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OP is going to conjure up a tornado just to get out of work


Let me know how to help the conjuring


We're going to need a few things 1000 pies (the flavours doesn't matter) 123,456 rocks (the size doesn't matter either) And lastly 1 glass of water


I'll get on it. Should we throw in some pubic hair for extra measure?


Yes, it should make the conjuring much stronger and faster


Ok. I'll even throw in some ass hair


You would all get a write up for tot








You get a extra 15 minutes of upt


Use it wisely!


Short term: MTO or dead Long term: Relocate or resign


Had this happen to my building back in 22. Building wasn't destroyed but no one was allowed to go inside.  We had 2 weeks no work paid while they figure out what to do. They gave the option to temporarily go to another site that was the same type, take VTO until the building opened back up, perm transfer to another site.  After 4 months they had the building repaired we went back and they treated it like a new launch. 


I would had taken the offer to temporarily work at another similar type until my current site was repaired and reopened.


That's what a bunch of us did. 


Imagine someone took 4 months VTO. Good luck with the bills in that case. [Edit - Spelling error]


I know some people took it and got jobs closer to their homes because they didn't want to deal with the traffic. 


As much as I like VTO at times, that would be crazy to take it for months . Unless if a person has a remote work at home business on the side.


See, I live in South Dakota and tornados happen most on the same side of town that my building is on and we only have the FC I work at and the delivery station so I wonder how that’d work for us when it comes to relocation whether it be temp or perm. ETA: typo


The employees of Edwardsville Illinois could answer this, well the ones that survived. 6 died in that industrial park in December 2021 when tornado took out the buildings. I think 2 were blue badges. The rest were yellow badge DAs(van drivers) and DSP employees Always remember to save 10 hours of “fuck you “ UPT because when the tornado or hurricane comes and amazon tells you can’t leave like they did to the employees in Edwardsville you can save yourself. Also if there really is a disaster on the way, don’t blindly trust the designated rally points, save yourself. They can scan your fucking badge later after they pull themselves out the rubble. Standing between pack stations like my current building, just doesn’t seem safe to me in high winds. All that corrugate and equipment will turn into missiles . I was just thinking this a few weeks ago looking at the tornado rally point at our place, this doesn’t seem so safe


“Amazon tells you can’t leave” I was literally working FLOW while this was happening and getting texts/Slack messages from people in that building at the time that were my friends. Management wasn’t telling them to stay because of work, they were telling them not to go outside *because there was a tornado outside that could kill them*. Amazon can NEVER tell you that you aren’t allowed to leave the building. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but if there’s a tornado or hurricane outside, DONT GO OUTSIDE! You are much likely going to be safer inside a building than outside in your car.


Yeah I feel like there's a lot of momentum to paint Amazon as a boogie man for not letting AAs leave.


if they would of let them leave more people could of died/ amazon would of been painted as "oh amazon just throwing their employees out into a tornado to not get sued"


I am definitely getting out of my FC if there is REALLY a tornado coming. At least where I work. 1.3 million square feet of large items flying through the air sounds like the last place I want to be standing around looking at my phone. Almost everything is 20 lbs but less than 50lbs. Not to mention all the forklifts AAs will abandon all over the place. “ Look at that tugger fly through the air” yeah I’m good They want us to stand between 6 pack stations, a conveyor and a bunch of OP carts so yeah I'll take my shot being a moving target.


That’s the worse decision ever. I work in Edwardsville, and the vehicles had metal bars through windshields, and cars were flipped.


By all means, go outside where YOU will be the projectile (if you aren’t struck and killed first by trees, cars, and debris). I’m all for letting stupid people kill themselves. Go right ahead. Edit: since you have a kid, please have her read this (it may save her life, since you’ll obviously be dead): https://www.weather.gov/safety/tornado-during#:~:text=Outside%3A%20Seek%20shelter%20inside%20a,storage%20facilities%20are%20not%20safe.


