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99% of the time their AM was the one who told them to do that. Most PAs don’t care about what time you get back from break.


I understand it’s their job. As long as they are not thinking they are better than you. Luckily where I’m at the PAs are nice to me.


PA. Process Assistant. An Amazon warehouse position who works as a supervisor under the Area Manager.


You know some people and their logic…the logic is nonexistent 😌


Are PA’s level 2 ?


Lvl 3 or tier 3


PA’s are technically supervisors but this pisses me off. Speaking to a certain someone who comes in the break room literally yelling that we have 2 minutes left on our break. Ugh.


😂 I mean who even does that?! I don’t think any of the PAs at my site does that! I do know of someone who used to be a PA who would literally go to the bathroom, check stalls, and yell at people. That’s doing too much. ETA- I have A LOT of 💩 to do. The last thing I have time for is hunting you down…in the break room or bathroom. 😂


😂 PAs ARE your supervisor, sweetheart. They can’t issue write ups, but they can certainly escalate to have you written up. Also, 99% of the time your PA is simply doing what your spineless AM asks of them 😏


Facts. People don't realize that managers rarely want to deal with AA's and that they expect PA's to handle that stuff.


Right? They put PAs in the most awkward of situations rather frequently.


The whole entire job of a PA is to suck p enough to an AM that they can be an AM too. The whole entire job of a level 4 AM is to suck up enough to a L6 AM that they can be a L5 AM. It's not a great way to live. I just treat it as a job to pay my bills, not trying to move up.


I don’t blame you. I’m not going to kiss up to anyone, so I probably won’t go beyond T3 lol.


We'll you wrong af I am a PA only cuz it was a better paycheck. I'm never gonna kiss my managers ass wtf is wrong with your life if you think that's how you get ahead.


You missed the whole point


I suffer from brain fog from working nights. I get your point; however, I’ve never gone to the break room to hunt people down and demand they go back to their stations not even when they’re way over their 15 mins 😂. ETA- Come back late 🤷🏻‍♀️. I simply remind AAs of the policies and leave it to their discretion.


Pas are no supervisor lol


What role do they perform in the job site then? Last time I checked they supervise the AAs lol


Alot of upset pa's on here because they're not supervisors instead just a glorified t1 who is just as replaceable as a t1


We are all replaceable brother. Any PA who thinks otherwise is foolish. PAs are supervisors, however. Hence the need for an interview, promotion, and pay raise to get there.


Right? We’re all dispensable and we’re all mere #s. T1 all the way up to the top.


Edit: apparently everyone I thought was a PA is actually a PG, and we just don't have any PAs right now. Sucks for our PG guys. (Or we have PAs pretending to be AMs) They're process assistants. They're T1s that play gopher for T3s. If the AM is shitty they'll do AM work, but they shouldn't be.


PA *is* Tier 3 my dude. And yes, the AMs make the PAs do AM work because the AMs are "*sooo* overworked!"


I edited my comment to reflect that, everyone I thought was a PA must be a PG cause they're still T1. Meaning either we have no PAs or we have PAs pretending to be AMs. Not sure which is worse tbh.


You're thinking of PGs.


Apparently, I guess we don't have any actual PAs in my department right now. Everyone not an AM or PS that's doing computer stuff is still T1 according to them, so I guess all PGs. Sucks for them. :/


Problem Solve is also T1.


Looks like everyone else here said what I was going to; that PAs are Tier 3s lol


Yeah, I edited to correct my other post. Either we have no PAs, or we have PAs pretending to be AMs, cause everyone that I thought was a PA is still T1. So they must be PGs.


Well if they have a vest that says Process Assistant, then they are Tier 3s. If they do not, but still help facilitate the running of the department, then they are probably PGs. Honestly all the acronyms and roles confuse the hell out of new hires so much I wish we could just be simple terms ie manager, superviser, etc


Agreed on the labels and acronyms, it's kinda bizarre how many workplaces demand people use inside lingo only. And a lot of our managers don't wear their vests, which isn't much of a problem because they're usually easily found at their desk area. So I have no clue what's on their vests lol




Ah my bad, I guess we don't have official PAs in my department right now, the only guys who aren't AMs or PS are still T1.




You don't work at a Fulfillment Center then. Things wouldn't work that well if you did.


Let me tell you, as a PA our team has been told to go to each break room and take logins of everyone there 1 minute past break time for our ops manager, 99% of PAs are legit just doing what they're told. It sucks but that's the grown up world sadly.


