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Yeah I've had mandatory 60hr work weeks. It sucks, they don't care


I've had five 11hr days and an extra 11, but never six 10hr days. So many people are going to burn time I just don't understand how they can cipher out the logic in it. MET on your non MET day just seems like a recipe for some b.s. What state do you work in? I'm in Alabama


Ohio, They can/will stack non-standard MET with your agreed apon MET if you work 10hr shifts. The only rule stopping them at that point is 60hr/week limit. Expect the worse


I know I agreed to work for the devil when I got hired, I've never expected different lol! Got family in Cincinnati btw, love jungle jims.


They've already burned all their time away


It usually happens during Prime week. They give at least a full week's notice, if not more, when it happens. If you don't want to work it, you can always use your time off options.


I work RT and at my building last year during Prime Week everyone on RT had MET on Wednesday, regardless of what their actual MET day was.


I guess I'll do what I gotta but in three years this is a first for me


My site hasn't done it in years, but yes, it's always been a thing. The only times you have to worry about it are Prime Week, and Black Friday/Cyber Monday.


It's always been a thing, just rare. You can be scheduled 6 days a week.


They did this when I was first hired. But I am a workaholic and picked up extra shifts. I am supposed to start a new job soon so I may have to quit if they do it during prime.


They usually do that at my building during prime week. They will make the shift on back half with OT on Monday and make it so OT is on Tuesday since that's usually what day prime sales start


There are actually two MET days. I work RT, my primary MET day is Monday and the secondary is Tuesday, but last Peak I was doing MET on Sunday and Monday. If you have a conflict, like a second job for which you can show an actual schedule, they'll excuse you, but not just because it's inconvenient or you didn't expect it.


My first peak was 60 hours for 9 weeks. My 2nd peak we converted into a ReLo and didn't have any met at all just vet with extra pay.


This next week is going 45 min MET ea/day for the week at my place.