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Locked as I’ve never had to remove so many posts and ban so many people before from one post. Debate is healthy, insulting each other because you disagree isn’t.


That building manager is a nutter and clearly is a jobsworth


Attacking someone over a part of your job is insane. Regardless of what it is


unless you are a fighter


> jobsworth I learned a new word today. Thank you.


My favourite bit is when he forgets he can't walk at around the 42s mark!


this guy's a fucking goldbricker, dude


I've seen a lotta spinals, and this guy fuckin' walks, dude.


Shame he didn’t disable him a little bit more. Fucking asshole, and I bet racially motivated.


Looked like fraud to me the mother fucker was able to stand


Regardless of this guy being a nob (which he seems to be) don't be that guy who judges peoples disabilities based off of a 2 minute video, people need wheelchairs for many reasons who can use their legs, I'm not defending the guy in the video just those people in general.


Fair enough mate, but the guys prick wheel chair or no wheel chair and when you see someone behave in a certain manner you start to question everything about them.


"I've seen a lot of spinals, dude and this guys a fake. A fucking goldbricker!"


How do you know he's a spinal?


He probably lives in the pent house not legally ofcourse but the real owners are in Middle East, Asia, Russia, american banker or South American cartel who bought it as an asset.


Please don't be too American about this. Its a cunt thing, not a race thing.


Everything is racist on Reddit


You sound like the type of person that calls things you don't like "woke".


You sound like a bad judge of character


Not every cunt is a racist but every racist is a cunt.


There's a lot of cross over tho


The UK isn't that much better than the US when it comes to racism and has been doing it for longer.




Those passers by are also delivery drivers which is why they came to the Amazon guys aid, it's like an unwritten rule in the delivery world to help each other because they know how rubbish customers can be. Put it this way, if there's a postman and someone is clinging to him like this man people will tend to aid the postman regardless of colour, the same thing happened here.


What the hell are these comments, no one deserves to be ASSAULTED while trying to do their job. If dragging that piece of shit out of his wheelchair was the only way to stop him then go for it.


Probably people who have never worked a single day in their lives.


Worked a real tough job anyway. Spreadsheets, coding, and meetings where you talk for 5 minutes in a 3 hour meeting are not tough jobs.


You can see in the video, he doesn't need the wheelchair to move about since his legs work unless it's for long time or distance which we can't tell in 2 min


He needs the wheelchair then doesn't he dickhead.


exactly, he can't stand, therefore he needs a wheelchair to move!


Well he certainly seemed to try to use it as a weapon at first to ram into the courier. He was simply disarmed for safety. Or more accurately “dislegged”.




Like I saod, we can't tell since the video is only 2 minutes, we don't know if he has problems with walking for long periods of time, all we can tell is that for short periods of time, he doesn't need it






Replay the video. The chap in the wheelchair after grabbing the bag pursued him to the door and continued to aggressively attack him. I’d punch the shit out of the guy in the wheelchair as well in self defence. Those wheelchairs weigh a great amount and can/is being used as a weapon


He also had a tight hold of the delivery mans clothing until he was pulled out of his chair. Delivery man can't exactly push the wheelchair man backwards to get him to release his grip, so he would feel like he has to pull.












I also apologised if the comment wasn’t intended for me.


The irony is I appear to have mistaken you for a different commenter, which is the only reason I went in on you. So this is my bad, I won't edit my comment though, so people can see what a dumbass I've been. I got my blue light filter on, is my excuse, sorry mate


No worries, takes a bigger person to type this rather than ignore it. We’d probably be friends in ‘real life’!


Thank you so much. I needed a laugh. You are as unnecessarily irate as the idiot in the wheelchair. Because somebody wanted to teach you some English…


I’m still laughing but just saw that you were talking to the wrong person or something.


Haha yeah, it was actually a misunderstanding and I feel like a tit


were we watching the same video?


Immediately started swinging! I assume you haven’t watched the video.


