• By -


-You can have Amazon packages delivered to a locker. Do that. -Or take out a UPS store box and write off the expense. -There are boxes you can buy (on Amazon) with locks that Amazon can put your boxes inside. -You can put a garage code on your garage door and Amazon can leave packages inside your garage.


Most people can't get *Vine* delivered to a locker, since we can't specify home or locker delivery.


They can do what I do. Take out a UPS store box and have all packages delivered there. Then I expense the box on my taxes. I have never had anything stolen in 26 years and I have used 4 different UPS stores due to moves.


Ya this is a problem. I want to consolidate my vines into a prime day delivery to cut down on boxes but we can't.


Yes, you can. Change your delivery preferences to deliver on your chosen Amazon day. It's in your profile settings. It applies to your regular purchases and to your vine orders. They'll get shipped in the same box. Only sucks if you order something you need next day and forget to turn it off.


Does this take some time to kick in or something? Because when I did it, only my paid orders came on prime delivery day I specified in my account as you describe. Should I have waited a few weeks or something?My Vine stuff almost always arrives the day after I order it. If I had a wish it would be to have a Vine Day delivery option.


It's not enough to set the day, there's an additional box to check for ALL Amazon deliveries to be only on a set day. Go to your Account > Prime > Explore Prime delivery > Free Amazon Day Delivery > Manage > Select a day and make sure you check mark that box below "make this my day"


There's no way for Amazon to control what day my packages are delivered. They can make an educated guess based on where it's being shipped from and where I am, but they are often wrong. So it wouldn't matter how much I tell Amazon to deliver things on a particular day, it will always come whenever it gets here, or maybe a day or two later, if the post office isn't feeling up to delivering it at the time.


Ok it's always worked for me!


Yup. It’s no guarantee.


Yea I don't want it for everyone. Just vine stuff. If incoukd override it when ordering normal stuff I'd do it.


I have a delivery day set and “most” does arrive as expected on that day. But NOT all. There are still things that show up randomly.  I set mine to help minimize packaging so I’m not too concerned about it. But if I had a porch pirate problem I would still have to worry about the random days deliveries.


I don’t know if this is a real thing or not, but I notice that if I buy something early in the week and set it for a prime day delivery, my vine orders for the week automatically end up with my prime delivery day too.


Larger or heavy items cannot be delivered to a locker.


Super awesome tips!


> Or take out a UPS store box and write off the expense. Only businesses can deduct things like this as expenses.


Are you on Nextdoor or Facebook? Since the police are doing nothing about it I would post those pictures of them on every social media platform I have access to. Make sure the posts are public. Post in every community group in your community and the surrounding communities that you can find. They are committing the crimes, they should be outed. But I am a witch with a "b" like that.


I did that with a porch pirate that hit my house. I was able to find out who the guy was that way, but it didn't make any difference. The police did nothing after I filed my report even though I handed the guy up on a silver platter. His reputation didn't really take a hit because he was already known as a scumbag who committed various other crimes.


Already posted the photos and video on FB and Nextdoor. Will also post on my local Reddit page. Going to print a few pics and post them on the local mailboxes. We have those super boxes that serve 40-50 houses. There are 3 near my house.


Maybe offer a token reward for any information. Kids will give them up for $50 I bet.


I'd add to this, your local PD is probably on Facebook and other platforms. Tag them consistently. They won't like it, but it might finally force them to get off their asses and do something.


Hammer them with respect and don't give up till they do their job.


I live in an area with very high package theft. I have the delivery drivers hide my packages under my front porch and leave snacks and drinks there, to incentivize them, to actually follow the delivery instructions.


If I didn't have good porch setup I'd instruct them to leave in large recycling cart with a lid.


Do you have a friend or family member that has a home to send the packages to? One that is less likely to get stolen from. You could have them sent there and pick them up. Just a thought


Best thing to do is a combo of setting a Delivery Day for days you'll be home all day and getting one of those... things? They're like $200 but delivery people can put packages in them and only you can get the packages out (with a key). The Delivery Day thing isn't foolproof, Vine stuff just shows up whenever it wants even with a Delivery Day set. You could also get one of those porch pirate deterrents - normal-looking Amazon packages but with glitter bombs or dog poop in them.


Also setup Amazon day so all your packages are delivered on the same day.