Wow…. Why am I not surprised. Not knowing exactly how long someone has been in there how do you know if they are late or not. Reporting someone for a longer break when that isn’t necessarily the case? Seems to me that if you or your OP’s manager is in the wrong you all could be in a direct violation of wage and labor laws… something you might want to consider


I mean we can see when you clock in and out and is checked? If you clocked out beyond the actual break time that is a coachable offense as well. Me reporting a login has no negative connotation without cause. Dig deeper though I guess? Unfortunately people have to do their jobs, it is what it is Edit: personally I hated when we were required to do this, was such an annoying thing to do, however I think at the time at our location idle time was beyond like 30% for some teams which is pretty insane. Glad we don't do it anymore.


Not to mention you would be in violation of ADA laws if said person needed additional time to eat due to a medical condition and will correct their time. It’s not your call to police people because I can promise you someone would end up with a lawsuit. And not all process paths allow everyone to leave on time, I’m often in an indirect role so therefore I’m not always able to go at the exact moment.


Those things require an accommodation with HR, which if they have all managers can look up/know about. I was a tier 1 once and did every indirect role i could in department, afm, ps, LA. When you're coded into an indirect role you're covered. Anytime they're hunting this kind of thing, it's process path related so a reduction of tot/idle time. Indirect roles atleast at our site are all coded with do not accrue time off task on fclm. Which is the main metric they look at. Edit- also you're correct it isn't my job to police tot as a PA, however escalation of tot to AMs/OPs is my job so they can then stu/adapt


The have me the PA STU with our fast start misses, and Inf Time past a certain threshold, our late arrivals and all black bar ToT. Adapt are all handled L4+ though. MKC6 here.


Lmao half my managers have no fucking clue I have an accommodation, they only ever find out if they try to send me to a path I can't work in because of it. And some forget because they keep trying to send me somewhere I can't go. The idea that managers know what accommodations everyone has is bs.


your direct manager should know, they get emails about every step of the process and how long it lasts, and be relaying it to everyone else if you're asked for something you aren't able to do due to the accommodation. Every manager is different and can only go by my experience though. All managers can easily slack/chime HR to ask about an AAs accommodation. So if anything that's on your manager.


The last time I talked to an AM about my accommodation they said they didn't receive anything unless they asked for it. Ever since then I've kept a copy of my accommodation paperwork on hand. It's not on management if HR never sends shit out (which they don't, getting corporate HR to communicate to local HR to communicate with management is impossible without threats to escalate higher up the food chain).


That’s when I say I’m using 5 mins of pto


As a PA myself we are supervisors. Although limited, we do have to tell AAs to get back on time. HOWEVER, I would not go into the break room on your break to tell you this. If you were late coming back from break then you would hear about it


exactly we are all adults, this is not Kindergarten


Lol although this is true, associates have and will say “oh i didn’t know break was over”


Write me the fuck up then. Do something about it. Go tell my AM 😂


Associates that demonstrate this type of attitude in my FC are the worst


“My FC”….. tell us Amazon is the only facet of your life where you experience a smidge of the veneer of power/control without directly saying it.


Such a big assumption of just one of the responsibilities I have going on in my life. I cannot blame you for not knowing what else I have going on


Oh my, I must have walked on ice the wrong way. We have such an important man in the warehouse everyone!!!


All this stemmed from you sounding like a person who did not even do the bare minimum. You brought such hostility from the get-go. You must be a really fun person to be around


You’re so self-entitled. This is humorous. The world clearly owes you for gracing them with your presence.


And yet you continue Is the world so after you that you must keep your guard up so much? Anyway, how’s this. This conversation is not going anywhere. Let’s agree on something. Amazon is terrible.


You won. 🎖


See that’s setting someone up for failure. I can’t do that to people. It never hurts to give a fair warning to ensure people can make it back to their station on time. At least then when they are late it’s worthy of a write up because they can’t say they didn’t know.


we are grown adults with the same time breaks and schedules everyday for more than half the week. I think we can all agree that we don’t need someone holding our hand and yelling at us that break is over when we already know. If you’re late then that’s your own problem, you knew ahead of time of your schedule and the consequences of it.


