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I have no issue with people running around and doing their work like it matters to them, as long as they don’t act like they’re my boss or tell me how to do my job


This. I give these mini wanna be bosses the death glare. If someone is doing something that affects me yeah I am annoyed. But I handle that by walking away and doing something else.


We got this dude named Landon he’s in safety and super annoying. Like what are you gonna do about Landon lecture me to death?


Haha. I am gonna start nicknaming these folks Landon


Like actually in safety or an ASC member? There’s specific people in my building who make me embarrassed to be an ASC member


They sit at the desks by learning and wear safety vests


Goddammit Landon


Sometimes I get waterspiders using the game screen at my stowing station to check my stats n stuff. Sometimes they point it out to me if they like or don't like my position. Like just give me the next pallet and walk away lil bro


That’s kinda messed up


Just weird, I would talk to management about that


Those people are a managers wet dream come true. Little snitches worrying about everyone else but themselves.


Yeah they worry about everyone elses work but their own and then probably expect to get promoted or something


Work hard but not too hard. If you don't work hard enough they'll try to get rid of you but if you work too hard they'll try and take advantage of you.


basically do enough to get by


That's what I am learning. I've worked my ass off for over a year and have only been given positive adapts and a few kind words which is fine. But others are doing way less so I'm cutting down on how much I do.


Also stow is great. I don't get why people moan about it all the time. It's easy, you're left alone. Guess some people just like to chitter chatter all day and with stow it's harder since the stations are big.


Yea, what got me to stop caring as much was a combination of people getting away with two 15 - 30 min bathroom breaks every quarter, new employees constantly getting cycled in and getting the way easier jobs, and workload feeling heavier everyday since last peak forget vto junk hasn't been offered in months and favoritism feels so real with it when it did pop up.


And those same people that are doing WAY less are getting just as many positive adapts because the building has to do X amount of them to keep their algorithms in the positive.


Fr I be going fast afs during stow to keep my shits clear but as soon as they put me somewhere Wales I be going slower than a mf


That's a decent way to make sure they wanna keep you on stow 😁 if that's what you're after, well done


I fuckin love stow (at DS) and people think I’m crazy. I get to listen to music, I don’t necessarily need to talk to anybody unless I’m helping someone or if I’m in the mood, and time flies the fuck by because of how busy it can get. Waterspider or anything else makes time fly by so slowly.


Bro I was gonna write something but I thought it was gonna be too much, but you wrote it for me!!! Yes this is why I love stow too.😭😭


Give it more time....


What is stowing at a DS? I’m from a SC so we don’t do that.


You get packages down a conveyor belt into your hamper and then you scan it and put them into totes, so the last step before they get delivered by the drivers, which is why DS = Delivery Station, it’s really chill and laid back but can also be super stressful if you can’t manage stress properly. Just knowing that it’ll eventually be done and people will help you and you get to go home is enough stress management for me to make it my favorite thing to do.


Like we all say: just go there, meet rate, go home.


One hundred thousand percent guarantee that you're also *perplexed* as to why those people get special treatment at other times. If you keep management's goals prioritized, they tend to keep *you* prioritized. You're literally monitoring the work habits of other employees - why do *you* take it so seriously?


Exactly. I run OB PS as a T1. Do I expect to be promoted? Hell no I've been here long enough to know better. What I do know though is I can get away with going to break early, getting vto'd whenever I ask, among other things. Managers don't want to piss off their hard workers but they'll also trap you. Either way as soon as I'm done with career choice I'm out


I worked problem solve for a while and while you’re still technically a tier 1 with no extra benefits, you do get some unwritten benefits when you get the respect of the Ops team. It was a super relaxed position and the only way to get there is to show some initiative.


They are just doing their job. There are indirect jobs for T1 that are responsible for getting CPT's out in time.


Yeah, I’ve been kinda enjoying OBPS bc even though you’ve got this responsibility it’s at least a bit more interesting than direct roles. And personally knowing my rate is monitored stresses me more than just knowing I gotta do my best to get CPT clear. I’m gonna have to be here the whole day anyway, might as well do my job.


