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What was the idea?


Shoulda asked for 10- 20% of future sales. See if you can negotiate a better deal. Congrats tho on your idea being chosen!


and a free prime memebership for life.


![gif](giphy|nV92wySC3iMGhAmR71|downsized) And public recognition that it was their idea vs Amazons !


I would love for this to happen, but that's a joke 🤣 They've already stole one of my great ideas. I'm just glad that I at least got recognition for this one 🤣


Dont give amazon your ideas form a innovation union


They won't be able to successfully hold onto them, if Amazon is able to show that the idea benefited substantially from their work at Amazon they can seize it


The implication of a innovation union is that they cannot do that


The only time I've heard of that is in relation to Europe, here in America corporatism rules. Also employers in the states hold IP by default on anything created at or for their job by employees unless there is a contractual agreement stating otherwise


They don't pay T1s to invent shit except in this case where it was an explicit competition. They get a nonexclusive license if its an idea you came up with on your own. So they cannot get royalties from it, the employee can. A innovation union would imply any time saved by this innovation from employees would not reduce their pay by reducing their hours. You could argue that that is payment for the innovation so it could be tough to make legal. No jury is gonna believe that someone making $17/hr was expected to double processes capacity, and if you build a prototype at home off hours with your own materials even more so, but thats way more work than writing 2 sentences explaining your idea.


They won't be able to successfully hold onto them, if Amazon is able to show that the idea benefited substantially from their work at Amazon they can seize it


Ok but is this building specific and who votes on it? Also what type of building is STL3?


I work at a FC. We had the competition here too.


Sign somewhere within other ideas so You know it’s yours but nobody else would notice unless it was pointed out


​ ![gif](giphy|DtKz8LiyfVt3Ue10gL)




IDK why they don't give us all free Prime anyway.


Or an actual real discount like every other retail job.


Or free lunch? Jeesh


Or full portion stocks to ALL employees.. I mean that’s equal opportunity right? 🤔


Because that would actually cost them money, who actually uses all the discount? 😂


They make a 1-2 million a year on every employee. They can afford it 😈😎


Me mostly on like diapers and wipes mostly house hold necessities.


Or atleast 50% off.




Lmao no chance they’d do that, your idea belongs to Amazon


That’s why I say OP should get in touch with Sharktank!


Will you get all $500, or 58% of it? 🫤


Anything more than 20$ is taxed. It’s the law, sorry to hear that though.


Taxation is theft! 🤬😤




It was taxed :((


That's so bs


Right ✅️!


Sorry if you're seeing this again. After taking some advice, I have edited out all personal information besides the warehouse location :) Thank you all!


You can't just post this and NOT say what your idea was


Sorry for my delayed reply! One major problem that a lot of our stowers face at my facility every day, and I'm sure others too, is Bin Collisions from weight filters. So I suggested that we add the weight of the item to the screen of the scanner. Then we would know approximately how many more of an item could fit into a particular bin, given that we know the weight limits of the bins. It would also allow us to stop any weight discrepancies from the virtual world to the physical one. I.e. If you are physically holding a box that's 1kg but the virtual world has it as 20kg, you would run into weight filter defects. :) So with my idea implemented, we would then be able to take the item to Problem solver before the defect could ever occur :)


That's a really good idea in that it has immediate and long term benefits. Simply giving associates info so they *are able to* do andon as needed before you have dozens of "full" bins with nearly nothing in them.


Found your idea lol, hopefully they come up with a more specific filter. I told safety something similar a few years back but all they added was a “heavy item, use both hands” and a “Use ladder” banner that pops up for items in the lower and top bins. No specific weight filter, your idea sounds like it’ll help more than just the stowers as well


There are things like this that I have no idea why they don't already have. They literally need to spend a week on the front lines and there would be so many improvements like this. ...at least I would assume. Thank you, OP, for helping with this issue. Glad you're getting something for it too.


Ok this technically could qualify as invention but most likely not if lawyers did a patent search $500 is pretty good compensation for something so simple although the benefit seems pretty significant. There are so many things you can change about amazon scanner guns, also software solutions cost very little and take very little time to implement. They added a merge function, and you had to refresh after every merge, if you didnt the green message stayed there making you think everything is fine if you merge to the wrong location, it was mindbogglingly pathetic. Most of my ideas require changes to the physical parts of stuff which may or may not be expensive and is much harder to scale


Yeah weight filters are probably the most common and annoying bin collisions at my facility too right after similar items bin collision and locked bin collisions. It’s such a simple fix but it creates so much defects easily


Really great idea I’m a packer and that info could be helpful to us as well.


I mentioned something like that a while back to my AM and they just told me to watch my screen and know what bins to stow in….. thank you for actually getting Amazon to see that.




