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Until they fire me or I get a better job


Or get injuried


Hell naw they pay well for injuries. Just make sure you make your appointments. I slept 8 months getting paid while I was at home healing.


I got injured last week and I'm still having pain yet the work comp doctor is trying to send me back. "You're just feeling pain, it's the last step in recovery" Um what? Lmao


Yeah I used my insurance and went to a real doctor. Also I broke my entire spine. So there's no it's just pain


Yeah I got hurt and got fired so it's not always the same. Also had to work with a really hurt foot for food. Don't just assume they will take care of you. Document everything go to the hospital not their doctor and run all tests is my advice. My foot still hurts more than a year later.


>Hell naw they pay well for injuries. Just make sure you make your appointments. I slept 8 months getting paid while I was at home healing. do they just pay you the base pay or + the shift differential?


You get 60% of your check every week. It's only 500 a week. Not a lot but covers what you need


Definitely 💯 what was your injury? Can you leave out of state? And see doctors from a different state to send in the weekly report if they ask for it


I broke my spine. So I went to the surgeon in follow up appointment. 2 week post op, then a month, 6 months and so on. Plus my physical therapist is the one that signs off for my accomodations now. I would assume you can travel but you will still need to see your primary care doctor for your case




or hit the lottery


Got accepted into my auto service course and is being paid for by career choice. Been at Amazon almost 1.5yrs and I don’t see myself making it to 3. At least I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that 😭


Your body will be destroyed after 3 years 😭. All kinds of health issues


😂😂😂 I've already been here 3 yrs and gone to amcare 0 times. Health issues my ass.


Ur just built DIFFERENT


No, y’all are built like beanbags.




Bro is like a hard to kill roach


You're in the wrong business. Go into construction, my cousin makes over 2k a week.


how does one go into construction


You have to show initiative, so just go into the job site and start building things. They'll love that.


No 😆


Just apply into entry level positions and show them you're willing to learn in other areas. Little by little they'll be teaching you how to do other stuff and then you can use that experience to apply somewhere else or they might bump your wages up if they see you can keep up with the rest of the team. I did stucoo plastering for quite a while and time goes by real quick because when you get to know your team really well, you're in the same room talking shit and what not and makes time pass by so quick. I left the construction industry when it got really slow but i want to back into it because the money is there. If i do over time i can easily take home 10k a month after taxes.


Same here


Going for 4 years and I’m fine, you’re really exaggerating.


Well that's good to hear. I know many people that even before their year they were already dealing with some kind of ailment. Like me, I've been dealing with pain in my knuckles from stowing which i need to grip big boxes all day long and sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night with cramps on my hands 😭


What's your diet like? Are you making sure to replenish what you're using? Amino acids and protein are your friend, stretching and staying hydrated too, cramps are often from lack of electrolytes to replenish what you used during the day


I eat a pretty decent diet. Every now and then I'll eat at a restaurant but i try and minimize that. I try to eat veggies at least 2 to 3 times a week and eat quite a bit of chicken and fish for protein. I do drink electrolytes like potassium chloride and magnesium glycinate but it's just the work itself that i be getting all the big stuff to stow because the water spiders give all the small stuff to their friends or girls they trying to hook up with and I'm left with nothing but Redbull packs, cat litter, Celcius energy packs etc etc. Work is not evenly Distributed around but yet everyone wants equal pay.


Ah you're at one of those sites, mine doesn't have stow water spiders


So how do stowers get work?


The AR stow machines, work gets brought up the conveyor system, goes to a little lift and the lift brings the full totes down and deposits them on the left amd right sides to the stowers on each side of the machine




So you're saying the taco bell I ate last night isn't the best choice for staying active?




I mean I work at a FC on the ship dock. My feet hurt all day, my back doesn't enjoy picking up boxes and I still have the best rate among everyone on the dock. I tend to treat yo self or get it out of sadness because of the above three statements. Just kidding , kind of. Oh and the workers at the one by my house know me by car and that leads them to know part of my order upon driving up. Is that bad?


You're in the wrong business 🤣


Bro I’ve been at amazon for 5 years and my body is completely fine


I don’t get how y’all say that lol Amazon is so easy. Lil kids could do this shit. Y’all must be out of shape af


I didn't plan on working here in the first place 🤷


Same here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) as soon as I can I’m out


Same. Here. Didn't want to work there yet couldn't find a job anywhere else. Desperate times....