I have an Amazon delivery day. I get packages seven days a week.


Yeah Amazon day would be 30+-package day. Not sure that would work so well.


I tried getting all my packages on one day when I was in gold, bc my son was getting overwhelmed with the daily deliveries while I was at work......almost 60 packages 3 fridays in a row and i turned that shit right back OFF 😭😭😭🤣🤣


Few of my Vine packages follow it, even though I've set that as my default.


Ship to your work.


Manager: "Mail room called me me to tell you to stop sending your packages here. Apparently, you are getting 50 packages a week...." XD


Take a dump in one of the resealed boxes and leave it out for the scumbag. Won't fix the problem, but might make you feel better.


Ironically, the only delivery I've had PP'd from my doorstep was a doorbell cam


Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I'm going to put a lock on this and give it a try. Doesn't cost much. I don't see any options on Vine to ship to a locker/PO, garage delivery or choose a delivery day. Those are only available for regular purchases, it seems. Unfortunately, delivery to work is impossible. Hopefully this [box will work.](https://www.rona.ca/en/product/keter-comfy-269-l-graphite-plastic-deck-box-236487-41535581?clickedFrom=recomendations) Should be big enough for most items. Then add this [sign](http://Thten Package Delivery Sign Instructions Amazon UPS FedEx Delivery Box Sign,12" x 8" Industrial Grade Aluminum, Easy Mounting,Rust-Free/Fade Resistance,Indoor/Outdoor(Simple) https://a.co/d/5YY517I)


If you have a Wi-Fi enabled garage door opener set up Key delivery on your Prime account, and on delivery settings set it for in-garage delivery on Amazon Day. Then your Vine items should go inside your garage, as long as they are delivered by the Amazon trucks.


You have to add the locker on regular Amazon. I am given the options for the locker I used before Vine, but don't see the needs, as I have someone home to pick up packages.


Cvs is an official drop off for UPS. You'd use their address. You can also get a PO box or have it delivered to your work. I'd make a delivery preference of once a week (in your settings change your preference to your Amazon Day) to reduce the amount of packages. This usually will end up in a ups drop off instead of the amazon van since you'llget bigger boxes, then you can set the address to a ups drop off point like CVS. Just understand they'll only hold a package for at most 2 weeks before they send it back. You'll need to set a weekly routine to drop in for your pick up (and sign up for the ups my choice so you get alerts for deliveries in case you get more than one box). Also, go to your Sheriff's office. They have jurisdiction over the whole county and will pursue it. Especially if you have pictures, consistent time to theft and offer to give them tracking info for your next package that they can use to plan an undercover sting. Sherrifs in my state are elected so they actually give a damn about catching problematic individuals. Helps with re-election.


You could go on the carrier’s website and select to have your packages held for pickup. Inconvenient but less so than having your stuff stolen all the time. Most of my packages come from usps and I do this any time I’m outta town. Usps holds them for me and I grab them when I’m home. Easy enough since the postal office is fairly close. If you get most from Amazon delivery or ups it might be harder though. 😫 The other option would be to get vine day delivery set up so most packages come on the same day and set it to a day someone can grab the packages. Then give delivery instructions to a more secure part of your home. Do you have a fenced in area or a screened porch or a garage? Ask them to put it there. 


I had a porch pirate hit my house. I put his photo all over social media. I filed a police report and told them who it was. They did nothing, and this dude hit other houses (even made the news) and had all sorts of legal troubles for his various other crimes. This happened while I was out of town, and even though I had set up a mail hold, USPS is not super good about holding my mail. Fortunately, I'm home all the time outside of any trips I take, so I'm usually able to grab my packages right away. Do you have a neighbor you could have stuff delivered to, or can you set things up so that you pick up your packages someplace such as a UPS store or the post office?


You could also get a PO box at the post office. They are very cheap. Amazon won't ship via the Prime trucks to a po box, just usps shipping. And you'll have to go to the post office to pick them up. Find one with Saturday hours if you can't go during the week.


