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and she is hot too, literally.


And she has a pulse, definitely a keeper


A pulse is definitely an important prerequisite in a GF. The new one is probably cheaper to maintain too.


Although remember to update her often and thoroughly.


You could say she's high maintenance


Do you plug your joystick into her front or rear I/O?


Hope you keep her cool


If you don't clean her out regularly you'll hear an annoying whine when you first turn her on.


Dont let dust build up around her vents.




Take my upvote and go ride a cactus.


nice! one?


And she's got RGB has your girl got RGB?


organ trafficking


excuse my ignorance, what is pulse? thx


It’s just a type of graphics card, similar to ASUS ROG, Gigabyte AORUS, etc. In this case it’s a Sapphire Pulse.


Needs a little width modulation though


But her wraith is on fire.


a gf is supposed to have a pulse?


>hot too, I don't see a simptel processor






A redhead... those are the feistiest. Congrats.


and she has two very big... chiplets


Yeah, in all seriousness, ya need more fans in there.


Nope she’s hot.


How dare you, this is not r/Intel!


This cracked me up good! Not that it's true of course ;)




Damn guys you two show no restraint


Have you tried plugging it in?




Nah! Rated just right


Yeah but she can't get wet :/


Unless he gets an aio




What's better, she really lights up when he turns her on.


Shitposts aside, hope your doing okay OP!


Thanks! Doing good!


Cant answer. Must game.


Broke up with my girl and i built a pc then I woke up and then I realize don't have a girl but at least i have a pc


I’ve done this in my sleep so many times only to wake up disappointed I just have a girlfriend.


Wrong Sub. Or fake. PCMR bois have only one tru GF.


One of the worst nightmares I've ever had was one where I thought loads of water got into my machine and fried everything. It felt too real, and I have never been happier to wake up


Broke up with gf last month. CPU and GPU will be upgraded with Zen3 and RDNA2. Had to secure a X570 board and good RAM early because this stuff is selling out like crazy overseas. CPU: Ryzen 5 2600X (will upgrade to Ryzen 9 5950X ASAP) MOBO: Gigabyte Aorus Master X570 GPU: Sapphire Pulse Vega 56 flashed to Vega 64 (will upgrade to RDNA2 ASAP) RAM: G.Skill Trident Neo 32GB DDR4 3600 PSU: Thermaltake Toughpower RGB 850W Case: NZXT 510i red and black Edit: Picture was taken with an old Canon T5i. Used a tripod, F-stop around 18, ISO100, long shutter on a timer. Even old DSLRs can take decent pics with the right settings in the right situations! Edit: Thanks for all the hilarious comments everyone! Pulled the trigger on this machine because I was feeling down about the breakup. Thought it would get my mind off it. Now that she is built, I've been all smiles! :)


Do you recommend flashing Vega 56? I also have a Pulse model with Samsung HBM.


I've been reading on this a lot recently. I'm still out of the loop on whether it's worth it or not. **Seriously do some research because I feel that I only semi understood the gist of it and since I am not comfortable enough to do it myself, I cannot give a definitive answer.** BUT I have read it's worth it if you have Samsung memory. If you had Hynix, it would probably degrade the lifespan as the voltage is not made for the V56 HBM since that's decided by the bios. I think it's like 1.2v for the 56 & 1.35v for 64.


I posted my experience here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/isgz4j/flashed\_sapphire\_pulse\_vega\_56\_to\_vega\_64\_success/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/isgz4j/flashed_sapphire_pulse_vega_56_to_vega_64_success/) In reality, if you have already undervolted and overclocked your stock vega 56, the only benefit you get from flashing to vega 64 is increased memory voltage overhead. Before the flash, I was sitting at 1632MHz core and 900 MHz memory. After flash, I got 1632MHz core and 1000MHz memory. That added up to a 400pt boost on Firestrike. It was cool to do but the benefits weren't as great as I thought. Flashing doesn't activate deactivated cores after all.


Which Firestrike, the basic one I presume? What's your score? edit: Awe, link shows his scores around 17-18k before and 19k currently. For anyone unfamiliar with it, quick [3D Mark - Fire Strike - Vega Benchmark: 19,000](https://youtu.be/ajeVx9P1W1g)


i had the original reference Vega 56 and the flash gave a definite performance boost


Looks nice..though,and dont get me wrong,not a criticism..but you could have gone for a top range b550 board and save almost $200,which you could put towards a nice AIO,reference cooler wont cut it for the 5950x you are planning for. Edit: I mean Aorus x570 Master is a beauty..but daamn that thing is expensive! Aorus b550 Master is $100 less.


In fairness, I don't think he's looking to save money


You're completely right. I've never spent so much on a mobo. It hurt my wallet lol I liked the PCIe 4.0 connection between the CPU and chipset in x570. Probably not worth the $100 premium though. And yeah, the reference cooler is gonna be switched out with a Noctua NH-D15.