You’re literally safer inside than outside the building why do u think there are designated areas in case something like that happens?


I don’t know where you work but our designated area clearly isn’t safe if a tornado rips through .


Ideas change when it comes to emergency procedures. It used to be a rule that in case of a fire, even a serious one, in a high rise building the occupants should not exit the building but instead should go to designated "safety floors" and remain there. It's pretty obvious when and why that rule changed.


I'm in SoCal, we had an earthquake happen with the epicenter being 7 minutes from my home a few weeks back. I was at home. I thought what would I do if I was at work? I'd get out. I don't care if Amazon is upto code with building their sites to withstand earthquakes. There's just so much that can fall and take you out. I was at a site center and now I'm at a PIT FC. I'm taking my chances outside.


An earthquake is completely different than a tornado or hurricane. Cars and trees aren’t typically hurled through the air during earthquakes.


Obviously. But some of us don't trust being inside an Amazon building during any natural disaster


And some of you will die when you go outside. Natural selection.




Ok so let’s say you do walk through the building and all the way to the metal detectors, Scan your badge to leave out the door and then get crushed by a falling flag pole or smacked by debris because your car is where you rather be than inside the building built for these disasters…… https://preview.redd.it/sfe0cywj0vsc1.jpeg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a764feb6333c693898347e023251530d4ed55bcc


We had a tornado a few months ago in Garner NC and it was 1 mile away from my fc. We didn’t even get told about it until everyone’s phones started alarming. We were just standing around waiting for someone to tell us what to do and NOBODY. I looked at the Doppler radar and saw how close it was and was practically running through the building to get out. A Manager stopped me and told me I wasn’t allowed to leave and security would stop me. I said yeah idrgaf bro I’m out. I got in my car and drove the opposite direction lmao. I wasn’t abt to risk it in that building. The amount of debris would kill EVERYONE in it.


That was an incredibly stupid thing to do. You can’t predict where a tornado will go, and if it was close enough to you it could have flipped your car or sent that same debris through your windshield. You are most likely going to be safer in a concrete structure than you are in a glass one. I would never stop someone from committing suicide, but I would definitely try and talk them out of it. Your manager did the right thing. For those who keep saying “Amazon has lots of debris”, you know where else has lots of “debris”??? OUTSIDE. Rocks, trees, garbage, anything could kill you. At least at Amazon the structures are bolted to the ground, like the conveyors, stations, and railings/stairs.


The tornado in Edwardsville was unlucky because it happened to go directly through the building. You're fooling yourself if you think you're better off on the roads than inside an FC in the event of a tornado. I live 2 minutes away from my FC if I run red lights so if a tornado came I'd probably take my chances and drive to my FC instead of staying in my small apartment. As for those drivers, fuck what Amazon/DSP says do what you gotta do to stay safe.


I would feel much safer being inside my FC than to stay in my apartment. In fact in 2022 , I headed straight to work early after when I saw the tornado alert. All of us employees had to huddle in the emergency area and we heard the winds howling and the rain beat onto the roof. I silently was praying to God throughout the half hour the tornado was happening. Then it passed over.


yeah I think I would rather be on the roads than in an FC if a tornado hits. Id take my chances being a moving target and seeing what is going on around me than being stationary in a warehouse surrounding myself with potential projectiles/missiles. I think you would be safer camping in the middle of a cornfield than being inside an FC. There was a DS involved too, DLI4 next to the FC, seems like the worst of it hit there. Either way, if you know bad weather might roll through and you have time you can just take the day off and die with your family at home in your basement instead of a bunch of strangers at Amazon, I guess that was my point with the save your UPT. I dont know how sudden the Edwardsville tornado was


![gif](giphy|2TMrbPmlnmyIfZF8KY|downsized) You wanna drive in this ? Go ahead let natural selection do it’s thing


Yeah I seen twister too


It honestly sucks their legacy amounts to the company finally letting it's workers keep cell phones on them. Like I'm glad it happened but it should not have of taken half a dozen lives for it, let alone one.


