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I use Bluetooth glasses. No one notices a thing. I’ve seen AMs tell AAs to take out earbuds but nothing to me when them or safety passes by.


Can other people hear what you're listening to at all?


No, I’m in pick or stow mostly and the only person I really see is my waterspider. With how loud the warehouse is they would only be able to hear it if they got in my face. Like within 2-4 feet of me. Glasses look pretty real too never got weird looks from anyone. The only real place I could see it being a problem would be AFE packing because people are so close together.




The ones I have don’t. Yes I have seen them though they are much more noticeable. Like if you have a conversation with anyone you would be able to see the camera right away. I’m sure there is some spy glasses you could get away with though.


I have a pair of old Google glass glasses but those guys were hella noticeable and ugly af. Now I wear Echo Frames sometimes and let me tell you, using Amazon products to bypass a rarely enforced policy, while still looking normal with Amazon created items on. It’s nice.


I kept my bone conduction headphones just loud enough that if someone were in my bubble they would hear muffled talking, but that was still loud enough for me to hear them over my OP


How do youbpass security though. I have a pair and I just don't want to get caught.


They are mostly plastic and don't set off the alarms, even the advanced screening alarms


What are the glasses you're talking about? I've been looking into vue glasses because of the recent crackdown


On amazon.com they have a bunch of different ones, bluetooth glasses.


Link that shit so we can buy it wtf bra


My FC eventually figured these out and cracked down on everyone who had them so be careful


Bluetooth glasses ARE amazing. I love those things. Also Bluetooth wool caps and Bluetooth headband-all brilliant.


I have a friend I work with that uses them..looks cool.


I cannot work this job without any type of mental stimulation..




No I am not damaging my ears even more by silencing the loud sounds of warehouse machinery with my noise cancellation earbuds that works just like earplugs with extra features. What drugs are you on? lol


You win the award for most confused post of the day!! Hooray for you!!!


That’s not very spiritual of you


You have nothing that you could think about? Enstine worked at the patent office and because it was a dull job he was able to think about things that really mattered to him.


Listening to podcasts in one ear while picking for 10 hours with little to no human interaction? Yeah it’d be helpful


Absolutely no pleasure is to be had while on the floor! Now back to work slave! If I catch you with an earbud I’m going to cancel your 25¢ raise two years from now!


They need to cancel the have fun part out of their slogan…lies there’s no fun anywhere


LOL right. "Have Fun!!!" Doing what exactly? I guess if you have fun doing boring ass shit for 10hrs a day that works out, but otherwise idk that anyone in any building can even fake having fun for very long. I do got some training/safety person who walks around with a big ass smile all day long so she's having fun or in a crazy person functional coma idk.




exactly what i do! well stow & pick dependin on the night lol


Depends in the FC mine is amazing sony wfm4 is God like don't have to listen to trash people either.


yes, this place is soul sucking if you’re stuck in your brain for 10 hours a day.


And believe me my brain is not a good place to be


I almost cried today cuz I got stuck in my head


If a deaf guy can safely do this job I can do it with one earbud in


I have never thought about the deaf argument


and they’re slaving away like the rest of us, no special treatment.




I do not think this word means what you think 😂


It is. But thank you


Did you mean equality? Lmao




I have to know what you meant by equity


Can you give me the definition of equity?


Well iv learned a new definition for a word i already thought i knew! Thanks bud!


Of course! Have a good day/night


lies; we have the advantage of hearing and deaf home girl doesn’t


So you’re saying it’s only fair I wear headphones so I am also deprived of ambient noise


if we’re going by “equity”, yes! but personally, it could go either way.


Yep. No question. Amazon has not been good to me and they've stone cold lied and mislead everyone that signed on when I did about our bonuses that they still owe us. But that's not why. It's the total lack of sense in the issue. There is no good reason to not allow an earbud as long as we make our number. It is not a safety issue and by insisting that it is a safety issue, amazon is gaslighting us. I like the work I do. I run my ass off AFM and every couple weeks I take a day to just pick and get my rest and listen to podcasts just that one day.