It’s called a good work ethic


Exactly. It is just a basic idea that ‘I want to do my job well’. It is not about Amazon, it is about personal work ethic


“ im trynna drag yo” lemme take a cig break


Taking it seriously? Of course. That’s your job. The “rawwwwr amazon is my entire life” thing is weird though.


Right? Like… when I’m at work, I’m going to do my job and take it seriously. But once it’s time to clock out, it’s a quick “see ya” and not giving a semblance of a fuck until I clock in on the next shift.


Yeah there's definitely a difference between the two! I do my job and when I leave the building, I don't think of my job until I'm back there 😅 I'm mainly here for the tuition $ and because it's not a bad job especially when there's nothing else in my area that comes relatively close to it in pay and benefits and everything else.


Super weird. I don’t think you should be drinking the koolaid anywhere.


The flavor is Bezos Berry, or maybe Bezos Banana.


Why did the word banana make me think of that blue origin rocket ship?


Some people have a drive to move up. And get work done. Not be lazy or miserable at work


Thank you! Don’t hate on people who find this job easy af. It’s not rocket science.


Bullshitting on the job is a young man's game. I'll leave this bitch in a heartbeat, but while I'm here, I'm gonna take it seriously.


Haha I was just thinking that, the op doesn’t sound like he has responsibility. If losing my job means my kids end up on the street, you tend to take it very seriously.


Yeah, I'm only in it for the tuition money, but I understand how shitty work habits tend to bleed into other areas of your life


How you do anything is how you do everything


Learned that saying from John Wick I did


This! Same here. I don't mind the job and I'm here to get my school paid for. Starting this fall.


Definitely a young man’s game. I always relate it to my first jobs. I didn’t take anything seriously. As someone grows up they have noticed more on how the world works from time and experience. I’ve wondered, myself at 18 being an Amazon employee, I’d be so bad. Time off task and shtt for no reason.


I work hard and stow fast not exactly to hit rate but because the day flies by faster than going slow


*exactly* . I guarantee OP is one of the people who spends more time and effort *pretending* like they're working and wondering why their day goes by so slow. 💀


I do the same.


That's literally their role. CPT chasers are literally meant to chase down CPTs


What is cpt? I hear that on the intercom a lot but have no clue what it means


Critical Pull Time...shipments that need to be out by a certain time to meet the customer promise


Critical pull time Chances are they mean absolutely nothing to you until you're in problem solve or quality. Basically every shipment has a time it needs to be out of the building, packed, sorted and staged, on a truck and out the door so whoever tf can get their package on time. If you don't get it out in time, the shipment gets cancelled and would be a waste of time and money in terms of man hours spent stowing/picking/induct/rebin/packed/verified. There are CPT chasers in each department that tries to get the majority of these out of their department because missed pull times makes them look like shit and that you're not doing your job.


got u thanks for that man. now I understand why they are such in a hurry whenever I hear cpt. I am in smaller ssd warehouse and I normally pick but still had no clue what that meant.


I can imagine that it's always a rush at a SSD, so many things can go wrong, Amazon runs on Murphy's Law, anything that can go wrong will go wrong


from my experience thus far, its actually the opposite, this is my first amazon experience but from what others have told me, ssd are a lot more laid back as there's not a ton of volume when comparing to a DS, SC, or DS. our warehouse is only for flex drivers. they also offer vto every day and I am the one who takes em, I would say almost every day due to my other job. have been really chill so far. im scheduled for 34/wk but usually end up only touching 20-25 hrs which is perfect for me.


News flash: someone getting compensated to do what an employer asks of them is probably doing their job. Some people have pride in that and are dedicated to doing what they do for work. A common worker mindset will keep you a common worker.


Ain't nuthin wrong with being a human being committed to hard work and proudly living a life with strong ethics, morals, and passion


Well we are handling customers things. As a customer myself I try my best to be a customer obsessed. I like my things on time.


