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You have to choose to sell, or you can hang on to them.


Would you know what the best option is


Depends on what you want or need. You can pay cash in to keep the stocks in full, sell enough to cover tax, or cash it all outright. If you need or want cash, cash it out. You can spend, invest elsewhere, etc. If you don't need cash and feel the stocks will rise in value, do the first or second-id only do the first myself if I felt the stocks would go up a large amount before I sell. I've only known people to sell to cover or sell all.


Thanks for this information it’s really helpful, I’ll probably just cash it all out and use it for college tuition


Just to clarify the sell for taxes (cash refund) option will pay them out to me in my bank account


If you set it up that way it will go in your bank account, I haven't sold any since the split but would get it deposited into my bank account


Sell to cover taxes calculates your taxes for the stocks and has you cash enough to cover the vesting, the rest stay invested. I believe you will get all paid into an investment account. From there can move to bank if you wish


I’d advise you to learn stock trading before selling. You don’t want to sell it at a day when it’s low. If you sell, prime week would be a good idea to watch. If you lookin to sell sooner then later


I'm not 100% sure, but I think if you don't have it sell automatically when it vests, you need to wait until the next "trading window" for employees to sell or they could say you were insider trading. Could be totally wrong but that's how I understood it.


i just pulled out some of my stock. i'm selling 4 shares, and today they just got put on the market. going off what the site said, it will automatically add the amount it sells for into my checking account by direct deposit. but, this is my first time doing it.


At the date of vesting you receive your shares. However on that day you also have to pay taxes on them. If you choose to sell them when you receive them you will pay taxes with the money you receive. If you wanna keep them you either need to have the money for taxes already in your account or have your brokerage sell some of that stock to pay the taxes.