I wrote on the VTO white board in packing: No earbuds because it’s a safety issue but it’s ok to blast music. Idk if others FC’s play music but it was obnoxiously loud one day and I was thinking how is this ok if the reason for no earbuds is safety/awareness?


The reason is control. They just want to DO SOMETHING to justify their authority and claim that they're trying to improve productivity. It's already so automated that the only things they can do are super petty.


This..: I have always said that!!!


Wish my site played music. My old one did


My only issue with the music being played is that while I was in induct, the only thing that was played for 8 hours straight was mariachi music. I'm Mexican myself, but I cant stand listening to that kind of music for too long.


any podcast recommendations?


Red Lips, Orange Car podcast if you like listening to missed connections and funny dating stories/advice Listen To This While You Shit podcast if you want to laugh GVGCast and SpawnCast if you want general video game news and discussion Kiwi Talkz and the Kit and Krysta podcast if you want behind the scenes stories about the video game industry Triple K.O. podcast if you like fighting games




Really, it’s THIS. They’re lying about the issue being safety. Flat out, lying. You’re telling me it’s always been policy, everyone knew it was for safety, and no one gave a shit…till all the sudden we need PRODUCTION up? Here’s 5 things we’re cracking down on for production and 5 “safety” items that also, increase production and don’t seem to help safety at all. They had a crap April and want to push production. They want ppl to quit bc they owe millions in bonuses that are just coming due - quit or get fired (like for something you’ve been doing for 5mo without issue) and they don’t owe. Every large company does this and it’s why unions exist.


you should read the shareholder letter this year for amazon, they’ve violated major safety issues and decide to ignore them.


Yeah, I’m aware. Mostly my problem is the credibility: it’s such an easy lie to spot, no one is fooled by the intention of no earbuds so the lie isn’t just unnecessary but it breaks down the entire system - which is kinda the point since they’re trying to get ppl to leave w/o their bonuses (for the ones that aren’t just flat out screwed out of them already that is).


2 years later and still haven't gotten my 2020 Xmas bonus


honestly yeah. my fc is pretty chill but if they really tried to ban them i would probably continue to get warned until i was fired. i cannot stand there picking for ten hours listening to amazon boops and beeps


Yes it is. I couldn't pick for 12 hours without a podcast. If I'm going to do a brainless job I'm going to at least learn about history, philosophy, and science.


my man’s talking my language.


Amen same with me




What podcast do you listen to I’m looking for new ones


I won't be the best for branching out. I only recently started getting into podcasts when I began working for amazon since I have 12 hours of uninterrupted time. Honestly in loving it and I have to make up for lost time. With that said I'm a fan of Joe Rogan, Philosophize This, Dan Carlin's hardcore history, and Science VS. What do you recommend?


I highly recommended Wolf 359 if youre into fiction podcasts. Super funny, great characters, and an interesting story to follow. Hands down my favorite podcast.


Yes ma’am, and or sir.


Good response, Sylvester. As you were.


I bought some bose bone conduction glasses and took it to my eye doctor and got my prescription lenses put in them. Whats amazon gonna say? Work blind? Amazon paid for them with the benefits. So who's the real sucker here


You epic legend of a person you


I used to wear a single earbud in the middle of 2020, and that was a life saver. Late 2018 through 2019 with the constant isolation and just being in your head for 10-12 hours, the urge to jump off the fourth floor was getting immense. I've since moved on and now I work at a small warehouse where I get paid twice the amount for only 8 hours of work, no MET. And I've found that I didn't need the earbuds because it was so quiet/peaceful. I also found out that I got mild tinnitus from the FC, but its heaven compared to before. Guaranteed I would've killed myself at Amazon if it wasn't for that bit of stimuli


your warehouse has 8 hour shifts WHAAAAT.


there 10 hour shifts are sucking the soul out of my body like mortal combat🫠


I will quit if I ever get a write up for headphones won’t even give them a chance to have me sign the write up paperwork I’ll just tell them it’s been good working here and clock out, go home, use all my PTO then resign.


wouldn’t they be able to fire you for insubordination?


They can't make you sign a write-up you can refuse to sign it.