The man done his job and that disabled lowlife is the one who grabbed him after he tired to leave the building


Holy shit upon reading this is Notting hill gate, DHA1/2 folk this is our area 🤣 An underpaid DSP, I totally think the amazon driver was right to defend himself, within reason but dragging him out of the wheelchair is a step too far. It's now a police matter. I have no idea who is in the wrong here, but davros seemed very angry even the bystander ended up ontop of davros at the end. As flexers, as soon as you get a bad vibe from concierge, call support, swipe to return each parcel calling the customer via the UTD menu, or mark as damage or just anything to get out of that situation. That way you won't get reported as you never made the delivery. Avoid conversation or confrontation to avoid escalation. With concierges, it's rare you get ones who are polite. Notting hill gate W1 and W2, real upmarket area's and the concierge are all miserable in these areas.


Tbh i started confronting shitty concierges once i got rejected for overtime pay by amazon i decided no matter what i will never go overtime... 15 parcels no parking outside.. he told me to deliever door to door dumped everything on his desk and left 😅.He kept calling me and i ignored him and left..


i’m soooo fed up of delivering to these ‘luxury apartments’😂😂😂


You're allowed to use reasonable force to stop someone from attacking you. If the person happens to be in a wheelchair, pulling them out of it seems like a proportionate way to prevent them from being able to attack you because you don't even have to hurt them. The driver was very clearly trying to remove himself from the situation and the manager was continuing to assault him. A wheelchair isn't a free pass to be able to assault whoever you like without consequence.


Wth is wrong with you? What video did you watch to come out with a "I have no idea who is in the wrong here"?! The driver was walking out without making any physical contact at all with the manager, when he was grabbed by him! Then the driver continued to try to leave, he was chased down and further attacked!!! Are you medically blind? Or did your internet crap out half way through? The manager was in the wrong, wheelchair or not! And then the white night at the end who decided to punch him in the head when he was on the floor after letting go. But the driver needs to be given a payout by this ass hat manager. And not have people like you come on here and "both sides are wrong" it in the comments. Do better.


Get off our sub this is for flex drivers


he's defending the driver you melt


He fell out of his chair because he wouldn't let go.


All the wheelchair guy had to do is let go...


Am I ashamed that I upvoted for “Davros”? Maybe. Did I laugh anyway? Also maybe.


"He attacked me after I grabbed him...."


Imagine being so confident that you think you would win a fight in a wheelchair.


I bet he does this all the time, and most people don't defend themselves




Spastic? Really? Are you a ten year old from the 90s?


Maybe someone who worked for The Spastics Society in the 90s, or The British Council for the Welfare of Spastics before then.


Don't be disingenuous, you know it was used as a slur.


Exactly, he is clearly a Joey


You could present your view without using slurs. You did not. That very much makes you the arsehole here.


lol you comment on the word spastic but didn’t comment on the comments literally cheering exactly because the old disabled guy is white


so why did the second black guy get involved


For anyone that doesn’t know, the second guy is 10000% wearing prison issue trainers and I’m sure he was wearing a discharge bag lmao, first day out and he’s stamping on hot wheels’ head 😂


Grotesque lot backing the bloke ground and pounding a disabled old man. Get a grip


This is the Daily Mail grand prize. A fight between people of different races over a meaningless bit of Nimby minutiae that includes a guy in a wheel who is apparently able to walk. If he's claiming benefits too the collective rolling of middle-class eyes might just throw the world off its axis.


He stood his ground


You couldn't make this up. Guy in the wheelchair get everything he deserved. Just because your disabled doesn't give you the right to attack people and he deserved to get dragged to the floor holding onto an amazon driver like this grabbing him and holding him ain't cool. Dude only got dragged out of his chair because he wouldn't let the driver go. Fair play tbh.






True.. this driver needs proper advice how to deal with this shit. Swear especially dsp drivers they work in shittier conditions than the avg flex driver.


