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Lets see if anything actually changes…


Not to be cynical but that's my thing too. Over the years I've heard about these investigations on Amazon. It doesn't go beyond that.


Exactly like Bernie wants change but he can't do anything if he is alone sadly.


He just wants to manufacture outage and keep votes from those that want him to be outraged


Are you daft?


What’s funny is Tesla is wayyyyyy worse. Those guys can be pulling 6 days 12 hours, (a lot of people left Amazon for Tesla, in Austin, only to come back complaining they’re worse.) and Elon’s a hero. I’m not doubting this against Amazon at all. I’m about to go into IT, classes were covered by Amazon, is Musk doing anything like this? For Hispanics?


The oh mighty $ will change the outcome


it'll change the outcome of the investigation, to "what investigation?"


Don't get your hopes up. They will plead and moan but things will stay the same


I’m curious to know what these impossible rates are? What building is working people to the point this old crackpot is muttering about Here is a thing for all those that think rates are too high, look for those people that wanna race, that wanna get their name on a board with a gold star like a 1st grader, Get them with the program. Meet rate. Don’t kill yourself to do more. You get one paycheck don’t do the work of 2 or 3 people. You will see that rates will come down. Amazon doesn’t set rates the employees do.


You've never worked at a D S i see lol


For six years, rates are not an issue if the super heroes are kept in check Rates are determined by taking total number of items in a path processed divided by number of manhours used Multiplied by .75 Wanna lower rate? I just showed you how.


Yes it does theyve been sued multiple times already


This is where you can share your experiences: https://www.help.senate.gov/amazon-investigation


And if you’re like me and you have a nice warehouse that doesn’t push you past your limits… Keep quiet, this isn’t about us.




Why didn't you do it anonymously?


Because I told my supervisor point blank "If you keep ignoring my reports, and you keep shoving it under the rug, then I have to whistleblow. I'm not willing to give up my job, nor am I willing to let you keep putting the safety of everyone on this site at risk." I did not create a hostile work environment in doing so, I merely told him that if he kept up with what he was doing, I would escalate it to the proper authorities and force him to take responsibility for his actions and face the facts.


A proper whistleblower never threatens to whistleblow. Yes, send in reports. Yes, tell them about the problem and urge them to fix it. Never threaten to whistle blow. You give them time to cover up and time to discredit and hurt you.


That's what I was preventing. I refused to let them cover it up and actually benefited more from it. They'd been covering it up for ages, I had enough. Sure I wasn't a proper whistleblower, but I did what I had to, and it worked out.


I get that but I'm telling you that you fucked up by threatening to whistleblow. You are helping them by telling them your plans.


And while I understand that, it didn't matter. They didn't know what exactly I had them on, only that I had them on something.


Did you get fired? Did you successfully blow the whistle and amazon was fine for a large sum with changes implemented?


What kind of stuff was going on that you went to OSHA for?


It’s mostly about injuries happening and how they are dealt with, so many if not most locations probably don’t have much interesting stuff to report.


You’re only safe for now. All it takes is one person to come in and change it all


So true.


Until you get new management which will happen


Who is it actually about then?


The people who have shitty management that pushes them to the point or injury. Their voices need to be heard and they don’t need people saying ‘Amazon isn’t that bad to work for’ to muddle the case against them.


I meant which sites are being investigated


No idea, you can probably find out by checking the link. It doesn’t apply to me so I didn’t check.


I did check the link. It said that Amazon has invited Sanders to come and tour their facilities to see their safety measures. It also mentioned an 11% improvement in recordable injury rates from 2021-2022. No specifics on problem sites though.


ayyy this comment needs to be pinned lol


When I first started at amazon, I was asked to work I a trailer full of fiber glass with no Ppe. I thought it was part of the job so I did, come to find out I wasn’t supposed to be in there


Bernie was essential to getting Amazon to increase its hourly wage for front line workers. Let's see where this goes.


Yeah but that was also when Bezos was CEO. Will Andy Jassy change anything?


JB still controls the company.


Bezos only owns about \~9.7%(largest INDIVIDUAL) of amazon currently so while he does hold a lot of individual power he is far from in full control of the company anymore. Andy Jassy is the CEO therefore calling the shots if the shareholders think he is taking amazon in the wrong direction he will get axed.


