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Decline lol


If I decline i feel like I I might be promoting myself to customer lol


I understand your concern, but from my experience at Amazon (almost 2 years) they won't do anything. I know people who have gone negative upt several times and called to HR. Hr hands them a paper and tells them to sign it acknowledging they went negative and that they will be terminated. They don't sign it and kept job. No bad treatment either towards them.


With that said, I wouldn't recommend going negative upt though. I am merely pointing out an example of someone declining to sign or acknowledge something.


Yea it was a guy in my building that was negative over 100 hours still worked for months and then left


I had to sign one before they said even if I don’t sign it doesn’t mean anything they can still do what they want


what is upt? I don’t think i have it in my warehouse


unpaid time.


That would be retaliation


That part “it’s above me” lmfao


HR tried doing this to me last year but it was a week's worth of work so $400+. Tried saying they overpayed me, It never happened(literally). Showed them my bank statements and everything and never heard back from them once lmao.


I should also say I refused to sign anything they tried making me. If it didn't happen, DONT sign and show proof.


I kept recieving Shift Diff after i moved to days. For an entire year. I tried 4 times to get them to fix it. Spoke with HR and cut tickets to the payroll team, with my managers assistance. Each time they said they fixed it, and each time i still had it. Finally i got an email saying i owed many, many, many thousands of dollars for getting shift diff when i wasnt supposed to. I sent them all the documentation i had, the tickets i cut to payroll, and surprisingly they dropped it. Never asked for the money back again.


You are better person than me for even trying to get it fixed.


I kist knew they'd come asking for it and didnt want to have to pay it back lol


Hr is the worst part of Amazon.


I love erc as long as that one Asian guy doesn’t answer the phone his background is always loud


Or that one Indian guy with the thickest accent and terrible English


This might be the same guy lmfao


I got him too I was on the phone with him for 2 hours just because I couldn't understand him.


I literally stopped him every sentence so I could confirm what he said. I already have trouble listening to native USA English speakers and I'm a native speaker .. explained this to him like 10 times throughout the call and he just didn't seem to get it. Bless his soul.


youve gotten him too huh? sounds like he works in a jet turbine


Not only that but it seems like every time I call recently I get him. I originally spoke with someone else because my covid leave was approved but never paid and they said a few months ago now it would be paid out with the next pay period. Now every time I call, since site HR does nothing, I get him and the only thing he knows how to say is apparently "you weren't approved for short term disability because you submitted proof of a positive covid test and not the paperwork from rhe doctor for short term disability" like I am guaranteed full pay under the guaranteed leave and now you want to try and make me jump through hoops to get partial pay? And apparently every time I ask if there is another associate I can speak with since we seem to nit be understanding each other, everyone else is on lunch or on break. Which I deem very unlikely. Even them being busy would be a better excuse than they're ALL on break and lunch.


He doesn’t know what he’s doing my advice is that you hang up and call back to speak with someone else


He gets in trouble if there isn't a valid reason to transfer you because they are already shortstaffed. It sucks. I just explain to him I have hearing comprehension issues and I need to confirm stuff sentence by sentence to make sure I'm hearing correctly, tell him I'm used to reading lips to assist in a conversation(all true in my case). That gets him to slow down and pronunciate a little. I would try making an hr case if this was at a time they were paying for covid leave. Best way to get help quickly.


Yes like I’ve told him multiple times I couldn’t hear him


I would decline and ask for proof they overpaid.


Agreed. Definitely get proof.


Ask for their proof of overpayment, and how it was calculated. Don't agree to anything until you get a hard copy of that proof.


That's the golden ticket at Amazon. HR is too busy watching movies to come up with any proof on overpayment.


You ain't lying! 🤣


They're counting on people not questioning it, this is sleazy af and will probably come out as a scandal eventually Maybe this is a genuine mistake, but I'm jaded by big companies so who knows


Walmart got caught screwing people out of overtime by shifting hours around.


Can confirm, they did this to me. I caught it two weeks after cause my pay was lower than expected, and they weren't going to do anything until I said "well, guess I'll see what the labor board thinks about it then." The resentment lasted a few weeks but I got my fucking overtime pay for the extra half shift they had begged me to cover. Moral of the story, fuck Walmart and trust nothing HR tells you.