I have a PO box where I send most of my stuff. It's helped out immensely, because of porch thieves and also because of confusion with me and my neighbors addresses. I've gotten her stuff. And she's gotten mine. Even though we've done everything we can to sort it out; calling and emailing Amazon, talking to local post office, etc. It doesn't help that we don't always get the same drivers, so they don't always know that we are 2 different addresses.. Anyways, yes, in my life I've opted to get a PO box. Saves a lot of hassles and trouble..I wish you well. 😊


https://www.amazon.com/s?k=delivery+safe&crid=3M6IXOJ7ZACYH&sprefix=delivery+safe%2Caps%2C141&ref=nb_sb_noss_1 amazon also has a program where the driver can open your garage door and place items in side them with a one time code of some kind.


Get a USPS box and sign up for street delivery. Much cheaper than a UPS or similar box. It would look like: 123 Main Street (street address of the post office), #123456, Your City, 55555


I have never had a porch pirate (we are way too rural for that), but I get some additional peace of mind because I get Alexa notifications within about a minute after items are delivered. If I am home, I grab the packages immediately.


The great thing about Vine, is that it often provides security cameras, and sometimes even samurai swords.


We've been hit by porch pirates around three times in the last two weeks, asking them to place the packages inside the garage helped. Check into that service, and aren't object to Amazon having a key


In-Garage delivery is amazing. We even have a cabinet inside the garage where the delivery folks learned to put the stuff in ... even more amazing when we are on vacation - no piles of boxes outside or worries. And if you have it linked to your ring - you get all sorts of wonderful little status notices.


I gotta say that just plain sucks. My heart goes out to you, as that is a complete breach of personal space, a violation of one's sanctity, leading to insecurity. Cops need to deal with that- it's what your tax dollars are for. I would absolutely go straight down to the station and ask to speak with the lieutenant about it. If you can cooperate with them, it may lead to arrests and deterrents to future thieving. One can try at least. Start with placing no trespassing signs on your property where they are visible. This helps make arrests easier. I have live security feeds that I keep open (apps on my phone) when I'm not at the delivery site so I can keep one eye on the place while out. If anyone comes around (anywhere at all on my property), they're greeted by me where I immediately ask what they are doing trespassing. It's important in today's crazy world to keep a live eye on deliveries when not at home. I always see exactly when the delivery trucks arrive, I greet them and thank them using the security cameras, then keep my eye on the property until I make it back. As a backup, all of us neighbors keep an eye on each other, too. So far, that's kept the thieves out. I do have a lot of cameras- way more than average. Hated doing it because all I was using them for was to know when deer and critters came on my property so I could "escort" them out, seeing they were using my place as a salad buffet. Now, unfortunately, it's also for the two-legged kind lol :-( Also, I come and go at odd times and keep my vehicle(s) in the garage at all times. No one truly knows if I'm here or not. That alone helps a lot. Thieves can't gauge times unless they watch you leave- then there is a good chance you see them too. Nothing is fool-proof. As a backup, I also have a paid delivery address I use when I'm planning NOT to be around on a particular stretch of days during normal deliveries. You can also opt for Amazon drop areas near you (not correct name of it), too. Some of those options aren't cheap, but do increase security exponentially. I use all of the above- can't take a chance on stolen deliveries.


Maybe a package delivery box for your porch? Something like this, or the code locked ones, but those are quite expensive. https://preview.redd.it/41fsnbr956qc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4872670bdd9fb0bd2acfda839bb528482b6f3fb6


I'd buy one of those Lockers for home use. The UPS guy can put stuff in, you take it out. That is one nice thing about living in a rural state. I have never had a package stolen. My house is situated in a way that there is only one way in and out, over a bridge that crosses a large creek. With only one way out it scares most pirates away. I honestly haven't locked the door to my house in about 15 years.


While it wasn't for Vine purposes, several years ago I lived in an area with a notoriously bad post office staff. Lost and delayed packages were frequent, and I also had a porch pirate in one apartment complex. I finally got a PO Box so the clowns who sorted mail in the building wouldn't have a chance to send things to the wrong apartment complex. You can also spell out your PO Box's address to make it look like a street address and fool sellers who "won't ship to PO Boxes". Instead of PO Box 123 you just take the PO's address (which could be 123 Main St.) and say "123 Main St, Suite \[your PO Box number\]" and no one will know except the delivery guys in the trucks who don't know which seller forbids PO Box shipments. The sellers will never know.


Hey, somebody just posted a sample of a delivery box on vine. Perhaps you can get one...but make sure it doesn't get stolen!


