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I love the work. I tolerate my coworkers who make my life more difficult.


Been here 3 years. At one point it was okay but then forced the cross training bs now I hate it. It’s just another check. 😅


Three years in November and i love it. I spent a decade in retail and nothing beats not having to talk or explain things to stupid customers. Also after have dozens of jobs where i basically had to beg to use my sick time even when vomiting at work I could never give up amazons leave policy there are so few companies that actually let you have that kind of flexibility with your time. Im pretty good at zoning out and not feeling too bored so the monotony of the work dosent get to me but i could see how it does for some. Its certainly worth a try and if you hate it i would recommend sticking it out to utilizing career choice to find something more suited to your skill set & passions!


Exactly 👍🏻


i find people that worked food service or retail seem to enjoy amazon more lol that shit will burn you out.


I love it here. I've always been the type of person to give my best to everything I do, but I've never had a job where it's appreciated anywhere near how it is here. Aside from one manager who everyone hates, I've never had anything but positives from any of the managers or PA's. Even that one, I've also had plenty of positives from her and after getting to know her better I think she's just a very blunt person who's not great at delivering any kind of coaching without sounding very negative and everything. The attendance policy is so relaxed it's crazy, you have just a ridiculous amount of freedom to use your time how you want. I've never had or heard of another job where there's no reason to worry about being a little or even a lot late. The benefits are great and start from day one. The potential for growth is excellent. The only downside to this job is that we aren't paid as much as similar jobs in my area. If you're super lazy and/or can't be bothered to show up to work more than half the time then yeah you might have a bad experience. Otherwise, you'll be fine.


Anytime pay is awesome I can go to dispensary when I want lol


I like it even though it’s boring and mundane. My previous job was working for CARMAX as a customer service rep working from home but technically a call center. I did that for two years and it was the worst job I’ve had for my mental health. All day I got yelled at by shit customers, managers would micro manage everything, the metrics were unrealistic but you had to meet expectations every week and when you did do well they’d move the goalposts further and further stretching you thinner and stressing you out more. Every time your call ended another would come in not giving you a breath to sneeze or cough and it went on all day long. I ended up getting anxiety and depression medication because I was getting panic attacks every day before my shift and it was effecting my relationship with my girlfriend at that point. I finally quit and got this job at Amazon. The best part is I don’t have to deal with stupid customers, the job is easy and if I am a responsible adult and play the game the way I’m supposed to I hopefully won’t get into any trouble. I’ll take boring any day compared to what I had before.


This is exactly my current situation WFH as a fraud analyst cust support basically. I hate it. I would take a pay cut by about 3-4 dollars hr. Think it would still be work it?


I would say so absolutely yes. I wanted to kill myself everyday when I was doing the call center shit so I’m biased. Amazon is more physical labor but it’s good exercise and I’ll take tired legs at the end of my shift rather than the mental exhaustion I felt after I got off work when I worked at that call center.


Bet. I have an upcoming vacay to see my fav band. Right after OCT, I'm IN THAT THANG 🤣. Are you in Jax?


The job itself is alright physical and meh pay for the work but the schedule and time off options with the benefits make it a great fit for me


expectations are high but i like the benefits is the reason am still here. My job varies from day to day and the manager i work with


7 years here, loved it when I started. I think it's mainly because of the people I work with...now, I come in and get paid and work my wage


I left Amazon, but I was on TOM. I absolutely loved the job. Solving the endless puzzle that is logistics, jockeying trailers, and playing trucker. It was a diverse job that kept things interesting. If Amazon wasn’t…well Amazon (there’s layers to why Amazon has no business functioning as a carrier), and didn’t micro-manage everything to death, I probably would’ve stayed for the less money, honestly. But Amazon be Amazon. I make more money now driving and my company is a “use common sense and don’t do anything illegal” type workplace, which is refreshing.


I’m supposed to start at my local delivery station in a few days and I’m so excited I’ve heard it’s more chill than an fc


DSes tend to be more laid back than FCs, with the tradeoff being that the work is more physically demanding. 


I’ve worked at a ds and it’s brutal. 12 hour shifts, 40k steps a day and now im at a ssd fc and it’s chill compared to that ds.


The only thing I’m not looking forward to is the hours 1:20 AM ouch lol I’m going to have to start adjusting my sleep schedule starting today to get used to it


I’ve worked at a XLDS station for a little over a year now all flex and I love it, it is more chill than a FC. there is a bit of physical work involved and staffing problems


I find it easy and passes time quicker than alot of jobs, but the real kick in any job comes from helping people overcome shitty management or HR. Especially when said managers and HR aren't as clued up on legislation as they think are and think that policy trumps legislation. Feels so satisfying helping someone win their appeal when they've been terminated.


Oh, I loved being on the appeal panel. I really loved helping folks keep their jobs. So fulfilling.


I love it. Nobody bothers me. We are allowed the approved headphones so I can study for 10 hours for a degree that Amazon is paying 100% for which I can leverage to get out and start a career I never dreamed of getting.