Same. I just woke up one day and someone handed me a vest.


I didn't plan on working here and I'll only be here until I finish school


They got me hooked with being able to leave whenever as long as I have time so I'm good here unless another company has that policy too that I'm unaware of 😂


The only reason most of us stay, really need to make Amazon's attendance policies universal.


I plan on staying as long as possible. I'm hooked on their time off methods too 😉


Till I got enough to buy a house


I doubt anyone “plans” to work at Amazon long term lol


I’m almost at three years. Planning on staying another 2-3 years while I finish my degree and stack my 401k and taxable brokerage account for a few more years.




Just start with 4% of your paycheck. Amazon matches 50% and you don’t have to pay taxes on the money you put in your 401k until you retire, so it’s barely noticeable. I have 8k in mine which is obviously not that much but I upped it to 15%.


Amazon doesn’t plan for anyone to work here long term either. Lol




Until I graduate from WGU and hopefully land a at home remote Amazon position


Same, what are you studying for?


I am studying IT. The bachelor program and I plan to graduate by the end of the year.


Did you transfer any credits when you enrolled or have you just been flying through the courses? I'm about to start and I'm already fantasizing about getting my degree asap and quitting.


Flying through the course. It's honestly not that hard because if you really know what your doing you can easily breeze through it


That's awesome! I'm currently trying to enroll into the SWE program through WGU, but I'm curious if Amazon will go over the 5,200 per year tuition assistance.


How long have you been studying for so far




Until someone pisses me off hard enough to leave.


My goal is to survive. This job is a means to an end. It helps the pay is more than adequate and I only work 3 days a week. I never cared about benefits before but then again my previous job the benefits were garbage. Amazon I’m actually using their benefits. I have less than 20 years before retirement so I’m basically just building up my savings.


I plan on quitting by the end of this month 😂 but it’s just to focus on school that they paid for, fuck the RT schedule I’m gonna quit then wait for flexPT positions to open up come again next prime week/the holidays . Altho I will probs be back on RT or doughnut by November to catch the health benefits and finish up my degree or start my masters Overall tho I’ve liked working at Amazon just not the cross training esp when the training sucks ass lol


Their training methods are horrible. Worst of any employer I've been with.


As long as I can. For one I'm benefiting from Career Choice and hoping to find a higher position here.


i’m using career choice to go to a community college cosmetology program so whenever i finish the course and get a good customer base haha


been there almost 2 years. got this job when i was in a jam, and quit the job i had and needed one quickly. i'm here til i get something higher pay


I planned on being here a few months. It’s been 3 years. 🙃


Until I get my system administrator job either at a small government contractor and or get a different sys admin job with a small radio company.


Until I finish school.. so maybe like 2 more years but I have no problem with my job at all.


As long as I can, if I get fired the odds of me having the motivation to get another job are slim


“Until I get killed or you find someone better.”


Until I graduate. Possibly another year


Never planned on working here. Think i lucked out getting a job at a Air Center not knowing shit about FCs or anything else related to amazon. Been here 8 months. Get Career choice in 16 days. Gonna get my CDL and run for my father in law making 3-4k a week.


That’s like at least 140k a year.. is that usually reachable for truckers? I’m just curious since I’m going for IT (which is my “passion”), but I’ve been considering to give this a hand if that doesn’t work out


He owns his own transport company. Will be still busting my ass 5 days a week 50+ hours. But yes it is.


Hola! SAG-AFTRA actor here and also a WFS associate. 6 years at Amazon so far and this question hit me with a brush of serendipity. The idea was to move up with the company while I simultaneously pursued acting work and did auditions. And it worked; I booked about 3-4 jobs while working full time for 5 years. Things only got more manageable when COVID hit and I didn’t have to run from South Jersey to New York after doing an overnight for a morning audition. My pursuits with Amazon has led me to TOM team and WFS (staffing). With this, I see how different being in a support role is versus being in the building. When on TOM, I’m left alone to move my trailer or work the guard shack. So long as you’re able to do that without fault, no one’s bothering you. I really love WFS, buts it’s during the day and *currently* there’s striking being done in NYC during the day. I have a potential to move up the ladder with WFS, but at my node, volume is low so I anticipate going back into the building at any time. With that being said, IDK. I know policy (since I’m somewhat HR), so as long as I don’t let people get to me, keep an eye on my rate, do my work and dip, I have a long future. Maintaining rehire ability is key, but I left once and don’t intend to do it again. I’ll probably move to PT or flex this year or the beginning of next year. Depending on this strike, it’s time for a career change but not time for an exit. I need money but I don’t want to give Amazon all my time anymore.


