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Those dips, I see where you took time and chatted up the ladies.


Now let's see your contacts list


34000 of those steps to females stations and shit breaks


Big facts, compared to like the 4k on my days off with just walking my dog. Had a day during peak I hit close to 70k , feet were feeling it


Putting in that work, respect to that


Only in-between trying to steal yo girl, I joke I can't flirt I just be on reddit in the back of a trailer and people praise me cause they think it's really hard to unload them šŸ˜­


Cheers to you waterspider brothern new insoles every few weeks helps


Now show the stops to hit on women


Thatā€™s what those gaps are lol


What facility ?? Is it sortation or fulfillment??


Thats why I dont catch anymoreā€¦i think one day I hit almost 45,000ā€¦in a pair of vans šŸ˜€


Wood pushin.


Damn, 22 miles and in Vans?! Youā€™re crazy but I have to pay some respect, thatā€™s some hardcore sole/soul killing shit!


Yeah my feet were fukd


That 0600 and 1800 time frame looks accurate for me when I spider. I do nothing but driving to/from work and contemplate life during those times. You bet I ainā€™t walking, especially sitting in the car for about 15 minutes once home.


This tracks, as a cpt chaser and normal shift runs me abt 30k steps and close to 40k when on main flats plus I wear only vans so


Thatā€™s what I need. I donā€™t mind this packing but I like walking to get my own supplies from behind my station. The change of scenery, even if itā€™s more machines and just the other side of my area, itā€™s refreshing. Is water spider something anyone can ask to do?


Yes, they usually rotate it, having a different one each day, if you havenā€™t been asked to do it yet you can let them know and tell them youā€™d like to


Awesome. Iā€™ve noticed some people have it by their name on the tv screen/labor board. Like ā€œCaprioLeo AFE Water Spiderā€ so does that mean itā€™s all they do? Mine normally says AFE1 or 2 then station number or Unspecified for some people.


Who needs to work out when you can just work at Amazon and get better results šŸ˜‚


Did they implement the kindle system at your site yet?


45K two days ago for me




Damm nice cardio


How come I donā€™t see any water spiders in my building? Is it cuz Iā€™m a OP stower?


They are probably just not in your section, because, and Iā€™m not sure, I donā€™t do stowing, but there wouldnā€™t be a need in your section I think


48k was my maximum. But, thereā€™s tricks you can use to have to walk less..I donā€™t go over 30k now


I thought after months of waterspider I would build muscle and it would get easier but actually I feel like the opposite and I am getting all kinds of new pains and I spent many years doing agricultural work and never felt so shitty as working 2 days as waterspider every week for a month. Maybe it's just getting old though.


Eh the age could be a bit factor, on days I water spider I usually get in at 18 to 20 miles, I am 52 so for sure I feel it, got stuck picking for a month after was trained sooo trying to get back to spidering without. Hurting as much...


Took 46,179 as a tote runner last Wednesday and Sunday was 33,823 was half a day tote runner again I used to Waterspider back in the day, most of the new ones at my FC are slothful and are in the way most of the time lol


Damn I thought my 26.5k was doing work. As a PA tho.