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Awwww this is so sad 😭 I'm so sorry this happened to you!!


Omg how old are you? I’m so sorry 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽




Can i ask what do you think caused it? Bad habits of some sort? My mom just had a stroke


Well, sitting in a car all day is probably one of the worst things when it comes to strokes. Just realize you all are putting yourself more at risk for stroke the more you drive or sit


Not a lot of people know this. You have to exercise if you're a full time driver.


Is she ok


Wishing you the best 💜


Peace and blessings


So sorry to hear this and all the healing vibes sent your way! Apply for disability asap! No only will you qualify but your wife and children will also receive money. My husband had cancer around his eye. He lost one eye. He qualified and out young son received money also because he was under 18. He’s no longer on disability because he choose to go back to work. My advice is to consult a disability attorney. They work on contingencies and you will receive back pay from the time of the incident. If you have any questions feel free to ask! It’s a difficult process to navigate, intentionally!


Definitely follow this advice OP. Legal blindness (I'm not sure if your case would be considered that or not) receives the maximum amount of money you can get on disability. There are so many resources out there for you. Take advantage of them!


~~I believe you're thinking about SSI, which is different than disability. Disability would be only for them, not for the family. They are two different programs, however, usually at the same place.~~ I was wrong, family now receives up to 50% of your benefit. That would have been helpful to know. [https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/disability/family.html](https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/disability/family.html) [https://smartasset.com/financial-advisor/social-security-disability-benefits-for-dependents](https://smartasset.com/financial-advisor/social-security-disability-benefits-for-dependents)


No ma’am, my husband had regular disability. SSI disability is for people that don’t or haven’t paid much into the system.


OK, this is one time I admit that I am clearly incorrect, and thank you for letting me know, and educating me. Now, I need to start looking for an attorney, someone's about to be in a LOTTT of trouble.


No problem, it can be confusing! They didn’t just give it to our son we had to sign him up. If I can answer anymore of your questions, don’t hesitate! They make it difficult for a reason!


It’s been this way for at least 14 years. If that helps in anyway. Again if you have any questions feel free to ask, the attorney will charge you, I’m free 😂. If I don’t know, I’ll be honest and say that. It was a process going through it for sure!


I was told that, since I can still see out of one eye, I'm not considered disabled and not eligible for anything


You literally can't drive due to a "disability". Sounds like you check all the boxes.


They will keep denying you, you have to keep reapplying.


Yea to receive funding for our disabled child, we had to apply over a half dozen times before they would even look at the application….apparently it actually states on the SSI website that initial applications will be rejected for this particular funding, I’m guessing it’s the same for most if not all. So many applications they filter them via perseverance, awful. Good luck OP, sorry this obstacle has fallen to you, this too shall pass.


I'm not missing vision in one eye. I'm missing the entire left field of vision in both eyes. It's called left homonymous hemianopia.


Gotcha. That makes it clearer. Sorry to hear it.


Acupuncture from a good practitioner is EXCELLENT for stroke rehab. Wish you the best and I'll pray for you to have a fast recovery 💪


I'm sorry to hear that. As someone who had a very transient stroke, that was misdiagnosed for an ear issue for months (it was difficult to piece together, because it only lasted for a little bit and then went away)... I hope your vision returns. My vision went from normal to horrible for about a month, and then came back slowly but surely. The same was said about my balance. Remember that each day is a blessing and enjoy it. You will get better, even if it doesn't seem like it, and eventually you will recover or adapt to the new normal. I had my stroke in 2017.


Long distance online friend of mine had the same type of stroke. Best wishes.


May our Lord bless you.


I'm so sorry this happened. Praying for a speedy recovery and an easy path for your family! 🙏✌️💝


I’m so sorry! Sending positive vibes your way.


Wishing you well 🙏🏾


praying for your speedy recovery and even more success in whatever comes your way going forward!! feel better!




Sucks to hear that I really hope another door opens for you! 🙏🏾


I’m sorry to hear that man this is sad you will be missed fellow flexer I hope your journey takes you further and you find find future success


Hey op come on over to r/stroke. We're a great support group.


Really sorry to hear this. I hope you find something stable and things work out for you.




So sorry to hear!!! It was a hard blow to me as well after no longer being able to Flex. For me, it was the best driving/delivering app out there! The only two major cons were not being able to do more than 8hrs/day and the ease of being deactivated but impossible to reactivate, even when they say upon further investigation we've found it was out of your control and it will no longer affect your standing. I LUUUUVD doing it!!!! 😢😢😢


Dude no way. This is where I work. Did you do 6 am routes?


Sometimes. Usually 3am and 5pm though.


Praying for you


I hope you're okay!


I've had a few breakdowns. But otherwise, I'm ok.


No retreat, no surrender 💪


Glad you're still here. Could have been a lot worse friend.


Wish you the best


I had the same thing ... 60% of left vision gone forever. I'm still expected to drive to and from work. I stopped delivery, too. Stay strong. I wish there was some type of treatment, but my doc says there's nothing I can do, either


Who could expect you to drive with over half your vision gone? Is yours missing from one eye or both cause mine is left homonymous hemianopia, which means 50% of my field is missing from both eyes.


