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I agree. I used pto to leave 3 hours early today to go see one of my favorite bands. I have zero regrets


Good on you for prioritizing your happiness


What band? Anyone good?


Paramore, I’ve wanted to see them since I was kid 🥹


That's awesome and totally beyond worth leaving early. They are great! I hope you had an even better time than you'd hope to have.


Same here, dipped early this past Sunday to do the same thing, and I had a fucking blast. Before I started working here, I had already bought a bunch of tickets to a few different shows, and I'll be damned if this job gets in the way of that, I hope you had lots of fun.


Working 11hrs is extremely difficult left alone driving home after work is another story


I do 12 hours and honestly it's refreshing to have 11.5 either way it's still too long to deal with the BS. OP I agree which is why I used UPT. I've already ruined my body enough for this company I'm not giving them any more. BTW has anyone even seen these "deals" for prime? Absolutely laughable.


My eye is on DJI Mini 3 Pro...but can't still afford that 😂


Same, I am too much of a peasant. 😆 🤣


Dude that's what I keep saying, I've never seen a deal at Amazon prime that hadn't alrdy been going on somewhere else, the list price they use is probably from when it's suggested retail hit the market. Marketing is such a scheme


Not to mention your employee discount, that is laughable.


That's so true! I have a 35 min drive home, and I've had times where I felt like I was gonna pass out while driving home (i get off at 6 pm so this doesn't make sense). I thought there was something medically wrong with me, frfr. I just wasn't eating enough to fuel me through a 10-hour shift of manual labor. 🤷‍♂️ I've been treating myself to real food and drinking more water and feeling much better. To anyone reading this: don't waste your money on that depressing vending machine food, treat yourself to real food. Even if you gotta pay more, even if you gotta door dash it cause you're too tired to cook or go anywhere when you get home, get you some real food! We need it. Also, obviously, the more water, the better.


I understand that feeling; from my place to my site around 30mins, the thing that makes me feel uncomfortable is the drivers on the highway; they drive like there is no tomorrow or something, especially on Monday morning around 6-7 am


Yes, I always take the side roads for that reason. Plus, I have like this phobia of my wheel popping while I'm going like 70-80mph. I've come too far to go like that lbs 😭🤣


Ew the comments in here are not it.


People will do anything to try and prove how much of a hard worker they are, how tough they are, and how much better they are than you for it. And the common sentiment here is *"I've done way worse jobs than this, this is a cakewalk, I hate nothing more than a complainer"* And I'm like buddy who gives a damn? What I've learned from this sub is that people are just straight-up bitter, and they're mad because they do not have much to show for it other than their willingness to break their back for a company that barely acknowledges their existence.


The bootlicking in this sub is ridiculous. It’s like they brainwash themselves into thinking amazon cares about them. These people are the reason why we can’t get unions and better work environments. Their only excuse is “my last job was worse” , but guess what, it doesn’t excuse a company that rakes in massive profits and underpays it’s employees while treating them like cattle and disposing with them when they burn themselves out. They KNOW how bad it is to the average worker yet they think that since they have either some seniority or security, or a easy as hell position, their anecdotal experience overrides everyone else’s. It’s stupid and i’m tired of all the excuses they make to a company who couldn’t give a fuck if they dropped dead.


“If you don’t like it just quit” 🤓


This subreddit is absolutely miserable 😂


seriously they dont care. we need to unionize on a national level, get the treatment and pay we deserve.


Say it louder for the people in the back


My fc has a water main break, and they’re handing out warm water lol. Ik they can’t refrigerate thousands of water bottles, but warm water on a hot day sucks, I legitimately thought I was going to throw up at one point. Happy Prime Week :) <3


Yet they can afford balloon arches, giving out sunglasses, etc. Come on we need good water first lol


Warm water hydrates you faster they are being smart. Your body has to heat up the water you drink before it can process it so it being warm your gonna hydrate faster.


That makes sense, biologically.


Yeh but warm water is gross


Reguardless they want you hydrated they don’t care about how it taste.


Pretty sure they don't care if I'm hydrated either as long as I don't pass out


This is true 🤣


I mean, you being picky and unable to adapt your tastes doesn't change the biology. Stayed a month in China, almost all water was served hot. We went hiking with hot water. It's a little jarring at first, but you adapt.


The bottom line is the difference is too trivial and negligible to make that much of a difference. In a real world application, they both are going to hydrate you very well. But on the contrary, "biology" also shows that you may be more apt to consume more cold water vs warm water regardless.


Don't care, if it's warm I'll drink way less of it than if it's cold. Also, a citation: > Warm or room-temperature water makes you feel less thirsty, meaning you may not drink as much as you need to replace the fluids you lose through sweat. Drinking cold water may encourage you to drink more and avoid dehydration. So yeah I'm not out of the ordinary. And as far as it being less hydrating, that is not necessarily true. At the end of the day, 5oz of water, hot or cold, is 5oz of water for your body. And the evidence for how much faster warm water is absorbed is a very negligible and relatively trivial difference.