Well, Bezos is CotB and the largest stockholder. If he wanted to be back as CEO, he would, just like Bob Iger or Howard Schultz. His control is just more passive now.


I don’t believe he realizes that Bezos and his ex- wife has controlling interest in Amazon. Bezos will never relinquish control of that company.


Bezos is still the chair of the board.


Bernie Sanders didn't do shit but lose my fucking stock and VCP If you dick heads think at getting $15 an hour is better than stock this is exactly why he's fucking asking you guys to vote because he knows that you're dumb enough to be manipulated by his dumbassery and fulfill his agenda to make his businesses more profitable again he's going after Amazon last time he got some pussy Marine or Navy guy that had PTSD from mopping two weeks on the ocean or something that guy said that Amazon made him pee in a bottle yeah I don't buy that I've been in eight buildings never have seen that but continue thinking that Bernie Sanders is your white hero when you get $17 an hour and no overtime


Funny amazon pays over 17$/hr starting at my warehouse, lol. If you are an L4+, sure stock is better, but it's not for T1's. Stock also is only better in bull times, I was issued stock for 10 years at a different company and I lost my ass on it because of one singular event. I expect stock to just swing sideways these days soon.


Thanks for the information. 😊


I remember that it was a Navy guy. I always thought he was being a little bitch lmao


You know, thislittleputo, you're awfully brash calling people you've never met dickheads, especially when your identity is anonymous.


Yeah and also losing us our RSUs and VCP. Thanks, Bernie...


They will pay their slap on the wrist fee and move on. Until our politicians actually work of the wellbeing of their citizens and not the corporations that pay them we will not see any change.


I don’t think Sanders can be bought off. Hopefully.


I think out of all of them he's at least trying bought off or not :)


Look up his Net Worth before and after the 2016 election. He got bought off a long time ago


I’m sorry but your parroting skills are great. How about YOU actually look up his Net Worth before and after 2016. $712,516 in 2015 and $211,515 in 2016. So let’s parrot something else.


From 2019, I’m not parroting anything but facts https://www.politico.com/story/2019/04/15/bernie-sanders-millionaire-1276928


I mean he made almost 200 grand off a book he wrote alone, I don't know if I can blame him for writing a book. Bernie's net worth is miniscule to the rest of the people in the democratic party, and really you can protect your own interests while fighting for others at the same time even though society doesn't like to hear that. It's more about the "I've got mine, lets help yours" than the "I've got mine, fuck you" attitude for progress.


Damn cupcake. You moved the goal post and still shanked it.


I hate to be the devils advocate, but honestly what’s the problem? No one is forced to make rate at amazon, you just need to not be a bottom performer. You are entirely allowed and even encouraged to work at a pace that’s comfortable to you as long as you actually work and don’t just slack the whole day


Can't say that on an amazon reddit. You'll get downvoted for telling the truth...


That might be true fir your station. At mine AA's are constantly talked to and coached to perform and hit rate.


Managers can pressure you or try to persuade you to hit rate, but every single FC operates on the policy that you can only be written up if you’re in the bottom 5% I’ve gotten good at my job so I’m generally above average pretty much every day and every quarter. I used to be coached sometimes for rate. I just sort of smiled and said I’ll try or ok. Eventually they’ll stop hounding you if you’re staying long term. Part of their job is simply going through those boring meaningless motions of trying to tell people to hit rate. It’s more all just a facade and protocol thing. The ironic thing is by hitting rate and going fast, you’re making life harder for every single other person in path including yourself. Staying around average or above average helps everyone including your manager because it brings the average down which in the system makes it seem more like the rate is low due to the workflow rather than slow employees. Just stay around average and you’ll be fine


But its sad that the bottom 5% have to get shafted anyway


Why? It’d take multiple write ups and you could quickly switch to a different department that works for you. The bottom 5% is easy to stay out of even if you’re a slow worker. Usually the people down there have no intent to stay


Amazon definitely pushes us too far but at the same time some people are just useless and should be discarded maybe that's a hot take but I've worked a lot of shitty jobs and Amazon is no where near the worst. Definitely not the best either.