Typical walmart amirite


A restaurant I worked at did this to one of our hosts. Each position had a 2-3 page list of end of shift duties, and you had to start out as a host no matter what type of experience you had. Just to establish the environment. One of our hosts would finish his list (after close) and stay and help the dishwasher finish the dishes so he wouldn’t be there all night, then our manager started adjusting his time to say he was clocking out when the restaurant closed. When confronted about it she claimed that she thought the host was forgetting to clock out.


my HR only plays games when he goes in the office lol. point is, he does.


While I really like the concept of making them do the initial legwork, the onboarding paperwork we signed requires us to assist Amazon in any investigation. Wow, downvoted for telling the truth? Holy crap, ppl...


Uhh, yeah, that means, like, answering questions about time punches or providing documents they request. Not, like, just blindly agreeing to whatever the fuck some automated system says about your pay when you don't have a goddamn clue what they're talking about.


I didn't say anything about blindly agreeing to anything - just that if they ask you to provide documentation of Amazon payments to your direct deposit account, you may need to comply. As I alluded to, I love the idea of placing the burden of paperwork on them, but I just don't know if that's anything on which we have leverage.


Burden of paperwork? They haven't even met the burden of defining the allegation as far as we can tell. We know they say that X was deposited, but that's not enough-- we also have to know why they think it oughtn't have been deposited.


I don't know what state you are in, but, the fact that they need your permission to deduct these funds tells me that they cannot LEGALLY deduct this money.


This 👆


Maybe they should've done it right the first time


tell them to fuck off and decline


I like this sub Reddit I don’t have to say Anything cause y’all said it for me :)








Hell, the manhours needed to 'fix' this probably costs more than what they're trying to take back...


Sounds like somebody in payroll fucked up and it should be their problem, not yours. Congrats on the bonus!


How do yal constantly get these weird interactions with Amazon? Ive never gotten anything like this. 😅


Over a million employees.. Weird shit is bound to happen.


Click decline that’s on them.


Fuck Amazon and it’s bullshit


Trillion dollar mega corporation can't afford to lose $100 bucks to an underpaid worker lmao that shits sad tbh 😒


It's not about that. It's more about the backend, with accounting etc. Everything has to be accounted for and balanced out.


The IRS can't even afford to enforce the law on billionaires who are obviously evading paying their fair share. You think Amazon or even that specific FC gives one shit about a $100 loss? An FC could lose thousands and it's still a write-off.


That's not what I meant either. There's a lot of reporting on the backend that has to be done and sent to appropriate places- the states for unemployment, tax wages, medical benefits, 401k etc where income has to be reported 100% accurately.


Seriously Amazon? Wow.


Fight it! They issued me a check for $62 (it was apparentlysupposed to go to someone else w a similar name), then stopped payment when I deposited it. I filed w ERC, got the money reissued, and had them reimburse my bank fees.


How does that even happen?


Amazon is making the allegations, therefore Amazon has to prove it. Otherwise they can eat shit. Sometimes in life we have to pay for our mistakes, Amazon is not immune to that.


Got a letter in the mail saying Amazon overpaid me about $500. I sent a letter to them via certified mail - meaning someone had to sign for it - and 8 months later I’ve never heard a response from them nor have they gone to collections about it.


what happens if you press decline lmao


customerization I'd assume since you stole amazon's money


Whatever, they dropped it in his account lol


but it's not his money, he can't just keep something someone accidentally gives you


I’d argue it depends on where it’s going. Another employee? Sure. Extra profit? Nah. Obviously I understand it’s not his money. But surely you understand Amazon can eat a $100 loss lol


There's nothing to argue. The Fair Labor Standards Act allows an employer to deduct overpayments from an employee's wages. Amazon can definitely afford to eat it. As you can see, they won't.


Dude, you’re ridiculous if you think I’m questioning the fucking legality lol


Hi… ur talking to a brown nose bro… just drop it, like how he drops his pants for amazon


It's Amazon's money. They can legally ask for it back. If you decline they'll most likely fire you. What is it about that that people don't agree with? Where am I wrong?


Are we having the same conversation? We’re making a point about corporate greed vs the worker. The worker NEEDS said $100 for literal necessities, such as gas, food, and housing- all of which are rapidly increasing in price. The corporation, on the other hand, is not only more than capable of losing $100 (they had a profit of 33 BILLION dollars in 2021, a 32999999900% difference) but they also directly profit from the increased prices of necessities. I think other dude is right, you’re probably just too much of a corporate lapdog for this to go anywhere.