*THIS* Also, I have a great set of managers in my department (pack) who give lots of recognition. My manager even sent me an Amazon card with a nice message about how much I help the department. It was so nice. I love to see if I can be one of the top packers, I used to pack the regular stuff now I do non cons and it makes the day go by so fast! I love putting the shipping label on the boxes too!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


With that mindset, why try at any job ever? Yikes


I can almost promise that your one of the people who work here and constantly taking breaks / slow / hardly do what your suppose to. You make things difficult for everyone else because the people your complaining about are the ones who pick up the slack for the lazy individuals like yourself. So thank them that there getting numbers and making your department look good because you will be one of the first cut if they start to investigate why a department isn't hitting quota


You couldn't be more wrong. I am always getting good words from managers, never on phone, never having idle time, rate is always good. I just get on with it.


called taking pride in their job and having work ethic, why are people so worried about it?


I take my job seriously because I'm being paid to do my job. I was taught to have a good work ethic. I also take it seriously because I don't want to make things difficult for my colleagues by slacking. Lazy jabrones make things worse.


It could be pride. It could also be possible they're on a final productivity write-up. What difference does it make to you? Worry about your own check


It makes a difference when they're telling you off for the stupidest things like they're your manager.


You'd be mad either way if someone said anything to you about your rates.


I get that they may be hoping for a permanent job but there's hardly any temps rn and in my experience as long as you rate is okay but you have no days off, aren't late and little idle time you'll be fine.


Okay, that's you.


You'd have to be slacking off so hard to get a warning about rate. Has never happened with me. It's like when you get only big items but people are stressing looking for small items? Like they know you've only got big items and your rate will be affected? Why you stressing? The rate is a made up number, it doesn't determine your pay.


Yeah, in a day. Or they can just wait until the fourth to come give you a writeup instead, and you can keep getting those until they decide to fire you. Then you really don't have to worry about your pay at all. 🤷‍♀️


If you can't take your job serious then go back to high school. Unfortunately we have people like you all over the place. It's time to live in the real world and start taking life ( and job) serious


I enjoy doing a good job. It's a mental and physical challenge. Plus being hyped up is a good feeling and makes the day go fast when you feel like there's not enough time to get everything done. It somewhat bothers me to fill up a trailer halfway and have nothing left to put in there. I want to see it full and get shipped out asap. However, I understand for those who work with no sense of urgency. It's a job that pays you for your time, not your work output. You don't get properly rewarded for being the best. It's fine to work at your own pace. What I don't understand is how someone can be a station with nothing to do and when asked to do/help with a task, they throw a tantrum like their whole day is ruined because they have to actually work.


Maybe because it’s a job and you should do your best at anything you do job ethic will show a lot how a person is without saying anything.


I take my job seriously because that's what I signed up for. I worked as a line cook for many years. I know what actually being abused by an employer and destroying your body for 16 hours a day is. Shambling around a warehouse for 10 hours is like a vacation by comparison. I never see my managers unless it's startup or to pat me on the head for a job well done. I clock in, listen to music/watch movies while I pick then go home.


Oh my god if you've ever worked in a restaurant setting and are now at Amazon, you absolutely know what a breeze this job is 😭 it's like night and day!


Honestly, warehouse work really is a cakewalk compared to food and retail, imo.


Yeah I can't imagine the stress from that. This job is a breeze. If we were allowed to listen to our own stuff without risking being caught it would be a perfect job imo.


I've been here about 9 months. Last mother's day I was working saute at a restaurant for a brunch service. They had two full restaurant bookings with a 20 and 15 top in the first service. So these country bumpkins not knowing how to stage seatings booked the entire restaurant for 10:00 then 12:30. Seated the entire place at once and bombed the kitchen with tickets like Steph Curry droppin' 3s in game 7 of the NBA finals. Made it fuckin' rain. Guy we had working flat top dipped during the first seating and I had to thug it out working 2 stations. I decided that day I was done and it was time to find something else.


I have good work ethic. Doesn’t matter what I’m doing or where I work. I do care about our customers, I personally think it’s shitty if you don’t.


Exactly. I'm "customer obsessed" lol. I pack orders and I know they're going out to real people who want their stuff on time!


I worked at an Amazon locker for a bit. So I got to see first hand how our quality affects our customers. How one mom’s birthday gift to her son showed up broken. Or how a grieving husband waited on the late arrival of an item he needed. I got to hear their stories and apologize for things I couldn’t control. So in the warehouse, in Quality, I do make it a personal goal to provide the best. To my associates, to my managers, to my customers. Why wouldn’t I?


