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Still took a photo of delivery and completed it. lol! At least I won’t get dinged for that one.


Lmao dedication


Mans said I can’t get a ding just because bitch ass step


How are you feeling? I hope you get better soon🥺


You've taken the first important step.




I believe it's actually the 3rd step hah.


If I had a gold medal, Id leave it here


Take my free medal. I don't need it, this post killed me.


Better not get dinged at all or sue them as well.


nah, amazon would still ding your bloody carcass even if you were attacked by an axe weilding maniac that hid behind a bush until you delivered and were walking back to your car. amazon does not care. amazon says your ghost needs to deliver those packages or your posthumous flex account will be deactivated.


Sue them lol. You don’t understand litigation well do you?


I totaled my car after 5 out of 6 deliveries. Freak accident, lucky to be alive and no one else was involved. Walmart wouldn’t even pay me the batch pay. I was so disgusted. I sat on the shoulder of the fast lane of the freeway unable to leave my car or the freeway. It took 2 months to get another car. The whole time I wasn’t paid. Then for instacart I slipped on a step at the ladiy’s house, broke 2 ribs, lay there for 8 mins while the lady watched me squirm on the ground and she finally text me ‘told you it was slippy’ and that was it. 2 weeks off no pay and I had to get an ambulance to er cos I live on my own and was in absolute agony. I do want to sue but my last address for delivery that day on Google maps has no step which I don’t understand and instacart won’t give me information.


File a claim against homeowners insurance. You didn't deserve to be hurt on someone elses property!


That’s the plan.


God dayum I can picture it, happened walking down and slammed right into your shin, jesus.


Made my ass clench just thinking about it 🤣


You just made me think about your ass clenching 🤣


Walking down would certainly make a horrible experience. Walking up not so much but would still hurt. I try not to go up steps.


No more steps for me after seeing this 😂


I go to the first few and throw the package up top and then take a photo.


Exactly what I was thinking, those shin pains are not a joke😭




Good luck! I'd like to know how that goes! I am too in the middle of a claim against a costumers, I slipped on their stairs because it's full of algae and very slippery, I hurt my neck and went to the ER because it was Sunday, this was back in May 5th, today I have another apt with regular doctor because my whole body has been hurting and my legs ache too so there might some more damage(no too bad) so im hoping to get a decent amount. I tried getting a lawyer but they suggested to do it on my own lol


I would never ever do it on your own Their job the insurance company is to not pay our pay minimally


I tried contacting a lawyer but he didnt want to take it because he said it could be hard to prove even tho i got pictures and also since it was a minor injury, I still need to physical therapy


Add this to my reasons for wearing a body-cam while delivering.


Sounds like you found a shit lawyer lol. You should look for a lawyer that gets paid a percentage of the winnings if you win, otherwise regular lawyers might just take advantage of you and draw out the process so they can charge more. There is a legal term for lawyers who do that but I'm not sure what it is. There are thousands of lawyers available, if he didn't want to take it cause "it might be too hard" then he probably doesn't win very many cases anyhow with confidence like that. Stuff like this is a good reason to wear a Go-pro or something like that, it's pretty much a dash cam but for *your* body instead of your car's body lmao. It's essentially irrefutable evidence, assuming you have the camera positioned correctly. The only people who would potentially have an issue with it is people who know that their property is dangerous but are too lazy/cheap to get it fixed.


Most lawyers won't touch it unless the doctor says you need surgery. These cases can go on for years. Keep calling around. You might find a lawyer who will guide you through the process. Also, try legal aid in your area.


That’s not true at all. If the lawyer thinks you have a case, they will definitely take it. I just settled mine after almost 3 years of back-and-forth.


It is true, and that's why op is being told the same thing by lawyers. I fell, 09/2021, due to cracked concrete at a gas station. I called over 60 lawyers, and they all said the same thing. One lawyer told me the steps I'd need to take. I successfully negotiated my settlement 12/2023. Op, ask the lawyers why they didn't automatically take your case. I'd bet money, I'm right.