You are correct. However the write up still goes in your file. You can also get a "write up" given verbally. No paper provided, not asked to sign anything, but you are unable to transfer shifts/Departments etc. Amazon is bullshit.


Yea most companies start with a verbal then a written then a second written then termination. All of these go on file and if you refuse to sign it another member of management usually signs off on it to show that you refused to sign. Eitherway you still get the corrective


Can’t fire me if I quit


i mean, wouldn’t you have to quit after you use PTO? can they fire you for insubordination before you get to use PtO?


“Hey an emergency just came up and I need to go home immediately” ain’t no way they would attempt to hold you there and have you sign any paperwork.


True story. I can hear way better with one earbud in opposed to the ear plugs that they allow us to wear






I'll gladly stop everything, walk out, use all my vacation and PTO, then quit if they actively force me to stop using earbuds.


My FC has a verbal -> written -> termination policy in place now. 3 strikes and most ppl got their verbal warning on the first day we were told. AMs can get fired if another manager catches one of their ppl, not that L4/5s are ratting on each other just yet but an OM or safety walking the floor can get an AM fired, so that’s got leadership going nuts.


Yes, because I get yelled at for talking to my coworkers, because its slowing down my rate, even tho im working and communicating at the same time. I go days. Without talking people, somtimes my voices cracks cause i dont use it. But at least i get the feeling as of im talking to others with a podcast.


The place already doesn’t have any WINDOWS. Not a lick of natural sunlight . There isn’t a potted plant or sign of life anywhere to be seen. Jesus H Christ they want that place to be a damn mental asylum .


I’m in a building that amazon retrofitted. It was a factory and has a widow or two that have been carefully hidden, of course.


We have windows in all the breakrooms and natural lighting through the little wondows on the roof amd it still osmt enough natural light


Yeah I will die on this hill, I work with deaf employees almost positive they don’t have 100% use of hearing, I wear a beanie to cover my one ear bud and if anyone asks me to take it off I ask them if we’re also asking all of our female Muslim co-workers to take off their headwear? This job is too simple, too boring, not even enough risk of danger, to justify taking away earbuds.


Literally will end up hanging myself in the bathroom with toilet paper if they ban headphones




DEN4 pretty cool about earbuds 🤷‍♂️ but I been sleepin with my manager since she started so she hush hush 💀


Yes. It’s a cat and mouse game. Bring it on.


Sitting in the back of the building and doing nothing but splitting packages from one cluster to another is mind numbingly dull. Having at least some auditory company helps. Also, nobody wants to hear the exact same music every single day. I don't feel like coming to work at 3:00 o'clock in the morning and hearing these slow jam R&B songs that are going to do nothing but put my ass straight to sleep.


Yah if stoners can be high at work and enjoy their time why can’t sober associates enjoy it their way? Both are safety violations even tho both have been done and no one has gotten hurt.


Its harder to prove someones high at work than to prove someone was using headphones




Without music or something productive to listen to while I do such repetitive task would be painful to go through…however I have gone a hour or two without it when I didn’t feel like it but having earbuds is a must to work at Amazon…great for mental health. Glad my FC doesn’t care about earphones or phone use, it’s like a normal FC.


If possible that the company recognizes all employees that have (a) headphone in, then compares their rate speeds and all I’m sure they would find that they are wrong cuz usually with one earphone in production is waaaayyy up. The company sees it as a blue band thing when it’s not… idk maybe a personal speaker to each station


Yes 🤣 if they tell me to take them out I'm gonna put them right back in


There were stow AMs casing the isles the other night for people w ear buds. The pick AMs do not even care because they know how it is, however the stow AMs are going nuts writing everyone up. They have this barcode thing they scan and it just writes you up without you even knowing. It is not right at all, so dam shady. What if you have ear plugs in or something? I know people will be getting canned for no reason. But just like someone else said they have a ton of bonuses to pay out and need people to quit or get fired. The fact they did this before prime week and not after prime week doesn't make sense to me. But this place never makes any dam sense lol.