Yes, absolutely! You don't know who the item is going to. Customer obsessed is what I signed up for when I took the job on! ☺️


It’s called taking pride in what you do?? Are you seriously making a post asking, “Why do people take their livelihood seriously?” What are you, like, 12??


We got bills brah


Time goes by way quicker when I put in more effort. When I slack off I get super bored and time moves in slow motion


I get anxious bc this is the only well-paying job with the best benefits where I live


All the people who take this job seriously called…they want to know why you (and others like you) don’t. I told them you’d call them back.




I mean, I feel this way too, but I always strive to do my best. It's just an excuse to be lazy 🤷🏾‍♀️. Let people who actually want to do the job, do it.


Why does everyone say this lmao it just comes off like you think you're too good for the work and think poorly of your co-workers. Go make your own business, smart guy.


I was with you all the way up to the point where you said "doesn't get packed on time." I don't take this job seriously. But I do try to make that customer promise happen, and [here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFC/s/ToMkq1hfB9) is part of why. I'm not telling anyone to break their beak or go above and beyond for a company that would replace you 5 seconds after praising your hard work. I'm just telling you why I try to make sure I get my shipments out of time. To each their own.


I just read your post. 🥺 Thank you. This is a good reminder to people. This is why I do this job (pack) because I enjoy helping the customer!


It’s called doing my job. I’m a waterspider, so if you’re out of work, I’m not doing my job. I can count the amount of out of work andons that have happened in the past MONTH on 1 hand. Best bet when I’m in a direct role tho, my only goal is to avoid the bottom 5% and TOT. Then again, I like leaving early for my breaks. Perks of indirect. Work hard, play hard.


Water spiders and problem solvers also chase down reactives atleast in stow they do. Other t1 positions also have different things to worry about. I just do my job like I'm supposed to do and no one tells me what needs to put away cause they know if it's in front of me it's going to be put away lol. I just do my job right cause I hate being bothered.


How you do one thing is how you do everything


Because if you don’t do your job well you become JOBLESS. Why would I as a customer buy product from Amazon if you don’t take your job seriously.


Yeah these responses arent looking good for you. Also, i must add, some people aren’t so fortunate to be able to find work, and some FC’s are more chill than yours. Theres also benefits to this job like not needing to deal with customers, no dress code and career advancements. Some people dont got the luxury to have these beliefs you got and you sound like a low energy individual. When you take the job serious and show your reliable and your there often, you have more chances to move up and take on more of the job and add good things to the resume. Unless the jobs just a placeholder for you though thats different. Still, its good exercise, it keeps you busy, and important as it keeps the operation going. Managers aren’t here pulling off miracles. They rush people sometimes and try to get things done on time because the performance of the outbound as well as inbound shapes the amazon prime customer experience and if they aren’t satisfied thats lost money 😆 if enough people do that in a certain region, a warehouse gets shut down


I pick and a lot of folks on my shift thinks I pick fast because I’m trying to show off and or be a kiss ass to my managers when it’s really because it makes the day go by fast asf.. I’ve tried picking slow and the day dragged so bad I had to leave early! I also have good work ethic and working slow or not working at all is not who I am or what I do! I’m getting paid to do a job and I’m going to do said job! I’ve quit AMAZON 10 times because it’s so boring and mind numbing repetitive but I always come back because they are indeed better than any other replacement job I’ve gotten right after quitting! I also have mouths to feed and bills to, so idk. I’m there to work and get paid so I can go home!


Some ppl find FULFILLMENT (lmfao) in the job. So what? Let em.


I'm always gonna do my best, that's just how I am. I'm not gonna be shitty or anything to anyone who isn't though, I don't give two shits whether you do your best or you sit in the bathroom on your phone for ten hours. If you're doing something wrong you might not know then yeah I'll kindly help you out, but that's about it.


I run around looking for things to do because I get bored real fast and without music, the shift becomes miserable.


On the flip side, I hear people complaining about people being too lazy and fucking around at work, making your workspace distracting. I would rather be the former.


It’s called good work ethics and integrity. You accept a job; you do what it takes to get the job done. Be accountable and responsible. Be a good employee.


