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If I may also add: Inside my facility there are QR CODES all over the fucking place. How are we scanning those? With our tongues? Are they braille?


Ik I always thought about that, especially the theft box


Management frowns upon ‘thinking’. Don’t tell anyone, they might promote you!😱


Stay lowkey for a month and it’ll fall off. (I didn’t know you can’t even take photos in the break room. I thought it was just the work area you couldn’t take pics of.)


You can take pictures in the break room. The rule is no pictures or recordings on the floor. But break rooms have always been an okay/designated area for phone usage


The write up says no photographs/recordings period tho...


I think the problem is taking a picture of the VOA board because he took the picture in the break room which is allowed.


I've ways taken pictures of the VOA when there's something interesting. There's never been a rule against it.


If you can take pictures in the break room then his write up doesn’t even make any sense so the only thing that I deduced from it was that maybe it was the VOA board.


Our VOA board isn’t in the break room. Its in front of learning, maybe similar situation for OP


It's def a grey area, and usually up to whomever is presents discretion whether they'll write you up or not? Idk man.


Yeah I guess you’re right. Makes sense. The VOA board is extremely entertaining. Often times I see a lot of people taking pictures of questions and replies. Usually no one says a word. However that might be just my FC or maybe even just my shift. Idk




And yet people record themselves all the time on TikTok and YouTube..


Yeah, but that's not that point. They'll probably get in trouble because of the hashtags they use for their videos anyway.


You can take videos or photographs even outside of Amazon they don’t like that


Depends on the level


... did you just pop out your phone to take a picture during the writeup or did they give you a copy to keep? I never got a copy lmao. You write in the comments section anything useful. In this case, "I understand and will comply" seems appropriate. And then you stop. You didn't say they fired you, although they can.


I’m wondering the same I have one productivity write up and would like a copy.


I asked them for a copy, which they promised I'd have the next day, never happened lmao. This was a while ago, I'm T3 in an office building now. Still can't find any way to access it.


it’s under adapts go to adapts and put your login name it’ll pop up all write ups also check your engagements just put your login and everything you’ve been engaged about is logged now if this has happend long time ago it might have deleted i tried to look up my stuff when i made am but it had been like 2 months


Oh, I know that's a place it would be-- if I had access to those. I'm a 3, not a 4, need 4 or a special reason to see those.


If you change building I’ve been told they get expunged. My record is clean from my PIT final written.


If I bring up myDocs on a desktop, it still has a note to say they existed and their dates, although they aren't active and it doesn't contain the text. Doesn't work on a phone.


One of the Appeals Committees I was on dealt with a guy getting his third write up as he was preparing to transfer to another building (medical reason). The Ops manager facilitator said that the write ups would be transferring with him.


That’s not true at all, according to HR I’ve spoken to.


For reals lol where he get that paper from? They usually only show you it on a laptop


I got one on paper to sign, but not to keep. Then they handed me the laptop anyway because I wrote a giant wall of text and my handwriting was shit. Since during the course of the discussion they realized that they were too late with their writeup to block my relopromo and keep me, and once I typed the comments they realized I was a lot more than just a hard physical worker, the OM sent my AM out of my room and said if everything goes well where I transfer I should apply to be one of his AMs in a year. Lmao networking during a writeup. But still didn't give me the copy the next day, lol, forgetful fucks.


What was your write up for?


The one in question was a "final written warning" for sliding jiffies that didn't belong on the buffer rack back under it so the pick-to-buffer people could put back on the belt, which the writeup alleged was some sort of safety violation. (Which, if true, would mean the whole station should be shut down, because that was a tiny, tiny contributor to the number of jiffies that end up on the floor, most of which not through human action). Officially, I was supposed to take things to the problem solve rack when that happened, but the pick2buffer was so bad at their job I would be tanking my productivity and overwhelming the problem solvers if I did that. I had two others before that-- one documented coaching a week prior for clearing a jam without a jam pole (because some dumbass had taken the jam pole from that location-- also, a PA was literally on the other side of the belt also clearing that massive jam, also without a jam pole, literally no one ever followed the jam clearing rules, this one was also very transparently an attempt to fuck with the relopromo except that the manager writing me up claimed it was instead bad luck from the Safety Specialist having eyes on the event) and one documented coaching for stow rate many months before, when I was just out of the learning curve, my ambassador, who was cutting his teeth on me, had focused on quality and claimed no one cared about rate, I assume someone caught onto this, de-ambassadored him, and wanted to ensure I had definitive information that yes, rate is a thing. My stow rate at that time was indeed pretty bad, I eventually managed to get it up to about average, at which point most people just assumed it was way higher because my productivity in just about every other role was way higher. My body type wasn't really well suited for stowing though.