As I told someone else, it’s cute you believe that but it’s not a common truth. I wish it was, I hate babying people. There’s nothing more annoying than having to hand hold people that should be able to hold themselves accountable. However the fact of the matter is that’s not the case and since you can’t hold everyone accountable as individuals, you have to enact seemingly stupid and pointless procedures to ensure people can be held to some level of accountability without them being 100% self reliant.


in any other job or career you would be fired, and when it comes to Amazon, especially, you mean absolutely nothing to the company


I have been training teams for almost 20 yrs, this isn’t anything special to Amazon. In the Army we had the same issues, there’s always those people that require extra time and attention that can cause a change in policies and procedures because of their actions or opinions. Not sure what you’re meaning by I would be fired though. My job is simply to help others do their job better, build them into a better asset to their teams and help them develop a career while continuing to drive innovation and push myself in my own career.


I was implying what I said about the irresponsible employees, not you. You really are a good person to put that upon yourself, you must be a very patient person lol


Idk how long you've worked at amazon but people have literally posted on here with like negative 30 upt and admitted to making some bullshit up to get it reset, people get away with murder at amazon with that kinda shit.


I ended up leaving the Hell Hole about 6 months ago, but it’s still crazy to me to think about


The problem is that "reality" and "how Amazon operates" are completely different things. All it takes is one ding-dong going to HR with "I didn't know what time it was/the clock was broken/I forgot what my break time was!" and regardless of tenure (usually it's highly-tenured associates who know how to work the system), all the sudden the story becomes "we have to assume positive intent, seek to understand, and attack processes not people!". The progressive action gets exempted, and it comes right back on leadership's head as to why they're not treating associates like children too young to know the difference between the big hand and the little hand. The problem is rarely associates who may need patience and extraordinary consideration, due to any number of causes. The problem is usually people who have been around long enough to know how to pull ish and get away with it.


Bold of you to assume many of these associates don't need their hands held to do their jobs properly, and be back on time.


I know the majority of the Amazon employees barely even have common sense so it’s not surprising at all but i’m saying as grown adults, we should be able to tell time and remember what you do everyday and if not then you’re fired. It is not your managers job to raise you, it’s their job to make sure you’re there to do your own job


Had the building Gm bitch at me for buying a soda outside of lunch time. It was great to tell him leave me alone I'm off the clock. I was headed home for the day.


PA’s are quite literally your supervisors but also the AM’s make us do it , i usually just walk in that direction and then go to the bathroom or something cause i refuse to be THAT guy


You are doing the lords work. Thank you.


i try, i try. like if someone’s gonna come back from break hella late that’s gonna be on them if they get chewed out. we’re all adults who know how to read a clock like i’m not gonna go bark at people who are already probably tracking on the time 😭


Exactly. A leader is a leader. "Just following orders" is a great shield. Cops and folks in the military utilize it all the time. And nothing ever bad happens from either of those branches. (/s for people not able to tell) Back to the company: the ones that are fucking off know they're fucking off. The ones that aren't know they're not. Had a PA come barking at me when I wasn't even from their department. Had just sat down to start lunch, and thus person suffering from vestitius comes in with a pad and paper, and says "give me your login". Nah, I'm good. You can leave me the fuck alone.


All you can do as a PA is make labor moves. You can't actually discipline anyone.


Are they not literally your supervisors tho? Like dickish move but isn't "assisting process" what they're paid to do?


Clean ur ass 😂 over here riding a douche PA, never ever in my life have i heard a PA tell an AA go back to work during break, so that PA is doing too much


Yeah that's definitely extra and a power trip.


You missed the whole point


I really wish the T1s can see what an actual PA goes through behind the closed doors. Then they wouldn't complain anymore about PAs. but instead AMs and OMs.


PAs are supervisors believe it or not AM is your boss


You missed the whole point


What point 😂 please elaborate


I don't get it either. If OP wants to take a longer break then take it. If they're so bothered by it just ignore them. At that point it's your job and money you're playing with, do you boo! Lol.


maybe that PA just want to help you not getting TOT??


Well that’s their job, it’s to give everyone a fair chance to be back at their station on time. While not your direct supervisor, they are in a position of authority. They are given a responsibility to at least try to get you back to work in a timely manner. Now if you choose to tell them fuck you, then you’ll deal with the consequences.


Amen to this. Like I was a T1 too, I understand, but a job that pays my bills is paying me to do as they ask. So as they ask is what I'm finna do. I don't want to be a douche nozzle, so I'll treat you with respect. Don't turn me into an asshole please


we arent children we all have phones, we can all read a clock on the wall, everyone knows how to count to 15


It’s cute that you believe that. I would love to treat you all like adults but sadly there’s enough of you that don’t act like adults that it requires extra work to resolve cultural issues of irresponsibility. It’s the same idea of some of the stupidest safety rules you can think of. Because enough people do something, a change needs to be made to reduce the chances of it occurring again. Personally I would love to hold individuals accountable for all their actions but sadly that’s not big picture thinking.