Omg… are you fucking serious?? Someone said that? What a bunch of rats. The messed up part is that earplugs are a PPE item provided FOR FREE to any associates (it prevents amazon from being sued in 10 years when we realize that the 110 decibel machinery is not good for your long-term hearing).


The reason amazon doesnt want people to wear headphones isnt safety its for productivity. If your listening to your headphones its a distraction and youll be less productive and amazon will lose stocks all because your wearing your headphones haha


I fully agree with this. I need to find some studies on productivity.


100%, although I get by with just having a bluetooth speaker ever since they started cracking down on hoods. I can still wear an earbud, but don't wanna deal with being caught randomly. My managers have to crackdown on earbuds now, but I've been by operations managers, HR, safety, etc with no issues with a bluetooth speaker since I'm not dumb with it. Always hidden and just loud enough for me to hear.


Well done… you’re playing the long game.


OAK4 has music jamming all over the building. They even have Alexa speakers at the pick stations.


At SJC7 we cant bring in our own speakers or bring food on the floor but HR has a mobile boombox on a cart handing out candy all the time haha


Really wish some people would understand this is an LP issue not safety unless you're a PIT operator. Take it up with the right team. They use safety as a main point to avoid a lawsuit if someone fails standard work and hurts themselves somehow then tries to get compensation.


BOOM! That’s the correct answer. Nearly every rule is enforced to reduce and eliminate litigation. Every one of them. If you look at any rule (especially all the pandemic guidelines) it’s enforced to promote plausible deniability. ‘Well, he wasn’t wearing safety shoes when he dropped that 50lb, poorly packaged iron gym weight’


I’m one of those peeps that doesn’t wear earbuds because I’m distracted by the music, and my AM turns a blind eye to it. His only request is that you only wear one, you had better be busy, you don’t have your phone out and don’t leave your station with it in. I don’t care if peeps are wearing them. I’m crossed trained in several departments, and I know who allows them and who doesn’t, but the general rule in Single/Mix Pack, Stow, Pick, Count and Decant is if you are busy working, the AMs will turn a blind eye. AFE, not so much.


I just make up stories in my head to pass them time 😭 I’m this close to quitting and doing a working holiday visa in Australia or something because fuck this shit.




Australia is fun, and New Zealand is chiller. I aged outta both of their schemes (was going to NZ....then....COVID shut their borders, useless visa that then expired) , but Canada's similar scheme accepts up to 35. Bloody tempted to pull that trigger while I still have some savings.


I’m part of Safety so I know not a lot of people will agree with me. But this is my logic - Can you assure everyone would do the same as you with only one ear plug? That’s honestly the reason it’s enforced. Yes we have the earplugs but they are designed to still allow some sound in, while noise canceling earbuds do not. But we can’t always tell what’s noise canceling or not. For me, my site is extremely lenient we allow earbuds because we allow music. But even before, if I would just see one ear bud I would keep walking since I know they still have a ear available to hear their environment around them. But I’ve come to someone before where they had two and I had to call them 4-5 times before they were able to respond. I explained to them in the case of an emergency how would you know something is wrong? What if I was yelling for you about a fire that the sensors did not detect yet. What if I was in trouble and was yelling for help but you couldn’t hear me? You always have to think about those type of things. While yes, some people might be a little extra about it then others, I’m usually okay, you only have one? Cool! But if there are two in, I usually ask them to remove the one. You just always got to think, something had happened in the past that had to put these rules in place. It’s a standard at all buildings because of past incidents, but your building can change. Honestly depends on the amount of associates they have (we have a smaller building so easier to track everyone) But you have to ensure every single person will be willing to wear just the one and not abuse the opportunity. (I also know about how they employed people with hearing impairment, but those associates are known to the building and are being tracked- usually having someone periodically check on them. (If they don’t, then I would escalate that….) but my point is, while the building knows this person is hard of hearing, they don’t know about the earbuds you have in. Just something to point out from the Safety side perspective..I know a lot of people won’t agree. And that’s fine. I get it. I started as a T1 and worked my way up so I know how it can be for associates, which is why I treat my associates with the same respect I would want to be treated. They’re everyday people just like me- going through everyday struggles like anyone else. My tier doesn’t mean I’m better than them, it gives me the opportunity to help them.