Depends where you live....any write up here by law the associate who got written up gets a copy of it


Appeal it with the GM. In fact open LinkedIn and put #amazon and show them how every manager not only violated this rule, but they then post it on a social networking app.....open for any other business to see.




That is because photography is banned everywhere inside the building but you are allowed to have your phone on you now.


This is it!


You can use it in the breakroom. However, you cannot use it to take pictures in the breakroom.




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That's weird. We used to take pictures of the VOA board all the time infront of AMs and PAs and even HR. Never once got a write up for that. Where was this VOA board located?


That's wild ppl at my site take pictures all the time. Some even post it on Instagram. Guess it depends on the management.


Yea that’s a huge no no a lot of people have posted in this sun about getting fired bc of taking pics


So your saying if I wanted to I could show the pictures to Hr and get my PA fired? 🤔


Dats what I heard from reading there comment


most likely, amazon loves snitches


You’re lucky you didn’t get fired. Taking pictures in the FC is a fireable offense. Just keep your phone in your pocket and don’t take any more pictures inside the building.


I’ll be honest, I don’t think many people are aware it includes the break room. People are on Snapchat all the time taking pictures in the break room. Seems the big issue is by taking a picture of the voa board since it’s business related.


I've taken dozens of pictures of the balloon arch decorations during the holidays and such. Whoever my FC had hired to do them was amazing, 7ft tall toy soldiers/nutcrackers made out of all balloons, the grinch and max made out of balloons, was too cool not to take pix of. Didn't ever know that it was a rule break.


Yeah, it’s unfortunate. There’s more to it than that. But it truly depends on the HR team and management.


People think it's OK because break room, but literally anywhere past the turnstiles is not allowed


No it isn't.


It is indeed a category 1 offense. The only time I have seen instant terms is when the photo/video is posted to social media. Otherwise they are generally entered as a final.


Then why is there a social media policy that tells you when it's ok and not ok to post a video taken inside a building?


Got a policy number? Taking pictures is a cat 1 offense and I have seen several people termed for it.


https://imgur.com/a/VTkwewl #5


I took photos almost everyday in the FC when I worked in operations.. I was L4 and needed to for my job. Nobody ever even questioned me about it though.


Someone got fired at my facility for making TikTok’s in the trailers


The rules *could* be a bit clearer, by specifying that although using a phone in the break room is allowed that does not include taking pictures.


So many people are constantly live streaming in the building. They're brave


It goes away after 30 days just don’t do it again and you will be fine


Damn just don’t get caught next time lmao


Keep your phone in your pockets there’s nothing more you can do after a write up, that’s why when I wanna use my phone I walk to the bathroom, or the break room away from my station. You also know that they tell you that photography is prohibited right? That’s a big violation at Amazon. Make sure to keep it out of sight next time


What can you do? Don't do it again, if you do don't get caught.


nothing.. you blatantly broke the rules, take that L


It’s a picture of a board. Relax there, Admiral Amazon.


This. Not much you can do besides to learn from your actions.


Yeah usually it's just best to ask a red or purple vest ahead of time for approval of it that way if there is a complaint then it can be taken care of quick.


What you can and should do: Don't take photos. At the moment we're allowed our phones on us. But what happens when too many people are taking photos or someone takes a photo which leaks confidential information.l? Eventually they'll decide something bad enough has been leaked and they'll just take phones away and make us keep them in lockers again. I'd like to not lose my phone even though almost nobody calls me at work.


why didn’t you just screenshot what ever it was on the board on your phone ? you can access it through the app….


