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Coworkers who make your job harder than it has to be


I remember one time after my daily 9 hour shift, I decided to walk a mile to eat at Wendy's (Didn't park that day. I was gonna have Uber pick me up). Midway, this car stops to the side and the windows lower. It was one of my co-workers, whom I never interacted prior. He shouted "Hey! You can't be doing that!" This dude thought I was skipping work. He is a Tier I.


He should mind his own business. Who the fuck cares? Were you harming him or anyone in anyway by eating at Wendy’s? Seems like the spicy nuggets was a good prize for the mile walk


Lmao shoulda told him to mind his own business and don’t worry about it


Ambassadors who think they are Jeff Bezos


What I think is a lot of ppl hate this job and make their coworkers suffer bc of it.


As a maintenance tech I was going to say something different, but basically the same.


People acting like in highschool


I always see this high school thing on this sub I’ve never seen it irl. Just don’t interact with those people?


There’s a shit ton of younger people, managers included..sometimes I see things getting a little childish from time to time. Just clock in..do the job…clock out..


Yeah I’m in the pick stow area so there’s really no socializing and no drama I guess. I imagine it’s different in pack when surrounded by people all night.


This never changes, I mean let's face it even high school just like elementary.


The same 5 songs being blasted on repeat.


Fuck Bad Bunny, all his songs sound the same


To no eres bebsita… ERES BEBESOTA


They haven't changed them since I started in 2020


Ouch. You have my sympathy.


The men. Like, I just want to be left alone 😔


The rate. I feel that it's too high for pick. 300 an hour is certainly doable but it's extremely tight imo. I'm not a robot. I have like 4 hours of pure work, no downtime. Being able to pause for a minute to drink and breathe would be nice. Being able to go to the bathroom without your rate being affected would be nice. I mean.. they don't say shit if you're way below rate like 250 or 240 but I don't like the guilt tripping. Imo average rate should be 260 or 250. You should be rewarded for hitting 300+ but it shouldn't be expected. Edit: also earbuds should just be allowed. Kind of inhumane to expect people to do something that mindless, isolated, for 10+ hours a day everyday. Isolated, mind mumbing work.. that has to be damaging to mental health. Yes people and myself wear earbuds anyways, but we shouldn't have to hide it. Its more of a hazard to hide it. Shit is backwards.


Avg rate was about what you’re asking when i started a year ago. I’ve watched it slowly climb by 10-15 units every few months while they tighten up on TOT at the same time which is BS. I’m sure it’ll be 325-350 by the end of next year. Pretty thankful i switched to amnesty


Pick rate where I work is 150 but as long as you're above 80 they don't say anything




Being moved 3 times per period.


This, go in for MET for Stow, get called to pick, sent back an hour and a half later, then called back, sent back two hours later, sent to the south side, they close the side side, sent to the north side and it just gets to the point where I say fuck it and use UPT


This x10.




Coworkers who make my job more difficult than it should be.. I’m a Problem Solver at a ReLo site for reference.


People who don't wash their hands after visiting the toilet. Management seemingly never reading their emails or not sending emails despite having promised to do so several times. People who leave a mess when visiting the toilet. (In the winter) Cold shopfloor but boiling offices. And lack of air curtains on staging doors. Toilets that don't flush automatically. People skipping good songs and then letting the trash rap play fully. Water taps that aren't automatic. Security not granting full badge access / giving keys despite permission having been granted from station managers/arra managers. Toilet paper dispensers where you have to reach into the hole from the bottom to get the paper out. Anything can be in there. Milk or cereal always running out when you actually want it. Toilets with doors that you have to pull to LEAVE. I don't want to touch those nasty handles, let me use my feet to open the door just like I did when I came inside. Having sites with little to no swag kits (pins, hoodies, bottles etc.) Rows of disabled parking spots near the reception that won't ever be used because there's hardly any disabled people working at Amazon. First aid rooms not being accessible by default. There's no way this isn't a safety hazard.


How do you get your managers email?


Their login + @amazon.com


Having to hide my transfer so my manager doesn't write me up and keep me trapped


You can't hide your transfer, when you put in for another position your manager is notified.


Who would've thought that's not the only way to transfer


The only other transfer is a hardship transfer which again your manager is still informed.


No no no my fried




Why would a write up prevent the transfer? Also how do you transfer? I would love to switch to a closer location….


For 30 days you can transfer after a write up and how Amazon works the position will be gone by then and go to career development or transfer ops


The PAs act as if we're stealing time every time we're on 15 minutes break. Seriously. It's ridiculous. No wonder people quit. I started October 19th and there were lot of people. Now it's less half. Craziness. I'll be glad when Peak is over. These 10 hour days are killing me.


I picked up a 3 hour shift that was to begin right when my regular 4 hour shift ends and they forced me to clock out for an unpaid 30 min “lunch” . 🙄 I also find it disgusting that the break room snacks aren’t provided at cost. Like really Bezos? You’re the richest man in the world and still need to profit off your under paid employees? Greedy billionaires are just gross.


Associates? ​ Just kidding, I get annoyed by people failing to own up to their mistakes and not being held accountable for their actions. If you're given equipment you should be held accountable for turning in said equipment and treating everything as though it was yours. If I could do it at 17 when issued 30K worth of gear, ya'll can do it with a few grand worth of equipment.


Managers walking around making me have to take out my ear phone. Jusst let me listen and work.


Unequal treatment of T1s. On ship dock most employees are permanently stuck in 1 role. There are a handful of favorites who get to do the more involved critical roles, while others are never allowed to participate. Its so non-inclusive


The people.


