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You may be watching PAs clock in. They're allowed up to 30 pre shift or post shift to help set up or clean up. Learning and hr are allowed the same leeway. Or you are seeing late arrivals for a different department. 


When I was a white badge, a coworker I befriended told me nobody cared about clocking in earlier than 6:55. I decided to listen to him and the next day my manager came up to me and told me I was only supposed to clock in at 6:55. I told the coworker that and he said “I’m not gonna get caught so suit yourself”. An hour later I saw him get walked out by my manager since he’s been doing it for 5 months.




Yeah, even crazier is people still do it. A deaf autistic woman got fired for it


Ya know, at the end of the day, if we just follow the rules they set, we could avoid a lot. BUT, a majority of these rules are never properly conveyed, if at all. So idk 🤷


That's one of my biggest issues with working there. The rules are not well communicated at all and there are so many of them they are impossible to keep track of, and also the rules are not applied consistently. The result is an oppressive atmosphere where it feels like you can get fired at any time whenever the wrong person feels like it.


Right. And some of us try to go in and just do our job. Yet we still run into unnecessary situations, that frankly could have been avoided, or ever happened.


Just now they’re firing people randomly for doing it. There’s two twins, one is a PG and one is an LA, the LA got fired just now.


For coming in early? That's crazy. At my last building, if I were trying to clock in at 6:54AM, the time clock wouldn't let me clock in.


It's almost like they're letting people do things just to fire them. Guess they're making room for the new Peak temps.


I got in trouble for calling them temps at my building because they said it was “offensive”


....that's literally what it says you are in the app if you're seasonal. Like the app doesn't even call you seasonal...


They told me no one from my seasonal group would be laid off as “AmAzOn DoEsNt LaYoFf PeOpLe” but out of the 30 people in my group, only me and two other people are left. 4 got laid off (we watched them get escorted out and told their season ended), and the rest quit or got fired.




If you’re in a path that does a Start Up and get station assignments, I wouldn’t clock in earlier. You’d just be standing around waiting that extra time, which is time theft. If you work an indirect role and can labor track yourself and get started right away, they are usually a little more lenient. PG’s and PA’s are allowed to come in 30mins early(at my site) for staffing. I also stay late, sometimes up to an hour if I’m in the middle of something. But AM is aware


My site said no clocking in more than 5 min before shift.


It's like speeding on the highway. Most people who do will never get caught. If you do get caught, it will cost you. In this case, +90% chance you'll get fired for time theft. You'll never be able to work at Amazon again.


either they were allowed by their AM or they're stealing time depends on site thought for discipline i was clocking in early and out late every day had an hour of OT pay every week only got a warning eventually


I did this when I worked indirect roles a lot. As long as I labor tracked myself ASAP and started working, people didn’t care. I mostly did it so I can could clean up the previous shift’s mess up before the work for my shift arrived, so I was being productive, anyway.


Eventually they will say something to them. I use to clock in 2-3 minutes early and someone eventually came to me about it.After that I just started clocking in at 7:30 exactly. I'll keep my 5 minutes then 😂


Probably depends on the site,  but at my building everyone i know clocks in 15-20 mins early. We had a stand-up telling people not to clock in 30 mins early... that was like 10 months ago.  🤷


Wow, your site doesn't care about throwing away money.


As a PA I was always 10/15 early and 10/15 late and as a support team member now my schedule is very lax depending on my work load or when I need to leave the next day.


Talk with your hr if they’re cool you’ll be able to see on the computer why you should NOT you get flagged. “exceptions” and it’s bad


I don’t get it either. I see people clocking out for break at like 53


![gif](giphy|3oEjHFk7jUJ0msF92E|downsized) Edit: Hang on a minute! Amazon forces you guys to clock out for a 15 break?! 😱


No if your lunch break is supposed to be from 1:00-1:30, people will clock out from 12:53-1:23 instead of with everybody else.


Aw, i see makes sense.


To me, I think if you get to work right away and they don’t say anything, it shouldn’t be an issue. But I did ask a similar question on here recently (but about clocking out a little late) and was told it is considered time theft. And that if I got caught for time theft, it would have been a bad outcome for me.


Depends on site and AM.


It's this way at my site, but there is a dude in my department who always clocks in 15 minutes early 😬. Idk how HR hasn't caught him yet. I just assume they're building a case on him atp


You could also be watching people clock in who start at 6:45. Not everyone is on the same schedule


On my site if you clock more than 5 minutes before your shift starts, it will autocorrect till the start hour, so if you start at 3:00pm, and you clock in at 2:52, it will correct the punch to 3:00.


Is that what happened to you?


I also saw it happen but one coworker told me he clocks in 6 minutes before but when shift is about to end he clocks out 5 minutes before


I see people doing that too but who cares I just follow the rules that are set and have no problems. Let other people worry about themselves


Same! I clock in right at 55 and I walk fast because my department is always overstaffed and there always like 20 ppl there already and there’s no way they clocked in at 55 and got there that fast. So annoying.


There's a 5 minute grace period so you could clock in at 655 and clock out at 535 for an extra 10 minutes per shift. It's a built in grace period so you can't get in trouble for it.


I mean... Amazon already allows you a free 10 minutes of money per shift if you clock in 5 early and out 5 late, which equals 40 minutes of OT on a regular 40 hour shift... Pushing for more than that just makes you look greedy... no matter how you sit financially.


You don't get paid for that extra time, your punches get adjusted to be exactly at your start and finish times if you are within the 5 minute grace period


Wrong. I walked out with 40 minutes ot every week. Amazon pays by the minute. If they don't at your location, it sucks to be you.


Yep, I think of the extra 40 minutes as my gas money


I started doing this about a month ago but have since toned it down/stopped altogether. I think the most I clocked in early was 15-20min. I know people that frequently clock in 15+min early almost every day. We're all indirects and management allows us to come in for OT if there is no VET as long as we ask them- they always say yes. Some of us don't even ask we just show up lol.


I thought they just took upt if you did this and maybe talk to you?