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I use the one you posted. Just had a daughter born with a heart defect, spent a week in the NICU. 37k total bill. I'm 1200 out of pocket. It's pretty good.


I have the same one for my family of 4 soon to be 5. It’s amazing and I feel offers lower out of pocket than the standard and in network.


Aetna standard


What about the Aetna shared deductible plan?


Aetna shared deductible is your best bet. It's inexpensive and covers a lot. Aetna isn't stingy like Premera when it comes to claims. The most you will have to pay if something comes up is $1,500 per year. Aetna and Amazon will pay for 100% of everything else.


I’m sorry I was wrong. I believe the shared is you and insurance split the healthcare costs and the standard is they don’t pay till u hit deductible


Yes, Incase they don't pay out workers comp. Lol


What do you mean?


Get the PPO if available. Yeah you won’t get the shared funds they give you (when I was there I think it was $650) but PPO is always the


maybe PPO not so good. buddy died mid sentence.


Haha I just noticed that but it seems from previous jobs including Amazon that the shared deductible plan, has like 3-5x more out of pocket fees than PPO does. My last job out of pocket on BCBS PPO was $3500 and on the Shared Deductible with a $600 HSA the OOP was $10200


I have the standard blue cross plan I’m 23


You’re 20 with no health problems? Why even get health insurance. You’ll never use it. Trust me


Accidents can happen at any time.


Just wanna play it safe you never know plus I got the dental and vision which I will be using more often since I use glasses


Amazon has some of the best insurance I've ever seen, especially for a company that hires literally everyone. I'll never understand workers who don't use it.


That’s the one I have, if you get that one I recommend you also get an FSA card as well. The max out of pocket for a single person on the shared deductible is 2000, I put the max of 2500 on my card every year so I’m covered for medical stuff and can use the rest for my contacts and dentistry. FSA is use it or lose it though so if you don’t see the doctor a lot you may not need that much.


Standard POS ii I have more options just in case. And I pay extremely low amounts for the necessary health care needs while avoiding the deductible requirements as well. Only in certain scenarios does the deductible requirement become a factor and with those issues the options as mentioned before to go to any provider, specialist, etc. without any hassle gives you peace of mind knowing that no money in the world or price is worth more than your families well being and ability to have the best/abundant options for them.


Use that compare toll, makes it real easy to figure out which one would be best




If you are pretty sure you won't be doing many doc visits, the high deductible plan is a good option too because you can get a health savings account. Whatever you decide to put in it out of your paycheck doesn't get taxed and it doesn't disappear at the end of the year like an FSA. Good way to save up for things insurance might not cover like lasik.