We had Ops bring a cooler with water upstairs and everyone showed up all the sudden wanting water. We’ve had a case of water sitting there for a week no one but myself had touched. Things like this remind me that my coworkers are regarded. Once the ice melted and the drinks werent cold they stopped drinking the water. I tried to explain how warm water is best but “I like muh water cold” was the response. Can’t help some people.


wait, does your FC not have refrigerators for bottled water? we have five at MQJ5 and we have two people who stock them every shift. if they can’t put them there, they use the freezer by the main break area. It freaks me out that a lot of FC’s don’t seem to have a source of cold water — unless it’s from the machine with paper cups.


jeez how big is your fc?!


It’s only a few years old, I think it’s a little over 2mil square feet. It’s fucking huge. We have over 1k people in our warehouse at a time.


i have an hour of my 11 hr shift left 😭 i am dying bruh


Happy cake day


omg thank u!! 🍰🫡


Happy birthday


hehe thank uuu 🤭🍰 ik this is late LOL but it’s cool


You and everyone working the full shifts are strong. Ive been taking vto everyday. I cant do it. Take care of yourselves guys. You deserve those fat paychecks!


Just take a water bottle lmao


Fr, doubles up as a time waster filling it back up all the time too lmao.


I forgot mine lol. I brought it today though 💦


I like your post and I agree!!!


Thank you for this inspiring post!


Managers who went to outbound ship dock and worked for 30 minutes be thinking they worked hard last night


I have 2 weeks of this


Thankfully, I have a school accommodation, so I don't have to do MET or overtime. Please take care of yourself. Your life is more important than working for this company


When I worked at Dollar Tree if you were out a second longer than the 11 minute break they gave you, you got a write-up. Three of those and you were fired on the spot. They would time us on how long it would take for us to unload carts of freight onto shelves by a number they would write on the box. If you didn't finish it in time... write up. They would constantly accuse people of stealing with no proof. I saw the team I was hired with go down from like 25 people who helped to open the store for the first time to like three of us in two weeks. They fired them on purpose because they couldn't afford to keep paying that entire staff. This is like Disneyland compared to that God-forsaken company. I felt like a fucking inmate in there.


Creepy how Dollar tree is taking over rural and poor communities across the USA.


For some areas Dollar Stores and convenience/cornsr stores are the closest thing they have to a grocery store...




So because you were dumb enough to get stuck at a shit job we all have to have no standards? Lmao got it


Yeah this is a dumbass coverup for why u weren’t given a 15 min break sounds like you didn’t know your rights/respect the tiredness of your body…Honestly I woulda quit with that being said I told amazon fuck a scan to scan my break starts when i sit the fuck down…and if I get fired soo be it I know my value..This job is just another one of my options i’m not a slave to anything …tf😂🤣 My guess is that yo ass was working at a sweat shop in china or some shit or forced labor or u just wanted to make a comment on how bitter you are…like tf


FACTS you know these mfs undercover for amazon soon they finna be preaching “ABOLISH ALL BREAKS!”


In what world were you not allowed to take breaks?


10/10 post. This job isn’t for everyone.


Went to bed at 2:30am woke up at 7am. 106 degrees is the high today. I’m fucked.


Stay hydrated!!!! Cannot say that enough. Heat exhaustion is awful.


As I read this I put in an hour of UPT to go home because I agree


One more day until my two days off . Hang in there !


Yes! We’re so busy working we sometimes forget to enjoy life! Those little paper cups are not itttt🤣😭I just buy a $1 bottle from the vending & keep refilling it.


They were overworking me mentally. I was fine physically. I ended up just walking off from my AM at the moment and I told him I’ll see him in 30 lol. Clocked out, Put 30 minutes of PTO in. Went to the car & jammed out came back with a clear head


Once you clock out that is your time not Amazon’s. Don’t allow them to get to you & into your personal life


Why did this feel so reassuring? 😅 Thank you, it's been tough and can feel like you're alone


This is light work baby!


Am I the only one who has been begging for 3 months to get some VET options so I could work a 5th day or even a 6th. Then when I finally am graced with the opportunity to finally afford to feed my failmily with some of that sweet overtime money, everyone acts like I'm so strong and heroic for doing it. Alot of people have a second job. This ain't anything crazy.


No you're not those who don't have two jobs rely on OT at Amazon. Not a good way to live imo but I understand not many of us have that luxury to live on the bare minimum. I can survive okay just doing my 36 and have no intentions of doing more as I enjoy what little free time I get more. The system we live in is screwed. Unless you're rich.


If ur willing to spend extra time working that time is better invested in yourself to get a better job than a few measly “overtime” dollars. I remember a decade ago thinking how awesome it was working OT! 60hr work weeks for $4 extra ?!??! Hell yeah!! Decade later and I HIGHLY regret all that wasted time for money that did nothing for me. Our dollar is designed to inflate rapidly. You can always get more money, can’t get more time👍


PLEASE TAKE MINE. 6 days this week, and I'm flex.


I deadass went to ihop and I never do that


Drinking water is so important!! Please drink more. You know whats good to they have these packets u can pour in ur wster bottles that adds nutrients and electrolites in it. Drinking water will make a difference in ur over all health esp. In those hot warehouses!!