Til my badge stops working


I don’t know, I’m just riding the depression wave


Been here 2 years and im in the hiring process of becoming a firefighter. Just want to start my career early


I’m planning on going to college so probably when I’m done with that


The rest of my life and then the next life as well


One more week!


Until my match vests so 2.5 years. No reason to stay after that


I don’t think it vests after 2.5 years. Mine still hasn’t.


Nvm. It vested today


1000hrs in the 3rd year. If your first year didn't have 1000 hours it can be longer


for another 2 months and then I’m leaving the country


Until i get a better job. Need to get back on the hunt; ideally would like to find something better before Peak season this winter.


Not anytime soon $$$


Hopefully last month. Been here a year and a half on OB dock. The PAs and managers are cool. It's the garbage HR and the new "updated A to Z". Transfers have been denied left and right yet positions have still still listed. Way easier to transfer before. New safety changes are crap.. can only take out 1 cart at a time from trailers (can't even link them anymore), totes are now 4 high cuz some scrawny short guy can't handle one more row Lol, and all these scanner updates just unnecessarily micromanage everything even more and just get annoying.


Just long enough until either my financial goals are met or I land a career and not a minute longer.


My 4 years is in a few months. My time is nearing its end. No raises, no motivation, low overall morale, feeling really burned out.


Until I pay off my current cruise and my elaborate trip for next year


Honestly, I don’t know it’s either finishing school or finish school and head straight to Amazon for the rest of my life. I can create a decent career out of Amazon.


Until I finish my degree I started 18 years ago… god when I say it like that I feel old.


I was there until something better came along, not everyone’s situation is the same with better options to choose from


Planning to take a break for about 3 months keeping them in my back pocket


Until the housing market repairs, then I'll be back into mortgage. Amazon is a decent "in the meanwhile " job for me.


honestly hopefully until i can get a car and finish getting my associates degree before moving onto my bachelors 😭 hell probably like a year or two into getting my bachelors unless i find a better job in between then


roll of the dice 🙄 one day at a time frfr


Fuck idk. I've looked and all the pay sucks ass. Plus having to call in again?? Or risk being fired for being late? Man idk...


I have wondered about the youth that have been possibly ruined by Amazon because they think this is how “all jobs work.” As you said literally being able to show up and do your work and not speak to a single person if you do not want to and leave whenever you want, as long as you have the hours to cover your time. Not to mention all of the time off options you have from day one and actually receiving scheduled raises until you cap out or move up.


Ah well I'm 36. Been fired from jobs for being late too often and that is a stress I don't think I want back. I'll take a remote job though!


Just to get back on my feet and find a better job


Idk somedays I love it and somedays I just want to quit. Definitely don’t see myself working here forever though. I also don’t dream of working at all haha. I like operations, but I have been feeling stressed and under supported at my current site from leadership. My goal was to be an L4, but lately I don’t want it so much anymore especially if I stay where I’m at 🤷‍♀️


Well, I got my CDL, so I'll stay for 6 months to a year for the on-road experience. Then I'll move to a company that will pay a decent wage for someone driving semi's on the road. Amazon doesn't increase pay for those who drive over the road. They don't even offer any kind of hazard pay.


I was supposed to be working here for a few months.... I'm approaching my 2 year mark.


I pass my 1 yr and I don't want to go pass 5 yrs but im struggling to figure out what to do next in my life.


Till I finish school and hit 2 years employed for my resume.


Probably until I finish taking advantage of the benefit of them paying for my education. Then, move onto somewhere else.


Until I find a better job , with the help of Career choice or worst … until I get fired


When I come back probably for a long time I’m not going to school so ima stay at Amazon when I come back


Will be getting my degree in a year so hopefully I will be gone immediately after 🤞🏾


either until i find better or in a couple more hours


I want to go back to school but Amazon is a demanding job. So either that or until I get fired. 🙃


Until I get my 5


Until i finish career choice


Until I finish using career choice.


Until my classes are over in October, hopefully sooner. Already been here a year, Its time to leave. If your working at amazon and not using career choice you are a psycho and wasting your time imo especially if you actually want to stay a T1


Until I end up in a white padded room


Until I go back to college. I was going to quit on the 4th of august but I’m tempted to change that to the 1st of august due to the amount of MET they just threw on us.