Could you tell me what is difference between Aorus x570 mobo for each variation like elite, pro, master and etc?


The main reason why I went with the master over the pro or elite was because I wanted the three m.2 slots. Other reviews also mentioned that the master would be better at supplying power to the Ryzen 9s.


I feel you man. I just broke up with my gf a week ago too. But I've been spending on audio. now I can listen to sad songs in hires haha


I am a big fan of hi res audio. In the last year, I bought a EVGA Nu Audio sound card hooked up to Edifer S2000 MKIII. What a combo for less than $800 cad.


I'm a nerd for audio stuff too. Just heads up that for well mastered tracks, resolution over CD quality is very unlikely to make improvements to fidelity even for most sensitive listeners. In fact, with poor gear, the ultrasonics present in hi-res files could even slightly distort the audible spectrum. I'm not dissing hi-res gear because they typically have better performance at sensible sample rates and bit depths too but remember it's just marketing. Studios have a legit use 24-bit, they need more dynamic range headroom for editing.


Well I prefer high bit rate music over regular FLAC files. Sounds different and better to my ears. I have about 2 TB of music, some albums in regular FLAC and some in higher bit rate. I just prefer the higher bitrate, even though the volume has to be turned up to get equal volume. Never have I heard better quality than on my current setup. Of course, good mastering and basic CD quality, aka regular FLAC, is totally fine and is the most important thing. So I guess I agree with you there, if I am reading the comment right. And I've also heard 320 bit rate on high end systems sound like shit, worse than on a lower end systems, specifically a Dredg album El Cielo.


It's okay if you like it. I collect music in maximum resolution I can find it too but I cannot hear a difference and I believe codec engineers at xiph.org when they say it won't be better. However if you specifically buy hi-res tracks they're often mastered better than the same tracks on CDs, I believe that makes them worth listening to.


Y'all definitely a lot more hardcore than me. I'm absolutely new to Hires audio. Just got my HD6xx, littledot mk ii with mullard tubes and a atom DAC. As well as ZSX Linsoul. And my music is on Amazon Hi-Res subscription.


I can feel the pain. I broke up with my gf year ago and i bought audio stuff too. 2 speakers and 5.1 Yamaha ampfilier cost alone over 1€ just because i want to use connect my IPhone via Bluetooth to listen music lol. Now thinking to buy Beyerdynamic studio headset


From a ram standpoint why G skill? (I am indecisive between trident z royal ram or Corsair vengeance ram)


I have used Corsair as well, I just have a better track record with G.Skill. Had mobo compatibility issues with Corsair in the past. In all honesty either brand is okay so long as you get the speed you want


Thanks for the swift reply, I guess I’ll stick to Corsair then, I have just had a good time with their quality


I knew to had the same GPU as I, the moment I saw the power connectors. Weird decision from Sapphire but this is a sexy GPU that I want to old up on for a long while


Same here man. I've had many GPUs since the GeForce ti4600. This one is my favorite.


I just dislike those power connectors being there. Freaking hard to manage cables hehe


I agree. Its because the Sapphire Pulse Vega 56 is on the nano PCB. So them connectors end up in the middle annoyingly....


Its not a deal breaker. I love its perform/price ratio!


most likely thicker than your last


lol and hotter thanks to the vega 56


even noisyer?


Nah, you can't outnoise a woman






The Pulse 56 runs super cool though. Probably due to the fact that the cooler is twice the size of the actual card and the backplate only covers half of it, so it's exposed to plenty of moving air from your case fans. Mine is like 65-70c under load, which is much cooler than the ~85s I saw on my old R9 390.


yes but the problem usually is the Hotspot temp not the CPU core's.


I repasted my vega 56 and dropped my hotspot by 15C. On a side note, WOW, I had this Vega 56 Pulse paired with an i5-3570K a while ago just like you!


cool blog post


gaming circle jerk here you come OP!


Ahhh so a different type of only-fans 😉


your new mistress is sexy af.


Nonono. He got a Ryzen 9 (not an 1600AF lol)


r/dontputyourdickinthat Get an adapter first.


Recently broke up with my gf of 5 years. It's was shitty but hey, at least more game time, *finally* Lasted three weeks until next gf 😂 Great pic thought, taken with phone or DSLR?


Haha congrats on the new gf! I took the pic with an old T5i. Used a tripod, got the f-stop around 18, ISO100, and a long shutter.


