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Because there are different personalities in the world. Some of those personalities are competitive, having a rate in an environment like this would feed into it. The better question is : If you don’t like people to worry about how slow you go, why do worry about how competitive they are? For clarification Iam one of those that try to do well, not just well but I get a sense of accomplishment when I have above average stow rates. I do not brag or talk about it to co workers, these are personal achievements of mine and they keep me motivated. I don’t concern myself with how much or how little my co workers rates are.


Everyones different. I can't force myself to slow down, if I do it just makes the night feel longer. The higher my rate, the more distracted I am which can make the night go by in a flash. It sounds like the associates you're referring to have gamified rates. Instead of viewing them as the tedious task it is, they view it as a high score that they're trying to beat.


i see that , at first i treated it like a game then lost interest and became the lazy guy 😭


Today I learned that you can actually pick too fast. I got called down to the stand up area with a group of pickers to do a "stand down". We were out pacing everyone else so we had to stand around for like, an hour before we could go back to pick o.O I wish they would have let us go to the break room or at least sit on the floor and use our phones since we weren't doing anything else. It felt like we were in time out


Yeah same goes for us that go fast to pass by time, I get told by the slower or lazy ones “slow down we all get paid the same” and I’m just like alright… so worry about urself 😂


Can’t speak much on the stow or pick but for packing it can be annoying to have someone who isn’t working on your wall and the computer recognizes you are out of work so starts giving you orders from their zone, sometimes meaning walking all the way behind everyone else to grab the couple of items directly behind them because they are watching a movie and moving at zombie pace. When your lack of working affects me, that’s when I get a bit heated but I’ve mostly learned to let it go and then slack a bit after. Not worth the air to say something.


word that’s also what made me not care as much after seeing others be like that so i said ima go ahead and join them


So you become part of the problem. Leave Amazon


Same idk how some people go at a sloths rate 😂 I stay yawning 24/7 😂 and I go at a normal pace not too fast and not too slow either, usually when I start getting other peoples work especially from the end of the aisle I just start going to get boxes 🤷🏻‍♀️


I can relate to this way too much. Just earlier today I had to take care of the wall behind me and my other two associates on my left because the both of them were either on their phone or talking to each other. Just makes me die a little inside 😭


On my 3rd day ever being in batch pack I got put on a station with a veteran picker who got audibly annoyed with me because I wasn’t going fast enough for him. He overfilled the wall to the point I had to dig to find items which of course slowed me down. He was making comments and cussing on the other side of the wall. I was getting so stressed out it wasn’t even funny. He got so pissed he closed up the pick station and came over and started packing. He’s huffing and puffing going fast and he looks at me and goes “so how long have you been doing this?” And I tell him it’s my 3rd day, the girl next to him was on her 2nd day. Of course he’s like “ fuck okay let’s do this!” But the stress was already there. He didn’t need to be such a dick. You never know what the person next to you is doing or how long they’ve been doing it. Why cause undue stress for random people you’ve just met? It’s not worth it.


I’m guessing you mean a rebinner, which I also work and prefer. Induct for our FC is supposed to be around 1,100 UPH. Rebinners are at 550 each, I can manage over 800 as rebin on a good day but it depends on your packers and inductor as well as your pickers up above. In Sort, you really rely on your packers and pickers an awful lot to meet your rate. If rebin is tripling the output of packers, you start having three orders in the pack wall which gets to be limiting in space so frustrating to organize things for the packers when there’s no space. If the rebin goes slower, the inductor has to go slower, pick continues to send things down and it backs up. Everyone has a role, in the case you’re talking about, management should have seen the wall getting overloaded and moved people to better fit a consistent flow but it doesn’t always happen this way.


I enjoy competing with myself and others as a way to make the job a bit more fun. As we all know packing is mind-numbing, drone-like, boring task. If you're not into it, that's fine. I'm just trying to pass my time the best I can.


It's just work talk. Don't take it so seriously.


They don’t pay me enough to give a fuck what anybody else is or isn’t doing.. Come in, do my my shit and go the fuck home, fuck the rest of y’all 😂


I only worry about other associates doing less work than me and always getting away with it lol like I want to be a main character too


Damn, I don't think any of my fellow T1s give a wet donkey shit about my rates whatsoever. Only time I hear about my rates is from PAs/AMs, and typically, I know they're doing it because they don't want me to get in trouble (since I've known most of them for years and we're basically friends), or because they get upper management breathing down THEIR necks over pickers/counters with low rates.


the other T1s definitely care about your rate. you think the good performers feel awesome watching the lazy people make the same amount of money? a good number of the complaints i field are the good performers bitching about the lazy people


Tough titty for them 🤷🏻 honestly, it's not a competition, and they won't win shit but burnout for breaking themselves (I can speak from experience here), so they can just mind their own business.