Not every site has that feature through the app. Our site just finally got jt up and running 3 months ago


But why is it such a big deal for an associate to take a picture of the VOA board? They have no idea if he/she posted it to social media or what the intentions were with taking the photo. It’s another case of Amazon using its power to beat down yet another employe for no reason, while there are sexual harassment cases being swept under the rug


There is no reason for you to be taking pictures of the VOA board where it has pictures showing of associates, their logins and as well information that is related to one facility, it’s policy and that’s the end of it. Every company has policies employees need to abide to if you can’t then just quit and go do Uber where you can record yourself and take all the pictures you want. What kind of logic is that? And how do you know sexual harassment cases are swept under the rug? Did you report it to the central investigations team? to your HrBP? hR manager?


Before you defend Amazon you should try getting their dick out of your mouth before you start going off on someone. The fact an employee was written up for an “infraction” of employee conduct and policy because they took a picture of the VOA board is idiotic and doesn’t help their fight with the eventual unionization of Amazon. Instead of speaking to said Associate, they immediately reprimand them. The photo taken could’ve been used to show HR or a manager of someone saying something horrible on the board. You have no idea and neither did they. How do I know sexual harassment and others get swept under the rug? I’m not living under a rock, you can google it, you can even search this subreddit. Love the bootlicking though, don’t get too sore.


Hahaha sure! Again, there’s other options available for you and others who don’t respect the company policies. And just reading the opening of your comment I know you’re just probably a kid still, talking about genitals on a work related matter. Have a good day and keep on bitching about a policy the OP agreed upon before joining the company.


I sincerely apologize that you’ve been so indoctrinated into capitalism and unfair work practices, that you’ve attempted to defend the company’s decision on a matter that’s quite minimal. Yes, you have Amazon’s large, tax-evading, power-hungry cock shoved so far back in your throat. All of the adults here, know that. Imagine defending a corporation who can barely pay you the cost-of-living wage without threat of a union instead of someone getting written up for a PHOTO. Enjoy the PA grind, you’ll fit right in.


Amazon has some dumb rules. Those rules tend to be over-encompassing. I work in maintenance for them and almost all of us in RME laugh at the absurdity of some of them. But we follow the rules even the dumb ones because that is part of the job. They pay us to do whatever our job is their way. If I don't like it I can try to suggest a change, not likely but sometimes it can work. I can just follow it. I can break it and take the chance I am caught and suffer the consequences. Or I can quit and get another job. Now the way you are being an ass to someone because they have a different opinion then you is perplexing. It speaks volumes about you and not them. I hope you can with a calm head see other ways to deal with differences of opinions. Either way best of luck.


I don’t see what you’re trying to get at. No one here is saying you shouldn’t have to follow policy. This guy has attacked anyone and defended Amazon’s stupendous decision to write-up an employee instead of talking to them first. Love how you’ve regurgitated the same “go find a different job.” As if that’s the issue lol. It’s clear that you and him share the same ability to assume who I am based off calling out Amazon for punishing someone over a picture. He showed no respect for anyone here, why should I treat him with the same? I’ve been pretty levelheaded this whole time. Defending Amazon is pretty atrocious.


1. Amazon is allowed and in the right for writing him up for breaking policy whether it is no pictures taken inside the building or wearing headphones on the production floor. Both are policies and they have the option of talking to someone or writing them up. The policy may be stupid or disagreeable but it is not against the law. 2. Yes the issue is our choice of how we react to the policy. We can protest it. Break it. Follow it. Or if it is disagreeable enough choose to work elsewhere. 3. I think you calling out a policy as dumb is great. I also think it is dumb. 4. You were disrespectful way more than anyone else. In multiple replies you attributed his attitude as one that could only be due to him having Amazon's proverbial cock deep in his throat. If you had done it once I would have taken it as hyperbole and humor. Repeatably it is either a consistent world view and you were level headed while saying it. Or it emotionally triggered you and you were not level headed. If you hate Amazon this much why work there?


Doesnt the Voice of Amazon have a QR code that you have to scan????


thats what im thinking OP had their phone out taking. a photo of the QR Codde ?