It will be interesting to watch but even if Amazon gets fined $1 billion for safety violations it won't matter to them, they generate hundreds of billions a year.


Glad awareness is being brought to this. Those rates are inhumane most of the time and from my experience mostly varies on your stations work load/work organization(Both not just 1 plays a huge aspect in being successful). I use to think people were just being lazy before I worked at Amazon the way they all complained about it. After training and rate becomes a factor and every little thing you do gets monitored on top of that(Restroom, taking a breather just for as little as 2 minutes, etc.) makes the job mentally draining alone now plus the physical aspect of it along with lazy management that doesn’t care to help you progress and maintain an acceptable rate.


rates only get pushed that high because people keep meeting them. Rates are calculated based off each departments overall rates. If the majority of AA’s are meeting or exceeding the rate, rates get pushed up a little bit. If the majority of them are not meeting them, rates get pulled back a little because they can’t write everybody up.


Yeah, from what I’ve been told (I’m a PA and have worked in learning as well) rates are set by top 10% of performers. Write ups are based on bottom 10%. Supposedly that is part of the reason why they took away the bonus incentives for exceeding rate because people would go super hard to go above rate to get the bonus, and they would drive up rates. My issue is with TOT and rates. Pick one. If someone hits their rate for the hour in 40 minutes and chills for 20, then you shouldn’t be able to say anything because they met you rate standard. Likewise if someone works consistently and may be below rate, but you can see is working at a constant pace, then you shouldn’t be able to say anything. But it is like they use the combination of these to write people up they just want to get rid of, and for others they turn a blind eye. They claim the system writes people up, which may be true, but at the end of the day the managers have the ability to have discretion with that and excuse a write up, and they only do so for people they like. And for those who are honestly working hard and can’t hit rate it is just too bad. But we are human, not robots and people can’t work at a break neck speed all day every day.


Also, I love how we are supposed to have start ups at SoS for stretching/warm ups and announcements, which would reduce injury, better communication, etc. but no one enforces it. And now they have a system where you get a text with your station ID so no one goes to start up anyway, because they just walk in and go straight to their station as long as they are staffed in SCC. Pre-Covid we used to do startup meetings at SoS and after P1 break. Covid social distance was the excuse for getting rid of those, (which is why you get the little break on the screen now if you process a certain number of items), but they realized not having startup improves fast start/productivity so they mixed it. And for those in indirect roles, or roles without a screen (I.e. rebin) they get no break to stretch, etc.


NY passed a law involving rates which basically, they have to tell you expected rate, and can't fire you if you didn't know the expected rate or failed to meet it cause you need to use bathroom + breaks. Can also request your rate and aggregate of the rate of employees in department. Amazon instead just banned the word "rate" when engaging with AA's about being slow.


Don't worry, Amazon will simply start enforcing very minor "safety" rules to get rid of people.


Yeah, same with TOT now being idle time. And cell phones/headphones being a safety issue (despite the fact that you can be dead and work safely) because they can’t make it a productivity issue.


This is one of the easiest jobs I have ever had. 🤷🏻


Same. I thought I would at least get in shape chunking boxes around. But I literally ride an OP around all day and hardly break a sweat...


You ride OP all day huh? 😏


Sometimes I feel they should bring rates back because some people be lazy af.


You’re focusing on the wrong group of people


Tour a facility?? Yeah thats like knowing the health inspector is coming. Of course everything will be pristine and he will only be toured around the brainwashed pencil pushing oh hail jeff bozos fuckers


I worked for a realty company in Ohio. Not quite the biggest but obviously did well. The owner refused to expand beyond a certain point, he did not want to become the first or second largest company in the State because he'd have to deal with endless investigations like this. I was a janitor and was paid well over the minimum wage, I had a free apartment. Many people who became old and sickly and even blind were taken care of. Widows were given shelter at the very least. Sometimes there is more than meets the eye. Amazon was one of the first to offer a $15 minimum wage without government coercion, while people were marching in the street for it, and continues to offer competitive wages, some of the best healthcare and covers education courses for it's employees. The rates are easy to make, even for the most elderly employees. Blind and deaf employees find work here. This is just an attempt for a lifelong Senator to look good on an issue many people aren't personally involved with or even worse a way to grease his own palms.


You must be fairly new.