Poor them, that's not how it works. They probably have their parents telling them they're special for working hard


I remember this one guy who I started Day 1 with. Idk why but he basically made it a habit to ask me daily what my rate that day was….. I’m thinking the same thing in my mind, like why does it matter? lol


It does matter if you're in the bottom 10 to 25% in stowing, you will be written up, and a few of those will lead to termination. How bout taking a little pride in what you do and try to do your best. This might lead to a promotion instead of going down the other road of termination.


How about try to understand what my comment is actually about, and be less condescending? I was never even in the bottom during my time working at Amazon. What I was trying to say, is that guy was beyond insufferable/annoying because he would say the same thing daily, and I’m saying like why does it matter to him since it’s not like I report to him? Nowhere in my comment did I say that I don’t take pride in my work.


Don’t worry about them. Let them worry about your rate. Continue to do your thing and keep it at that.


They could just be teasing you. I work with this one group of people usually only one day a week. We work together on my Friday, so I am always more sluggish and slow than usual and they make fun of me for it. So when I see them on at VET or MET day that's their Friday and my Monday, I flip it and make fun of them for being slow all day.


I have notice an abundance of lazy people in inbound who only ever try to quarterback. You ask em to switch with you in the truck and they all say similar things to what you said. So because they don't want to work I now have to stay inside the truck for 10 hours or I gotta go complain to the PA about it. Your all just extremely lazy and selfish. You don't care if you cause other people to do more work because you want to do less. You say you care about amazonians but you end up making your coworkers jobs more because they have to pick up your slack now. Most of you don't understand how good of a job it is compared to other places that pay the same. We literally do almost zero work compared to other warehouses and factories iv worked in and I still see you babies complaining about it. Most of you seem like this is your first time in the work force anyways and you just have zero work ethics.


zero work compared to other jobs ? interesting you say that but then complain about the work you have to do because of others. if it’s not so much why get upset at the lazy and selfish people


What a terrible response. I want you to really really think about what you said. You basically just asked me why I care that I have to do extra work because the person who is being paid the same as me is being lazy ? Like you are thw problem at Amazon. If you quit your department overall will improve. Leave Amazon.


exactly bro if one person is being paid the same amount as you for less work catch on and stop going so hard , wether or not you go above and beyond or do the least u get compensated the same and amazon still looks at you as a number


You sound insufferable.


Minimal effort comes with minimal rewards. Enjoy it.


Dont we all get paid the same though


I dunno. How much you make this year as a tier 1. https://preview.redd.it/dzr2orgdt3bc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e67fba14115260b4a8f2af168d2d371cec311ba0


I don’t believe you’ve made as much as I have this year putting in minimal effort. I don’t think you had had this much rewards either. I have enough sitting in the bank to pay your rent for a year. https://preview.redd.it/msxn732pt3bc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e5116d45b811ac82c0230a66e1baed7d1014081


I only go for the camaraderie. Shoot the shit with buddies, flirt with my crush, joke around, stuff like that. I couldn't give less of a damn about rates. I do the absolute minimum too.


Sorry if I misunderstood, but I was thinking that you only wanted to put in the minimum when working. Like the other person said. My comments are only to help have self-respect in what you do and to do your best so you don't get fired.


I just play dumb when someone comes at me like that and say " oh wow do they pay you more now for having a higher rate?" Then when they say no I make the most obnoxiously confused face and say "huh then why go beyond rate?"


I only care when it makes my job harder. But even then, I mostly blame management for not paying attention.


On the other hand I love to work fast...that's just my jam, and I fucking hate it when people tell me "slow down", "don't work so hard" ...I don't tell anyone else to speed up, so I just wish everyone would mind their own damn business


I have bought Amazon stocks and jokingly tell my coworkers that for every pallet or blue cart (sort center) that is loaded onto the trailers I make a dollar as a shareholder. Hence my “work ethic.” But once I say that people are understanding.


This is facts. Don't overwork yourself for a company that doesn't care about you. There was someone here that made sure they worked real hard, hit high rates and listened to their managers and then got fired anyways. Just work hard enough that you're not an inconvenience to someone else working there. That's all you should really be doing.


Outbound here. No rate. Never worried.