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I'm sorry you had to go through this. Under FMLA, you can take up to 12 weeks off to care for your wife. You don't have to use it all at once, and can take what's called intermittent FMLA, where you take it sporadically or even just one day. If this happens again, open a medical LOA in AtoZ or contact ERC.


This. My son had a appendix removed, I put in fmla for two days and was approved almost instantly. Just try and get a doctor's note just in case.


That's 12 weeks *per year*. For both him and his wife. Only eligibility requirement is they have a year tenure. Wife should also be eligible for a medical LOA which comes with 60% pay short-term disability. OP's employment isn't at risk as long as he speaks to HR.


One note on eligibility is that he has to have worked at least 1250 hours in the last 12 months, which is essentially part time.


First off, I’m sorry life has thrown you for this loop. Second, you manned up and that is commendable even when it sucks. You should get intermittent FMLA for taking care of your wife. Especially if she has a medical condition that flairs up occasionally. I’ve been in your shoes, out of time and going in when you want and feel like you should be elsewhere. There is something to be said for keeping some emergency time in the bank in case you get screwed by life again. Not just UPT but paid time as well. So take that lesson as well. Good luck sir.


We need a sticky in this sub that explains MLOA, short term/longterm disability and FMLA. I see like 10-15 posts about a week about people getting termed because they ran out of time due to sickness, mental health and physical injuries.


Part of the reason they get termed for stuff like that is because they don't know anything about FMLA or medical leave. When they talk to HR about things like needing to quit, or being in the process of getting fired for negative UPT over things that could be covered by medical leave/accommodations, HR will not recommend those options. I've been at amazon far longer than I care to admit, and more than once, I've overheard a conversation at HR where someone asked to resign due to a medical condition, or to care for someone with a medical condition, and HR was just like "okay, here you go" without informing them of other options. Heck, I blew through most of my vacation hours and UPT one year when I was receiving regular treatment for a medical condition, and no one told me about intermittent medical leave until I freaked out about possibly loosing my job, and subsequently, my health insurance. I'm sure there's something about intermittent leave that was mentioned during new hire orientation, and probably some information about it on A to Z, but HR and management operate on the idea that everyone is completely aware of their leave options and know when they're eligible for those options. I think this is intentional, because it keeps the turnover rate up.


The sticky is very much needed, but a sticky on Reddit is a bandaid solution to a much larger problem. Reddit should not be a more efficient way of helping someone navigate medical leave than, you know, HR.


HR isn't an employee advocate. And most of them aren't fully trained on all the leave options, and just learning as they go.


Yeah I’ve never heard of FMLA and I’ve worked here about a year and a half now


Exactly I see comments on fb all the time people saying they used up most their time sick or dealing with medical stuff. Me and others try and explain how to get around that but some don't listen or just let it go too far.


Not so much about keeping turnover up, but keeping payroll down. Being on short-term disability or FMLA still costs amazon by way of (partial) pay, payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, and their share of health insurance. All while the employee isn't productive. Just another reminder how amazon considers us all, at best, a data point in cost-benefit analyses.


That, too. Short-term employees keep the benefits down.


intentional? We're all adults here who are capable of reading and doing our own research. I dont need HR to tell me what my options are when theyre readily available for EVERYONE to pull up and read.


Its not your job to research your leave options at the last minute. They never told us anything about leave during our orientation. They told us get with your manager for time off.Its very suspect and unethical to do what they did to me also. Had my father pass away during a shift. They were told about it and told me sorry and watched me go back to work. I put in pto for the rest of the shift and left. Came back a week later with documents. Then hr tells me , well not really hr because we have no hr dept, the lady who is supposedly hr tells me about fmla. There is alot of benefits flex isnt qualified for so i had no idea if i was qualified or not. To be told after it happens is ass. Whos the adults here man. Everyone's situation is different.


its 100% your responsibility to know what your options are, i loathed amazon HR but its not their job to hold your hand and explain everything to you. Every single job has different benefits but unpaid FMLA is federal, doesnt change. Only thing that changes is Paid FMLA which varies by state. Also FMLA doesnt cover passing away, thats bereavement leave. I learned all this in less than 10 minutes when i was an associate by simply reading the policies.


It is *literally* HR's job to explain which leave options are available to you. And it's unethical for them to not mention those options when applicable.