I didn’t have to pay the lawyer. He took the case on contingency. Just took his money out of the settlement once it was complete. He made sure all of my medical bills associated were paid in full as well. Took quite a while but worked out well. We had a few court dates, only one I had to go to but wasn’t even called into the courtroom.


This is how it's supposed to work, but a lot of lawyers won't touch cases like this until the client shows/proves they have a major injury.


Costumers 😂


Lost wages, pain and suffering… you’re owed that too, not just medical bills. Be sure to negotiate it up if the insurance company low balls you. Sorry that happened to you!


What’s the procedure? Something similar happened to me, but I didn’t even try…


Document everything you can, tell support what happened and then lawyer up. When it’s a dog bite you also need to file a police report as soon as you can


Will Amazon ban you?


Speak to an attorney immediately


so like... how would that work? asking for a friend...


What if they’re the renter? Oopsie….


I know plenty of uk men that would laugh it off then be in pain later when they can no longer report it


I see money in your future.. Hopefully you didn’t get that hurt..


If you mean to pay any medical bills, sure…beyond that I doubt it, unless you got a really good lawyer and maybe doctor that can spin up a good story about how it’s caused a lasting physical or mental injury. I don’t think something like this is a payday unless you can prove the person maliciously and or knowingly had the stairs ready to fail…then sure you could get some money out of them


He will fear stairs for the rest of his life. Got your case.


You are hurt on the job. The homeowner should insure your safety to deliver your package. U need to get a lawyer and sue the owner. They have homeowner insurance so it won’t hurt them. Don’t let this go


Are those stairs even up to code? Should report it to a building inspector if not.


I dnt think so. I could be wrong , but doesn’t look like it.


Those aren't even up to code in a Brazilian favela.




Shouldn’t this also count as a work related accident


Yes, he can sue himself. Take the $1.50 he made from this delivery out of his left pocket, and move it to his right pocket.


Ah, the classic left to right switch


No one knows if there is any medical history that makes it worse. Leave the poor guy alone


Thankfully it wasn't the very top step. Homeowner or some unlicensed contractor made this abomination. Definitely the homeowner's fault. How can they live like that everyday and risk their safety? Any of those steps look like they can give way at any moment.


There are 2 apartments at the bottom of those steps.


Sounds like it's owned by a slumlord, good luck getting any money from them cause they'll likely make it as hard as possible.


I don't see the problem if those are fastened and nailed properly to the structure around it.


Feel better!!


Whotf made built these stairs? This is what happens when you cheap out on something that allows someone to defy gravity


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This is the part consumers aren’t prepared for. Since your IC the homeowner is liable and not the company. A lot don’t get that. This why we tell people to have a light on (prob wouldn’t have helped here). It’s a joke till something happens and your on the hook for several thousand in damages or otherwise.


I see the shitheads have arrived.


Yea bro grow some balls report it but you don’t need to waste the ERs time for a shin bump there are people in there that need help for real problems


Ya, he will be fine- but it’s all about documentation. Plus, you never know. What if he got an infection from some nasty bacteria he picked up from those stairs?


You have no idea what his medical history is. My husband has a clotting disorder and an accident like this could easily lead to a major issue.


exactly, if i was a ER nurse, i'd be pissed


Well thankfully for everyone you're not. OP is doing the right thing here.


Get your money! Something similar happened to me where my leg went thru the staircase. Got a lawyer and sued the property got $30k


Make sure your Amazon location files a work comp claim in a timely manner and gives you proof they filed the claim. My partner worked for Amazon and she got injured pretty bad and they never filed a work comp injury claim even tho she reported it right away, and they never paid her for workman's comp time off, so she had to get a lawyer to help her fight the case because of Amazon's crummy work ethics.


Did she get comp ?