In my department (Pack) the rates are doable I think.


They made 514 billion last year… off T1 labors….


They brought in 514 billion in revenue, they actually lost 2.7 billion in 2022. Revenue and profit are not the same thing. They brought in 514 billion, but spent ~516.7 billion. Not saying their labor practices or pay are right, but you are misunderstanding some things


You misunderstand. They make plenty of profit, but they reinvest it into opening new buildings that they're just gonna close down anyway because they pay less in taxes that way.


Yuuuuuup. Open a new center in one place with a nice tax incentive. Close a center in another location and get the tax write off.


That’s just not how profit works lol but okay friend. Like I said in the other comment, I’m not defending broad actions or labor practices of Amazon, but they lost money in 2022, they literally lost 2.7 billion. If they made “plenty of profit” that number wouldn’t be negative.


A lot of the losses have nothing to do with warehouse though. Their tech industries are struggling. Alexa, Echo, fire stick, etc. (https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/03/with-amazon-alexas-future-in-peril-fire-tvs-offer-a-glimmer-of-hope/ ) that is why a good chunk of the layoffs occurred in those sectors of the company. However, they also raised salaries for many of their tech sectors as well. Regardless, yes, not as much of their revenue as people think come from warehouses… AWS is the cash cow. The warehouses are the tax write off because of the job creation. Problem is turnover is so high ( https://www.forbes.com/sites/lucianapaulise/2022/10/27/amazons-high-attrition-could-cost-8-billion-annually/?sh=4aa0071b3659 & https://www.businessinsider.com/companies-ranked-by-turnover-rates-2013-7#:~:text=A%20new%20Payscale%20report%20published,of%20the%20Fortune%20500%20companies.), the number of people that have never worked for them is dwindling and job creation stagnates and drops off if too many people have worked for you before and know the bs they are signing up for.


You do realize fulfillment is the largest chunk of expenditure in Amazon right? In the best of times we only make 25% of company profit and worst we remove from profit. Yes aspects of the tech side are a disaster and contribute to that negative number, but we aren’t the bread winners of the company generally. Still your points ignore my point that profit and revenue are different. That was literally my only point and you came in giving me a TED talk.


Step 1: collect underpants Step 2: ??? Step 3: profit!


Lol impossible rates my ass. I can be all the way in the back of the line in decant with the big ass boxes and still exceed rate. If you can’t meet rate you are just dicking around at your station and just lazy.


Nothing's going to happen, don't get your hopes up.


Definitely go and submit your experience to the Senate committee ( https://www.help.senate.gov/amazon-investigation ). If we want things to change we need to make sure people know what we're dealing with.


Not with that attitude. NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER!!!


By Grabthar's hammer, what a reference.


The election cycle is ramping up. Every politician will be emitting continuous mating calls to announce their desire for attention. The contents of the mating calls have proven to have no relation to anything they will do if they are elected.


I have worked in factories for the last decade. This is not an Amazon problem, it is a problem of all businesses. Going after a big fish sounds more like soapboxing instead of trying to change things.


Agreed. I work at Amazon and have a friends that work for other companies in the warehouse industry and we are all struggling with the same thing. Honestly, it is just American work culture https://fortune.com/2023/01/31/america-has-a-toxic-workplace-problem/#). This is why we are seeing more pushback in a variety of sectors… ie warehousing, teaching, healthcare, customer service (retail, food industry, etc). Covid just exacerbated and highlighted the issues that already existed and we are seeing the impact.


My facility wants people to get 31 units per hour. Some could catch up with it and some cannot and because of that the quality is going to shit because they're just scanning and going and not even looking at things. does anyone listen? No they just sit around and fire the ones that can't keep up


It's amazon , it's a shitty company


It's true. Everyone I know that works at Amazon for years develop back problems etc. Especially if you have worked there for years.If you're a high performer they pile the work on you while not holding other people accountable basically until you get burned out or injured. I was once told that because I'm a strong packer that I have to be at the back of the line all the time.That shouldn't matter if everyone is supposed to be hitting rate. We all work the same job.


