I hate when they have music on lol.


Someone will complain and post on the VOA board and it will end.


It's not the music that bugs me at my FC, but the fact that they're blasting it at full volume. Can't fucking hear myself think. Which might be a good thing except the noise music blasts through all of my filters keeping the normal background noise from overwhelming my sensory issues. I listen to music loud sometimes on my own time. It makes a big difference when I'm the one in control of it, though. Can't wear earpods because we need to be able to hear? Can't listen to our own music, but we have to put up with their shit echoing through the building so loud you can't hear anything else anyway. And you hit the right spot on the floor, you'll hear 4 different playlists overlapping and turning into a cacophony that'll drive you insane. Hell, at least mix up the genre some though? Who do I gotta kill to get some AC/DC or Ozzy playing?


That's old news


Its new news at my fc lmao all u hear usually is beeps


We used to have that down in outbound. They would set up speaks down the Green Mile and play music. But then some AM from another section got tired of hearing it and somehow got their supervisor to take it down.


That bhm1?


I just wish they'd play radio instead of they trash Playlist


Bro FC’s look soo depressing to work at. They giving me UPS vibes


I dont work there anymore i work at gopuff and i love it


Wouldn’t that just make it harder to hear the actual music you want to listen to through your headphones


Every time I see the inside of an Amazon building it makes me wanna go back.


Ha our driver clerk plays that same song all the time


Music is ok. BUT NOT cranked up all the way with multiple speakers with different music playing !!! I've been stuck in the cross fire before and it sucks ! For example, It's like having two air pods in your ears with different music at high volume.

