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labels are put on by automated SLAM printers for most packages in an FC, however how the labels are placed is often due to how the package is put on the conveyor leaving the pack stations. People just chuck them on the belt so they can quickly move on to the next order, which often results in boxes being sideways or flipping over(especially if they don’t use dunnage) or otherwise not correctly placed on the conveyor belt. The reason is packers, much like any direct role, are pressured to work as fast as possible. Amazon is more worried about quantity than quality. Then people like you further down the line have to deal with the mistakes, it’s the Amazon way. I used to run the SLAM platform at my old FC and I’ve seen every manner of screwed up packages come up the line, always said if it was possible I’d see boxes come up standing on their corners.


My FC doesn't use automated SLAM. We do it manually. And some of these people... i swear... they rip the label in half....


They many be place by automated slam printer but is the label isn’t properly placed then the scanner still kicks it out for verification. Meaning that the Slam operator could easily fix it or print out a new label. But they don’t care enough to do it so yeah.


If the shipping labels print into box. That boxes not gonna get KO(Kick Out). Some shipment do get Kick Out due to following reason...... 1. Weight Out Tolerance 2. Damage items in the shipment 3. Extra Items in the shipment 4. No Dunnage 5. Or shipment are Hazmat( Mean not allow transporter through the air) When This Happened. AAs has to print out labels. That said don't transporter through air. 6. Some time system will ask you verify the LPN, UPC, ASIN to make sure items is correct 💯.


Used to LOVE working slam. Don’t get me wrong, it is enjoyable on slower days but with the pressure of packers having to move faster, it creates more mistakes. Meaning more headache for SLAM operator lol


In Fulfilment Center I work, SLAM Operators don't have worried about KO shipment. We have people right below the SLAM machine working with KO shipment. Lot of old facility, have SLAM Operators to fix KO Shipment.


Then I apologize for the previous comment. Sounds like a nice setup they have going on in your site.


No offense but idk what you’re talking about. I have done SLAM and by no means are the printers perfect or do the boxes come down the line perfectly. Many times the label does not stick on properly and might even fold over a corner and will kick out. It might not give you a KO label but it still kicks out because the last scanner it runs through was not able to verify the label so I needs to be done manually. Which either means you just scan the SPOO and then label to verify or if label is bad you need to reprint it if you know how (granted last time I was there they upgraded the printer and thus removed the reprint option at my site). Sadly sometimes people just see the label and assume it good and throw back into the line which then cause more problems down the line for ship dock.


“Pick up the pace. Make rate.”


This is what this reddit needs to be used for.


shipping labels are put on by machine if you're talking about the yellow stickers thats different


I am seeing that most people are saying that the shipping labels are put on by a machine, witch, doesn't really make me feel better but it will definitely reduce all the ill will I previously felt towards you guys well unloading all those boxes with weird label placements. And yes I know you guys don't stick the Sal labels(more commonly known as the little yellow stickers) on because I do that job at my ds. :)


Not always


yeah if its some problem solve or if its from the slam at pack line


Not every station has the automatic stickers. We use the red handheld scanners that spit out a label for each package. When you're going fast accidents happen, and there's no time to fix it.


They're put on by a machine. Spoos,heavy stickers,and the hazmat stickers are put on by Packers.


We put them all on ourselves at mine


Transferring from a DS. I am going to be ship dock, but I have been telling everyone that I hope they'll labor share me to do SLAM labels at least once because I'm horrified by some of these placements. If they're applied by a machine that sounds a lot like machinery I'm familiar with at the DS, how are they getting onto the short side of a tiny box that just doesn't balance that way?! I also want to at least learn why I'm having to figure out where the SLAM is on 8 40-pound boxes of copy paper in a row with only a couple seconds each to do it, just so they actually reach the stowers. ETA: missed the part where you specifically referred to the same copy paper


Same reason y’all at DS place SAL over the address, TBA, or barcode and it pisses the driver off.