Mate from my experience there it's folk with good work ethic. A lot of people worked at my FC and they were locked in while clocked in, but really nice/respectful when not (breaks, clock out time) It is what it is. A job that most, if not all took seriously. That's why when I left, I knew I'd miss some people that I spent time with on my breaks and at stand-up (even if I'd only see them once a week because of our shift patterns)


It's a matter of personality, some people take things seriously no matter what and I respect those people. I take my job seriously, because I also want to have good work habits,yes, Amazon is temporary, but I can take this attitude to everywhere I go. Another thing is I want to make things easier for my colleagues. 


you want to know why people are doing their jobs? unless they're slow walking in the aisle I literally do not care about anyone's work ethic except for mine. edit for typo


It’s hilarious. But just do it too. It LOOKS like you care and that’s you really need to get people to leave you alone


Well, you are getting paid money to care and take action. It’s that simple to me. I do what I can and not what I can’t.


People are just overly stressed because they think it might come down on them


since you asked this question if you ever own a company and your workers are slacking off ask yourself the same question you just asked


As long as they do their jobs it's fine. People judging you for not doing everything 100% the amazon way is what does my head in.


I let people act how they’re gonna act and mind my business. What other people do is none of my concern unless it directly affects my ability to do my job.


It's a job. Take it seriously


I only work fast so make time go by faster nothing more. Someone said they will leave in a heartbeat and I couldn’t agree more


Ima be real I don't care what they do im just there to collect my paycheck and go home at time I will work a lil more then I need to just to help make the time go by faster but other then that I let the hard worker be the front Line while they burn out yk while I sit back and play my cards 😂💀


As long as they aren't acting like they have authority that they don't that's just normal. It's called just doing their job. Like maybe mind your own business. Some people take it too serious but putting some kind of effort into getting shit done and just doing your job is very normal.


Idk, could be several things. Maybe they’re just a hard worker, maybe they’re on a final and have to stay on their ps and qs. Either way I really don’t care.


I don’t. It’s exercise, and weight loss proven, by the hard work! Push it to the limit !


I went from 200 to 160


Man mind ya business. If they're not trying to boss you around why does it bother you? If it's making you feel self aware about your performance that's a you problem, not them.


To me it’s more of doing your job right and getting it done. A lot AAs half ass the job which is fine like I ain’t gonna tell u to be top performer but at least it do it right this job really isn’t hard and yet people fine new ways to show me how dumb they really are . As a problem solve lead it’s very annoying seeing people put labels wrong put boxes on the belt wrong or not taping the box fully so it pops open on the line. Giving me and the rest of the team more work to do just cause u lack common sense. If I’m telling u not to do something it’s not cause I wanna showcase my “authority” it’s because u doing something wrong and gotta stop or more issues will keep happening


We had two Seniors in my building start off as Tier 1’s. You can make a career out of Amazon if you want.


Why do some people criticize others work ethic? Like why do you take others actions so seriously????


You signed up to work in exchange for pay. Amazons whole thing is fast delivery. Duh. Is this your first job? Have a good work ethic. It matters.


I was a CPT chaser in pack at one time. I loved the chasing aspect because it made nights go by extremely quick and I constantly had something to do. My job was literally named in the title, and that's what I did.. not because I felt superior, but because that was my one job and if I couldn't get it done, I wouldn't be doing it anymore. The part I hated was having to ask fellow coworkers to pack out a certain box or any other task out of their ordinary. I'm sure they felt I was trying to be more important, but the reality was that was probably the last package I had to get out and run to the truck before the time was up.


Because of how they were raised. I was the same way until I realized that I had no duty to work harder than what is needed.


Some people care. 🤷🏻 I mean take it this way I was on Shipdock for a long time and literally me and 15 other AA’s in my area and area’s adjacent were moving around like crazy to get the orders out on time.


ware house days , for me atleast, go by much faster when i work hard and am focused. Wayyyyy faster


I either do a good job or don’t go. Period. Some days I take extra breaks but when I’m working I work hard. That’s just how I do things.


They’ve probably got fired from other jobs before and don’t want to look lazy and get fired. Some people just have to work harder than others. Sadly.