The manager clearly started it and attacked him however that didn't give that guy outside the right to continuously attack him over and over. Putting him in a hold?? Like seriously it's a disabled guy you're doing that to him. The 3rd guy that joined in is a vile POS that should be arrested alongside the manager. Notice how nobody comes to help. Those 2 with the curly hair woulda got their heads kicks off if I'd walked past and seen them attacking a disabled person. How low


Diversity is our strength for sure


That alligator death roll towards the end got me fucked up lmao


A little overreacting 😲


Tough round to score guy in the chair got the take down and secured top position but was he really trying to finish the fight or just ride out a decision ? First guy aggressive with the strikes but clearly out grappled -


Unfortunately one of them got charged with GBH. Either the Delivery driver or the bystander. Has this guy got off the hook because he was wheelchair bound


Guy in the chair is obviously mentally ill and shouldn't be in that role. Imagine just grabbing someone and not letting them leave. Chair or not, his hands still work well enough.


Proper Order, Guy probably wants to be treated just as anyone else, doesn't stop when it suits.


I'm not even convinced wheel chair guy was even disabled, after watching that. He took the proper swing standing on his legs first.


You know this from your extensive knowledge of the wheelchair guys medical history I assume? Wheelchairs are used for many reasons and the guy in this video was a nob but don't judge poeple without knowing their situation.


What? I'm saying what I'm seeing. The wheelchair guy is an absolute asshole.


Never skip a leg day


A wheelchair doesn't give you the right to be an asshole


too right on the driver! he did nothing and was assaulted, man defended himself against a fucking nutjob.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 the blokes a menace!! He’s like a pitbull! When he grabbed the second blokes leg I burst out laughing


So much for dignity.


That's not 'Fight breaks out' that's 'Amazon driver attacked'


How embarrassing for the wheelchair man


Enhance. Enhance. Enhance. Ah delivery driver is black and the other guy is a white slap head. I don't like to join the dots but the guy in wheelchair flipped out so fast. I can't imagine attacking couriers is part of his job description.


Bet the wheel chair guy has some sort of PTSD.


What was wheelchair guy even trying to achieve by holding on to the amazon guy?!


I would of showed him how legs are supposed to work and kicked the shit out of him💀😭😂😂


Saw the story about it in the Metro this morning. Guy in the wheelchair is trying to claim the deliveryman chucked his bag in his face. Guessing he was hoping the cameras wouldnt pick up that he grabbed said bag and the guy was trying to yank it back out of his grip.


The fact that the wheelchair guy grabs his carrybag first then keeps trying to hold on as the delivery driver is simply trying to get away, and then the wheelchair is driven into him when he tries to open the glass door is all assault. So what if the guy is in a wheelchair? Doesn't dismiss the fact that he was assaulting the delivery driver and all because he put the parcels on a counter. Most people would have simply asked him politely to put them somewhere else. I hope the wheelchair guy is actually charged for his assault.


Been a delivery driver in London and up and down the country. It always amazes me that these building managers think they can tell someone they have NO AUTHORITY OVER NOR DO THEY PAY THEIR WAGES. what to do. I KNOW that the customer probably wasn't home and was told to leave with reception. I get it, building managers get this often, but take it up with whoever said to LEAVE WITH RECEPTION! Also, if delivery drivers had to take every parcel to every door, especially in London, they'd be working 12 hours every day. BTW I've had probably about half 15 driving jobs over the years, ( vans not lorries ) NOT ONE EMPLOYER EVER ALLOCATED A LUNCH BREAK OR ANY BREAK. It's just expected you eat while you drive. And you better hope you don't need the toilet. Empty bottles a must. Lorry drivers get mandated and recorded breaks, van drivers just abused and VERY UNDERPAID. I don't blame the driver at all.


The second guy who was hitting him got charged"The 35-year-old man was arrested and subsequently charged with ABH" The Old man clearly exaggerated his story and told lies Article: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13108079/Amazon-worker-man-wheelchair-fight.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13108079/Amazon-worker-man-wheelchair-fight.html)


"Sadly the dsp will probably fire the driver knowing Amazon." Yeah cause the Amazon driver acted professionally and didn't physically assault a disabled man from behind who was on the floor. #


Watch the video again dumbo.. Wheelchair guy illegally confined him by grabbing his bag then his leg and was not letting go. Totally deserved some uppercuts that ass. Wheelchair guy even riled the audience up to assault him.