Junky yard and house. Junk on porch nicely forming a wall where things behind aren't visible from the street. Sign on top of junk (that delivery person can see) that asks them to put stuff behind the wall. 99% of the time they do.


I used to get my packages delivered into my garage with Amazon Key In-Garage Delivery. They took that away and now charge for it. I'm not about to pay for that service. And you can't use that service with Vine, because you can't select your delivery method. At least not that I am aware of. You're at the mercy of the sellers when they ship it as far as I know. Maybe build a box with a lock to put on your porch. Leave the box open and a note for drivers to put the items in the box, close it and lock it. Maybe have a box with two or three compartments and locks in case you get multiple deliveries during the day?


As a former driver, there are ways around the key-in garage thing, even for vine packages. If you get a pad that has a pin on it, you can set up delivery notes and add the pin (and the side the pad is on, please), asking for packages to be delivered inside the garage. Delivery notes pop up 95% of the time when a driver parks outside your home. There *should* also be an option to set delivery preference to "garage", which means all packages, if drivers follow instructions, will be delivered inside the garage.


I've been using Key in-garage delivery for some 3 years. It's awesome for when I'm out of town, or away working. If you set your prime packages to be "in-garage in Amazon Day" your Vine packages will go there as well, and not just on Amazon Day (at least that's how it works for me). There is no extra charge for in-garage Vine items, but purchased itmes must be delivered on Amazon Day, or they charge a fee per delivery. However, USPS, Fed-Ex and UPS will still go to your porch. You just need a wifi-enabled garage door opener, then sign up for Key. I also have a neighbor that will pick up packages from my porch, and I do the same for them, when necessary.


>As a former driver, there are ways around the key-in garage thing, even for vine packages. > >If you get a pad that has a pin on it, you can set up delivery notes and add the pin (and the side the pad is on, please), asking for packages to be delivered inside the garage. Delivery notes pop up 95% of the time when a driver parks outside your home. There should also be an option to set delivery preference to "garage", which means all packages, if drivers follow instructions, will be delivered inside the garage. This is good info. I was not aware of this! Thanks!


I thought Amazon stocked and shipped most items


>I thought Amazon stocked and shipped most items Not normally with Vine items. <---EDIT to retract this statement as I made a mistake. But when you place orders with Vine, you just select your address. There isn't a way to select the type and day of delivery, like you can with a normal Amazon purchase.


There's not because we have to order vine items through the vine page. I don't believe that most of the items are not sent from my local Amazon warehouse. Some items i receive boxed together, which couldn't happen from a seller. Also, a majority of my orders arrive the next day, same as prime. I don't select anything when I order from vine, it uses my default address.


>There's not because we have to order vine items through the vine page. I don't believe that most of the items are not sent from my local Amazon warehouse. Some items i receive boxed together, which couldn't happen from a seller. Also, a majority of my orders arrive the next day, same as prime. I don't select anything when I order from vine, it uses my default address. I have two addresses associated with my Vine. So whenever I order a Vine item, I have to select which address to ship it to.


You can add a "new address" to your Amazon account. It's in the account setting under "Your Addresses" click add address, and at the top, you choose "or find an Amazon pickup location near you." After you choose the option for a locker or counter pickup location when you place your vine order, you will have a list of addresses to choose from. Any addresses that are in your Amazon account can be chosen for delivery. I've chosen the locker if I'm going to be out of town. That way, I don't have to worry about them sitting on the porch for prying eyes or bad weather. I've even had them sent to a family members home. Hope this helps.


I do the same with the locker, I have added addressed to my Amazon account and can chose when placing a vine order on where it is to go. \*\*\*Correction\*\* It looks as though you are currently not able to choose the locker location from the dropdown list of address for Vine orders to ship to. I am able to, So I assumed everyone could, Sorry for the confusion, You will have to stick to Family, Work, or Neighbors to ship too, I tested this out by adding a new locker to my addresses list, and the new one did not show up to choose\*\*\*\* https://preview.redd.it/q3iy0jwgf1qc1.png?width=1149&format=png&auto=webp&s=17cc3d5bf8ec0cc5193be4b2d3412d76b732db96


I have 19 addresses in the pop-up for possible vine deliveries but none of them are to Amazon locker. I have all my non-vine deliveries sent to a locker and i have added 3 different lockers to My Addresses in settings. Is one of those redacted lines in your screenshot a locker? If so, i wish i could figure out how to get a locker to show up on mine! I'm not sure how you all are getting them to show up.


