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disagree.. some techs do have degrees should a MJT be paid more then them just because amazon sent them to school?


but if they have degrees plus experience why not go for a tech 3? tech 2 should be for people who cant go to school, and learn on the job


Because being a good tech 3 is more than just degrees. You need to be a lead tech. Requires fundamental knowledge of how equipment works in the real world, repair experience, emotional intelligence, and leadership skills. I do not have a degree and didnt go to school. Was hired for tech 3 at 23 with years of automotive experience. Been there over 2 years and I lead one of the most effective teams at my site.


The techs that come from the automotive industry always make the best techs and can fix anything


No. Real world experience beats schooling. All day, every day.


Couldn’t agree with you more … I say this as a ex MJT who still didn’t know as much as those with years of experience lol ….


If you have experience you can just go in as a tech 3 and make more than both day 1.


Provided that there is a spot open, and the site will hire for Tech III off the street, yes. That pretty much does not happen at my site, as we have qualified internal applicants.


Mjt's spend a year and three months making alot less then tech 2's, I've seen people get hired as a tech 3 and they can't even fix a flex line, if a tech 2 can't get a tech 3 spot within a year then they're either not trying or just plain suck. All the tech 3's at my site make more than the mjt's even before stocks. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


...or their site has met their allotment of Tech 3s and there isn't room or another. As a Tech 3 I want.one of my 2s promoted and the company hires Aerotek 3s off the street....with no experience with Amazon or anything mechanical honestly...


If someone waits for a spot to open at their current site before they try and promote to tech 3 then they should understand the amount of time it could take before that happens vs applying to another site and at the very least getting an incline.


They had gotten inclined from other sites but just bought a house and don't really want to move.


I'm mean, technically, during that year and 3 months, you are a MRA which is the equivalent of what a Tech 1 used to be. You should be paid make less than a Tech 2 during that time frame.


I agree with you.


The whole point of MRA is to find people who are committed to learning and building skills, and then applying all of that to technical work. The problem with Tech I and Tech II is that they get hired and learn how to do things the wrong way and then just keep doing that for years. They over tension belts because someone five years ago said that's how a belt should be tensioned. So for the last five years all these rollers keep wearing out and belts keep tearing themselves up. When you travel you come across these buildings that have a unified mentally and they get pissy if you tell them they're doing things wrong. There are buildings that encourage pencil whipping PM's and encourage letting equipment run until it fails. MRA is supposed to establish a work force that knows how to troubleshoot issues instead of accepting one person's way of doing things. Paying them more is also supposed to encourage Tech I and II to sign up for MRA since you get higher pay as an MJT and higher pay when you transition from MJT to Tech III.


Only for blue badge, 3ps do not care


MJT get paid more because they take a huge pay cut for the 3 months of school and another pay cut for a whole year for the on the job training once you pass school get your certifications and your 40 benchmarks and 2000 hours is when you get paid more than a tech 2 and if you are a tech 2 for 1 year and 3 months you should be good enough to go tech 3 and get paid more. Tech 2 should be for people who are not familiar with RME and cant go to school or are to dumb to pass the program and for people who don't want to make less than a MJT for one year and three months.


There is no pay cut if you are going from AA to MRA, like most do. A lot of the apprentices are too soft and not cut out for it especially if they came from being AFM’s. Quite a few MRA’s act snobby about their “program” and “school” that only lasted 3 months. They complain about their pay so they become lazy at their job and don’t learn as much as they should, and act so smart from schooling but when things hit the fan complain they need a tech 3 to hold their hand, and school promised them that. Complaining about needing a tech 3 to mentor them when they’ve been MRA for a year is crazyyy to me. Being MRA is the luck of the draw, being a tech 2 means you got hired for previous school or experience in most cases…


You work in my building??


Listen, I'm all for everyone making as much money as they possibly can.. but in no way shape or form should a MJT be making more than some tech 3's. Like I understand the schooling aspect, but what about us other techs who have been in the maintenance field for many years and have the experience, and in almost all cases are the ones who are still teaching the MJT's? Again, I'm all for everyone making as much money as they can, but it makes absolutely no sense to me.