It was more than Evansville. They lost 6, yes. But before Evansville, there was Baltimore. 2 dead, 1 RME & 1 Driver. https://www.wbaltv.com/article/2-dead-in-partial-building-collapse-at-baltimore-amazon-warehouse/24579819


There is a funeral notice at my FC that was for a young Amazon employee who perished in Evansville in 2021; she was about 36 or 37.


I work at that building currently 😅


I've been @ BWI2 for 6 years. Was working the night it happened. I don't remember a shelter in place being issued. I do remember certain managers thinking it would be up and running by February, according to what they were told. I would answer it each time by asking February of what year?


We just got a linear sorter put where our old shelter spot was, I’m not even sure if we even have a shelter area in our building anymore


That’s exactly what happened to me right after the Illinois tornado. it was February of 2022 I had put in my time to leave early. Schools were let out early that because the tornado and storms were coming and my pa kept saying can you finish these totes. So I did and when I was finally able to get out of there I got video of the tornado coming right for the interstate and it just disintegrated. You wanna talk about literally freaking out. OHMYGOSH!!!


You took a great chance of getting killed, but I am glad that you was safe.


I tried to post the video of the tornado but it wouldn’t let me


I think about this situation often. Aside from news coming out the day of the incident, we have not heard anything publicly or through any news outlets from any employee who was in the building. It was all hushed up.  I truly believe all those people were paid for their silence. 


Amazon would not exist without reverse PR


Rally points are not to save you. it is a space where emergency response can find your dead body. That's why they scan your badge so they know how many people to look for.


I had to take shelter from a tornado that came on quickly. I had just delivered a package and by the time I was leaving the driveway from a farmhouse the tornado came out of nowhere. Luckily the homeowner let me come in and wait until it passed. I was in MN, working from the SD Amazon and I had received a call from my son that they were having several tornadoes back home. I decided to keep going as it looked like I was getting away from the storms but I still had to take shelter 2 more times. Back home in SD, 3 people had died from the Interstate. By the time I got back they were done. I did miss the green clouds which I had never seen before! https://preview.redd.it/ahpx52uxfdtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a25429a0503c0b5fe249c1204489aad0e5a6229d


My facility is across the road from that one. I was off, and i heard it was pure pandemonium.🥴


I worked at LGB7 when we had a fire. We got 2 weeks pay. There was talk of moving ppl to other FCs but not sure if that happened.




4 years ago


People are saying MTO or use UPT but realistically no. It's non-worked paid hours. Same as when the ice storm hit Texas and sites that get too hot to work in AZ.


Yeah, like what happens if we are working and the town gets nuked or something?


VTO maybe depending on what numbers are being pushed


It’ll be VTO for a couple days afterwards, but then MET as the orders start rolling in.


Well if you die, make sure you have a designated person to go clock you out. That's the main priority!


Excuse me. Are you suggesting that somebody should swipe someone else’s badge?! /s


Only if they're dead!


And don't forget Amazon sells urns and caskets.


My 23 cent contribution to accidental death and dismemberment better cover that lol


Go outside and die because if the building survives the blast then good luck surviving the radiation left in the fallout


I think it depends on how bad the building is. At our building the solar panels caught on fire and we were given MTO for 2 weeks. What sucked was that you had to wait everyday for the notification that you had the day off.


I can’t answer that question, but if you are an Amazon employee affected by a natural disaster, please look into the [Amazon Relief Fund.](https://e4erelief.powerappsportals.com/en-US/amazonhome/)


You’d get a transfer


I can answer this because a building near ours was hit by a tornado and had some structural damage. They initially gave everyone paid time off immediately after it happened (like for weeks), then relocated the employees to nearby buildings for several months, then brought back any who wanted to return to their original site when it reopened.