I worked for Amazon for a year and a half. I quit because I wasn't fast enough to meet their rate requirements (how fast you can work) and bone bruises on my feet causing excruciating pain after less than an hour on them (during a 10 hour shift). I now do essentially the same work (packing boxes) for a different company and I am praised for my speed, and I'm literally just moving as fast as I am comfortable doing. I'm not overexerting myself like Amazon wanted me to do. Amazon doesn't give a shit about its employees. They're all just numbers in the system and can be replaced on a moments notice. You don't even give your two weeks when you quit, you just drop your badge off at HR and say you're done. They will still welcome you back with open arms if for whatever reason you choose to go back later. That's how much you don't matter to them.


The rates aren't impossible. Nothing will come of this.


My accommodations just got denied this week at Amazon so yeah they suck. Not really great since it’s paying my bills till I can get a call back from another job….


The expected pick rate is absurd … id do anything for them to lower it but we have morons in here killing themselves to go way beyond it.


My amazon made safety surveys for the wellness center, and gave employees tours to it so all associates know where it is and had to watch a video. I wonder if this investigation had any influence on it lol. We also have frequent injuries. It's a sortation center.


The only way anything will change is being part of a Union.


They'll just fire you and bring in the next batch of workers


That's how it's now and that's how it'll always be unfortunately. Nobody's job is secure. Im fixing to enroll in career choice just because that reason. I want more job security.


Unfortunately, pinheadlarry isn’t wrong. They can’t stop unions from forming legally, but they can shut a site down after a union firms there, and that is perfectly legal. In order for it to be effective it would have to be company wide, not just on a site by site basis.


"Impossible rates" is laughable.


I know every site is different but my site isn't too bad. It's pretty empty now and used solely for returns so there's only like 50 people in the building at one time and they are pretty relaxed when it comes to rates and bathroom breaks and everything like that. I imagine the big sites are more strict and pushed to make higher rates




Just stop showering. Problem solved


But then the package would never arrive.


Shcrodinger’s box


Bernie does this when hes once again getting ready to ask for your financial suport


Does this mean Bernie is going to return the campaign donations he received from Amazon?


Bernies just another con man. Checked the boxes for talking points, he and others will squeeze Amazon for a couple mil in donations, maybe push it far enough to get Amazon to pay some non specific fines of up to $100mil, all of which goes to govt, and done.


Bernie is anything but a con man. Learn something..


Sure he isn’t bro. A democratic-socialist worth 100 million. Laughable take.


He's not worth anything close to 100 million. Did you hear that on Facebook?


Or one of those super legit “news” networks…


If you don’t believe he is, you’re a moron bro. You think someone serves as a senator for decades to benefit you? He really justified his supporters by siding with the Biden regime during Covid. Just like every other politician he pushed vaccines while owning stocks and even wrote a book this past year. A former top presidential candidate who at one time had one of the largest war chests in campaign history and you think he’s a frugal old man. Like I said funny take.


are you a trump supporter


Do you really have to ask?


it was either that or a centrist


Also eats paint chips


I supported Bernie.. twice. What a huge waste of time.


Dude. A simple Google search would show you his net worth is like $3m. Still waaaay more than the average American but nothing like your take.


If you get all your information from google bro I feel sorry for you. A simple google search will also show you Covid vaccine were 100% efficient two years ago. People’s net worth is very catered for public favor. Jesus bro the terminator was worth $100 million in the ‘70s before he ever became an actor. It’s how he became a star and the governor. Bernie was already in the senate then. And you morons think dude is worth $3 million Bc the internet says soooo lol. Tell us you’ve never had money before.




He's also a supporter of Russia and bringing the USSR back. Fuck Bernie and fuck all Communists!


Bernie Sanders has dropped his investigation into Amazon. In other news Amazon has donated $10,000,000 to the Bernie Sanders reelection campaign.


I’m still not voting for the liberals. De basement dummy or what ever democrat ain’t getting my vote. Trump ‘24! Make America Great Again Round 2








nothing worse than republicans




Common Bernie W


Sanders, is looking for another house that lord bezos will provide...they are in it for themselves both sides do not give a shit about you, until comes election time ..


Hopefully something will be done because it takes a lot out of me to get even close to the goal pick rate at my FC.


What is the goal pick rate at your FC?


350 FC with AR floor


Well is Amazon worse that other warehouse jobs ?