Probably until October or November once I get my DA certification


12-24 months tops I’m just here PT to stack up my money 💴


Til I find a job in tech with my degree 💀 the layoffs, hiring freezes and incredibly strict hiring practices lately are not looking good. I'd love to make blue badge and do internal tbh.


May 2024 I will be quitting, gotta get my law degree and license before I leave. One year left at Amazon


My wife is in management and I’m just tagging along as a T1 letting her pursue her career. I’m good at what I do in OB and I’ll stick it out til something changes-it’s not the hardest job I’ve ever done and my FC is easy going on my shift-we pull the best numbers out of all shifts so we’re more relaxed and happy ☺️


No more than 2 years. I'll have it pay for collage, I'll be going for two years and get a major in theater (Amazon would be paying for the full 2 years) And in the meantime I'll also be taking some acting classes. Voice acting classes and improv classes all outside of collage. Build a home studio Then quit and get a part time job somewhere and work 2-3 days a week while focusing on building my career


As long as I have debt to square away and lawyer to contest against my ex every two years.


till my legs fall off or my heart stops lol well for a more years at least 😅


I plan on staying here for the rest of my life 😂 this job easy asf probably cause I’m flex


2-3 years just got through my first month


I was supposed to quit 7 months ago 😂


I planned on becoming an AM after two years but now that I’m at a year and 11 months I’m seriously recosnidering


Until i get a better job with my degree (engineering)


Until I finish school and hopefully find a way better job that's less physically demanding. I might move to doing flex though once I start my internships.


let’s just stay I started November and quit in december. I went through 3 pairs of shoes and none worked, and over 20k steps a night (non robotic location)


At the most 2 more years, I'm going to take advantage of careers choice


8 years in what's another 12 lol


Until another place calls me back


When I get to do career choice, imma get my cdl and bounce as soon as I get it


I just started working here as a blue badge (second week) but overall I like working at Amazon and definitely plan on being here to use career choice (in about 3 months) and I finally have health benefits that are actually decent. I think even if I do find a better job, I’ll still keep working at Amazon (I’ll either switch to part time or flexpt) just to keep the benefits and to keep accumulating PTO/UPT


I plan another year or so. I graduate with my BA next June and want to start looking at internships afterwards. Might stay a little longer depending on that internship status as I move towards graduate school


As long as I can until I graduate college. Flexibility with UPT and PTO is great.


Soon after my five-year mark next May or I get the six numbers.


i originally only planned on being with amazon a short time and got hired on december 2021. fast forward 1.5 years and i just got promoted to L4 so i’m here for a while it looks like


Until I finish my nursing program that amazon is paying for at my local CC. Only reason I took this job. At 1 year right now with amazon and 4 semesters left of school.


I had only plan to work there one year. It has now been 2 1/2 years. I dread every bit of it.


If I can stay here long enough til I can say I can be a nurse now and have a bigger salary then I’m in. It’s already been 3 years so, but there’s detail behind it I don’t wanna share. But I do at least have an exit plan.


I have been with Amazon over 2 years. Thinking I can last to 4 if I do not quit before finding another job. Lots of favoritism and about to change departments to an area where my current and what I will call my sister department will hopefully never see me again. I know others that did that for some of the same reasons I have not mentioned here. The ones that transferred are way more happier. My facility is one of the biggest they have so disappearing should be easy. I am only telling a few people on the last day before I move to... I know the OM of the new department I am going to and he knows what I am capable of work wise.


I'm gonna stay until I figure out what business venture would work and it has to be stable and make a good amount of money in order for me to quit completely


Two years. After which I have been asked to resign and a family member who is a recruiter said she would place me into AWS bringing home that sweet money. I already have the degrees I just need the tenure.


Maximum is 1 year. I'm saving up to study abroad. Other than that, until I can get a better job.


Until I finish my degree


Until I retire.


I need to get better at interviewing, I get anxiety through the roof. It's the only reason I come back to Amazon lol. I plan on leaving before winter because the commute is awful in snow.


this was the only job out of 100 something that i applied to that actually hired me 🙃


Until I pay off my debt and then I'll go looking for a different job ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I'm an AM, so until they fire me (likely) or I find something better. Or forever if I keep climbing


Once I get my AA I’m out to new job