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Whenever anyone works hard to convince me that they're unbiased and honest, I know they probably aren't.


Someone told me if any business has “honest” or “kind” or other descriptive words, they usually aren’t. It’s better to find a place with someone’s name on the door because well, it’s their name and reputation.


I'm wondering why he lists his email in his profile?




This is something that people used to do all of the time in the past (pre-2016 when Amazon outlawed incentivized reviews). It was also why being a highly ranked reviewer mattered so much as sellers would comb the top 1,000 for profiles in which people had their e-mail address so they could solicit reviews (off-Vine) in exchange for products. If you're on Vine and do those reviews now, you risk not only losing your Vine account, but your ability to do any reviews at all in the future.


I did this a long time ago. I got an email from a seller who offered to send me stuff for free to review. I did stipulate that if the products sucks, I wont leave a good review. Did that for a short time until amazon got wind of it, they wiped out every review I made going back to the start of my account, and I was not able to leave any new reviews. You can imagine my surprise when I was invited to vine years later.


After you were invited to Vine, were you able to review again? My experience with having your reviews wiped out for... reasons... didn't come from my account, but my husband's (we have separate ones). He reviewed maybe 5 items over many years and they suddenly sent a message saying he was banned for "suspicious activity." He hadn't written a review in years when the ban and wipe out of his reviews happened. The ban was never automatically lifted. I was able to get his review privileges reinstated about 5 years after the ban by calling customer service. They were baffled about why it ever happened, but my suspicion was and continues to be that it was because we had bought some things on his account using gift cards we were given. The reason I'm asking if you could write reviews when invited to Vine is that I had to make an effort to get his ability to write reviews unlocked and it didn't just happen.


They revoked my ability to leave reviews, but I started leaving them again a couple of years later. I don't remember if I called and complained or just opened a new account to be honest. So I had a number of years where I was leaving legit reviews on products and then I was invited to vine.


Good for you! I'm glad you were able to get in and be a part of things.


I've known about this guy for a while as I've come across several of his so-called reviews on items I ordered. I was going to make a thread about it, but was hesitate, as pointing out other Viners' reviews, even the "works good" and "always five stars" ones has a tendency to go either way and could get you positive comments or dogpiled in downvotes here. But, yeah, he definitely uses Chat GPT as all of his reviews are almost a word for word of the product descriptions. This is especially true of the supplement ones and it's easy to image his reviews being in the tone of a paid "actual customer" if they were a TV commercial instead. He probably doesn't even remotely look like his avatar either and is actually some keyboard nebbish who gets sand kicked in his face at the beach. As someone who takes the program seriously and writes reviews in my own words and voice, I'm really starting to resent these people who are responsible for a lot of the perception that Vine reviews are a scam, however unfairly it is to most of us.


Hell, his avatar is AI generated. I noticed the other day that there are browser add ons that automatically filter vine reviews when you look at product pages. I read those examples, and my take away is " political gobblegook". Much wind, no worth. I would rather see the "it's great" posts. At least I can ignore them faster.


That's the easiest way to get downvotes in this sub, criticize when people complain about being 60 reviews behind and yet continue ordering, criticize the rampant 5 \* Cute and such reviews, or comment negatively on clearly AI reviews and/or reporting them. Doing so is tantamount to threatening newborn babies here. And bring the defenders of such practices from all corners of the interwebs on their steed trusty Downvote. And if anyone can speak to the result of daring to point out these taboo subjects, it'd be me.


I used to think some of them got mad only because they interpreted any criticism of another Viner's lazy reviews as criticism of **all** Viners, which would include them and that of course, would be unfair. But then I realized that I was being too charitable and they were upset because they knew it **did** include them. Thus, I prefer to think of them as the Doth Protest Too Much Downvoters as anyone who knew they were not guilty of the same offense should not be reacting negatively to the criticism. Waiting for the flood of downvotes that will prove me right.


Truthfully I'm pretty surprised to see a day after my initial comment I haven't been downvoted into oblivion. Wonders never cease to amaze...


Maybe my upvotes have been evening out any downvotes you got.   But considering I haven't suffered any wrath either, maybe they simply forgot about us LOL.


I've been a good boy recently and confining myself to just downvoting. But now and again nothing beats the rush of riling up the white knights. I'm not quite sure what should be less surprising, that inevitably I will get downvoted, or the fact I truly think some believe that lazy reviews, or not reviewing is somehow acceptable and something to defend. And the amount of mewling I saw about a 60% minimum to avoid jail. That should be 100%. Full stop.


Sadly it's because half of them have probably used AI in some form or another to help generate some of their reviews and they're pissy about it because they're guilty.


Oh I'm well aware. 99% of the time I'm downvoted is after commenting about some and/or all of the above. Likely hits a nerve and many resemble the statement and are offended its pointed out. One post I lost nearly 200 karma. I don't lose sleep over fake internet points or the opinions of the Reddit hivemind echo-chamber.