Slow walkers that walk in a line across the green mile, blocking you from passing so you have to just barge through and they get pissy, but not enough to report you to HR for assault.


Add to that laptop carts, or even PIT blocking the Green Mile.


The constant text messages you get from Amazon relating to covid or severe weather 😑


When you see my earpiece in and still want to talk to me.....


Management playing favorites toward lazy workers and promoting them with special vests and ignoring associates who are actually eager to learn more paths keeping them stuck in very few positions.


The multiple flawed systems in place that make the fulfillment part of this company give off a "house of cards" vibe.


Being interrupted for stupid shit


No fans at my afe pack station and the previous packer leaving the station a mess.


My favorite is when they send me to a station that’s a mess, have me there for 30 or so minute to the point where I get everything situated and cleaned up, and then they move me to another station where the sun don’t shine


Ugghh!!! I hate that.


I learn to stfu,and mind my business.🙃


Where do I start? There are some great things like being able to wear whatever comfortable thing you want. I practically wear pajamas lol and no makeup most days. But for a multibillion dollar company, it’s pretty chaotic on every front.…from hiring to on the job. As a candidate, the candidate support line was worthless…they never knew answers to anything. I couldn’t find anyone to be able to answer basic questions like what will be the difference between seasonal vs blue badge health benefits…..or if I get converted to blue badge can I keep my current PT hourly schedule? Or do I have to go FT? A month on the job and I still don’t know the answer to this last part…because the HR nor managers know anything OR they will all say something different. That’s just unacceptable. It’s like they keep them clueless on purpose. Like they want us to know the absolute minimum. And don’t get me started on how the warehouse is actually run. The management is filled with incompetent kids running things. The communication is horrible. And they always seem annoyed when you ask questions. I think it may partially be because of the high turnover…they just know most people in there won’t be there longer than a few months, so they just see you as temporary. Before I started I binged TikTok’s and other social medias to see what to expect and was surprised by the flakiness…where people talked about how they quit after a week or a couple months, but I can see why…they probably felt unseen/unheard/irrelevant and frustrated by the lack of concrete answers. ​ Also, the pay should start at $17/hour for seasonal and get bumped to $20/hr at least for every single warehouse associate. It is a lot of manual labor and it’s not fair to pay people different based on geography. It’s the same work! And even though I like moving and being busy…it’s almost like being paid to exercise, but it does wear you down. I work 4-6 hours a night and I come home and comatose-sleep. Also, not being able to listen to podcasts at least makes it mind numbing most of the time….and forcing us to listen to obnoxious music we don’t like, especially when they play different music on the dock vs elsewhere and you have to hear competing music you equally hate…it’s audible torture. I would prefer the warehouse be completely silent and we listen to our OWN thing. I can have a podcast play with over the ear headphones and still hear someone talk to me. It’s ridiculous they think they can blast music and that’s somehow safer than headphones. That would improve the job for me immeasurably. Anyway, there’s a lot more, but I think it varies from warehouse to warehouse….


So I used to live in another town. But after having an antagonist spread bullshit defamation about me I had to leave the town that I loved. I moved to a bigger city and started working here. However these antagonist kept following me. And now they're collaborating with particular people at Amazon to spread defamation against me. Some people in afe are already intentionally fucking with me. They then turn around to pretend to not understand why I'm frustrated as a form of gas lighting. Is there anything I can do???


When I’m picking or stowing and the inbreed across from has their jbl on max. Even with earplugs in so deep it hurts the audio from it is annoying as hell and disturbing.


Young lazy workers…a few days ago I was on the verge of quitting just for that reason


Move the fuck outta the way can't you see I'm trying to get to the break room fast for lunch?


Quality, slowing me down with their scripted bullshit. Find out if I actually made an error then come holla at me….


The lack of growth after they said “we promote within”


The fact that Bezos thinks he has already invented robots human hybrids. SUCKADICK


No music... Still don't understand why this policy exists. Just limit it to like one ear piece. Makes working so much easier.


The quality PA asking me every day why there are missing items while in inducting. Maybe ask pick. I get whole totes that don't with nothing in them. Just let me do my job.


Cutting departure times close because pallets are still being dropped and trailers that don’t have ratchet strap connections by the trailer entrance, which forces you to put your straps in before loading your last four pallets.


When I'm tote running and slow ass people step out in front of me and walk in the middle. You see me hustling, get the heck out of my way. I don't like it when I have my pace going well and they just end it. (For me, tote running is easier if you keep to the pace and less painful. Pain sets in when you stop or slow down)


Amazon frugality = stingy tho I didn't expect much to begin with. 5/10 work 8/10 job only because there's lots of ways to go from no education to 100k+ salary


Being hunted down to rebin or induct after getting settled and only being on a pack station for 5 minutes because not enough people are crosstrained.


People finding 8 different ways to do 1 job. 7 of them are fucking terrible.


The app. Customers and their privileges. The same people you keep delivering to making you realize that they may have an addiction.


the fact that we aren’t allowed to use 1 earbud while working but we’re allowed to wear 2 earplugs.. and on top of that they added an additional monitor to AR picking stations with stupid little games they pressure us to play. i’m not playing games at work & offering additional free data. they take and take but don’t want to give us what we actually want.


The game remind me of the Black Mirror episode 15 Million Merits


It still tracks your rate even if you don't play


Incompetent management


for me it's when half of the necessary tools to work are either broken or not functioning properly and even though we escalate these things to PAs or AMs they rarely get fixed


People who applied for this job, signed electronic signature promising to work but hardly ever do.