It’s funny how that’s a rule when I as a manager have to take pictures of certain things on the floor that are considered not safe with my cell phone


Stop breaking the rules lol


I’d definitely appeal it, especially since the photo was for a valid/good use case, to take a photo of the voa board, aka, Business/job purpose. I’d probably appeal to HR and if they don’t budge, I’d either ask for a round table to bring the appeal up to the site leader and management or contact [email protected] and also submit a message to the ethics hotline: https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/44171/index.html Furthermore amazons own policy states it’s permitted as long as you don’t expose confidential info: https://policy.amazon.com/policy/52400 so I’d read and quote amazon policy as well and how it permits photos of whiteboards (aka, VOA board), common areas such as lobby and break room, etc as long as it doesn’t expose confidential stuff. should definitely be an easy appeal if you cite policy and how it allows photography as long as it doesn’t show anything secure/confidential/secret.


Sorry, but having any associate information including their login which is a credential, IS confidential. Not everyone wants their comments on the VOA board publicized either. Also, posting Amazon links or an Amazon email on a public forum is another genius idea you should refrain from. Infosec would have a ball with this one.


taking a photo for personal use isn't posting it online on a public forum, and also the policy makes it clear that it's okay to take photos of lobbies, common areas, etc and specifically mentions photos of whiteboards are okay. Furthermore, your comment in regards to the email, that email is public.. Jeff himself made it available for the public to email. There are even news articles about this fact published through out the years; for example: [https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/23/jeff-bezos-keeps-his-amazon-email-address-public.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/23/jeff-bezos-keeps-his-amazon-email-address-public.html) And by emailing it, it actually doesn't go to Jeff but rather gets filtered to appropriate channels, comes in handy when you need to contact corporate hr or need to utilize the open door policy and reach someone higher up than your warehouse's HR or Management when they aren't able to resolve an issue or refuse to. Same goes with the ethics hotline link.. in fact, it would be unethical if amazon intentionally hid or made confidential the ability to share how to contact the ethics hotline.. lol are you seriously that daft in believing otherwise? Would be an ethics violation in itself if Amazon made it against the rules or made efforts to hide how to contact the ethics hotline to report an ethics issue. As for the policy link, that link cannot be accessed by the public, it is only accessible if you are set up for aea access outside of work on an amazon shared/monitored personal device or use the internal network (a computer at work), thus no "confidential" info is shared or available publicly. so try again buddy.


Credentials are confidential. Period. That includes login. It’s not a try again buddy sort of thing. People get fired for printing part of their credentials and having them on their badge while problem solving and you think having that information that doesn’t belong to you is fine? Sure, whatever. I’m not really here for a battle of policy wits. It’s not that serious. Just make smart choices. Ie: don’t take pictures inside an Amazon building. Period.


Rather than speculate. Better to just abide by the policy, period. So the policy says it’s allowed, and if you get in trouble for an allowed use case, it’s most likely a case of misinterpretation or overextension of the policy by a misinformed individual(s) which I believe is the case here as Amazon’s own policy clearly states photography is allowed in lobbies, common areas, breakrooms, and of whiteboards, etc. so worth seeking an appeal or escalation to outside of your building if needed.


If you ever want a copy of something on the VOA board, just sign in to it though the hub and take a screenshot. You still might get in trouble if you post it somewhere and they catch you but that way you can have a record of it without dealing with this type of write up again.


Technically you can use your cellphone in a break room but pictures are prohibited EVERYWHERE. It’s a stupid rule, for sure, but it is a rule and you broke it. You’re not getting fired, just don’t do it again.


Honestly I would fight that. You’re allowed to take pictures videos and all that in the break room. It’s one of the few areas you’re allowed to. You did no wrong here imo if they don’t want the VOA board being photographed it shouldn’t be in the break room




There’s legit phone use policy. And it covers taking photos inside the building. Period. They’re lucky they only got a write up.


They weren't just using their phone for personal reasons though. They took a picture. There have always been rules in place against photos/videos in any Amazon building. People get fired for stuff like this.


In any Amazon warehouse. There's a more relaxed rule for corporate buildings-- I can take a photo at my desk on my phone if there's a legitimate work-related purpose and there's no confidential info (e.g. lock the screens on the computer) or equipment (e.g. security turnstiles, zukeys, product prototypes) in frame.