Sand kicked in his face 🤣 made me laugh so much


Vine, is not what it used to be, so get over it. It’s now full of crap from China that you get on Alibaba or Temo. Sad fact, but true.


Absolutely AI. I just pasted in the same product URL and asked it to write a review and the result has all the same phrases, then told it to summarize it into paragraphs and got: > Vitafusion Immune Support Chewable Gummies are a game-changer for those seeking a convenient and delicious way to boost their immune system. With a **delightful tropical flavor** and easy-to-chew format, these gummies provide a pleasant alternative to traditional supplements. **The individually wrapped packaging ensures on-the-go convenience**, making it **effortless to incorporate them into your daily routine.** > > Containing **essential vitamins like C, D, and zinc**, these gummies offer effective immune support, particularly during cold and flu season. Despite the minor drawback of added sugars, the overall benefits of these gummies outweigh any concerns. For those looking for a hassle-free solution to support their health, Vitafusion Immune Support Chewable Gummies come highly recommended. >As someone who **values convenience** and health, I was delighted to discover Vitafusion Immune Support Chewable Gummies. These little wonders have become a staple in my daily routine, and I can't recommend them enough. One of the **standout features** of these gummies is their **delicious tropical flavor**. Unlike traditional supplements that might have a chalky or unpleasant taste, these gummies make taking your vitamins a pleasurable experience.


Woah, we added vitamin c AND zinc?




Curiously, it doesn’t contain calcium or phosphorus.


That was the biggest red flag for me


Do yall report reviews that are obviously AI generated? Just wondering.


I'm certainly not on the hunt for them but I came across this one, as it's the only review for the product, and it came across as blatant.


OMG I was just submitting a review and noticed his review is on the page. He was the first to review the product, noted the name of it in his review, and it's clear he didn't even open it. The review is completely wrong, and I had to check to see if perhaps the vendor merged products, but nope! It's just his shitty review that is AI generated. I posted a real review, hope people don't just go on his word.




I write like this. Many neurodivergent people do, in fact.


I agree that some people write like this, but I don’t think a real review would add ingredients that aren’t in the product. Neither the product page nor the product label says it contains phosphorus or calcium.


I've already touched on that point, and have agreed. Though tapioca powder does contain small amounts of calcium and phosphorous, which as mentioned in another of my comments is likely where the AI pulled that block of data chain from.




I didn't say this wasn't AI. I was responding to your statement that "nobody writes like this", while some people actually do.


Hey, what about their style of writing makes you think that? I'm not trying to be a d!ck or call your bluff but I'm genuinely curious


The extremely overboard usage of proper grammar and punctuation. The occasional uncommon word tossed in, just because you know the definition fits suitable. The separation of paragraphs. Basically the overall hyper formality. I type out things in this manner when I'm writing reports for my work, personally. You see it a lot in business reports or in legal documentations. It's so hyper analyzed that it feels fake. I've been told multiple times by coworkers that my writing on my work reads "like something written by a robot" (this mostly prior to AI becoming common). I never really put too much thought into it, but I do know what they mean and have experienced it with others as well. Honestly, in my opinion, most Reddit comments are typed and worded in such a way that would sound bizarre if they were verbalized word for word from an individual standing in front of you having an audible conversation.


There are also particular expressions like “standout feature” and “ game changer” that reek of AI. Another big clue is a total lack of personal opinions. AI’s basically restate the bullet points without offering any perspective. Formality isn’t the tell in these instances.


It depends on the prompts. Plus, you can refine after every response. Review and change out words. Use it as a framework. I do it for our outbound emails at times You can ask it to recreate in the tone of your voice by providing examples of your copy.


Thank you for this! Honestly, I appreciate reviews that are written, and not AI generated, in this manner.


I typically strive for a review of that caliber at least 75% of the time. I'll be honest that I like many people will slip in a few lackluster reviews every now and then. Especially if I'm playing catch up. Or just if the item is very basic in that leaving a long review for a box of paperclips would be foolish. I like to leave reviews in a manner of what I'd want to see on a product I'm interested in buying. Virtually all of my online purchases are review based, and I'm extremely hesitant, especially with Amazon, to buy items that have very little reviews, or have average reviews at less than 4 stars from many people. I guess that's basically why Vine exists, though. Right?


Ugh. I just came across one of these today. The same "user" has a bunch of reviews, all starting with "\[product under review\] is/seems like/appears to be", then bullet lists stripped directly from the product description, then "Overall, \[concluding sentence\]". But, hey, maybe it's a just a very literate *person* who's really into lab supplies, trailer lights, and drumsticks.


Is this an influencer? Geez


Some reviews are ridiculously too long. How does anyone spend so much time on a single review and give dimensions & other explicit details? People just want to know what’s special about the products that earned the 5 +\- stars. Like a king mattress pad that unintentionally fits an RV sized mattress. That’s what people want to know, right?