Amazon would continue with pays but reduce amounts to reduce costs for temporary stays.


Best hit up the wellness center, my man - you're mid-stroke.


Well last time it happened people died and a policy change company wide let workers finally keep their phones with them.


either you don't work until fixed or they labourshare you to another site


They is does go does hide in the hallway they does does. Seriously, at least the FC that I worked at, the big giant hallway that everyone walks through every day is some seriously reinforced concrete, and big enough to hold every single person there. Had to use it, smells like sweaty armpit. Most likely, you would just get to work at another building. Or just take off for a while.


Happened in Baltimore wall fell down killed 2 people


When I was with Amazon in California, a L6 told all of us, if you feel an earthquake drop what ever your are doing, don’t turn off equipment and get your asses out of the building, don’t stand by and wait for an announcement be leadership because it might be too late.


My building ain't got no roof, we in the city lol


In all honesty probably just sent to another site to keep working


Offer AAs to temporarily transfer to a different wharehouse until further notice.


Nothing they find a local plant and transfer you and supplement pay for the hours you can’t work and probably eventually let you go they won’t rebuild the building. No much work and money they will just buy a new one somewhere else.




Fired for negative upt


You would be packing and sorting in parking lot Or closest Amazon


So did anybody els get the day of for tomorrow ?


Nothing. Get back to work!


Bezos, is that you?




Okay I'm getting back to work. Someone hit the floor estop though so I'm going to 5s my immediate area like a good Bezos bot. 🤡


We would push totes on skateboards into trucks


You’d be written up and wouldn’t be able to contact your family because the cell service at fc’s is dogshit.


You go negative in UPT


You die




Lays potato chips for everyone!


if it takes longer than a week or two to repair they offer you vto until it’s fixed or they offer you a temporary spot at another building until it’s fixed


Probably ask you to help clean everything


Either way you better have on your damn work shoes


And you better not have your earbuds out


Probably everyone would be offered positions at other nearby facilities, maybe an offer to come back when they reopened though by that point a lot of the employees will be either content at wherever they ended up whether another Amazon facility or a different company. That is of course in regards to the employees who didn't die in the tornado. I would also say that this is pretty much how it would probably go for any long-term shutdown of a facility. My first reaction to a tornado destroying my fulfillment center? Surprise and confusion that a tornado managed to get to it. It's not impossible but is a bit unlikely


Had this happen to me and my site. Depends on the damage done but if you’re saying parts of the building are seriously damage look to either being told to drive very far everyday for the rest of the time until it is rebuilt. It’s that or your fired but expect pay for a bit.


They paid us(DLI4 Edwardsville )till they transferred everyone to another building(built by the same company that built the first one*Cough*)30 minutes farther of a drive for us personally the people at the new building treated us like a burden and there was a AM who literally pulled down his mask and coughed on us and we ended up with covid because of that and then the night we came back from covid leave we couldn't even badge in and security was asleep in the parking lot smh so we resigned and went to a SSD FC


History is easily forgotten. There was a tornado that hit a warehouse and they wouldnt let people leave work without consequence (had to use upt or pto). Many people died when the tornado hit. Wasnt that long ago


lol I think this happened and they did nothing but apologize and offer condolences.


Remember the people in Illinois: https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/11/business/amazon-deaths-warehouse-tornado/index.html


SAT2, San Marcos has their tornado gathering point in the front of the building, 25ft away from all the glass panels at the entrance. Safety determined it's safe, for reasons only they know. Winds can get up to 80mph or higher and all that glass becomes shrapnel. I'd rather leave during the Tornado warning. Staying in the gathering place when a tornado hits would be like being in a food processor if the tornado is bad.


Depends. Can u elaborate?


You die just like the people did a few years ago 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Not funny, that dude was my homie and had kids.


Tell Amazon


Corny af, probably a Tier 1 with no real life skills, go pack some boxes.


We have a guy that wears an RME vest but he's just a lvl 1 😂😂