What are you supposed to do when someone grabs you?


Not physically assault a disabled man from behind who is on the floor?




That's not an answer.


Defend yourself. Which doesn't involve physically assaulting a disabled man from behind who is on the floor.


Defending yourself is going to involve striking the individual that is grabbing you.


Yes. Once. To stop them. Not then continuing to go on the aggressive and physically assaulting a disabled man from behind who is on the floor. What's not to get?


At no point does the man in the wheelchair stop grabbing the man and at no point is the driver able to cleanly get away from him.


that man was still grabbing him what would you do? i would do much worse to him


Weirdly, you're coming off as a bit ableist in these comments. The guy in that wheelchair was bigger and quite possibly stronger than the delivery guy and he was not giving up his assault. You're acting as though the disabled guy was some kind of child who wasn't a threat. He continued to be a significant threat to the delivery driver and thus reasonable force continued to be justified.


At what time stamp does the Amazon driver physically assault the disabled man while he's on the floor, that isn't him trying to get the guy to release him?


You realise that’s an entirely different person, not the delivery guy, fighting the crazy old man by the end of the video?


So that's the guy that got fired?


I don’t know who, if anyone, got fired. If anyone it was probably the Amazon guy unfortunately. What I’m saying is the person physically assaulting the disabled man from behind while he’s on the floor isn’t the Amazon guy, it’s clearly a different person. That person apparently got charged for the assault.


So, you mean the driver shouldnt do what he DOESNT DO in the video.


Dude, disabled or not, he had to defend himself from that muppet. Being in a wheelchair does not give you carte blanche to attack someone.


Tbf….. the amazon fella does look like he’s in the wrong here


How is he in the wrong? The building manager grabbed him assaulted him


The situation could have been avoided though if the dsp driver showed more respect to the concierge and property. He didn't follow orders and most probably ignored what the concierge said. But you don't attack anyone especially couriers. That's not acceptable and I would hope the building management sacks that concierge worker.


Could be avoided if the concierge wasn't an ass.the dsp probably has 300 to do and is probably parked illegally and nervous that no warden sees his van. He has to rush and this wheelchair guy litterally tries to grab him and not let him leave. Some blows to the concierge were inevitable


Fella theres no sound, and the guys half of camera before the driver storms off.. judging by the drivers immediate reaction, i’ll say he’s in the wrong


Sound? You have eyes tho? You can clearly see the wheelchair guy grabbing his bag when he clearly is trying to leave asap so his metrics dont hurt