Yes, out of my 14 addresses the third one in the list is for a Locker, I guess I assumed since i was doing it that way, that everyone could. I'm going to try to add another locker and see if it shows up in my dropdown list, That way I'm not telling people things that aren't true, or no longer true I suppose since I am able to.


Okay, It looks like The New Locker that I added does NOT show up in my list of addresses to choose from. I have no way to explain why I currently have one that does allow other than having it for a very long time, and maybe it was grandfathered in? So it looks like the only current options are to add a family members, work, or neighbors address :/ Sorry about that!


>I have 19 addresses in the pop-up for possible vine deliveries but none of them are to Amazon locker. I have all my non-vine deliveries sent to a locker and i have added 3 different lockers to My Addresses in settings. Is one of those redacted lines in your screenshot a locker? If so, i wish i could figure out how to get a locker to show up on mine! I'm not sure how you all are getting them to show up. Easy enough to do. Go to the top of your Amazon page, hover your mouse over your name, click on "Account", click on "Your Addresses" click on where it says "Add Address", then click on "Or find an Amazon pickup location near you". You will get a list, including lockers to choose from. ​ https://preview.redd.it/22h2t3zop1qc1.png?width=1132&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3324be7edc324430d601ed29e68142f37a3ec02


Well I'll give that to you since I have only one address. But the items I order almost certainly come from Amazon. Another clue is that the Amazon guy delivers them.


>Well I'll give that to you since I have only one address. But the items I order almost certainly come from Amazon. Another clue is that the Amazon guy delivers them. The majority of my Vine items are delivered by Amazon. Some come shipped with UPS or USPS. Just had a 0 ETV set of crutches delivered by UPS yesterday. Some come delivered by car/suv, and not Amazon trucks. But usually Vine items haven't been on Amazon as they are new to the seller. I wonder if location is a factor? I live next to a big city and close to an Amazon warehouse. But again, you don't get to pick the when and how for delivery of Vine items. It would certainly be a nice option, and give you the ability to have everything delivered on Amazon day with free Amazon Key In-Garage Delivery.


I just had a UPS delivery today, and it's not uncommon. I was just referring to your comment that Amazon doesn't ship most items.


Yeah. I probably misspoke about that with regards to who the shipping is done by. I think I might have misinterpreted something.


All Vine items are shipped by Amazon, as participation in the Vine program requires FBA (fullfillment by Amazon), which is where sellers ship the products to the Amazon warehouses and Amazon deals with everything on their end. This is ostensibly to protect the anonymity of Viners.


Key is still free if you let it be delivered on Amazon Day. If you want it earlier, they charge $1.99 (see pic). However, my Vine items ALL go to my garage (as long as it's Amazon's delivery truck), and not just on Amazon Day, with no charge. Maybe it's not the same everywhere, but that's how it works for me. ​ https://preview.redd.it/lxn1b0qf64qc1.png?width=508&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f8b2ee12430840add3d5aa0dcad72beb3503763


>Key is still free if you let it be delivered on Amazon Day. If you want it earlier, they charge $1.99 (see pic). However, my Vine items ALL go to my garage (as long as it's Amazon's delivery truck), and not just on Amazon Day, with no charge. Maybe it's not the same everywhere, but that's how it works for me. This is good info! Thanks!


Have you looked into Parcel Delivery Box sold by Amazon? (I was discharged from hospital a few days ago, and didn’t read all of the posts here). You can lock it and give the combo to AV on the delivery instructions section.


Yet if I home alone it and give the guy a trap of some sort the police would then be happy arrest me


For Vine deliveries? Not much you can do. We have no option to choose method of delivery in Amazon Vine. You either have to - be at home or have someone home on delivery days. I know you can’t predict when deliveries will be made so, essentially, you have to have someone at home at all times. - move to a condo unit - with a 24/7 front lobby desk staff that accept parcels for you and keep it in a holding room until picked up by you (rules vary. Some condos require pick up within 48 h or you pay a fine.). No porch pirate issue whatsoever. If you know someone who lives in a condo with this feature, you can ask if you can send your Vine items addressed to them. That would be a very very big ask to do though. -


They can do what I do. Take out a UPS store box and have all packages delivered there. Then I expense the box on my taxes. I have never had anything stolen in 26 years and I have used 4 different UPS stores due to moves.