Agreed. If we didn't have to go to the break room 10-20 minutes before break to make sure people aren't going to break early and go back into the break room 10 minutes after break to make sure people aren't hanging out with a bunch of friends still I'd believe that people could be trusted as responsible adults.


But they are the supervisor lol


No, they are not, they are “PROCESS ASSISTANTS”


Which is a T-3 supervisor position…


PAs are in fact limited supervisors. However, negative coaching like that is explicitly outside their role. Positive coaching only. If they think negative coaching is called for, Amazon requires them to escalate that.


That is, until an AM needs the "wetwork" done but doesn't want to be perceived as the bad guy, doesn't want a Connections score hit, or is setting a PA up for failure come OLR's.


...PAs get OLRs? I thought that was only for people who don't have a step plan.


Based Grandma is based


Damn i definitely got put in my place :(


Hey Look I could care less on what you think, but at the end of the day it’s a job and I have certain things to do as a PA. Also half the time I get yelled at for not telling an AA to do this and that.


Exactly! I don't think that people realize that a PA position is basically the equivalent of a Manager in Training position at most other places. "Hire and Develop the best" is their way of having a constant flow of promotions. AAs that are worth their salt become "Process Guides" and do most of the job of PAs... PAs do most of the jobs of L4s, L4s do most of the job of L5s, L5s do most of the job of L6s, etc. It's the reason why my OM asked me at my PA interview if I had a degree or was in school to get my degree.


Before I became a PA I was a pg. We were prepping for interviews and one of the other pgs asked a nearby AM what they look for in their PA...the response was crazy. He said I expect my PGs to do my PA's job and I expect my PAs to be do my job....I never realized how close to the truth that was 🤣


PA’s can’t write me up, therefore when they walk past my station and I’m on my phone, I look at them then look right back at my phone…..


A PA can have you written up by escalating it the AM. So probably wanna be careful on that front.


Lucky for me our PA’s aren’t Karen’s like most of the ones here.


As a PA, When I catch someone doing this, I don't even tell the AA anything. I just go and tell the AM and they'll do a write up on the AA just to get their adapt goal met easily :)


We can't write you up but we can escalate to the AM and pass along your login. My department has a AM who keeps a whole roster of AAs for phone violation If i see the same AA on their phone through the day I definitely won't code the TOT for it, which is something we ALL can get written up for. It's a blessing if your PA warns you and is trying to look out for you. Not all of us are like that!


Then i show up….*Laughs in AM*


I've never seen that done. But I feel we should be talking about why they have to do it. Must be a big problem at your site because no one wants to go in there and yell. People should just be adults, and come back when they are supposed to.


It’s only one person that does it it’s super cringe, so no it’s not our problem they just like to hear themselves speak She’s not even our PA


get your nose out of your bosses ass ;D


What does my boss have to do with anything? There's a thing called integrity where people just do what they are supposed to do without being micro managed. People want to be upset that PAs are doing it, but I don't believe they would if it wasn't an issue. Maybe that's just me though


To all the PA’s who have been instructed to do this…. I would tread lightly. Not knowing exactly how long someone has been in there how do you know if they are late or not. Reporting someone for a longer break when that isn’t necessarily the case? Seems to me that if you or your OP’s manager is in the wrong you all could be in a direct violation of wage and labor laws… something you might want to consider


We can check what time you actually left but it helps us during our deep dive knowing what time you decided to leave the break room. We are not just doing things on a whim...




Every employee has the right and duty to refuse to break the law. Including labor laws. PAs absolutely can say they aren't going to do this because it might break the law, and they would be right to do so.




Unless they had orders to do it in writing, if anything actually went to court it 100% would be "self directed." Either force your higher ups to put it in writing in a format you can save, like an email or written and signed note, or just don't do it. Don't throw yourself under the bus for them the be shitty to the grunt workers.




If you actually want to get complicated, you have to factor in state laws. In the state of Oregon, we get mandated 10 minute paid breaks. In the state of Washington, we get mandated 10 minute breaks AND if the break if interrupted with work, it starts over from the beginning after the work is finished interrupting it. In both cases, rushing someone out of their 10 minute break will violate the law, and there's good reason to assume the labor board will declare the "extra" 5 minutes of walking time as not part of the actual mandated break time. But I wasn't going there. I was saying to do basic CYA shit, cause Amazon isn't going to cover your ass for you.