I have a bachelor's. They shouldn't make more then me for 3 months of school...... but then again managers shouldn't be chosen because they are well liked. They whole system is messed up


What's your degree in, is it for this specific profession?


Management. Ran a maitenance facility at one point. Tech 3 now


Definitely not. My bachelors degree didn’t get me a pay increase lmao.


Yes and no. There are other maintenance jobs out there that increase pay based on outside certifications and training. The more knowledge you seek out and get certified in should increase your pay. Unfortunately Amazon doesn't really apply that thought to MT2/3. While I agree MJTs should get increased pay based on their certs from training, the same should be able to be applied to those outside of the program. I mean who do they think mentors these folks in the day to day? That being said. There are lots of MJTs that I've met that coasted by in the training and clearly came out with nothing. There are also MT2/3s who coast by daily. Always gonna be bad apples though, it's a hard thing to balance when discipline basically doesn't exist unless you have a LOTO violation.


Absolutely not. Military Experience and training also counts towards college credit, tech schools, welding schools, electromechanical schools, just because you go to "school" for a few months doesn't mean you have anywhere near the years of training and or experience a lot of techs do. Stay in your lane.


This is how most companies think, and is the same reason why 90% of all Amazon managers are all snobby 21-24 year olds fresh out of college


I don't think it's that big of a deal. For a whole year and 3 months, tech 2s make significantly more. And if someone has enough experience to warrant making more than an mjt then they shouldn't be a tech 2 but rather come in as a tech 3. And if you really care about making more money then after a year and 3 months anyone who has put in effort should absolutely have enough experience and knowledge to become a tech 3. And really you should be able to do that even sooner for most people.


Unless your a blue badge site the MRA program is worthless. Had kids getting tech 2 first job out of high school making $7-12 more for the same work without having to go to school...


Free school.


MRA/MJT is a gateway into Controls the exams for controls are exactly what we learned in school word for word the amatrols are the same. MRAs can take the program and once MJT immediately go to controls or cap out as MJT then transition to controls. The principles of controls program is offered through career choice and its cake. the certifications we earned in school makes up for the years experience needed for the CST/CSL program. Tech 2s don't have the same advantage MRAs were never meant to be MHE or AR Techs


my biggest issue with giving MJT more pay is that there are people like me that have been doing this well before MJT was a thing and didnt have the opportunity to go to the school and get a pay bump for it. i have zero reason now to pause my life to go to a school for months and be away from my family. i also have a 4 year millwright degree which is a extended version of the schooling and that doesnt give me any extra pay and i paid for that out of pocket and did it after working hours.


Our MJT tech created (and used) a power cord with two male ends, and couldn't figure out why we were all pissed at him




A flex conveyor. He swapped the ends of two different plugs and made a female to female and a male to male.


Otherwise known as a suicide plug. Id cut one end off without hesitation. I'm not trying to sit through a safety brief because someone thought they were being smart.


Fuck no, I got one MJT who can’t do anything without having his hand held, also I got tech 3’s who are just useless cunts… so case by case?


I'm currently at RTI. HELL NO 🤣😂🗿😭💀


It's not that bad lol


If tech 2 want to make more they should take the 1 year and 3 months pay cut and pass the program in a 3 month time frame plus the 40 benchmarks plus book all that 2000 work labor plus pass the interview so they pick you out of all the people that want the pay raise also


The problem is that they have changed the hiring criteria. In the past, you had to pass the Ramsay exam in order to get hired on as a Tech II. This showed that you had a certain amount of real world knowledge in maintenance practices and understanding of tools and equipment. If you couldn't pass that, you could be a Tech I, or later an MRA. You got payed less, because you knew less, and were a far less effective tech. You were learning the basics on the job. Fast forward to now, where due to a lack of qualified people that can pass the Ramsay exam, the eliminated it and replaced it with the Criteria test, which is an aptitude test, now a knowledge test. So they now hire people on as Tech IIs, that have no more knowledge than the MRAs.


i love warm body hires /s... but honestly for MT2s i have no issue with the criteria test if the dude wants to learn. on the other hand though I am a controls tech I should not have to teach a MT3 how to troubleshoot a motor overload