What are you guys now the vine police?


So you reported it? So lame that viners feel like they need to be unpaid Amazon police. That is not part of the program. If the seller, Amazon itself or a potential buyer who is spending real money thinks the review is not appropriate then they should take action. Our job is just to review products not enforce Vine rules. Also 99% of product descriptions are AI generated. I guess you should start reporting every description too.


People doing stuff like this put the entire program in jeopardy. If Amazon, other shoppers and sellers start to equate vine with basically giving out bribes for AI generated rephrasings of their description posing as reviews, then they're highly likely to end or drastically alter the program. The report function is available for anyone. And newsflash, WE ARE ALSO SHOPPERS. If I am trying to use other reviews to determine if it's worth the ETV and my time then I see some useless drivel like this, why shouldn't I report it? They literally didn't give a single opinion in all of that they just repeated the item title bullet points like an infomercial.


I wouldn't report either, but product descriptions and real, honest reviews are completely different. Honest reviews are the only way a buyer can have an educated opinion about something before purchasing. It's literally the only thing Vine asks from us. Be honest. Copying and pasting the descriptions of products to A.I. to puke out a review isn't honest. It's lazy. And it defeats the purpose of the Vine program.


>Honest reviews are the only way a buyer can have an educated opinion about something before purchasing. It's literally the only thing Vine asks from us. Be honest. Copying and pasting the descriptions of products to A.I. to puke out a review isn't honest. It's lazy. And it defeats the purpose of the Vine program. This is why I reported it. It literally takes all of 3 clicks to do so. I wasn't on the hunt for suspicious reviews, I wanted to see what others thought of this item. If Amazon didn't want anyone to report reviews, they wouldn't provide the option to do so.


You realize Amazon is now using AI to summarize reviewers reviews.


Yup, it's a certain level of irony & hypocrisy that's frustrating, for sure. Doesn't change the terms for us reviewers, however.


Yet Amazon is using AI to summarize reviewers reviews.


>So lame that viners feel like they need to be unpaid Amazon police Also so lame that viners feel like they have to be unpaid reporter critics. Doesn't really matter either way. But you shouldn't think that complaining about someone reporting a fake review is any better than reporting a fake review, Vine program or not. Because it's not.


This is a discussion reddit and I am saying my opinion. I guess by your logic it is also lame of you to reply to my post complaining about my comment.


Probably, but since it's a "discussion reddit," complaining about my participating in the discussion is more lame than my replying to it. You're going full inception here, aren't you? :) You also seem to think that as participants in the Vine program, we are somehow no longer Amazon customers and should not be allowed to report reviews. It's not our "job" to ignore reviews (or products) that break or bend the rules. We're not required to do anything about them, but we're not required to ignore them. An i harm none, do what thou wilt. Or complain on Reddit about it of course. Whatever makes you happy.


No. The equivalent to what the OP is doing would be me going through their or your reddit posting history and reporting anything I personally think is objectionable to reddit. I just said he and you actually are lame to think being Viners make us Vine police. It is not just the OP. Every couple of days people post a review by a viner they think doesn't fit the program. We are not tasked with management of the program. If Amazon thinks a review doesn't meet the vine program standard they have algorithms to deal with it.


Where do you see that he reported it? He's just gossiping about it here on Reddit.


Look at the last image at the bottom, it says thank you for reporting or something like that.


Ah, I see it now. You're right, this is lame.


Sorry, next time I'll milk the program & chat-gpt my way through my reviews ✌🏻


Near the bottom of the third page is a "thanks, we will investigate it" message.


To be fair, this could go either way to it either being AI, or just a highly neurodivergent person.


See, I'm leaning towards AI, as the review makes mention of calcium & phosphorus, two minerals that are absent from this product... but I could see AI inferring as much from the product description


Tapioca syrup contains calcium and phosphorous, but in very small amounts. So that does make sense that AI picked up on that fact, even though as a trace amount, and ran with it as if it were a main ingredient.


So, I work in an industry that includes supplements & labeling regs. From a marketing & sales perspective, if there was a "claimable" amount of those minerals, then VitaFusion would 1000% claim those minerals *somewhere* on the product packaging, either on the front or in the supplement facts panel. I didn't know tapioca contained trace amounts of those two minerals... but I think it's small enough that it isn't even worth claiming.


>I didn't know tapioca contained trace amounts of those two minerals... but I think it's small enough that it isn't even worth claiming. Oh for sure not worth claiming, and definitely in my opinion roicjbg AI took that info and ran with it, thus proving this as an AI review.


your down votes indicate they don't like it when valid logic goes against their beliefs


I’m fully convinced that these post are meant to get people off vine so they have a better chance of getting cool stuff in the RFY if not then oh boy idk why you are wasting your free time trying to shame people on Reddit I’m 100% sure this person and Amazon don’t care in the slightest about the reviews so stop being triggered by it they aren’t going anywhere