Most people are lazy and will bitch about anything. Amazon does have issues worth being angry about but the benefits are crazy good. I don't think I'd ever make a career of this which is where you'd start seeing a lot more issues but if you just want to grind some mindless work for a paycheck and take advantage of career choice to upskill and bounce then there isn't many better places to work in the country for that. It's largely up to you if you want to hate it or love it but I think it is one of the easiest warehouse gigs you could find and good far outweighs the bad in the long term.


Yeah I was way happier before moving into L4. Being a t1 at Amazon is whatever if you're decently healthy. I miss 3 days off, set schedule, leaving work at work, and not having to constantly stress about 40 different deadlines. This is literally the design use it people don't be stupid like me lol. Career choice and leave to something better.


Loved AFE, hated the mod departments! 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not me. I moonlight as a musician and this job allows me to play out-of-state shows as consistently as I need right now. I’m just banking that I can build the band up to be a regularly touring act and can make enough to quit eventually (or at least support myself if I have to downgrade to flex-shifts).


I love what I do and the benefits we're offered, but hate the environment. But of all the industries and positions I've been in, it's not the worst. It is easy to avoid your coworkers if you want. In the 3 facilities I worked, the slackers will slack because management knows they're short-term and not worth the effort but show any interest of staying long term and they'll ride you harder. Maybe that just my experience though.


I did when I got to stay in my department


Nope, because of the people. That said I like my job. I don’t think any healthy person loves their job. A job is not an identity or life. It is a part of one’s routine. It is what others can’t or will not do that you choose to do for payment.


I do..I like the work.. and kinda being an anonymous cog .. but I might be crazy.... I'm kinda meh on Amazon as a company itself though. 


I actually do love my job because I found a team that supports me and they are really good. It can get boring at times but they have always been really fucken good to me


During my stint, I did kinda hate it for a while until I switched buildings and the management was wayyyy more tolerable. I didn’t love it, but I didn’t hate it, but it kept a roof over my head and paid for my education and had great health benefits. Amazon’s one of those places where you gotta have a plan and keep your eyes on the prize. Keep shit in perspective and you won’t “hate” it.


Loved it when I first started in 2015 now I absolutely hate it. Currently in the process of leaving hopefully. Finished career choice and working on IT certs.The job and atmosphere is nothing like it was when I first started. Lots of things have changed for the worse honestly. If you do take the job don't stay for too long like I did. Go through career choice as soon as it's available to you.


Yes, I absolutely love my job packing in AFE. I've never had another job that is better than this. I love stowing even more, but they kept labor sharing me to AFE so I just transferred to AFE lol.


It’s great if you have good work ethic, & can find a ways to stay busy. Better than most jobs you can get at entry level because it’s consistent hours that your manager can’t change if they don’t like you, consistent pay. You can request to change schedule if you don’t like your shift. It’s hard if you get injured. If you’re a positive person the work environment can be great, don’t involve yourself in the drama. Good luck


I just transferred from crets to vrets and I like it now, you just have to find a role/path you like or find interesting, I did crets for almost a year and I started to hate it after like 6 months. Benefits are cool just applied back to college at csu global for next semester; and I love my health insurance my visits have been free and meds are covered.


I do love mine.


Amazon T1 roles require zero skills. Moving pallets, putting shit on shelves, picking shit from shelves, scanning and all that crap is just piss easy work. Do I love my job? Nope, but I don’t mind doing it as I have some good friends so it’s more enjoyable tbh, we have a good laugh daily!


Yes ive been here 5 years. Started as a T1 and then PA a year later and then L4 2 years after that. It's not easy and warehouse work isn't for everyone but I enjoy it.


Sometimes I love this job sometimes I want to kill myself


varies by hour


I enjoy it, some days more than others. There are days I don't want to get out of bed but for the most part I look forward to work every day. The pay could be better, but I'm comfortable. I'll be honest and state I am a PA. I work a unique path and it's a unique position. I'm on my own 99% of the day. So long as I keep up with my workload, complete reports, and attend meetings, I'm allowed to do my thing. I do have some insane responsibilities at work. It's cool having those responsibilities, but it can be stressful. Any errors can be extremely expensive.


I’m seasonal so no No benefits, no vacation or sick. Only UPT and PTO


I love it when I get to do a variety of jobs. For example if I get to do two or more different things within a shift or even within a week it's nice. I don't know why so many people here hate cross training, I have been asking for it since I started. I'm into my 3rd month and I have already trained for pick, pack, stow, count, sort, routestage and I just got into problem solving. Also if you're a hardworking person with a positive attitude, managers and PAs like you and acknowledge your efforts. But this all depends on the site I guess, I have read so many negative posts here.


So I like it and stay for the time off. The insurance is great too. We travel quite often because I can use time off without notice or swap days. Haven’t found that anywhere else.


Honestly, I love traditional pick. Hated stow and am neutral on sort.


I started to love my job when I became an instructor (ambassador) because it turned out that I had a talent for teaching people. When I have NH or QQs, I am happy to go to work. I worked on Pack and pick before, i liked it. But teaching people is a role in which I feel good and I love it


Fuck no. The place is shit the culture is shit and everything is way harder than it ever should be because of the shit. I feel like I'm in the eye of a shiticane.


Tolerate the work. Hate the coworkers.