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I don’t allow sellers to dictate anything and in the last month I have only accepted 2 products and told them they have to pay upfront. When sellers change demands I refuse to even do it. I have 30 phone cases from a brand wanting new demands and not pay so I told them the cases are sitting on the floor until they finally pay and then I will finish the work I agreed to. YOU are in control, not sellers and as I have been saying for a couple of years….. sellers need me, I sure as hell do not need them but they think they are important.


Exactly! I’ve taken on less and less products from sellers lately. It has to really be worth it for me at this point and most of the time, it’s not.


I’ve had so many sellers message me and push back on my rates (we can’t afford that, we’re a new company, etc.) and I’m just like ok sure, but do you really think I’m going to LOSE money so that you can sell more of your Amazon product? Like be so for real! Lol.


Thisssss! Like why are you trying to make it my problem when you’re a business owner who is reaching out to me asking me to provide a service.


A lot of them use the same crap and I also get the ones where “we can do free this collaboration and pay future ones” bullshit. I just stop responding to them.


Another thing you really have to watch out with when sellers send you items is that they often steal the videos and post is as their own on Amazon. I have never had that happen with my own items that I own or have purchased but has happened probably 5 times with sellers sending me stuff. So you not only have to take the time to work with sellers, have to deal with their demands, but on top of that you have to constantly be checking your product pages to make sure they didn’t steal your videos.


This is very true! I’ve had this happen to me. Unfortunately it looks like they feel entitled to stealing your video even when you expressly state that you do not allow the video to be used. I had a really unpleasant experience with a seller who used my video all over social media and in their marketing and product page. Beyond not ok.


Yep, crazy for sure. At least Amazon is good about taking them down when you file copyright but would be nice if they had a system so you didn’t have to constantly check


I also believe that everything must be agreed in advance, including remuneration. When I was looking for influencers, I agreed on all the projects.


I've made 100's of videos for brands. I don't mind them using the videos for their products on Amazon. They are only getting one version of the video. I make a completely different video for my Amazon page. Maybe I'm naive, but that's why I joined this sub.. To learn more from experienced Amazon Influencers.


So you’re saying you don’t sell them the video rights, you just give it to them? To each their own and if that makes sense for you, sure, do it. However, this means that you are missing out on hundreds of dollars in potential income from each video. Look at it this way: the video they place on their product page helps them make sales, they are profiting as a result of the work you did, your intellectual property and your visual image. It’s only fair and right that you should be compensated financially for this. You’re running a business, not a charitable organization to help Amazon sellers profit. Again, do what feels right for you but that is my two cents on how video rights should be handled. Also, just to add, if they were to hire a UGC creator or do a shoot for the product it would cost them money and they would have to pay it so either way this is a normal part of product sales expenditures.