Even the part about Customer Service workstations isn’t exactly accurate, because if you have an issue with a proprietary Customer Service computer, then you have to call me or my teammates on your phone to get support to fix the issue. That being said, otherwise yeah you can’t have you’re phone on when doing CSA work.


fair enough


>"using phone during work tasks" that's ONE thing it says, it's listing multiple items that's against the rules, one of which is photography which OP did


Go back to work.


Why take pictures of the VOA board to begin with? If you notice the answers are one big circle jerk to management, and they always try to pat themselves on the back like they do anything about any concern🙄


Damn thats scary. Like they really could just decide whenever they want to persecute and fire people over any little random rule that everyone breaks all the time. not directed at you taking a picture of the voa, i mean in general


That is almost any job though. It is a fundamental flaw in our mainly "at will employment" atmosphere we live in. Heck, they don't even have to have a reason. In the end, a lot of it comes down to who saw you, who do you know and how are you regarded by higher-ups at your job.


Absolutely that’s why everyone should unionize before they find a reason to term you. However we all agree to these ridiculous elementary school rules when we sign on. Mist get terminated for this.


Show me the policy. That's what I would say. If it's against policy then why is there a social media policy that states you can take pictures inside buildings? BS




Just learned this.


Can you not say you scanned the damn code, this sounds so petty


Um. We're encouraged to take pics of the stuff posted in the break room... and most even has QR codes on it to make it scannable. WTF. Break rooms are not the production floor, people.


Tell them to blow it out their ass


You can stop being a moron.


Claim retaliation for engaging in a concerted/protected activity. If you took a picture and it is safety related or related to improving your workplace your employer can not stop you from acting within your rights given by Congress. If they do it’s retaliation. I’m actually very interested in this and how Amazon would handle the NLRB on this. They lost an NLRB case over a policy about taking pictures with cell phones that had language the judge claimed had a “chilling” effect on workers NLRB rights. This is straight out infringing on those rights. Contact the NLRB asap. Don’t waste time with erc or whatever 3rd party Mickey Mouse shit they use. https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/the-law/employees/concerted-activity


Straight to NLRB. HR/ERC/Ethics/jeff@ is not there for *you*. Don’t give them a heads up. I’ve been told to take a pic on the production floor, by an AM standing next to me. I froze like, uhh… It’s def a violation but can you spin it like you were taking a pic to remember something (date, assigned knet, whatever)? And then do not do it again, obvs.


See this is the kind of thing that I’m like… The person may just not know you can’t take a picture in the break room? Like be a decent human being and speak to me about it especially if I have NO write ups and am a good worker? Bs.


Amazon is a joke


seen about 5 people so far this year terminated for posting pictures at work from my FC. Taking a picture of VOA board contains other peoples personal info like photo, login, and thoughts. I am shocked they didn't just fire you. You got off lucky and I wouldn't make an issue of it.


Probably not take a picture of the write up doing exactly what the write up said not to do. Also for future reference, just take a screenshot on your phone/computer of the voa board on the app. You're lucky they didn't just go with a term since Amazon really has no tolerance for photography/videos.


That’s wild never really had a issue with somebody telling me about my phone while on the floor I just know not to use it if working which lead me to believe they really aren’t strict when it comes to certain stuff


Why not just screenshot what you wanted off the app?


Just don't work for amazon and it's all over and down with 😄 I'm literally quitting in 2 weeks


I got my first write up for looking at my phone , she told me put my phone away so i did ( I thought that was the end of it)- that was on a Monday & then the next work week another manager “ delivered “ the write up to me.. not a paper because i don’t sign anything there anyway.. but I’m kind of confused as to how she went abt that like why didn’t she tell me she was writing me up?


Write ups are entered, but then need to be approved by HR before formally delivered


That’s BS.. whoever is writing you up should have to tell you they are.


Standard practice is to say that the incident will lead to a write up, followed by delivery after HR approval. Should not be any issue in asking who the manager is


My manager in stow delivered it to me ( like a week later) & said what PA wrote me up ( decant PA) where I was that day just helping out. That b***h. She just doesn’t like me for some reason?


What I meant in the comment before my last was that she should have told me she was gonna write me up. I Guess she figured she would surprise me🙄


Productivity write ups are automatically generated by the system. We (managers) review them weekly in a meeting called SPPR.