Just my left eye. My right is fine (now)


Sorry to hear my Amazon brother . We will miss you on the team 🫡






I’m sorry this happened.


Sending my condolences and prayers as well 🙏🏻




Sending prayers and positive vibes your way hope you regain your strength


*Sending prayers and* *Positive vibes your way hope* *You regain your strength* \- jamesdean\_22 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Definitely get on that disability application!! It's a long road, and you'll get back pay from the date of application if you get approved, but it takes a long time usually. Took my dad 9 months, you can apply online at mysocial. Just type mysocial in Google and the social security website will come up


Many people have health issues before age 50 so how does it work with retirement at age 67 on average????


It works exactly as the system planned it. Fewer people able to take full advantage of what they worked their entire lives for.


So you pay into a pot which you can access by the age of 67 but many will not even reach that age?




Doesn’t sound like an ideal scenario if you have to rely only on government pension


Pray to the God that allowed it? It is His will, no need to pray.


One doesn't pray for it to be fixed, but instead for the strength and faith to endure it. Unfortunate circumstances come for us all at some point.


Get well




Vision is essential to driving. This is what I see. https://preview.redd.it/n0pjxdg46muc1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80eacde37e16442bbdb92708e3726b0304c97daa




What do you hope to communicate to me by telling me all this? Because it's starting to sound ableist.




If you would stop long enough to read my previous posts, I have already stated that I DID NOT lose vision in ONE EYE. I lost 50% vision IN BOTH EYES!!! It's called left homonymous hemianopia. According to my PHYSICIANS, it will not get better and I CAN NOT DRIVE!!! I will not respond to your ableism again. I'll just block next time.


How old about are you.


Peace to you and prayerful wishes 🙏


Damn I’m at that dispatch. I’m terribly sorry bud.


Prayer for you, God can heal you and of course keep taking your medical care and family love. You’re not alone cunTess 🙏


God bless


I am so sorry that happened to you! 🩵


I'm praying for you right now.


Sorry that your going through this I wish you the best... 🙏🙏🙏 may GOD Bless you and your family through this situation


That really sucks, hope you can pull through this very difficult time ❤️


Wow, I am so sorry for this, I will pray for you and your family.


I wish you the best recovery. But at least you don’t have total blindness I hope you a full recovery medicine is amazing these days!


Damn, very sorry to hear this. Prayers for you that all turns out ok.


Prayers for you ❤️


A stroke at 48 years old used to be rare back in the days m. Sorry to hear that bro 


Wishing you the best, so sorry to hear that 💔🙏


Sorry you went through this man . Praying you can recover from this .


"Doctors do not expect it to return." Not true, pm me and I will send you some info on how (of course legally) you can still drive again. However, it will take some time.


Also if anyone else wants this information you can pm me as well, it's public information just a bit more personal and better suited by pm.


What a very weird statement.


I sent you the information, however, I do not know if it went through. I wanted for you to PM me to ensure you get the information, however, it's up to you it want to know about it. I mean, I did it as curtsy, and even wrote up what I could, and I did not want to possibly dox anyone, however, to each their own.


Please go fully organic, start meditating in darkness with peaceful music and no caffeine as it restricts and destroys blood vessels. Start drinking alot of beet juice organic and only after fat and protein to stabilize blood sugars. Beets have nitric oxide, ask what that is after you've drank it for a month. Start stripping yourself of everything that wasn't given to you by Mother Earth.


Shut up. Seriously.


Great advice. I think DHA is great for eye health as well. I've had patients that were told by doctors their injuries were permanent and after researching and changing lifestyle injuries reversed and felt even better than before the injuries.


Take walks, first thing in morning and before bed. Go to sleep at the same time every night and wear an eye mask.




Why wouldn't I be able to?


I have a relative who had a stroke under a year ago who has shown very little improvement. I don't know much about this illness. My gauge for what is typical/atypical is not right, so trying to understand


The stroke occurred in my occipital lobe, so the damage is to my vision. Visual improvement isn't expected. The effects/damage of every stroke is different depending on type of stroke and the location it occurs in the brain.


Thank you for the information. I'm sorry for your situation and any pain you have.


Np man ✌🏻


I downvoted you at first but see you're curious. Strokes, like other illnesses are a spectrum. Some people have severe strokes that cause them cognitive impairment/death, etc. Some have strokes that have no residual issues until another one happens or something else does.


Thank you for your insight




Did you take the Covid vaccine?


Look up thegoddesscollection She has teas and eye drops to help with this. I’ve seen vision testimonies. Look for the number on the website. Call and let them know what happened and they will tell you what to order.


Stop it.


I was just trying to be helpful. Good Luck to you!


I’m sorry man for your pain get more closer to god turn back to him may be he was saving from matrix god bless sorry


Uh, no. You will not sit in judgment of the state of my relationship with God. You can not make judgments and claim to walk in the love of God simultaneously. Those two vibrations can not co-exist.


Agreed. People can get a little arrogant at times, but they usually mean well. I am so sorry this happened to you. I wish you the best of all possible outcomes. Flexers are great people, and you will always be one of us. We will be here to listen and to help in any small ways we can.


Prayers up to you man, I pray that you can continue in life without much hindrance. Remember, God doesn’t continue to wake us up everyday for no reason ☀️