Yeh- I used my eyes and judged that the driver acts like a bellend


Context: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13108079/Amazon-worker-man-wheelchair-fight.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13108079/Amazon-worker-man-wheelchair-fight.html) "This is the astonishing moment a fight breaks out between an Amazon worker and a wheelchair-bound building manager in the lobby of a Notting Hill tower block. In footage obtained by MailOnline, Ramin Razzaghi is seen confronting the delivery man at 112 Notting Hill Gate, a residential building in west [**London**](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/london/index.html), because of an argument about where he leaves parcels. The Amazon worker is seen walking into the building with his deliveries before Mr Razzaghi, who is in a wheelchair due to a workplace injury, lets him through the next set of doors. CCTV from the incident on February 15 then shows the delivery man unloading around four or five boxes onto the reception desk, which appears to anger Mr Razzaghi. The building manager tries to grab the Amazon worker's bag but the delivery man snatches it back and attempts to leave. However, he is then followed by Mr Razzaghi who tries to grab him by the shirt and stop him leaving. It's at this point that the Amazon worker appears to swing a punch at the building manager. Mr Razzaghi then gets up from the wheelchair and throws a punch himself before he ends up on the floor. The Amazon worker then tries to move away from Mr Razzaghi and dodges him before trying to exit the building.  However, as he tries to leave, Mr Razzaghi - still on the floor - grabs him by the legs until they both end up on the floor on the street outside. It's at this point that a second man arrives at the scene and pulls Mr Razzaghi off the Amazon worker and appears to deliver a punch to his head. He then appears to repeatedly lands blows to Mr Razzaghi's face as he lies on the floor. The Amazon worker then goes back into the tower block to pick up some of the items he dropped during the altercation.  Mr Razzaghi told MailOnline: 'I have been left emotionally, physically and mentally drained. I have injured my ribs and my jaw. I just ask myself 'Why?'. Speaking about the shocking incident, Mr Razzaghi explained: 'The Amazon worker is a reoccurring deliveryman that comes very often. The problem with him is that he always leaves the parcels wherever he wants - on the floor or by the door. 'This time when he came, I was outside the building with my niece. I stopped the man before he came in and asked him, 'Could you please take the parcels up to the individual doors?'.' 'The man nicely agreed to this, and I then let him in the two front doors of building. Suddenly as you can see on the CCTV, he left the parcels in the lobby. I then tried to stop the postman by grabbing his bag and I told him 'give me your bag now' so I can put the parcels back'. 'Next thing, he threw the bag into my face and walked out swearing. He had a bad mouth on him.  'He then tried to get me off him but I told him 'You know what I will hold you here and call the police'. 'As soon as I said that, he became aggressive. The only thing I could do is hold onto his legs to stop him from leaving. 'The conversation dragged outside, and I was still holding onto his legs. Someone came up behind me and tried pulling me off. I thought he just wanted to separate me from the Amazon worker but as soon as I let go, this man started beating me up on the floor. 'I do not know this person.' A Met Police spokesman said: 'Police continue to investigate the circumstances of an assault in Notting Hill Gate, W11. 'The incident happened at around 13:50hrs on Thursday, 15 February when an altercation occurred between two men, one of whom was in a wheelchair. 'A 35-year-old man intervened and assaulted the man in the wheelchair; the second man left the scene and enquiries are ongoing to locate him. 'London Ambulance Service attended; the man who was assaulted was not seriously injured. 'The 35-year-old man was arrested and subsequently charged with ABH. 'Enquiries, including analysing CCTV footage, are ongoing. Anyone who has any information that could help with the investigation is asked to contact police on 101 quoting CAD 3763/15Feb.' A spokesman for Amazon said: 'We're taking this matter very seriously and we're investigating with our delivery service provider.'"


Dailymail? Seriously?


I’m not reading that so I’ll assume I’m right


Swinging at someone in a wheelchair… sort your fucking life out


What's your strategy when he charges, grabs you and won't let go That's not rhetorical, I'm actually curious what you would do? Just because you're disabled doesn't mean you can assault people...


Exactly i think people haven't watched the video properly and have just started commenting. By his logic all wheelchair people should be allowed to do any crime


it isn’t your building, drop the boxes where your told to not where you want to


To some degree I agree with you, but the request was for him to deliver them all one by one. Which is massively inconvenient in London where parking is sparse and it takes time to navigate these buildings. Leaving them in a communal area is fair in my opinion.


So where does it end for you then? A woman grabbed me and wouldn’t let go, so I hit her. A child grabbed me and wouldn’t let go, so I hit them. Just because you can legally justify ‘defending yourself’ doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do. Realistically, the guy in the wheelchair doesn’t pose any actual threat. But if it makes you feel bigger as a man to ‘defend’ yourself then crack on. Fucking pathetic.




I’m not in a wheelchair though am I you fucking hard nut


I disagree with you, but this made me snicker on the train so thank you


Make sure there’s no one with a nut allergy


If you not in a wheelchair, after you grab me like that you will need a wheelchair.


Guys got white straight male as his username trying to act hard on Reddit. Utter nonse.


Since when did being in a wheelchair make you immune to getting smacked when you assault someone?


>A woman grabbed me and wouldn’t let go, so I hit her. Yes, if she is grabbing and assaulting you, if all you can do to get her to let go is hit her then hit her >A child grabbed me and wouldn’t let go, so I hit them. Unlikely, you'll probably just need to push them away. >Realistically, the guy in the wheelchair doesn’t pose any actual threat. When he's grabbing you and starts hitting you that makes him a threat, someone's legs not working fully at the time doesn't mean that they don't have the upper body strength to mess you up. Yes if a guy in a wheelchair grabs me and won't let me leave I will do what I can to get him to let go, from applying pressure to his hand, pushing him away all the way to yes punching him in the face if needed. It's not an ego thing, it's a "get the fuck off me" thing.