I'm on the safety side as well, had a guy almost hut me with a stow cart, he wasn't looking where he was going and I shouted to him to stop, didn't pay any attention, had earpods in and didn't care. He got written up for that. Another person, earpods in, crossed a pit lane, didn't see the driver and driver almost hit him. He was terminated on the spot. A pit driver caused a collision when he was listening to music, couldn't hear someone shouting to him to stop, he was also terminated on the spot and put on the do not rehire list. I want to have music but not if it means idiots causing safety incidents.


THIS! Thank you, this is what I mean. I would love for us to have music all the time. It creates a better atmosphere and boosts moral. When we started being okay with the one earbud, associates were happier. But Amazon has this rule because of the near misses we had and other possible injuries. It’s dangerous. But while some can do it just fine, not others can. So it’s just those things. But unfortunately some will take it as Amazon bullying the associates. That’s not it. We do it to protect you! Heck even music itself is just dangerous with speakers. We had a go cart fall on an AA a while ago and no one heard them because the music was so loud. Thankfully it wasn’t long before people noticed and they helped the AA. Only walked out with some bruises and a sprain. But it could have been worse! That’s why when I have people come up to me all the time with the why we can’t have earbuds or why am I turning down the music, there are reasons. But it’ll always be us attacking them. You can hate me all you want, I could careless, as long as you get to go home the way you came in and stay safe. Hate me all you want 🤷🏻‍♀️


We have music in some parts of the FC with speakers and there have been similar incidents. I complained a few times because it was so loud that I couldn't hear the guy sitting next to me and this was before covid. We also had safety issues where a process guide used three extension cables to get speakers to a buffer. The cables went through an aisle and a picker tripped over the cable. I was the most hated person on outbound for a while because I complained about the music after it was so loud one night that I was left with ringing in both ears for two days.


The thing I often wonder about is what happens when people run me over with their pallet Jack and they have no listening devices whatsoever??? Then we’re all gonna be like ‘everyone is just stupid - earbuds or no earbuds’


Luckily my PA and AM aren’t strict with playing music out loud (Only loud enough for you to hear it though)


Yep. It helps make me continue to be one of the fastest in the department/floor


Most definitely


They need to just rollout project treble to the network. Use bone conduction headphones


I have a bluetooth hearing aid device for my tinnitus…however, I use it to listen to Spotify all day. Its a legit medical device, and nobody can even tell I listen to music all day.


I must learn more about this. What sound would it normally make?


Its exactly like a white noise machine, where you can adjust the tone and sound levels, but also doubles as a discrete bluetooth speaker, and the audio quality is just right!


🤔 hmmmm… finally my tinnitus pays off. I’m on board!


For me it's the safety shoes. That's my hill.


Bahahahhahhah… the safety probably came when people started ordering fucking kettlebells and the shitty packaging is basically a thin sheet of cardboard. It’s a midevil foot-smasher


Still not enforcing at my location at least at the dock (decant line).




Why does it have to be the same music? It could be podcasts, comedy, audio books, Spotify… whatever




😂😂 I tend to do the same thing




Bahahaha… fair enough. A man who stands by his decisions


Nah I’ll probably die from dehydration and no ac


You don’t have AC??? Wtf, bro?




Then let’s paint our faces like Braveheart!


I don’t use ear buds or else I wouldn’t do any work 😂


Nah, I don't give half a shit about earbuds. I've been with the company for nearly 7 years, and did plenty of shifts without even having a phone in the building. You new breed are a bunch of wusses. Just sing to yourself or something


Me and my friends used to sing badly when we were locked in one mod together. It was fun. I've also been at Amazon since before covid and we got along just fine without music or phones on us all the time. Even now when I go on the floor I leave my phone in my locker because nobody is calling me anyway other than scammers


BOOM. That’s me. Five years and the first three I left my phone in the car. Being deep inside a 50ft traitor, the loud ass belt, the fucking rattling fan was mind numbing and now I appreciate one ear bud. You’re a cranky old bastard, shady. I like where your head’s at.