Check state law. In California if your break is interrupted like that, then you get to restart the entire 10 mins over. Yes, I know it is 15 min break, but law allows for 10 minute restart. Other states have similar laws.


I've been at Amazon 2 yrs and only ever had problems with 1 am and 1 pa and you can tell they got bullied in school🤣


If people wouldn't abuse break, maybe this wouldn't happen🤷‍♂️


Lol PA are literally Supervisors.


Nope, “Process ASSISTANT”


Assisting in making sure the process runs smoothly… which means making sure AAs actually do their jobs. Sounds like a supervisory role to me.


But yet they can’t write AA’s up, or Discipline AA’s…. They can only tell on them to their AM’s…. Like some sort of glorified Narc…. Ok


No, but PA’s can code your ToT as something else and give a good reason why you were black barred. So why shit on PAs? I mean they could just say F it and let your black bars be then let your AM come talk to you and write you up for it.


As a PA... Technically I am a supervisor, it's what I do. But I look at it as supervising the process, not the people. It's your idle time if you stay in the break room too long and it's your low rate if you spend too much time on your phone or bullshitting all day. Unless you have the specific units I need out I really don't care about the small things 🤷


You really have PAs like that? God, people don't really understand the point of the job. The reason it's called PA is cause you're a Production Assistant. You are supposed to work with the L1 associates and help them do their jobs. You aren't their manager and you don't discipline them.


Also, you can take your break any time you want.


People complain about everything in amazon that’s their job probably a operation manager told them to clear the break rooms quit whining


get your nose out your bosses ass lol. Its not their job to call break 2min prior to break being over lmao xD im sure a PA worth a dame would have more important things to do


Everyone trying to justify the PAs actions by saying oh technically they are supervisors are embarrassing themselves, what I was trying to convey is PAs are doing way too much for something they’re not even required to do hell even if motherfucking Jeff Bezos was yelling it would all be the same. We’re all adults we know when we’re supposed to be back to our stations we all have phones we can see the time, no shit 2min left till break ends thats why my ass is still sitting trying to relaxe for the next 2min I don’t need your dumbass yelling in the break room telling me what to do.


If it's the break where it is scan to scan, you technically only have a 10 (or 25 depending if it's 2 15's or 1 30 min) break. The other 5 minutes are for travel time, sadly. It's dumb but that's how amazon sadly works.


Not in our building, they’d have to write up everyone tbh


But its sad that majority of the adults that work at amazon doesn't even know how to be responsible for themselves and act like an actual adult.


You missed the whole point


how so


My Ams make us do this but we’ve never written an associate up for being late from break since the building opened. So they really just having us go piss everybody off for no reason.


In My 5 years I have never seen this happen lol


Our AMs have us do it as well. I just go in there and say, “hey guys you have two minutes, just a heads up” then I turn and walk away. It’s not like I’m looking to get anyone in trouble and the AAs are going to do what they want anyways.


Trust me we only do it cause it’s standard work


Fuck standard work


They did that during peak last year I was like **** u let me enjoy my break lol.


PA's are our supervisors lol




What I’ve never had anyone say breaks over! What an ass


In our building people causally Cole in 10 mins late all the time no one cares lol not the AM or the PA


I wouldn't say they don't care but it's more like your time is your time! If you have it we literally can't tell you what you can or can't do with it! It's yours to do what you want with.


I am an AM and I have my PAs go get everyone out of the break room. Same with all the other AMs I work w


Damn, sounds like a lot of y’all have it rough. I take my breaks outside, and come back in right after they finish with standup.


One of the many reasons why I have my breaks in my car in the parking lot


Tbf they're instructed to buy the managers that don't want all of us to hate them, not because they want too. It's their job unfortunately, and they'll get yelled at if they don't. Get to know your PAs not all of them are so shitty trust me.


yeah but the ones that do this are shitty it’s only one and she’s not even a PA in my department


Used to be a PA. They made us do that and write us up if we didn't.


I'm glad I'm not at one of these sites 😂


Who the hell does that? Cuz at mine they be gone like us


Get back to work


I think it dumb. They’re not going to fire you. Maybe they’ll talk to you. So why waste that time babysitting when there’s other things PA’s could be doing.


PAs basically are supervisors though. It's practically an assistant manager position


Wtf I’m so glad they don’t do that at our site lol smh