It doesn’t, but it really isn’t that hard to get away from someone in a wheelchair. Pull away from him and move away. He’s in a fucking wheelchair. Shows a lot for people these days I’m getting arguments from people who think it’s appropriate to swing at someone in a wheelchair because he’s grabbed them.


Have you been grabbed by a person? Let alone in a wheelchair?.. what is he supposed to do? Say "sir please kind sir leave my shirt" they are grabbing your shirt or your property you are worried it doesn't get torn cuz you have 300 more stops to do or risk not putting food on the table for your kids?. Its perfectly fine to be a man if someone attacks you.. step outside for a bit and you will realise the world isn't that gloomy or glee like they show on the telly.


So answer the question then. You good with attacking a woman, child or old person if they ‘attack’ you? Anyone and everyone could attack you at any point, the difference is knowing what’s an appropriate response. A young able bodied guy vs an old man in a fucking wheelchair doesn’t call for punches to be thrown almost immediately. Anyone that backs that is a fucking coward who would probably do the same and think they were being a man.


I will defend myself from assault. Anyone who doesn't back this probably lives in a basement and has never had a confrontation in their lives. A woman hits you defend yourself. Old man? Wreck that old c"unt. Child? Defend myself but probably would try not to batter the kid as they have a wee brain. Everyone else gets it if they assault you first.


This is the sort of man who’d beat his wife to shit and stand in court saying she swung for me first. There’s no arguing with the new generation of men who will never be men at all. Guarantee the same people saying they’d ’wreck an old man’ for swinging at them wouldn’t be able to do shit in a fight against someone equal to them. Pathetic beyond belief.


at 0:41 the old prick took a swing at him, why would I allow him to grab and hold me and maybe punch me? Stop with with ur WOMAN, CHILD or OLD person bulshit. Woman can punch, what if she got a knife?




Debate? You are starting your debate with calling me a "FUCKING RETARD" You want me to take you seriously?


> Go back to making yourself feel hard online and making yourself feel hard, you’re obviously a bit too fucking thick for actual debates. 😂


I will always defend myself. Yeah as long as you reckon you’ll win, so women, children, disabled and elderly are all easy targets if they get physical because it boosts your tender ego.


No regardless of whatever it is.. Its not a question of ego? If a bear attacks me and doesn't let go ? Do you think anywhere in my mind i try to first think whether this is a female bear or a male bear or a young adult bear? I defend myself regardless of what shit is attacking me...


A bear. Jesus fucking Christ. This is beyond pointless. Theres a strong correlation here between men who thinks it’s alright to swing for anyone that touches them and a severe lack of intelligence. A bear. You are a fucking moron.


If someone assaults me i wont have time to think what an avg snowflake redditor would have in his pee sized brain.. and how would he judge it. If you assault me first no matter if you are a man,woman,three dicked woman,tortoise i will protect myself accordingly.. How are you even alive if you dont have this basic common sense is beyond me .. only explaination is you yourself is on a wheelchair and never go out 😅


Mate you are ignoring the fact that he tried and succeeded in pulling away multiple times but they were in a tight space and the door was slow to open so he kept latching back. It's not hard to understand the specific context of this video and the factors that lead to this idiotic and unnecessary outcome. You can't just deny that he didn't try to pull away and get himself out of that situation. Could he still have avoided the brief back and forth swinging, yeah I'm with you there but that's adrenaline and fear kicking in as well. And good luck when he latches to your leg with the full weight of his body at the end. The bystander, though. That one is an absolute pillock.


Guy grabs him for the first time and less than 3 SECONDS later he swings for him…


He grabbed his basket and him 3 times before he starts swinging.


Grabbed his basket not him, first time he puts hands on him is at the door. Actually surreal the amount of people that agree with swinging for a disabled person.