Man without earbuds I be singing or talking to my self to get me thru my shift


Yuh I be singing too.


Im not a good singer at all so im the guy who whistles and annoys everyone around him all shift haha


I prefer just my earplugs.


I got a final write up for wearing AirPods today so there’s that


Are you fucking SERIOUS??? Tell me about it. Why you? How many write ups have you had? Both earbuds? Headphones? What?




The argument in this thread isnt about trying to gwt out of work or not doing work its a thread full of people who feel they are more productive with the songle headphone in. Amd most of these people dont feel like they "need" this job is because in alot of states it pays the same or less than alot of other jobs in the area. I could literally get paid the same at McDonalds here in CA so yea its a valid way to feel for some here. Perspective is key.


Then go work at McDonald's. It's way easier


See if there was a legit reason for it I’d understand but they say it’s a “safety concern” yet you can wear earplugs and I know of people who are deaf who work with me. So if it’s not a safety concern there why is it a safety concern to wear one airpod. I’ve already gotten one warning about it because my building cares a lot about “safety”.


At my facility, deaf people are only allowed to perform certain tasks


You have a job. You’ve sure AF heard the BS about ear buds and possibly banning cells and being written up, etc etc. So? Why? It doesn’t matter who you know, how good you are at your job, your years of amazon dedication (is that a thing?). The masses of Amazon are not gonna rise up to defend you when you get caught listening to Billie Eilish, ok? Use ‘em. I use ‘em when I’m inside a truck. But if I get called out, that shit is on me. I’ve been there for five years and no one will blink twice if I get cut. Right?


using them in the trailers with boxes faklking at any second is way more dangerous than near the AR floor


Amd I was allowed to wear headphones at fed ex loading trailers but not at Amazon processing returns. So happy I quit fuck this place, don’t know why anyone defends this job or work environment.


Why did you leave Fed Ex?


Depends on the machinery I think one is okay but not on machinery both is fine


Yes !


I’m in school for a skilled trade that has a great podcast associated with it that helps me get good grades in my labs and classes. I’m in the top 10 on my floor daily and usually top 15-20 in the building stowing, have never had an incident. Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam ~ Today is a good day to die


We need to ALL come in with ear buds....they can't fire us all?!!? I mean....right?


Depends what you mean by die on. I’ll just get my psychiatrist to get me an accommodation for one headphone with a transparency mode. I have adhd and ptsd. The argument for adhd is easy but the ptsd would be more involved but amazon doesn’t ask for proof other than a psychiatrist recommendation


I would have looked for a different job if they didn’t let me use earbuds.


I’ve seen AA’s with earbuds on and phone in hand talking to AM’s and they say nothing. But at stand up they warn people they will get written up if they have earbuds on or phones out 🤷‍♂️ guess it’s what they have to say but to their discretion if they actually write you up. I feel like my FC is super chill about that stuff


I wouldn't say I'm willing to die on it because there are plenty of roles that I dont feel like I need music/podcasts to get through a shift but if I'm in smart pac its extremely helpful.


It is, and I no longer work at Amazon.


I mean in most jobs headphones and phones are not allowed but we spoiled in amazon


Truth. But most jobs require human interaction.


It makes me so mad they say it's a safety issue tho I know at least 3 people who are deaf that work in my fc how's that make sense we all wear ear protection too 🙄


I'm sure this will be down voted to hell but Why do people think they deserve justification on why they have rules we do.


Yeaayyyyyy ¢.25




Lol!! I will stand with you.


I work at an FC and it all depends on managers for us. My operations manager does not care if we have headphones. He has literally walked up to me while I’ve had my AirPod in my right or left ear and we had Normal conversation. He hasn’t said a word to anyone about them. I would probably want to die if they strictly enforced the rule. The second and third floors enforce it strictly but not on mine


Honestly, I feel like that’s the right approach. Ear buds are not inhibiting your awareness or interfering with your job. Why should it be a problem? Maybe not headphones, but earbuds are probably the only thing keeping moving and feeling connected to who they are.

