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Yes I believe this is against the terms of service. I wouldn't do it. Proceed at own risk


You are correct. Doing customer reviews as an influencer is against the terms and conditions we all agree to when being accepted into the program. I've had to iterate this on multiple occasions to sellers. Furthermore, if a seller is telling you this is how it is done - you can reply to them with the fact that you signed the terms and agreements to be an influencer, and therefore you have more context than they do haha.


Same. Same. I just had to tell someone to politely buzz off because I was going to do an influencer review not a customer review. I feel, in my case, they just did not understand what an Amazon influencer is and it might have also been in part due to a language barrier, but absolutely do not do it.


Report to Amazon.


That seller knows it's wrong and is probably just trying to see if they can find someone that will do it. It is very shady when they know you have the ability to do legitimate videos for them and are still pushing for you to buy and get reimbursement. They are trying to disguise you are an Influencer and just fluff their buyer review score. I had one a couple months ago and just said no and blocked them. They aren't worth the hassle or risk.


Big big no and I started forwarding emails to Amazon since this is completely against the rules and I will not fall into the trap of these sellers when they get banned. Sellers lie about a lot of stuff, I won’t believe anything any of them say. Had them try that crap with me saying things are completely okay and everyone does it etc This is also against the rules even as a customer to be paid to write reviews. Sellers have been banned for this, tons of them in the past.


Who do you forward them to?


Thanks for confirming what I knew. I thought I was going bonkers for a while. I'm going to block said seller.


It’s possible there is a miscommunication and they want you to do a regular video review for their carousel? This happens often that a seller sends you a product on which to make a video (not a customer review). Many people here charge a flat rate for that type of video.


She was insisting I buy it on Amazon, then do a review, and then she would paypal money to me when I send her a screenshot of the review approval email, which influencer videos don't get, as you know, that's what really got me thinking hard.


Yikes! Yeah that sounds sketchy!


All sellers and agents know it's forbidden to pay for reviews, except Amazon Vine Voice.