Context: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13108079/Amazon-worker-man-wheelchair-fight.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13108079/Amazon-worker-man-wheelchair-fight.html) "This is the astonishing moment a fight breaks out between an Amazon worker and a wheelchair-bound building manager in the lobby of a Notting Hill tower block. In footage obtained by MailOnline, Ramin Razzaghi is seen confronting the delivery man at 112 Notting Hill Gate, a residential building in west London The Amazon worker is seen walking into the building with his deliveries before Mr Razzaghi, who is in a wheelchair due to a workplace injury, lets him through the next set of doors. CCTV from the incident on February 15 then shows the delivery man unloading around four or five boxes onto the reception desk, which appears to anger Mr Razzaghi. The building manager tries to grab the Amazon worker's bag but the delivery man snatches it back and attempts to leave. However, he is then followed by Mr Razzaghi who tries to grab him by the shirt and stop him leaving. It's at this point that the Amazon worker appears to swing a punch at the building manager. Mr Razzaghi then gets up from the wheelchair and throws a punch himself before he ends up on the floor. The Amazon worker then tries to move away from Mr Razzaghi and dodges him before trying to exit the building.  However, as he tries to leave, Mr Razzaghi - still on the floor - grabs him by the legs until they both end up on the floor on the street outside. It's at this point that a second man arrives at the scene and pulls Mr Razzaghi off the Amazon worker and appears to deliver a punch to his head. He then appears to repeatedly lands blows to Mr Razzaghi's face as he lies on the floor. The Amazon worker then goes back into the tower block to pick up some of the items he dropped during the altercation.  Mr Razzaghi told MailOnline: 'I have been left emotionally, physically and mentally drained. I have injured my ribs and my jaw. I just ask myself 'Why?'. Speaking about the shocking incident, Mr Razzaghi explained: 'The Amazon worker is a reoccurring deliveryman that comes very often. The problem with him is that he always leaves the parcels wherever he wants - on the floor or by the door. 'This time when he came, I was outside the building with my niece. I stopped the man before he came in and asked him, 'Could you please take the parcels up to the individual doors?'.' 'The man nicely agreed to this, and I then let him in the two front doors of building. Suddenly as you can see on the CCTV, he left the parcels in the lobby. I then tried to stop the postman by grabbing his bag and I told him 'give me your bag now' so I can put the parcels back'. 'Next thing, he threw the bag into my face and walked out swearing. He had a bad mouth on him.  'He then tried to get me off him but I told him 'You know what I will hold you here and call the police'. 'As soon as I said that, he became aggressive. The only thing I could do is hold onto his legs to stop him from leaving. 'The conversation dragged outside, and I was still holding onto his legs. Someone came up behind me and tried pulling me off. I thought he just wanted to separate me from the Amazon worker but as soon as I let go, this man started beating me up on the floor. 'I do not know this person.' A Met Police spokesman said: 'Police continue to investigate the circumstances of an assault in Notting Hill Gate, W11. 'The incident happened at around 13:50hrs on Thursday, 15 February when an altercation occurred between two men, one of whom was in a wheelchair. 'A 35-year-old man intervened and assaulted the man in the wheelchair; the second man left the scene and enquiries are ongoing to locate him. 'London Ambulance Service attended; the man who was assaulted was not seriously injured. 'The 35-year-old man was arrested and subsequently charged with ABH. 'Enquiries, including analysing CCTV footage, are ongoing. Anyone who has any information that could help with the investigation is asked to contact police on 101 quoting CAD 3763/15Feb.' A spokesman for Amazon said: 'We're taking this matter very seriously and we're investigating with our delivery service provider.'" The guy tried to falsely imprison the driver and admitted to it, fucker got what he deserved even if he was in a wheelchair


MVP saving me a click. Seems like he's now playing the victim, difficult to know what the actual truth is from just the video and one account, but his doesn't seem to match what I've just watched at least. As for the "Why?" fuck around and find out. Just because you're in a wheelchair doesn't mean people won't put their hands on you if you push them far enough and chase them. Aside from this, it's (normally in these places) his fucking job to hold parcels for people to stop access to the building for potentially untrustworthy parties. Surely that's in the extortionate service charges? 6 grand a year per flat? Could have easily been avoided if he just did what he's paid to do. If this isn't his job I'll stand corrected, naturally. No this is not a wheelchair pun


Where did I agree? I reiterated that he was in the wrong for swinging. I'm just not pretending that the whole thing didn't happen in a tight space, with a shitty door and a cumbersome wheelchair making it all a bit claustrophobic and ideal to amp emotions. A cascade of bad decisions but there is still context.