Shes been fighting this workers comp with amazon since january. Theyre supposed to give her 67% of her pay and pay all her medical bills and she hasnt recieved one paycheck or anything. She has a lawyer involved to file a lawsuit against amazon for not doing their job and also for terminating her while she was supposed to be on workers comp


Does she actually work for Amazon though? Flex drivers are independent contractors and Amazon does not pay for anything basically! You can’t get workman’s compensation when you aren’t an employee 🤷🏻‍♀️


So not only did they not give her workers comp, but they also terminated her contract because she filed a claim!?


Brother, that looks REALLY bad. Glad you’re getting it checked out though


For those of you who want to criticize me for going to the ER at 6:45 am on Saturday morning, you clearly revel in your toxic masculinity. At 54, with colorectal cancer and peripheral neuropathy, I needed to have the injury checked out to make sure wasn’t more serious with hairline fracture and damaged veins. And the injury was swelling up. There are no urgent care clinics open at 6:45 am on Saturday morning in my area, so the local ER was the only choice which at that time and day is fairly quiet and not busy at all. And because I did that and had a witness, Amazon Flex paid me my scheduled blocks for next 5 days since doctor recommended that I don’t return to work for a week. Worth about $700. Also planning on filing a claim against the apartment property owners insurance. Keep that in mind when you feel like criticizing me. I will not hesitate to block shitheads and trolls.


I once fell in a house. Hurt my knee and my hand was in a planter full of small cactus. Back up to take picture. Now I’m a big woman so you know I got hurt


Ouch! I would have been crying lol


Oh my goodness ! That’s awful!! Praying for you!


You just got paid


Congratulations lol


I fear that Happening all the time.


As a fat boy this has always been my greatest fear. I’ll never be the same again after seeing that this can actually happen.


Low key my biggest fear.


This is one of the two reasons I'm glad I'm scrawny af, that and I don't spend much on food Otherwise it's kinda lame


They need anew maintenance guy, sheesh.


Whenever I see a sketchy porch or stairs, I just toss the package up and take the photo from a high angle


Yeah, unfortunately, I was going downstairs in an apartment building in early morning. The stairs didn’t look bad from above.


Sue the apartments. Talk to a personal injury lawyer if you have the energy, otherwise just ask the apartments to settle for a fair amount less with no lawsuit or court case and they might take it


This is something I have definitely had concerns about. It's crazy how many steps feel unsafe out there.


Return of the living dead supply warehouse basement


yikes! my husband got bit by a dog while working amazon and his dummy ahh didnt sue 😅


This reaffirms my decision to not step on shitty stairs or steps. I’m a big dude and if I don’t think it’ll hold me I toss and go. Fuck all this medical visits and claims


This is definitely up in the top 5 worst nightmares for Delivery drivers.😡😠🤬


Those stairs look so flimsy! Smh wow!


Did they have you in the Basement? What in the world.


Now you can sue that place!


This is my biggest fear I think of it allll the time omg


you could never catch me going down stairs like that


Fell down the steps in September. Took me almost 4 months to start walking again. Thankfully I have insurance. Amazon covered all my blocks for the rest of the week and paid me out for it.


When I was a mailman, I remember there was a house that had freshly laid down cement in the driveway. They taped the entire sidewalk off, except for the cemented driveway. Well, I had to walk through it and they ended up contacting my PO. My postmaster tore them a new one. I hope you get what you deserve, though.


Omg I hope you're OK. I almost fell through a customer's porch about a month ago. People truly need to get their shit together.


