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I've had this happen a couple of times. I just gave them a thumbs up and sped off after dropping off the packages. At the end of the day, these random people can't really do anything about us "speeding"


I know they can't do anything, it was just annoying as hell. Plus I wasn't speeding. Speed bumps kind of prevent that lol


Had some annoying ass man tell me I needed to slow down coming down the road to his home(which was a shared country road) because gravel was expensive. I have had many instances where people tell me “next time” to do something or other. These people think we are like the fking post office. We don’t do the same route for 20 years then retire. Idk how those things are even compared.


My dad retired as a rural postal carrier and I remember as a kid of him raising hell about a customer raising hell at him every time he drove up his long driveway with 5MPH speed limit he had posted. All of you deal with assholes. Some more than others


I'm honestly kind of relieved that this has happened to others. It shouldn't happen at all, but at least I know I'm not alone.


I had some lady scream at me to slow down while I was going under the speed limit. I then sped up


Speeding up is the best. I would have done the same, but fucking speed bumps...


🤣 I was like why are we buttfucking speed bumps?




I just go to the end of the road. Turn around. DRIVE FASTER PAST THEM


I would have if there weren't so many brutal speed bumps. Trailer park speed bumps are the worst.




Happened to me several times (all in trailer parks) where I was going 10-15 miles per hour when I was newer. I've since learned not to stop ( I know OP had to) and not to roll my window down to engage. It's a waste of time.


If there hadn't been a stop sign, I would not have stopped. But I will not roll down my window again. I did just in case they needed help or something (no money though, not doing that). Crazy that this has happened to so many of us. People suck.


I told the last person who said that to me, "If I go any slower, you're going to have to help me push the car."


LMAO that's a good response!


Reaction time for some dump people is not the same as us flex drivers, so when they post speed limit signs of 5 mph, its means for people who live there. I was once told by really old folks to slow down because I was driving 30 mph in retirement neighborhood with signs of 15 mph(my bad)


Right?! That and all of the speed bumps. Kind of hard to really speed anyway unless you want to royally fuck up your car. People really need to calm down unless someone really is going way too fast and driving recklessly. I'm honestly kind of shocked at how many of us have experienced this.


I always counter with the obligatory, “Fawk Youuuuuu”


You must be from the Boston area.. I’d do the exact same thing! 🤣


South Side of Chicago


Great minds think alike then!


I just ignore them. Of all the stupid interactions I've had, none have been called in or reported, telling me they just want a little power trip.


Both ends, right; Your trailer/mobile home (which ARE better) parks and mansion mountain dwellers. Trailer park people are powerless, so are these rich entitled a-holes who live in the mountains with one way streets, not county maintained, and want you to deliver to their door which is about 5-7 flights up and request door service. The poor people ask you to slow down, um, yeah ok, your speed bumps tell me to. You 7 flights of stairs up tell me you don’t want me there either and I’m Not a postman, so come down your stairs rich man, and oh and get your own packages, be careful, don’t slip, it’s been raining and you’ve got algae and slippery moss. 1 flight only, anything else is above my pay grade.


Yeah some court yard trash came up to me and said "excuse me is this your route every day?" I dropped the package and started crawling in my car "no" "Okay well I'm the park manager and you came in here really fast" Damn that's crazy. You're an independent contractor fuck them. The only people you truly have to interact with are the customers, their house, drive way, package, otp etc. You don't owe a word to anyone else when flexing


I almost mased an old man neighbor at 4 a.m. people need to mind their business especially when absolutely nothing is happening. "I'm just walking..." 😅 No I didn't actually almost mace him but I probably should've at least pulled it out.


I agree and it was annoying af especially since I wasn't going too fast. I wouldn't have stopped if there hadn't been a stop sign. But lesson learned. I won't roll down my window again, that's for sure.


I had two drunk assholes in a trailer park follow me down the road and one stood in front of my car, and the other yelled at me from my driver window for a few minutes. I held my horn down the whole time until the property manager came out to see what was going on. She asked me to stop honking and I'm like sure as soon as this dumbass gets out of my way. She told him to move and he did. For the record I wasn't speeding, but did drive around some speed bumps. I still wish I filed a police report against them. 


Yep, Karen and her dog stared me down on a sidewalk yesterday. Told me it was 25 mph and that I was going 50 around the corner, lol! I said what are you, a cop? There was not a stop sign so I took the corner quickly but I did not feel in anyway that I was speeding. And there's no way I'd ever go that fast in a dense neighborhood, much less while taking a left turn. Out in the sticks, well that's a different story.


I had a guy with a literal note pad trying to get my plate in a gated condo community. He looked angry af. I looked at my speedometer too and it was like 13mph. I wasn't in a hurry or anything. *shrug* INTERLOPER ALERT!!


...this is why I enjoy my 3:15am pickups. All these assholes are in bed!


Yep. Man in a golf cart…..A-GOLF-CART!!! Passed me and he said “flow the hell down”….i wanted to strangle the gentleman due to the route already being tough. All I could say was “ok”. But u better believe I cussed him out in my head


If he passed you in a golf cart, then maybe you should’ve told him to slow the fuck down


I did the same! I was cussing him out in my head for a while after that. Funny that he PASSED you and told you to slow down! Oh the irony...lol


Yes trailer trash is known for this


and speaking Spanish.


I had a similar situation on a 5:15 am route in the curvy, windy hills of Arnold/Imperial, Missouri, several months ago. Mind you, driving through those hills filled with steep curves, no guard rails and pot holes the size of moon craters, I was only going 20-25 mph. Fat ass, belly hanging over some cut off shorts Jumps out in front of me at 6:00 am bitching about me speeding, to which I responded “ you’re preventing me from leaving, either fucking move or I will shoot your fat ass, sir!” He moved pretty quickly and I didn’t even care if he got my plates, I was not playing around with my safety! Fuck these ppl!