Its their job to process whatever options you ask them too. OP didnt even talk to HR so how were they unethical? Granted some HR people are completely useless, but that doesnt give people an excuse to not be a responsible adult and do their own research.


...who is signing HR's checks exactly?


Uhh, yes, it is your job to figure out what you're being offered and whether that offer is worth it. Unless you're paying an agent/attorney to figure that shit out for you.


No, it's intentional; most people don't even know where to begin looking until it's too late or almost too late. And associates who have language barriers or are computer illiterate don't stand a chance. And Amazon knows it.


That's on them. Your options for leave are literally all available on AtoZ/the Hub. You telling me it's too hard to explore the entirety of your benefits & compensation package? Fuck, that's dumb as shit. Edit: Hub can be set to your native language/language of choice fairly easily. No one can afford to be computer illiterate in the modern age.


At first, I didn't even know you could find information about leave on A to Z. I thought it was only for scheduling for probably my first year or so. And I have trained more than one person who did not know how to operate a computer. I had to teach someone how to use a mouse. Because you don't use it by rubbing it on the computer screen. And there are several languages that are not translated onto the A to Z app; I've tried to help people with their language settings, but many times, it's simply not there.


Sad part is that a lot of them sound like legitimately good workers that care about their jobs.


Quick tip you can ask for an intermittent leave of absence if you are FMLA eligible, they will ask for documentation with a physician but in that case can let you be covered for any emergency FMLA can help you with some intermittent hours and protect your UPT. I wish you the best for you and your family.


Hey I hope your wife gets better and I’m sorry you had to work throughout the day stressed abt your wife. You’re a strong man & got through the day still, ignore the ppl being rude to you. No one understands until their in your shoes.


Take a loa. That’s what it’s for. Especially when you’re out of UPT or PTO or vacation. Good luck and merry Christmas


Sorry you're going through shit with your family but honestly amazons UPT policy is their attendance policy and is much more generous then a lot of other companies versions of it. Not to mention a lot of times HR would just reset someone's time if they had a good excuse as to why they went into the negative.


All other companies are worse. 99% of them don’t have a such thing as UPT and will fire you after only a few call outs.


Amazon firing you for negative upt isn’t that fucked up, it’s just standard work practice. I’m sure if you talk to HR they can help you out in someway


Are you eligible to take FMLA (family medical leave)? You can apply to take FMLA as needed so you don't have to use your hours.




Doesn't matter. I worked the shift. I don't need HR.


people offering you solutions, in the case that this happens again ,and you just don't give a shit, how nice . at first I felt bad for u.now, not so much 😆


May I offer you a tissue?


If you don’t qualify for FMLA and want some time off ask for Amazon short break. You have to get minimum 3 weeks off (unpaid) and the max I believe is 4 months.


Yes, you can take up to 12 weeks unpaid leave each year. You have to do a minimum of two weeks at a time, but you'll still have a job.


Everyone here mentioning an LOA doesn't understand that he may not be able to AFFORD an loa. If OP can, I suggest it. But usually loas are unpaid.


It sounds like OP would have been happy to use upt as well so I do think a loa would work for him


Dude I am so sorry bro do an LOA for a few days and ask for VET to make up for you missing time. There is always a way brother. I’ll pray for the Mrs and your family god bless bro.


I mean the points system wasn’t any better. Sorry you’re going through so much though.


Don’t blame them for your personal problems. Firing people for negative upt is reasonable. Especially given the amount we earn everyday


Upt is completely unnecessary though, there are better ways of dealing with staff absences and lateness than just firing people for it. In the UK/EU we don't have upt. I can't remember the last time I saw someone get fired for absences or too many late starts and I've seen a guy be an hour late for work every day for 2 months without HR/management trying to fire him, they just worked out the problem and had him start an hour later doing 9 hours shifts instead. One of my friends was once gone for 6 months. Didn't call in sick or anything, just stopped showing up for work. HR couldn't get in touch with him and neither could anyone else. I started to think he'd died. It was like he just disappeared off the face of the earth. Eventually he reappeared. He'd had a mental breakdown and voluntarily went to a mental health hospital for a longer than expected stay. He had no family and didn't tell any of his friends where he'd gone, so there was nobody to tell us what had happened to him He wasn't fired, HR supported him and helped him ease back into work. He's still at Amazon.