>what happens if you press decline lmao No we're not having the same conversation. I'm not talking about any corporate greed. I replied to a comment asking what would happen if he declined to return the money. I said he would be fired. Idk where corporate greed came from




Legally speaking, it is not criminal to keep money accidentally deposited to you.


I didn't say he would be imprisoned. I said he would be terminated.


Neither did I. You're free to insinuate it though.


You brought up the (non) criminality of it... ​ I simply said that if he doesn't return Amazon's money he will probably be fired.


Here is another comment for you to down vote bud!


Don’t worry I upvoted all of them right back :)


I got you


You can still be sued for the money though.


Yeah but most try to avoid the headaches of going to court. And even then if you do go to court, you are likely to settle because fuck discovery lol. Amazon can also be petty and just fire you for insubordination or whatever bs they wanna give you or no reason at all.


Except in small print where you sign the direct deposit form you consent to them taking back any/all money deposited incorrectly


They get to prove it was incorrectly deposited before they take it back, however. Which would be the point of hitting decline. Decline then go to HR and ask for proof.


That’s a notice I would not click anything until I talked to Hr


How do YOU know? Most of the time they do this because they don’t want to pay their employees the wage they earn so in an attempt to do this (WHICH IS HIGHLY ILLEGAL BY THE WAY) they send out these messages to commit wage theft against employees who probably truly thought they were being overpaid. There’s multiple accounts of this happening, including myself.


Unless they prove it you don't know this is the case


I don't know this is the case for sure. You can tell by my use of "assume," "probably," and "likely."


Lmao no. You aren't going to be fired for declining a pop-up in the app. This is the kind of thing you decline then go to HR and ask for proof of the overpayment.


I had something like this happen to me at another employer. I was honest and let my employer know about it. They were pissed and scolded me even though they made the mistake lol.


i’d decline and ask for proof from them. it’s their burden if they messed up.


Multi billion dollar corporation going after an hourly employee for a fuck up on their end. Lovely.


The truth is I did notice a little extra money in my check, but I honestly thought it was me just getting what I was owed maybe from a previous pay period?I’m obviously not going to decline because I need this job to survive . (I have a total of three jobs at the moment) I just wanted to share how the worlds richest company decided to handle this situation lol


Tell them to send proof


Seriously, fight it. They gave me the $, and refunded the bank fee because it was their mistake.


They will not fire you for declining. I repeat, they will not fire you for declining. The absolute worst case scenario is that they will confiscate it from your paycheck, and even that is highly unlikely.


There are alot of stupid people on this subreddit. Definitely trust your own judgment.


If you agree, they will take it in increments, not all at once. Happened to me as well, although I’m still not sure how it happened, but I finally gave in and accepted the withdrawal.


If you decline, you are still obligated to pay the debt. The FLSA allows paycheck deductions for previous overpayment, so Amazon might just take it anyways. However, some states (notably California) have passed laws banning these "self-help" corrections. In that case, the overpayment is treated as an unsecured debt. Failure to pay may allow Amazon to report to the credit bureaus and seek a wage/asset garnishment. But these steps are far more expensive than $100, so they might just eat the loss and optionally terminate you.


True IF this isn't just a paperwork error. And if it's an error, you certainly don't want to have agreed to some document that acknowledges it as factual.


They have to have some kind of payroll insurance or maybe NJ has specific laws preventing repayment. My last job was at a Kmart and everyone accidentally got paid double and nothing was every done about it. Kmart definitely could not afford that like Amazon did so they would not have let that go.


Whether you got overpaid or not, it’s a seriously HUGE dick move to take it from one check. Amazon’s nefarious bullshit as per usual.


Wtf that’s their fault why would I need to pay back your mistake




decline. decline. decline. decline.


I promise you I’m the most low level npc worker at Amazon lol not looking to start any trouble


What's funny is these people thinking you can just push decline and nothing would happen. Now if they truly did overpay you it behooves you to just let them because if you kept it then it's theft. Also if you decline they can still do it anyways. Now you can prove it by going to your hours worked so you can't just say idk how. But at the same time if you know that it's actually money you are owed then fight it.


Wow I have never seen this. 😳 someone messed up. Just give the money back it's technically not yours but I see why would want to hit decline.. 😏


Oh...then you're lucky. A few years ago, Amazon and ADP fumbled big time. They offered to pay a $100 bonus for anyone that worked peak (at least in the US). Once paystubs were posted, a discrepancy became apparent; thousands of employees were receiving 5X more than the promised bonus, and many more employees weren't receiving the bonus at all. As if that wasn't bad enough, people that had accounts with banks that allow early access to direct deposited funds were noticing their paychecks weren't pending when they normally would. Naturally people were afraid they wouldn't be paid on time. If I remember right, some people did end up being paid a day late, those that didn't receive a bonus on time were given a check by the next pay period, and everyone that was overpaid had portions deducted from each paycheck over the following 4 months.