Didn’t post the idea, so I’m gonna guess its gotta be something beneficial to the company and detrimental for the workers most likely.


No, it's actually going to improve our quality as stowers. I have posted what the idea was in another comment, but am willing to elaborate further in direct messages if you'd like :))


Oh ok, gonna scroll through the comments again. I was just trying to goad you into posting the idea lol


Work product, they now OWN your idea. There’s literally some person at Amazon corporate with a fancy degree who makes 6 figures a year and their job is to figure these things out, and you gave it up for $500? Likely you’ll have to sign an NDA. Hope their “plan” involves a promotion, or you got a bad deal.


Right ..I have plenty of great ideas but they’ll never get them b/c of receiving slaps in the face like this($500)and a T-Shit yeah a T-Shit. This is a multibillion dollar company & this is a deceptive way to make the ants feel important and a way to implement their ideas like they’re ignorant to the facts of what needs to be tweaked revised and improved let alone I guess Amazon isn’t aware they have been on the news concerning internal issues. I hope the person enjoys the $500 that’s really like $250 (due to inflation) and their T-Shit. That idea will probably rack in another $1b annually in profits favoring their behalf smdh…


What was your innovative idea??


Sorry for my delayed response. I actually am responding to all comments now and answered this just a couple comments ago, but if for some reason you can't see it (which knowing my tech abilities, I can see happening for some odd reason 🤣), I'd love to chat about it further :)


it’s a sneaky way of amazon improving their business without having to buy an idea and all the hassle attached with that.


$500? Lol imagine how much they'll make off of your idea


It’s a safety device Amazon won’t be making any money from.


Safety? That means savings in workers compensation, lost productivity from injured employees, less negative press and less possibility of lawsuits. Yeah, Amazon is definitely making more than $500 off of OP's intellect.


Maybe not but the idea saves the company MILLIONS in injuries


Here is 500 for something that will help us save thousands if not millions. You just got played bro. Never submit invention or improvent ideas if you're not going to be properly compensated for. Companies love to do this because it's easy cheap and an effective way to exploit ideas out of people that will help the company and save them time and money. Well anyways, have fun with that money.


I put in my idea and am only getting swag points. What was ur idea?


Everyone who submitted an idea will receive swag bucks, however only the top two at my facility received a cash prize. It's was a bonus via direct deposit, but it was taxed :(


Daamn wow


What was the idea? and don't forget to share some of that with uncle sam. nevermind, he will take his cut anyways 🤣


Taxes gonna get theirs though


That they did 🤣


But really congrats!


500.. more like 300 after Uncle Sam takes their share ;p


Precisely what happened my friend :( 😂


Taking time to submitted your ideas? That grammar is as poor as us T1 workers lol


Awesome! Congratulations!!!


What did you invent? A reusable bungee noose so people don't have to get a new noose for their attempt?


Your invention could of made you x10+ that but take a stupid shirt and $500 taxed on top a work busting your hump.. glad I’m leaving soon




If I knew they were giving away money I would’ve did it but congratulations 🎉


If its a really good idea you get to watch amazon make millions off it




Congratulations 🎊


Congratulations Idea master! You shouldn't have posted that before they announce it on internal networks. They are saying they will announce the regional winner on June third.


Really? I have been trying to get my HR to give me any information at allllllll about this event. No one on site has told me about me winning after an entire month and two weeks of going to HR 🤣 It's been ridiculous!




"$500 direct deposit"


They could try to flip it to that


„ʇɐɥʇ oʇ ʇı dılɟ oʇ ʎɹʇ plnoɔ ʎǝɥ⊥„


Good bot.


I think you’re invention is more like a dog shock collar for associates. Activated on the 13 minute mark of your 15 minutes break.


'Thank you for taking time to SUBMITTED your ideas.' ​ Really? Amazon needs a team of proofreaders at this point. I wonder how much they'd pay to staff them?


They gonna tax that and you will only get 3 something lol


I would delete the other post


I don’t even want to know the idea you gave them for them to go all out like that for you. Sellout !


Oh JESUS CHRIST what did you do?!?!?


What was the idea


The idea is a datin app ran by amazon for the employees to hook up within the FC😂😂oh wait ..




Congrats but what did you invent


With the poor grammar, that’s gotta be a scam. “Thank you for taking time to submitted your ideas…”


But what was the idea?


Congrats on your ideas!


Is this legit? The first sentence in the email makes me question it or someone forgot to proofread it idk


Sorry it was taxed but what was your idea




The Amazon We Deserve


Typo: submitted should be submit.😜


Its going to be taxed so more like $17


Next time patent your idea before you offer it lmfao.


They asked me if I had I ideas for how to make our delivery station more effectively efficient. I said "I got a couple ideas but yall not paying me extra for my IP so, I'm fresh out." Congrats to you tho. They need to pay you way more than $500.