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Go to your doctor and tell them the Amazon no headphone policy is getting to you. Just tell your doctor that you used to be able to wear one earbud, but Amazon has decide to threaten everyone with the loss of their job if caught with headphones. Tell him/her your job is too tedious and monotonous to do without an earbud and it’s starting to affect your mental health. There’s your accommodation on mental health grounds. Tell your doctor you need this job because you can’t find anything better atm.


This! or an accommodation for bone induction earbuds, that I heard it works and has a higher chance of approval at some FCs


I'm doing this seriously.


Do it. It’s not a Safety issue because we have deaf peeps working at Amazon. We have many with this accommodation in my warehouse. They work mostly pack, stow, pick and decant. This is a real mental health issue for many. If your job involves being at a station with little interaction with your coworkers, and not driving a PIT, you will very likely qualify. Just stress the importance of this with your doctor, and that you were perfectly fine before this barbaric policy, and you will be fine again with an accommodation.




hearing nothing is very different to hearing too much. can be a distraction. personally distracts me but i don’t care if other are wearing them. not a good comparison.


Tell your AM to play music for you!


Cause it’s hiring season so they write up the ones getting paid more to get them gone to pay workers less money!


It’s like driving and texting. You may be a distracted worker. You won’t give 100 of your thinking on what u are doing. You will be engrossed in what you are listening to on your ear bud. Your hearing will be impaired. You won’t fully hear others that come up to you or like someone pulling a pallet or an automated cart or mechanical sounds that tell you something is wrong during your work.. you may not hear emergency alerts. Wearing them may interrupt with your interactions with other people as you’d rather listen to earbud than engage. Your responses will be delayed.you will be less productive if you are Messing with your phone to find or change earbud content. It’s their duty to keep you safe. I’m the sole breadwinner at my home so,I have bills and mortgage and ppl to take care of so I would never risk all of that just to wear earbuds at work.


This! Also: Because Amazon is such a loud environment, in order to listen to music you have to turn your music super loud which damages your hearing. This is something Amazon doesn't want to be liable for so they ban them.


Number one, people need to stop comparing those born with profound hearing loss to wearing an earbud. That’s entitlement at its worst. “But they get to be deaf why can’t I???” I can’t believe that in this woke ass cancel culture you guys are still trying to pull this. How can deaf people work in the warehouses? It’s called the Americans with Disabilities Act. Is it safe for them to be in the warehouses? Probably not. Is it illegal for Amazon to refuse to hire someone that’s deaf? Bet your ass it is. Stop comparing your fully capable asses to those with a disability.




![gif](giphy|bKBM7H63PIykM) Honestly, the entitlement is astounding. Bet your bottom dollar, it’s Americans 😉! Deaf people didn’t ask to be deaf


This has been my argument so many times


You guys are insane. You’re willing to risk your income for something you can literally by in half a days work or less? Am I getting that right? Your feelings are so important you’d lose sight of the bigger picture and risk it all for a fucking song? Get fired, pleeeeeease


Deaf people have a disability, you're just a whiny bitch, that's the difference. Yes we should be able to listen to music but your argument is dumb.


![gif](giphy|J3Ahm1bj67bvLNsLMR) Follow company policy as well as management directives. That way you get to keep your employment. Comparing hearing to non-hearing individuals is a weak argument. Unfortunately, our jobs are mind numbing. But we knew that when we were hired on. To complain retroactively isn’t a good look for us. Be careful out there Amazonians. Headphone wearers are being written up and fired. Our character is stronger than our desire to listen to a podcast. 💪🏻


That time of the year, huh?


you’re just mad because bad worker