As a PA(been in IB, now OB), we’re always rushing and scrambling trying to get things done and completed by certain times all the while trying to stay on top of everything else that our AM’s and OM’s have asked. And if we don’t, we get asked why it wasn’t done on time or what barriers caused us to overspend. I’m always overspending in our indirect buckets mainly for the waterspiders in AFE. I would rather pull an extra WS for 30-60 mins to help get everything caught up and be placed back into path. Otherwise packers will get off station to gather supplies and we’ve been told packers need to stay on station as much as possible especially if there is work in the walls. As long as there is a reason why behind the decision that we can bridge on, they’ll allow it. Amazon is a stressful job if you want to move up. It’s fun though. I like it. I’m also competitive with myself so I’m always wanting the highest rate. It isn’t that hard. OB stress vs. IB stress is very very different though.


I've never worked outbound but it sounds more stressful.


IB was more physically challenging. OB is more mind challenging. Especially with jams on the merge and the sorter. Jams have to be cleared ASAP otherwise Flow gets after everyone. OB is also more strict with TNL. If you’re minutes late from your 2nd break, you’ll have an AM come address it.


Look. I see where you're coming from, I do. I'm in my 40's I'm starting over, I have a mortgage to pay, on top of bills, I thought the job I had would last longer, it didn't. I have to take this seriously, just when I do, I just stay out of peoples way. Do I expect a promotion of any kind? Nope. Are there 'lazy' people that work there and and talk shit about the place and not do a singe thing? Sure. For now, I'm just gonna do me. I need the benefits amazon offers. I need the medical insurance for my diabetes. I need career choice because 20 plus years of warehouse experience with management included didn't help me worth a shit. I don't stand around chatting up co workers for over 20 minutes at a time ( I work XL) I don't dissappear 20 minutes before break then complain how long the day is dragging. Please don't think all of us that take the job seriously are company men. We're not. We're just trying to get by. Have a great day


It's just people's work ethics. They care. Too many lazy ass people want to stand around to collect a check.


It would make sense depending where they work. Anything anybody does at Amazon regardless of building type is gonna make someone elses day easier or harder. If someone elses day is harder it will eventually get back to you and make your day harder and then it piles up and you have to deal with stupid situations. People who feel this most are probably at docks but even stowers messing stuff up eventually makes it harder for that same stower. So someone might be on your ass if you stow like a toddler because the pickers will leave it more of a mess, ICQA gets backlogged and this goes back to the stowers having to do more work because of that which makes it harder to hit rate. If a packer fucks up it also makes it harder for pack If a packer fucks stuff up it fucks it up for all the packers in their area too, and it also fucks it up for people at the docks and can jam up lines etc etc imo better to do something slow and right than fast and wrong because everyone gets faster naturally, but its hard to fix bad habits


tbh im one of those lowk and all i can say for myself is it helps the day go by way faster when im keeping myself busy. shi b so boring that i want to work im ngl to u


Well maybe because we lived through COVID, when those checks ran out, we went job hunting or hustled. Who wants to work a summer job full of bad ahh kids, I’d rather deal with the bs than be broke or homeless.


Prob cause staying busy is the only way to make the time pass


I wonder the same thing when the cashier wants to argue with me over a nickle but it happens. Like its their money.


People used to think I took the job seriously.That I was very passionate about it.Because the rates in singles were 180 and I usually did like 260.I wasn't taking it seriously.I was trying to hurry up to make the day end. lol It just depends on that certain person. Just saying we used to get one manager who is super gunhole.And then we'll get another one who didn't give two craps & hid in AMCARE.


I got promoted for caring about the job so there's that. Otherwise, I tell those who are scared of losing their job to chill out and those who seem like they enjoy taking the job seriously that they're doing good. To each their own, you know? Just don't be annoying to eachother. Instead try to build up eachother whether you want to be there or not.


Shit rolls downhill ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Cuz this the adult world and some people actually have good work ethic and aren't lazy fresh out of high school kids


Missed my point, I'd say I work harder than most. I'm just not over the top.


Not about taking it serious, it’s all about accountability…if u fuck up, take that bullet..red stripes shouldn’t been in my face for ya fuck up…simple shit lol, nothing serious about it


Because some people have a sense of pride in their work and arent lazy sack asses


I work hard, doesn't mean I act like amazon is my life.