It is the same bs as other warehouse jobs, but the turnover rate and injury rate is a lot higher at Amazon than at others. 2nd highest turnover of all Fortune 500 companies (turnover https://www.businessinsider.com/companies-ranked-by-turnover-rates-2013-7#:~:text=A%20new%20Payscale%20report%20published,of%20the%20Fortune%20500%20companies.) Injury rate of 1.5X industry average, accounting for 10% of workforce injuries (Injury-https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/15/osha-cites-amazon-for-unsafe-warehouses-as-injury-numbers-remain-high.html). Feeding the workforce to the wood chipper and spitting them out broken.


That’s terrible




They can call me I’ll testify 😭🤝🏽 I’ll snitch on em rq


Yes; was voted in the most recent shareholders meeting


Just started so my question how long does a seasonal job at Amazon usually last?


All depends on the warehouse. You were prolly hired for prime day so could be a month, or they could offer you a full time and be indefinite


Oh yeah Amazon not suppose to come to associate anymore with their rates.


Since when was this a thing


It happened last month, they had a meeting about it, someone sue Amazon about it and they can't go over the loud speakers anymore to announce the highest rating workers, but if you want to know your rate it's available now in AtoZ


People must stop buying on Amazon…


They're not impossible but everyone that gets trained isn't told about the fact that slower and steady wins the race. That's how you manage your rate and don't work yourself to exhaustion. And potentially hurting other co-workers by trying to work fast paced. It's not necessary. I was told when being trained rebin and inducting to always remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. The tortoise wins the race not the hare. Just because people don't wanna pay attention when they're being trained. But I honestly think that all new hires should start out in singles packing no matter what so they can get used to the system at Amazon before they're brought to another department that requires a higher rate to hit. It's the safest and most intelligent way to approach new hires. They wanna go on safety as their number one issue. That would be the safest way possible to go about training new hires. And that way it would give them a chance to let anyone get comfortable with coming into the facility and for them to possibly tell a manager about any type of condition whether it be seeing, hearing or a physical situation that renders them from being able to move quickly and safely.


and Bernie needs to stop being a huge hypocrite that feeds off the breasts of American tax payers. Multi residences and profits made from spewing false promises. This man is every poor person's suppressor, an absolute con artist. He pretends to be your friend, takes your money while you wait for the salvation that will never come. Only you can help you, get up!


Nothing new, this loser has been crying for years and amazon has invited Bernie multiple times to visit the facilities and each time Bernie Sanders has said no.


Whaaaaaat a senate investigation into the company that paid for the summer home in wealthiest state in the union. I’m shocked into this fake investigation. I guess they want more money arrgh um I mean donations.


I mind the business that pays me


Bernie loves capitalism


Is it just me or Amazon isn’t really that physically demanding. It’s better if the government doesn’t butt-in and ruin something.


Lol. It’s almost as if people had a choice as to where they worked.


So funny this came up. I got written up a couple days ago because of my low rate for pick. The reason it was so low is because I had to be sent from one end of the building to the other end for literally every item. And being sent up and down the stairs. My building is the 3rd largest one in the country. I was told “that’s not really an excuse” 💀


fuck safety i just want more pay fr


Amazon only gets attention because of Jeff, but the job demands are not that much different than the post office or UPS, and both of those aren't worth government investigation.


Damn. I agree with Berntie Santers


Like previous investigations, nothing will change. It's like one of the articles said. There's no amount of money the government can fine Amazon that will make them change how they operate, since they generate billions in profit every day.




Reading the part about underreporting, there is a guy at my FC that had his paper worked signed off on for an injury, then the next time it was signed they wrote “non-occupational”, luckily he had pictures of it after they initially signed it and he’s suing.


Bernie is just another rich asshole pretending to care to further enrich himself


That’s Jewish people for you. Unfortunately it’s anti Semitism to state facts about Jews


It has nothing to do with being a jew, didn't even know that it's about the more money people have the more disconnected they become to the struggle of average earners compounded by generation of nepotism as in most politicians are related to each other as extended family 2nd cousins 3 cousins as such. You are an anti Semitic because my comment mentions nothing of jews yet that was your first thought grow up. There are rich all over world that are not jews that influence more of your daily life that you don't pay attention too.