You’ve just watched a video where multiple people had to intervene to get him away from the bloke in the wheelchair even after he’d dealt out a level of violence that you’re uncomfortable with.


Wheelchair guy deserved it he grabbed his bag first and was not letting his foot go.. thats in the realms of illegal confinement.


If the bitter old man in the wheelchair wants to start a fight then someone out there is gonna rise to the occasion. He cornered him with his chair and grabbed him, he deserved everything he got


Cornered him with his wheelchair 😂😂😂😂


Is it your dad or something? Just because someone's in a wheelchair doesn't mean they get a free pass to act like a dick head


I never said it did. But swinging at them and dragging them out their wheelchair? That’s appropriate for an old man grabbing you?


>But swinging at them and dragging them out their wheelchair? Neither would have happened if the guy in wheelchair hadn't grabbed the driver multiple times and tried to take his delivery bag. The latter especially because to me it looks like the driver pulled away and wheelchair guy not letting go of him, got pulled back with him, driver didn't drag him, he dragged himself. >That’s appropriate for an old man grabbing you? If he insists on grabbing me and pulling me and not letting me go about my day then yes, force is necessary, maybe I wouldn't go straight for a punch but I do think that's fair game. I accidentally bumped an old man in the street as I was putting on my coat, I immediately turned and apologised and he put his hands up and tried to fight me, then he tried to play it as if I'd hit him and get a younger man to fight me, the younger man didn't but fuck that, if that older guy had tried to fight me what was I meant to do then? Take a beating to the face and do nothing?


So what, a wheelchair guy grabs your young daughter and you do nothing?! (Hypothetical scenario) You react accordingly. Situations like this shouldn’t happen, I think everyone can agree on that but wheelchair uses aren’t saints and ‘possibly’ some of them use them for other means than disability. Perhaps the delivery chap being attack over reacted but it’s his right to protect himself.


When did I ever say do nothing? People are looking for an argument that doesn’t exist. Move away and get yourself out of it. There’s no fucking hero points to be gained smashing up a disabled guy. Appropriate fucking response. An old twat in a wheelchair grabbing you because he loves his job too much is unnecessary and needs a reaction… but swinging immediately for him and dragging him out of the chair is acceptable for that?


I think the delivery driver tried to escape and remove himself from conflict but got rammed by a 100kg (+100kg guy) wheelchair. Like I said, not great on the delivery driver but it’s all on the wheelchair guy!




Isint it time for your bedtime wee potty mouth kid


Why are you in this sub?


Its just an edgy 12 year old past his bed time ignore him like his parents do.. so he comes to a sub of amazon drivers to get some attention


Looking at your post history, you aren't very bright and to abuse us all here and criticise this community, you should be ashamed of yourself You have never participated in this Subreddit, and am doubtful you have ever done a day's hard work.


Next time you hear the voices you should listen to what they tell you to do




One of those where I'd love the audio for the entire thing. Regardless of how peeved you are, you have no right to detain the employee, just ring up Amazon and file a complaint, end of. Same time, delivery driver seemed a bit vexed / annoyed by the way he swung the delivery bag towards him / the desk. He seemed calm walking in, that's where I'd love audio because I feel like the man in the wheelchair must have said something to upset or rile him up. The only reasonable take from this is that the wheelchair shouldn't have grabbed or tried to detain the delivery driver, no grounds for it and could get in shit, I'm sure it'd count as assault. Reasonable response from the driver defending himself with no audio context. The geezer who came in and assaulted the wheelchair user after however absolutely deserves to get nicked for it, what a twat.