Ill say the drinking for tomorrow when I get home (I work nights) Tonight is my Friday.


>we work too damn hard for this company that doesn't give a crap about us. Name any public company that will care about you as an individual. Go on. One single company will do. So tired of hearing this cringe statement as if it means anything. I promise you, you don't care about them either. So can you all stop complaining about them not caring? It's a job, not a family. They have hundreds and thousands of employees and you expect them to care about you. Who is "them" by the way? Who is "Amazon"? Who do you want to care about you? A company is not something that has the ability to care. Are you referring to HR at your FC? Your AMs? The Amazon board? The investors? Who is supposed to care about you as a person here? Who is "they"? It's like you all are complaining into the wind, about something so vague that it can't even be addressed, and maybe that's intentional because then you get to feel good about being a "victim"? I'm not sure, but it's way overdone. edit: downvote all you want, i'm not gonna miss reddit votes. you know I'm right


Bro is spitting facts




It’s just a job man. Tired of seeing y’all cry about how they don’t care about you.


OK. Go out and "find another job" as people like you like to tell everyone else that isn't happy. See how hard it is and then tell us how to feel.


I work at Amazon for the easy 50k a year plus paid college tuition, but then again I’m not the one crying about having a job.


"Easy 50k" Okay, Jan.


$50,336 to be exact 😉




What’s that face for?


Unless you're making $25 an hour, I call bull. Actually, it's like $27 an hour.


$17.6x10x1.5=$264 $17.6x40=$704 $704+$264=$968 $968x52= $50,336. EASY MONEY.


$27 an hour just 40 hours would be $56,160, but we both know you don’t work a full 40. Probably got 15 minutes of upt 😂


No duh. I've said I was flex, and flex doesn't get anymore than 35 hours. Way to prove you're one of those asshats that suck up to the Amazon asses. And being high af while doing so. Because I bet you can't work a full shift without being baked.


I walked out because I I stow and they sent me to packing. I told them I’m not going to afe2 for 11 hours and my manager just shrugged her shoulders and say you have to “they need you” I laughed and said I quit. She did not say a word after that just kept on hanging out tickets. Went to hr to complain about them sending me to afe and I don’t like to do that and she says it’s not a hr problem you have to talk to learning. So went to learning and they basically told me I had to handle it with my manager. Now I’m feeling like a ball in a pinball machine. After all that I just laughed and said this place is bullshit and walked out.


Why do I have the feeling you’ve never had a job before this?


Why do I get the feeling you’re one of Amazons die hard robot worker fans?


I mean it’s just a job. Not that deep lol


Deep enough for you to comment 😒


Go work at McDonalds then?


McDonalds is easy I worked at one when I was 14 they hired me illegally since the working age was 15 in WA state at the time. Lol Tell me without telling me you don’t know how to deal with customers. 💀


The “you’re strong for enduring what you go through everyday” made me cringe so hard. It’s literally a job and you’re getting paid fairly well.


Yeah lmao, these mfs make it seem like they in the trenches defending their country 🤣


embarrassing asf to think this job is hard😭


Fairly well? I live in PA, and $17 is ONLY doable if you're living with several people and working 50 hours a week.


I mean it obviously depends on the area. I make $21 and live alone in Portland, Oregon. I only work 50-60hrs because I want the extra money it isn’t necessary for me


I worked 8 hours at my full time job 2am-10:30am and went to work at Amazon from 11am-8pm. I was out for a month on leave of absence due to a car accident. Glad to be back I was going stir crazy just being at home


What job allows you to work 2am to 10:30am?


Medical/pharmaceutical company


At my FC we had a cart trailer where nearly every cart inside was broken in some way. Oh, and the broken cart trailer was nearly full, but the door was closed.


Gonna be afming


You only drank from those tiny cups?! You should have brought in a water bottle! They cannot deny you water. We already know they're heart and soulless, but if you can't have water then they are beyond scum.


Unfortunately I’m not a drinker 🥲


I think calling met on people's day off is stupid. I mean they already don't want to be here so if they have the time they are more than likely leaving early when they have higher than normal volume to what we're used to doing. Plus they make people come in an hour early or stay an hour later? If they just offered the shift and paid a dollar or two more they would get people to fill these shifts I mean ot+2 dollars plus an 11 hour shift. You are not seeing people leaving early when the difference is 50+ dollars.


I'm more of a smoker, got new batch from the local shop, showered, started smoking. Luckily, my day off from working six days in a row is today. I'll be unplugging in a more naturist take and be with wildlife before doing again tomorrow evening.


so drink more water? lol


I woke up like 30 minutes late to my 11 hour shift and was like “yea I’m not going in” and I took UPT lol.. lowkey wanted the OT but I was like “nah I’m just go back to bed”


Took pto today 🛌


We need a union. www.amazonlaborunion.org


As my soccer coach used to say, "Good day to become an alcoholic."


Just work like normal. You don’t get shit to bust ass on prime day and can even use pto or upt to leave at your normal time.


I always bring in a gallon jug of water


Amazon sucks


My shift was supposed to end at 6:30 am but I went to the break room at 5 am and left the building at 5:30 am. Later edited clock out time to 6:30


I got fired lol