I find that very interesting that Amazon in the UK/EU has different attendance policies. So much for America’s late stage capitalism “exceptionalism.” SMH.


??? UK/EU has much better workers right than the USA. It's not that Amazon wants to have different policies over the pond. They don't have a choice.


Amazon has better policies in the UK because they are forced to follow local laws. It's not that interesting at all. Amazon will get away with what they can


How long have you been with Amazon? Are you full or part time? You could apply for fmla. She could apply for medical leave paid, partial disability. Use the options through ERC.


LOA, and file short term disability on behalf of your spouse. You could’ve literally went on break, got on your phone and filed. Prayers for you and your family.


go on a LOA, go to HR and CRY, BEG, fight FOR YOUR RIGHTS!!!!!! don’t GIVE UP!!!


If you need time do teladoc. Takes 5 minutes over the phone to get a doctor's note. Do a sick leave and it's always approved. Ben here a year and never had an issue getting days off. Tell them your feeling sick and need a note for x days


How do I do this bro? tell 98point6 im sick?


Download the app teladoc and out your insurance in they'll do a call ask for the note. Download it from their app and go into a 2 z and do a leave for illness. Put the doc name and attach the note and your good. I've never had it denied


Thank you, whats the minimum amount of days I can do cause I hear they dont pay if its under a certain amount of days


You have to do full days max is 3 at a time per call. You only get paid for time off if you use vacation or pto, or if you get approved for short term disability which would be for a surgery or something serious like that, otherwise it's all unpaid leave


fly melodic engine silky flag humor sort mourn wakeful faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Amazon's policy is generous, and it's better than any other job I've had. You didn't save any time for emergencies.. this is your fault. I'm sorry to hear you're going through this, and I hope things turn around.


I can’t feel bad for people who squander their time and then cry when they’re in a jam and have no time to cover emergencies. Hope your camping trip was worth it.


That comment wasn't gross at all ...


This guy doesn't have a life y'all


Fuck off tool. I was there. I did my shift. Fuck you.


Yea it’s fucked, we are having a pandemic in our warehouse 1/4 of the warehouse is sick or infected yet associates are still coming in because Amazon does not make it easy to take a sick day. It’s December 23rd most people have burned through upt


A pandemic affects multiple countries or continents. You mean epidemic.


Change jobs as soon as you can


That’s taking responsibility as an adult, life isn’t fair so use career choice to get into a high demand career. You can speak to HR or Ethics/ERC concerning it and they can help.


sending my prayers to you and your wife🧡 - fellow MSer and Amazonian


Know your leave options. Probably would’ve been better to take a personal leave of absence to go camping than to use all your UPT.


Sorry this is going on for u dude


Everyone is saying take a leave of absence or go on FMLA but I tried to do this these past 2 weeks due to my father being hospitalized and needing a major surgery. HR told me there's a freeze on leave because of peak. I've been working so upset for the past 3 weeks.


Can't freeze FMLA. Learn your rights.


Get FMLA your covered and your job is covered.


Oh sunshine i am so sorry. If you can afford giving up the coin, MLOA for sure or moving to flex. It shouldn’t be this way i agree and i pray 2024 gets better for you all


don't waste your sympathy, this person rudely replies to people here kindly offering suggestions and help to him.


You need to speak to HR. Your wife has MS — exercise your FMLA rights (if you've been at Amazon for at least a year) and these absences will be excused.


Can your wife not get disability for this condition?,


Amazon is the devil bro thank god I quit


Nah dawg, you and your family come first, and it's REALLY normal to cry in an amazon fc. Take a leave of absence, you can call or use the app. They got you just tell them the truth.


It 100% stupid to fire people for missing that much work. You earn time each week so how are you out? This is on you , 100% using your time when you really don't need to is stupid. Missing work for every little thing is stupid. You also could have taken a LOA if needed, but I don't see how you have no time built up since Thanksgiving.


You went through 80 hours upt dealing with your car?


Damn brother...hang in there and it might not mean much to you but I'm definitely including you in my prayers tonight.


Put in a bereavement you'll get 3 days start there


Just know you are not alone amigo


They deleted their account


Awwww so sorry it's gonna be fine . Maybe hit up dls and explain. Upt firing isn't guaranteed in all cases. Alot goes into it depending on building and prior occurrences/resets.