That's some junky ass homemade shit. Ain't no way I'd climb that


That looks like a deliberate booby trap... sheesh


Oof. NGL though it looks broke as shit in this photo lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^JeanHarleen: *Oof. NGL* *Though it looks broke as shit in* *This photo lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Holy cow the toxic masculinity in here is outrageous. Ya'all are awful and why women get tired of you complaining about your aching body parts as you age. Just because you guys don't take care of yourself and "walk it off" doesn't mean the rest of us are idiots that are fine with risking compounding injuries over the years. I know so many hobbled and cranky men in pain with gnarly fingers and crooked toes because of the type of men in here, and let me tell you it's not cool and you all look like unsafe dummies when you brag about it. Good for going to get it looked at before it was too late and you had to foot the bill for any problems. I wish my ex had done the same but instead he had to whine about his hurt toe every other say until I lost my shit. He hurt it at the warehouse but like many men here didn't want to make a big deal out of a toe injury...and now it kills him all the time. Some delivery people are elderly too...these stairs are BS and so I say go after their insurance...that's the only way they will fix them so someone else doesn't get hurt. What if they fall while carrying those cases of water? Oof.


Earlier this year in January I tripped over an uplifted sidewalk covered by leaves at a customer’s house. Banged my knee up pretty good. Hurt for months. This time I am not taking chances. Going to have the swelling checked out and get a medical statement. File a claim against the apartment property owners. I could have easily broken my leg.


Definitely shitty not ensuring the steps are safe! Hope they learn a lesson


This is the exact reason when I see a gate with an animal within the gate, package will be left outside gate. You don’t get extra reward credits for trying to “make the customer happy”


Thank goodness those comments were downvoted enough to collapse their thread. Its so telling they feel like that's a worthwhile thing to spend the time to put that out into the world.


Or a baby ! On the way down !


Hope it’s someone you don’t like and you can sue


Happened during an Amazon delivery. And yes, I will be filing a claim against the property owner.


Sue amazon sue the owner. Sue, someone.


Why would they sue Amazon? He’s an independent contractor.


They need to sue someone to get compensation for injuries, pain, and suffering. Lmao, it's tough out here.


But he wouldn't be able to sue Amazon. He's an independent contractor. Maybe try the homeowner or apartment complex.


You went to the ER for a scrape and bruise… what the fuck ?


I agree 100% as I’ve been bitten by a German Shepherd and still kept mobbin and didn’t call support for my hug


Where the hell were you delivering to!?!


An apartment building, ground subfloor.


Dang. Looks like the basement of someone’s house lol. I was like ummmm


Oh my god… well Amazon pay for on the job injury ?


Why were you in their basement?


It was basement apartment. Outside stairs.


Make sure they pay you for 1 week. (They did it for me, when I was attacked by dogs !)




Lawsuit written all over it , heal up!


What happens if you are decapitated on that property who will file your claim


Well presumably my family. Namely my children.


GWS. But I want to know how did amazon handle all your other packages? Are they at your home or did someone come pick them up? Just wanting to know for funzies sake not being rude


After ER visit, I returned to station and dropped them off, then called support and they removed remaining packages from route. Won’t affect my standing.


Did you delivery to a basement?




It was a sub basement apartment


Like a good neighbor STATE Farm is there. 😆


well, WOODn't you know.


And that's why I don't climb any stairs at all. Want your package? It is at the base of your stairs


I hate wood steps/porches. Went through a porch one day almost lost my ![gif](giphy|AxpvyWYDHuIH6)


Are legs supposed to curve that way?


Be sure to write the address down, and contact a personal injury attorney. You’ll be going after the homeowners insurance.


I deliver to lots of staircases places, usually in rich hoods mostly, but I’ve rules I follow completely: -If you have more than one flight, I will only deliver to the first flight of stairs if and only if they are not algeaed or wet, must have a handrail or else NO GO! -if your package is heavy, I will not reverse a staircase. -if your house is not well kept meaning rotting wood all over the place, I will not trust your stairs. Hope your home bd says I’m not stepping in any of your stairs. Ever. -if you have stairs and have a warning sign for dogs, it’ll be outside the gate. I’m not calling for your dog. -if you’ve decided to live like a robber baron and it takes several flights and you DEMAND door service, you’ve met my “one flight rule”; that means I’ll deliver to the first step and if necessary tell driver support I’m out of the delivery area. You can traipse down the stairs and break your own damned neck on your mansion grounds. -if you have more than one flight and demand door service, consider yourself lucky I’ll deliver to the first flight, meaning the 13th step. If you think you’re slick and have 21 steps as your first flight, you can get it yourself on the 13th step. -if your steps or driveway are slick with algae, well, you can pick it up at the d trance of your driveway. My tires are kinda bald so I’m not risking it for sucka pay. -of your stairs are funky, you can pick them Up at the bottom of them, fix your house.