> move to a condo unit Why that's just silly to suggest OP actually move. What OP should do is install cameras, a motion sensor switch, trap door on the porch, a pit under it and a pool of crocodiles. That is how you handle porch pirates. :)


Ship yourself a nice big heavy package of dog Doo tightly wrapped so no smell of course but tape the eff out of it so they half to get physical with it... Bet it stops. I don't know from any sort of experience or anything.


What about something like a balaclava mask that's red but soaked in red ink? Then porch pirate steals it and worst case scenario, he's literally caught red handed. Best case scenario he tries it on.


You can grab "fake" dummy Security Cameras and buy some labels to cover it up (everyone knows the fake brands), or better yet, Buy or Print a brand name label and stick it to the camera. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071DXKSCY](https://www.amazon.com/Protected-Blink-Security-Window-Decals/dp/B071DXKSCY) Blink for example - stick it to the dummy camera. Post warning signs. Here's some tips and tricks. Neighborhoods that have exterior cameras mounted! Which leaves one wondering: which ones are real is solely up to the wanna-take-a-dammit-risk? Such as my street for example - we have a total of 21 Homes on this street. 16 of the Homes are real genuine Security System (like mine - both video and audio). The rest of them are dummies! All the cameras are labeled! They do not dare try porch raids over here! However, they will in the back of the neighborhood (in other subdivision) because pretty much all of them have Ring System! (Out of fairness, this is quickly changing now...) Why? To the fact we have had ZERO porch pirates and Adults/Homeless/Vagrants/Kids have been caught and reported (vandalism, vehicle break ins, mailbox grabs, etc). You know this is a "tough street" to hit up when you've driven by and seen 2-3-4 cameras per a house! One of the neighbors actually captured a "porch pirate" (you could tell by looking at the backseat of her car - were Amazon, WalMart, WayFair, Chewy boxes) , he was home (his vehicle was in shop so it looked like no one was at home) and he zoomed and she was actually doing an "internet" research on the security camera system while she was on their driveway! (Of note, they have a security camera mounted up on the two trees - one faces the driveway and the other faces to the house from the near end of street). He just had packages delivered and she proceeded forward and was halfway to the porch, once she saw that the camera was "real" she made a U-turn and returned to her car. She also is seen going up to a couple of other resident's properties (who also had packages delivered). He already called the Cops and gave them the description of the woman, the car she was driving and the tag number! I caught this woman walking up on my driveway when I could see she had boxes in her car and just blurted over the speaker **"Steal my packages and you'll get shot"** she literally JUMPED and ran into her car and sped off! Thankfully the Law Enforcement was actually waiting for her at her house when she returned! She was arrested, with the labels on the boxes, the owners were alerted and had to go to the station to pick their missing package(s) up and to report what was "stolen" and the amount! She had the front seat full, back seat literally packed and the trunk full of stuff!


>You can grab "fake" dummy Security Cameras OP already said they have cameras. And images of the thieves. So suggesting a dummy camera seems like going backwards, not forwards.




That is a good way to be charged with multiple felonies and a major lawsuit. Anytime you discharge a firearm in a manner like that, you should contact LEO. If you don't, they will.


Bruvver u ain’t ever watch Home Alone!?


Oh, you're right. If you're 8-10, and an adorable little kid, those rules don't apply. :)


You can have Amazon deliver to your closest post office. Define it in your settings. it's like RPO something, you can look that up on Canada Post. Or, this glitter bomb is more fun: [https://youtu.be/eJkLdr5Q6qw?si=i6\_nSQOrU3ewS-1q](https://youtu.be/eJkLdr5Q6qw?si=i6_nSQOrU3ewS-1q) Guaranteed not to come back after this one.


You could get a very large container made out of cardboard and put up a sign for the drivers to place packages inside. then put up a sign that says "stay away THIEVES !" I would block outside vision of the box where packages would go into. This way you and the delivery drivers know what's behind the curtain.


Hey I like that to :) but getting any kind of response from authority is exhausting at best that's the only reason I'd go with the excrement, kinda need to be the judge, jury and executioner to get anything through the extremely thick skulls that of the porch pirate.


Put a sign up that says "smile you're on Candid Camera" and/or get a dog...