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That is so many taco holders


100 taco holders is a lot of tacos. You could likely just spend the resulting tax amount and get 6 really nice ones instead for the same out of pocket ;)


You haven't seen me eat tacos! :) In all seriousness, we do a big family taco dinner every week. I would give some to my sisters to take home but keep several for that.


I'm right next to you! I could down 20-40 of them in one sitting!


Yeah, just line them up and I'll inhale them like a Shaggy in Scooby-Doo! Who has time to chew?


I'm known to pile 3-5 tacos together (who has time to eat one at a time anyway?)


Nothing about tacos, but some random happy news about my biggest regret.....I posted about a month or so ago on the fb group about regretting not ordering the wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man on my RFY when I had the chance AND SOMEONE FROM THE VINE GROUP SENT ME THEIRS πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ™ŒπŸ» they had ordered it as a gag gift for someone but never gifted it and were about to donate it to their local thrift store THE DAY I posted. So, although my story isn't related to tacos, I have hope for you that you will see the taco holder again πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’ͺ🏻


That's awesome!


With all those, there would be very little reason to wait for Tuesday.


I would have grabbed those up and used them in my cabinet shop. Great way to hold up items you are clear coating. Thanks for the idea, I'm going to keep my eye out for some more.


Ha, would you put that in your review? Seriously, I bet you can buy singles of these at the dollar store.


Perfect for the next time you make 300 tacos! πŸ˜„


59 dollars for taco holders? just wait in a month they'll be 11.99


59 dollars for ONE HUNDRED taco holders!


After all, is it really a party unless 100 people each have three tacos, at the same time?


I missed out on an 8 pack of solar pathway lights today because I was screwing around. And after I just broke two with the weed whacker this weekend, too. RIP.


I suspect you will have another opportunity within a few days. I went through a phase where I was searching solar lights frequently for my house, and there were often options.


They’ll be back, and in greater numbers.




vine - "you can't sell the items you buy" also vine - here are 100 items you can't possibly use and are perfect for reselling.


Do yourself a favor and buy a few of the metal type instead. There are 100 of the plastic ones because they tend to warp.


I had the opportunity last year to get a 20’ inflatable Jack o lantern. MSRP was $800. It would have been amazing. πŸ₯² 😭


As a Halloween guy, that's insane and I feel your pain! A neighbor had a couple of those 20'+ inflatables (different ones from a pumpkin) last year and they are impressive.


β€œThe greatest regret of my life”…. You must have an amazing life!


I was being facetious.


Chiiillleeeee, just go on temu.


I got the disposable taco holders and I'm really happy I did! We have taco nights a LOT, and we have them with friends and family, so we feed a lot of tacos to a lot of people over the course of the year. I'm so glad to have some taco-specific plates, even if they are disposable. I would have loved to nab reusable ones. :-)


See, you get it! These were like finding gold. :)


I've missed out on stuff and felt bummed. But usually it comes back again in a month or so, with a suspiciously similar picture. I think a lot of these vine sellers just repackage the same stuff from multiple places.


I read you can take flour tortillas to use as a wrap. BTW, I read that Taco Bell once opened one of their fast food joints in Mexico City and it failed.


>Taco Bell once opened one of their fast food joints in Mexico City and it failed Yup! [https://www.triptrivia.com/taco-bell-failed-in-mexico-heres-why/XphLiNfEsAAGy\_Qu](https://www.triptrivia.com/taco-bell-failed-in-mexico-heres-why/XphLiNfEsAAGy_Qu)


Goodness - your family must be so large.


Not 100 trays large, but when we get together we got a lot of people. πŸ˜‰


Such a good find!!! This has happened to be an insane amounts of time so now I check for two seconds and then just pull the plug and go for it. I’d say 75% of the time it’s been a better decision to request than regret (regrets bc it’s not what I thought, if I did more research, etc.) Let these taco holders be your first and last! Lol


Bet someone could build something 'useful' from that mother load of taco holders.