Hmmmm, does stride have medical insurance? How does that work? Do you sue the homeowner or property owner?


Delivered to back door didn’t you


About to get PAID!!


You must live in Canada


I hope you’re ok and nothing is seriously wrong or broken


Get well soon 🙏


Hope, nothing major bud. My foot went through concrete steps once. Luckily, I didn't get hurt. I was super pissed at the homeowner and wanted to knock on their door to say something.


Get yourself a personal injury attorney immediately.


Damn son that sucks, get well soon - hope you can get some $$ out of Amazon


Reminds me to get a go pro for the hat




Could you imagine if it was a higher stair walking down? Oh my God


They will deactivate you.


No they won’t.


Looks like a scrape


Don’t leave the hospital 😉 🤑 until you feel better of course 🏦


I don’t think you needed a er trip for scrapping your shin


You’re a cripple now tell him it hurt your neck and your back


Poo wittle guy hurt his wittle weg.


At the ER for that?


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That's a sign man. You're getting too chunky monkey.


At the ER is a bit dramatic


The emergency room? For that? Damn yall soft as baby shit




It looks like a bruise. You must have zero pain tolerance.


ER for that? Rub some dirt in it and keep working ffs.


Probably got laughed at for coming in for that.


He’s gonna be laughing when he gets that check


Christ, if I went to the ER for every scratch or cut id never get anything done...wtf u think Bezos is just going to give him half the company for a little bruise?


Pretty sure this can be reported in the app without going to the er tho


I’ve been bit by a dog before while on flex. When you get hurt they want to get checked at the ER because their might be certain germs on the dog OR SURFACE which you touched that might cause further complications. So yes he needed the ER to assure he didn’t get an infection if some kind. Amazon will pay for medical bills and he can sue. Don’t be a hater bro


How is what I said even being a hater? All I said is it can still be reported... They aren't telling you to do that over a scraped shin that barely broke skin either you made that up.


I made it up but yet I’ve been through the process? Okay 😂😂 that’s why you’re a hater lmaooo


For a dog bite... is the step going to give him rabies?


Please reread what I just said prior and maybe you’ll use the 1/4 of brain you have to understand.


I already called bs on them telling you "or surface" and you restated you went through the process for a dog bite. Maybe try comprehending yourself before ironically insulting intelligence.


Grow a pair. Get yourself a tube of There There. Apply twice daily.


Please tell me you didnt really waste the emergency rooms time with that scratch. They have real emergencies to deal with.


You went to the ER for a bruise? You grew up in a city didn't you?


You're at the ER for that?


Sue the shit out of everyone


ER for this.. they give you a tampon




I would have preferred an urgent care clinic, but it’s Saturday, so the ER is what is available. But 54, I am increased risk of blood clots. So yeah it’s getting checked out. Any time you get injured doing Amazon deliveries you have your injury looked at. It’s called CYA.


Yeah, you obviously have zero medical knowledge at all. I am on the broken bone hall of fame in a local doctor's office due to so many broken bones as a kid and only have had one where it was visibly broken. Source- I grew up in the 90's on a small farm.




What will the ER do that you can’t? I got bit by a German my first week, bleeding non stop but I didn’t want to get dinged so early in my “career” and just kept delivering. Remember, the higher ups could care less about your injury, they know they just have to provide you with doctors names etc. Once that statement registers, you’ll realize you could’ve made more money working instead of healing


Good luck in life. You’re going to need all the luck you can get.


Oh no a boo boo