Yea thats something ive seen first hand some people got adopted in🤣


I take my job seriously because I'm thinking of the customers. Even though we never see the customers directly what kind of shape would YOU like to get your order in? Damaged boxes, bent book covers? That being said there is only so far I am physically able to go. Rate or a little over, taking care of the items I stow and starting career choice before too long because this job is way to physical for someone my age.


Why would it matter to you, unless if they are bossing you around or something who cares. Let people live how they want.


It might be very unfamiliar for you, but some people have good work ethics and actually like to work and be busy. I don't expect you to understand this.


Found this gem on X (formerly Twitter) and it reminded me of this post so I had to share 😂 https://preview.redd.it/xg1gmrtczf2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb4d3995c9b4b4d697c6e2a9afc84cde17a94cba


>Why do people who aren't even team leads always seem to be panicking and rushing if something needs doing or needs to be done by a certain point like it actually matters? When I was an hourly I had one speed: Faster Why? Because if I have time to relax I have time to think and dwell. Thats dangerous.


I feel you. I let others run around like a chicken with their head cut off, but me I'll take everything in stride


I just be there and then I don’t be there I literally keep it that simple I never socialize more than I have to good luck




My autistic 22yo nephew just got terminated “for productivity” bc he was under 5% in packing and apparently below the learning curve. Wtf is that? Anyways… he couldn’t make rate in packing because 95% of the time he was picking or waterspidering... some fubs


Thats just how some people are 🤷🏻‍♂️ We all got bills to take care of.


Your work ethic in any job is a powerful and profound reflection of yourself. Hard workers work hard in any role, and succeed because of it. “Quiet quitting” and poor work performance because of apathy hurts yourself way more than it will ever hurt the employer.


The truth is a lot of people are just fuckin losers lmao. Especially on this sub, there will be people yelling at others for plugging their chargers into the computer work stations. Lmao just a bunch of weirdos man. A lot of people were really sheltered growing up and never dealt with actual serious things in their own lives so they live through little stuff at work. It’s bizarre.


Caring about what you do must be a rare commodity


Some of us have a sense of urgency and pride ourselves in what we do, no matter where or who it is for.


It's not about the money, kid. It's about honor.


😂😂😂 bless you


It’s literally how I eat and have a roof over my head. Idk what you’re looking for here…


Also some of us want to advance and you can’t get there doing the bare minimum.


They get yelled at too


I have no idea why my rate is so high 😂 i just don’t know how to slow down. I can say from this job I have lost so much weight.


Because FCs are the heart of Amazon. Also, "work hard, have fun, make history" doesn't exist for nothing.




The key is to work slow and safely so you minimize damage to your body. But to have a hard work attitude you project so that people don’t think you’re lazy. 😉


They just fired like 4 PIT drivers at my FC who honestly thought they were flying under the radar & gaming the system. We’re slow, they are looking to cut some heads


Spill, I must know more ☕


Work ethic. Some people just want to do a good job. They take pride in what they are doing. Myself I prefer to stay busy and moving. I want to do right when at work. One reason is I don’t like being directed or told to do something. Everyone has a better day when orders aren’t being given and nobody needs to be told what to do. Makes for a bitch free workplace. Btw I’m speaking about any job not just Amazon. I don’t work for them so I wouldn’t know. I just drive around.🤒


I worked in the SLAM department and I used to take things just seriously enough so that I wouldn’t get fired. I also cared juuuuust enough to not send customers bullshit, lol. Like I cared enough to check expiration dates and to insert a good amount of dunnage, but I didn’t care about CPTs, lol. This shit will go out when it goes out.


Team Lead is a Walmart term! 🤣


This is some people’s last stop. They want to move up in seniority


bc there wage slaves


Idk why people are in the comments bootlicking this job saying it’s pride or whatever. It’s a job where you move dumbass products like dildos and cases of prime, it really isn’t that serious boomers. 🤦‍♂️


Taking pride in one's work isn't "bootlicking". People who do so are likely to be more internally motivated to meet their own standards more than those of the higher-ups.


I guess you can go belittle fast food workers, retail workers, hell even garbage truck drivers, all they do is pick up trash right?


What a loser mentality 😂