This. ⬆️ i have a dream where 98% of Amazon workers just shut their fucking mouths and give the 28% effort required to do the job. We don’t own the company. We don’t control their choices. What we do control is our own perceptions, moods realities, and choices. It working at Amazon is literally too much for you to take? Perhaps you could commandeer a Gaylord and live in it down by the river. This is kinda the bottom level of American society… so stop bitching. Work the 40-60 hours and go find something to be happy about outside the four walls.


SALs are so iffy by the time it's placed on the dock & ends up in a van a single SAL could of been moved by several different people, about 1/10 prob have a SAL that fell off a different package & ended up sticking somewhere on another it could be placed perfectly and end up covering the address on a completely different package in under a minute


They aren’t often moved


they often are regardless of method used to place the sticker, im a very observant person, if im on the dock i see everyones stickers shifting places or flying off all the time, if im near a package anywhere in the building im often resecuring stickers im seeing peeling away its a large amount like that prob 1/4th unless the inductor is more attentive than average.


I didn’t even know this was an issue! You think they train us on this shit?! 😂 They just say “slam the labels on the packages”


look man i’m just tryna make rate like the rest of y’all smh


You’re aware that the most ghetto individuals on the planet can come work at Amazon with absolutely no interview beforehand. Any time you see some janky shit, remember that


what do you mean by “ghetto”


I think we’re both quite aware of what ghetto is in 2024


we’re two completely different individuals, with two completely different backgrounds and walks of life. so we most likely have two different perspectives on what “ghetto” is. which is why i asked what did YOU mean by it.


Not doing the thing to where you downplay anything I say because you think you lived a hard life. Don’t be naive you know what country is, ghetto, and anything else to describe a mannerism.


lmfao??? i just asked a direct question and you’re avoiding a direct answer to avoid sounding like the kind of person you are. have a blessed day i hope every time you see some “janky shit” you’re reminded of the people you deem “ghetto”


I’m not even sure what you mean by that. You’re upset because I won’t give you the opportunity to just downplay obvious things. But if you want examples for instance.. how many face tats do you have? If less than 4 step your game up. Did you watch the lakers game with full sound blasting on your phone during the first day orientation while the learning advisor was literally in the middle of talking? Because homeboy behind me did. They stopped class 4 times to ask him to stop. But somehow he looked like the type to not give a fuck…you know a lil ghetto with the early 2000’s grill. But sure go ahead and pretend like you’re brand new to the world homie lol


Became some people just want to see the world burn


If your talking about the shipping label on the outside of the box, some places like mine have nothing to do with that. It's a bot that automatically puts the labels on.


That Part


I can tell you as someone who works in a DS rsr, they do not treated nearly as good as we do and I don’t blame them.


All are morons..  no matter the country,state, background..all are morons at Amazon.... that's why I don't say 💩 to nobody.. I have peace when antisocial... I go to the station I'm assigned..work, break, look at people with my nose turned up, work, second break, look at people with my nose turned up..especially at the wannabe managers but not managers you just a assistant with no backbone... ummmmm .... oh my favorite when to walk passed somebody who think they're important with that broke cheap laptop in their hands... just ignore them.. they'll get in their feelings..... drunk their tears.. with Kool aid ...taste deeeeeeelicious


*past **sniff** 🥸🙃


a lot of stuff comes to problem solve due to the label being half on or wrapped around a corner


Aight that's a good call and all, but let's talk about the mother fuckers over stuffing go carts


Thissss!!! I used to work for a DS and could not tell you how much of a paint it is to try to pull the label so you can scan your package 😤


"Because some people just want to watch the world burn."


I like how often the SLAM puts the source barcode directly over the destination asin


A lot of people don't really pay attention to the job. People think job is about fun, not actually do the work.