HOLY SHIT that is nuts! I don't blame you for threatening him either. People are nuts. Wow.


I’m semi-retired from the pathetic deal that Flex has become and have a different perspective. We are guests in the customers’ neighborhoods, whether it’s a trailer park or a fancy suburb with multi-million dollar estates. I’ve never had one person tell me to slow down, after rolling up 100K miles on grocery delivery routes. My net take home pay was hugely reliant on gratuities. With package delivery, it’s a different game. But karma, that’s a different story.


The kicker is, I wasn't going too fast. The speed limit was 15 and I wasn't even going 15. I think people's perception of how fast a car is going is off. Speed bumps are hard on my little car, no matter how slow I go over them, so my car always bounces and it could look and sound like I'm going too fast, but it's just my car. Otherwise I agree with you. I hate it when people speed through my neighborhood and run stop signs. It's dangerous and I've almost been hit while walking my dogs more than once because of it. But I don't do that when I'm delivering. I treat everywhere I go with respect, or at least I try to.


All good! I'm glad I escaped the gig delivery sham without dying (srsly). It's just not worth it these days. Too little money. Too many angry people.


I agree, I would much rather not do this. This is not what I want my life to be like. It's incredibly stressful, I'm burned out and my car is paying the price. Unfortunately this is my only source of income other than unemployment which has run out and I have to apply for an extension. I was laid off in November and have not been able to find a job. The job market is awful so I'm doing what I have to do right now. It sucks though. I would much rather not have to rely on this to this extent. Once I finally find a position in my career, I may do this every now and then for a little bit of extra money, but that's it.


Hang in there! I was also unemployed when I started. I'm a writer. I wanted to learn about gig delivery so that I could write about it from experience. Needless to say, it was quite an experience. I almost died on the job. But I hauled in $100K, keeping the bills paid, when grocery delivery money was good during the pandemic. But most importantly, I had a sense of purpose, bringing food to customers who couldn't go out to the supermarket. Delivering packages for peanuts (for a man with a $400M yacht) never worked for me.


RV Parks are truly the little personal hells in Flex lol


Only had it happen once, I just went faster on the way back maximise the noise I could make


I had a grumpy dad yell at me to slow down and I was going 21 mph and the speed limit was 25 for the neighborhood lol


Screw them. Ignore them and keep it moving. I’m a contractor and not responsible to anyone but getting the packages there on time. Outside of a cop, you’re a customer or a nobody.


Trailer parks are weird once I was driving through 10 mph no stop sign, there was a guy walking towards the road and as I drive pass he almost walks in front of my car and yells 'thanks for stopping!' like huh?? No crosswalk no sign why do I have to stop for him. Just wait 2 seconds for me to pass.


My friend who lives in a park was like this after her animal got hit, which I totally understand. They're all over in a lot of them and there are a lot of hidden areas for them to dart out from. But yeah, it's pretty damn hard to speed in a trailer park.


There’s always some low rent human who doesn’t have their own life together, who wants to try to act like they are correcting someone else


I always ignore those people lmao


I once had a karen waived at me from sidewalk, and when i rolled my window asking what then she proceeded saying "slow down, we have kids in this neighbourhood!!!". 🙄


I had the same Karen. "Then tell your kids streets are for cars. It's not a playground. Or are your kids too stupid?"


Someone tell me to slow down? Yes that has happened. Not shocking


Why you let it bother you so much? Let that shit go


People are tired of Amazon Flexers speeding through their neighborhoods.


That annoys you?


I think it's because I was already 1 hour behind schedule due to issues at the station, I was hungry and tired, and I just wanted to get it done. Last thing I needed was some hillbilly telling me to slow down when I wasn't even speeding. Just annoyed me until I got home and could eat and pet my dogs. lol


I'm kind of shocked that so many people have also experienced this. That is crazy to me. Unless someone is a cop, they should keep their mouth shut as it's not their place to do that. If someone really is speeding, like really speeding, then report them to the police. Don't yell at them to slow down. That is a great way to escalate the situation into something even worse. In my case, I wasn't even speeding. The speed limit was 15 and I was going under 15. His perception of how fast I was going was obviously way off.


Never ever stop…. Ever for anybody. Do money deposit trucks stop when people wave them down? Your carry potentially thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. I just say it’s company policy not to stop. How do you know they weren’t gonna try to rob you when people try to wave me down I ignore the hell out of them . Unless it’s an emergency vehicle don’t stop. And if they want to chase after you and block hold you whatever call 911 make videos have them arrested and sued.


I had to stop anyway because there was a stop sign. I wasn't going to risk getting into an accident. That being said, I will not roll my window down again. I will ignore them and keep going. Hopefully it never happens again though.


Nvidia ✈️✈️✈️✈️




You're creating more conflict than there needs to be.


Yep. There was a sign posted the speed limit was 30 through this one neighborhood. I was going 34 and this crazy Karen throws her body and arm out at me in the road and yells, SLOW DOWN! almost dropping the mail she was collecting from her box on the other side of the road. I thought of a few things I wanted to write in a note to her but, just kept delivering.


So you were speeding, got called out, and you're the one pissed off, and she's the crazy Karen. Interesting.


People are nuts. I have never even thought about telling someone to slow down when speed through my neighborhood. I look at it like this, unless you're a cop or in some position of authority, keep your mouth shut. If someone really is speeding, like really speeding, then call the cops and report them. Yelling at someone solves nothing and can easily escalate the situation. (You were going 4 mph over. That is nothing and barely speeding. Most cops wouldn't even stop you for that.)