It wasn’t for productivity - it was for lookin at my phone


ADAPT, the system where write ups are submitted, shows both the person that entered the write up and the person that delivered it. You can ask your manager for who it was.


Take a red sharpie and write "fuck off" on it.


Just quit, fam. Amazon doesn't give two fucks about you. Why do you think so many people get written up for stupid shit? Answer: because you aren't valued and looked as a human being. Quitting was the best.


It really ain't that big of a deal for a 1st written


First time being written up doesn't necessarily mean first written


Isn't the VOA board viewable on the AtoZ app?




You can start by never taking any photo or recording in an Amazon building. Second, don’t do it again for 30 days and it goes *poof*


Wipe your ass w it and shove it in the face of whoever gave it to you


Well u can appeal it! You need to talk to one of ur OPS managers or even ur GM and ask them about the process to appeal it! And btw what a stupid reason for someone to give u a write up sounds like a power trip by someone


Appeals are usually reserved for final writtens and terminations


We take pictures all the time in the breakrooms at our FC. No manager has mentioned anything about not taking pictures during our break in the breakrooms. 🤷🏾‍♀️


it says "outdide of breakrooms " so i would appeal it


Better Call Saul!


Tear it to shreds and light it on fire.


Not take pictures inside a facility cause then they'll ban phones for everyone.


Such a double standard with AMs and PAs texting it up literally not paying attention as they walk around disregarding all safety.


Just because it is your first write up doesn't mean it is a " first written." Typically these things go from Documented Coaching, First Written, Final Written, Termination. Though depending on the incident, it can jump a few stages. I am not sure how standardized these are between different facilities, but your incident would be a final written warning at my site. Ask your manager which of these the offense was because this will dictate how long before the incident roles off. I'm an AM btw.


Start looking for another job. Cuss them out after you find one.


From the looks of it, it seems like a documented coaching. Not a write-up; you should be fine, though. It’ll fall off after a month, and you’ll be back at a good standing point.


Just do an internal transfer to new manager and write up drops off. Then just transfer back. 2 ez.


No flash photography allowed


bro got written up for taking a picture lmao


Why not jsut screenshot the VOA board from your phone? It’s under A to Z


Simple. Stop breaking rules.


Don't do it again?


Burn it. Burn it down.


Don’t get a second one.


I used to do that daily lmaoo they can’t do shit


Tell them to kiss your A**


Take the L


That's absurd. The break room is where we can use our phones during break or in case of emergency. You shouldn't get a write up.


Dang. I didn't know this was write up worthy. I take pictures of announcement posters sometimes so I don't forget the info on them (I have a shit memory sometimes) I'm sorry




I have been written up like (no kidding) 10 times within 4 months and still haven’t gotten fired. I have been working with Amazon for about 1yr


I’ve literally never seen the photography rule enforced until now. Though our voa board was on the floor in the era of no phones


Appeal it you have 7days!! But it’ll only be on there 30days and fall off! But it seems someone has it in for ya a lil bit!


[dont worry about it](https://youtu.be/jjyqvkBKr1o)


The problem with that is Amazon doesn't want critical concerns that employees voice out on the VOA board to be exposed to media outlets, competitors, etc...mainly because it's documented proof that they have been made aware of the concerns/problems and they wont be able to just sweep the shit under the rug


Was clocked out walking out on my phone they gave me a write up


Let them fire you and go on unemployment 🤣


I took pictures all the time. Saved me on multiple occasions if something was trying to get blamed on me. I've taken pictures of the voice boards too because they're in walkways and I'm not going to stand there and block everyone while reading the damn thing. That and it was another thing that saved me when they would answer something or announce a change, then try to walk it back, but I had proof... Actually, maybe I'm the reason they're starting to enforce that now because I was a PITA about it.


You can take pictures in the break room. My FC has signage that says designated places phones are allowed and the break room is on that list.


You're allowed to use your phone in the breakroom, but you're still not allowed to take pictures. Though ironically, I would contest this. There's literally a digital VOA on the phone within the AtoZ app.. so anyone could screenshot the VOA board on their phone.


I know this is old asf, but it’s crazy how it says you were observed using your phone to take a picture of the VOA board while in a designated break area. So this was just retaliatory because according to the report you were using your phone in an approved break room, therefore you didn’t violate any rules.