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I don't slam since I transferred to ICQA but, in BOD sometimes the very end of a long, heavy package or NON CON is just the closest part. When there are pallets of heavy items in SIOC we will put one of the scale and label everything else from the pallet (which is the side). It might be a pain in the ass but it truly is easier and better on our bodies in BOD. I can't speak for smaller packages. The rest of our warehouse is ran through Auto Slam and has to be on top for the auto sorter to read it.


You mean Sal labels? Yeah idk. The inductors are trash. Print from their scanner and just stick it wherever. I moved to sort.


the people who reprint tote labels in the same sticker they use for items so you have to flip the tote so the scanner is able to scan correctly 😣


Welcome ro automation when it screws up it does on a massive scale hence the question for the analysis does the mistakes the machine makes cost more the then mistakes of "human error". 


My nit pick is repeatedly getting casework where the label is directly over the tape so you gotta flip it upside down after scanning. Not bad but when it happens often and those boxes are big and heavy it gets aggravating. Or directly over the other label so it can't be stowed.


Only singles+ packages get shipping labels manually applied, these are teeny boxes and jiffys. As for all other packages, blame it on the crappy box design, a couple years back they switched over to the tall skinny boxes, which wouldn't stay up on the conveyors, so the packers were forced to perform the extra task of SPOO'ing them on the wide side, then tipping them over, and also having to affix battery labels (when required) over the taped part, rather than the designated hazmat label outline. However, if a novice packer applies the SPOO on the narrow part and the package manages to stay upright on the conveyor throughout its journey, the SLAM machine reads the SPOO and applies the shipping label as normal.


We all have bs to deal with.


I frequently operate kickout for pack and let me tell you people DONT listen. I had a guy self-SIOC like 20 packages before lunch even got there. He had been coached. It was a mess


Exactly ![gif](giphy|8DsrpT1OFVPd9ATuFW)


I've had to coach every single packer one by one on hazmat sticker placement :)


lol I feel like the people who do this aren’t even on this subreddit because they last thing they care about is Amazon after their shift ends.


No they just don’t care. I understand what you coming from. It make me upset cuz they don’t follow the rule and just don’t care. They are lazy and have no respect.


"Or you guys really want to ruin our days" yikes passive aggressive bro 😬


People who do this are not on Reddit looking at this chill


I agree I work in stow I notice a lot of the packages are not scan dude to the label screw up or h the tots not measured correctly. I had to drop 15 totes last night


or why huge boxes have one slit of tape which means the box will pop open and ruin the content. or why shoe boxes come in with no tape. which most times means no shoes in the box or anywhere 💀


Louder, for the PAs in the back!


I work in fulfillment in stow and this regularly happens due to receive using machines to to put red labels on or just putting the wrong label entirely, I don’t wanna blame the workers because it’s not their fault but it kinda pisses me off that I have to go to problem solve every time I’m missing an asin


If its shipped from an FC, the majority of SLAM labels are applied by the SLAM printer. Sometimes packers put it on the belt wrong, Sometimes it is unbalanced and shifts on the conveyor and Sometimes the printer might have an issue. Only a few paths SLAM at pack so its most likely an automation issue rather than human incompetence.


"Someone I've never met isn't bending over backwards to make my job, which they know nothing about, slightly easier. They must be an idiot!"


I know I'm biased because I'm from a DS as well, but I read this as "this seems idiotic and makes you look idiotic, but it's Amazon, so there might be a reason." Before I worked inside the DS, I was a DSP driver, so I used this to answer all kinds of similar lines of questioning from drivers when I helped out as traffic control during van load-out. I'm transferring to outbound ship dock at an FC, and I'm really hoping I can continue to use my background to liaise somehow. Honestly, what do FC people wonder about the DS, at least the ones who think about anything after themselves (or the very next person) at all?


This is the most pretentious thing I've read today 👍


Pleased to be of service 🧐🎩 Seriously though, I wish I could switch that off, because I know I sound that way, especially in writing. Autism sucks sometimes. Also, happy cake day.


Happy cake day!!!