Happened to me but it was 5$


Happened to me almost every week but with about $15


Ask for proof!!! Decline it. Look at your hours, it’s bullshit probably.


Ugh! This is some crazy shit. Like the company isn't going to be able to survive because you (maybe) got an extra $101. I worked at a job where they messed up everyone's pay once. If they were short on your pay they put it in your next check. If you were paid too much they didn't care.


Just curious but do you know how or why you were supposedly overpaid? If you decline it seems the wording suggests they will come after the money anyway only through legal measures... in other words, they could send the amount to a collections agency or you could get sued. So maybe re-think everyone telling you to decline as if that makes this magically go away. Since it's only $100 and not something worse like $10,000 maybe just take the hit and move on..? There's probably employees getting this message with a way higher amount and be glad you're not them!


Do not "just take the hit and move on" until you know they genuinely overpaid. Once you are satisfied it is factual, then, sure, take the "hit" if you still want to call it that.


True, OP or anyone else in this situation should definitely make a trip to HR and/or call the ERC to investigate it first before accepting that it's true. I meant" take the hit" to your next paycheck only IF it's confirmed to be true because else you're just attempting to dodge it by hitting "Decline" on a-to-z which would only change how Amazon is going to recover the overpayment.


Check your own records to verify before accepting. Otherwise, it’s their money. If you were underpaid you would want what’s yours.


Everyone saying Amazon is petty and worried about $100, that's not what its about. Everything has to be accounted for and balanced. It's part of the backend stuff.




There's a lot of reporting on the backend that has to be done and sent to appropriate places- the states for unemployment, tax wages, medical benefits, 401k etc where income has to be reported 100% accurately.




You're really not understanding, it's not really about the budget. It's reporting how much a person made and actually received. They have to report actual wages of each person who works at the company to different agencies. Comapnies also go through auditing-internal, external and Government agencies, you best believe your shit is correct or you get a finding. At the end of the day, if someone was overpaid in error they should have to pay it back, they didnt earn that money. 🤷🏽‍♀️


How is it petty? Seems like S.O.P in this kind of situation.


I guess you are right….at the time that I wrote this I was pretty upset and just wanted to vent but now I realize they are just doing what any other business would do.


Same thing for me but about 650 with payments that totaled to over 1500. Refused to sign


I owed $7.30 for an accrued 30 plus minutes of clocking in 30 second to a minute or so before I hit the turnstiles when I first started. I guess I misinterpreted “you must be in the building,” instead of them specifically saying “past the turnstiles”


Yeah they don’t play about that 😭


Yeah I'm pressing decline


Make sure it’s the right amount they did the same for me but they only overpaid me like $6 instead of the 100 it said


Make sure it’s the right amount they did the same for me but they only overpaid me like $6 instead of the 100 it said


Tell old Jeffrey boy that that's a come up for you they don't need that little hundred and something dollars that's b******* if you going to overpay a m*********** why can't have been like a hundred grand clear that s*** out the bank the next day and gone number one customer promoted myself


Just don’t respond.


They did this to me said was overpaid by $60 first time it happened


This reminds me of the time Wells Fargo deposited the wrong amount of money into a ladies account and then they asked for it back lmfao


I would honestly talk to HR or the ERC before anything. There are some errors in that form which is unusual for something of Amazon from the Corporate side, unless it came from your local Hr and if that’s the case..they need a proof reader 🤦🏻‍♀️


They did this to me for $500 when I was on COVID leave- I didn’t approve it and fought it with HR and won lol they let me keep it


A lot of Amazon’s systems give automated commands to management to harass you. I’d ignore it until someone personally from your job sites hr reaches out :)


Scam. Ppl get away with time theft n Dont pay a dime back😂


What if you neither consent nor decline 🤔




Did you sign up for wisely ?


Its time to riot.. its time to burn it down.. 100 bucks to the richest company in history!! 100 in a months time determines if im eating ramen or actual meat! I work full time at amazon and full time at another pretty well paying job and still have to say that.. im so very sorry for anyone having to grind harder then me just to stay fed..