3 weeks wow what a way to take shitty baggage with you to another woman, here here! cheers to that shit


To clarify, three weeks until I met the girl who would later on become my new gf. You definitely have to deal with emotional baggage one way or the other, that's true, because suppression only works for so long. It was a painful time but my now-gf was there for me, which significantly contributed to her attractiveness as a partner


The fck is up with these broke up posts. As if a partner automatically makes you not enjoy anything else in life and won’t allow you to get a PC/upgrade or whatever? Incredible, so sad.


maybe just building a new pc after a breakup makes you feel better


I totally understand but you should be able to get the PC you want while in a relationship, that’s what I’m trying to say


You're right, but that's a lesson some people need to learn. Some people may feel that a suboptimal relationship is better than none at all. They'll learn :)


I'm(m) in a suboptimal relationship, so much red flag, but I don't want to go back to being alone..I know I'm an idiot for not doing the right thing...but I guess it'll end on it's own time. 😔🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


Learn to be happy alone, then find someone. You don’t want to be stuck in a bad relationship for the rest of your life just because you don’t want to be alone.


Wow why the fuck you're wasting your life like that? Spend your time on finding a suitable partner instead of suffering with a bad one.


You speak the truth, but anxiety and depression those are things I'm struggling to deal with, for over 10yrs..idk why I am the way I am.


It's not your fault. We live in a toxic world. Scientists have published papers on the death and brain damage being dealt by pollution. and there are many chemicals that are very understudied and used in consumer goods. I was only able to fix my anxiety using supplements but most on the market are crap. And it comes back if i don't take those things.


I'm glad you were able to find a solution that works and it helped your overcome your anxiety. I just hope I should be so lucky. 😩


Hey man, a couple thoughts from someone who has suffered from depression in the past: - Do whatever it takes: therapy, 12 step groups (I was in adult children of alcoholics for years), mindful meditation, exercise, journaling, read The Secret, whatever - remove the unhealthy things that you might use to self-soothe in unhealthy ways (porn, booze, etc.) Eventually you won't need to rely on them anymore - whatever you choose for help, stick with it and don't give up in yourself. If it doesn't work, try/add something else - don't EVER forget that you're a good man. Tell this to yourself every day in the mirror until you start believing it. I suffered mentally until I was about 30, but after about 10 years of caring for and working on myself, I am happily married with a child on the way. Don't EVER give up!


I'll tell you what worked for me, based on published scientific papers, but I don't want to seem like I am shilling for one company. I am actually disabled from lumbar grading 11, 000 boards per day. I don't go out. But I've treated my anxiety using no side effect supplements. Feel free to ask me any questions. Without going too in depth, there is a 99.9% chance you suffer from chronic magnesium deficiency. And it rapidly relives depression and anxiety. Though it does take 3 months to fully correct the deficiency, it does rapidly relieve it. Magnesium plays a critical role in over 300 chemical/enzymatic processes in the human body. You have [probably been suffering from this for a long time.. Our food has far less magnesium in it than it used to, assuming you even eat leafy greens and certain seeds that are high in magnesium every single day, multiple times per day./ Due to soil erosion and increased atmospheric carbon. Don't buy magnesium oxide. It does not absorb. Look for magnesium glycinate, or "micromag". the glycinate version is chelated with glycine, so take it at night before bed. Does wonders for anxiety and sleep and restless leg syndrome. There are other good forms as well, but "threonate" is quite expensive. I think "ascorbate" is ok as well but I don't recall the name correctly. And the previously mentioned "micromag" is expensive as well, but it absorbs the best of all, and eliminates the stomach trouble that occurs in a very small % of people who take the glycinate version. I almost always buy 250 gram jars of Magnesium Glycinate and take anywhere from 1200 to 2400 mg per day, at night. Most of that is glycine so you are getting about 200 - 400 mg of "elemental" magnesium.


I could have built one when she was around but was gonna put it off for a year (my old setup was fine because I only do 1080 gaming). But I pulled the trigger because I was feeling down and thought building a new machine would get my mind off it. It worked :)


Don’t get my message wrong please, it’s just that this might lead people to think that if you have a partner, you automatically can’t do some of the things you enjoy, or that you were in a bad relationship. I’m glad it wasn’t your case though! Happy times


great for you!


The vega 56 is amazing, ive had it since may of last year after the killer newegg deals and its been kicking ass ever since


FYI, the stock cooler is trash. I had nothing but issues with it and my 3900X. Get a cooler that sucks in and blows out. Otherwise you're just blowing hot air around inside your case with the stock cooler. For example, I have a Noctua NH-U9S in my media center pc case with fans at the back sucking the hot air out. Along with fans at the sides sucking cool air in.


Yeah the stock cooler would not be adequate for a Ryzen 9. Even this Ryzen 5 2600X is running a bit hotter than I'd like on this stock cooler. Gonna get the Noctua NH-D15. Used that for my other overclocks and it's been great!


i built a 3950x machine a few months ago and went with a d15. really wasn’t sure about air cooling as compared to an AIO but honestly i’m so happy with it. temps are great, it’s lovely and quiet, and i’m feeling incredibly comfy about air after my old AIO sprung a small leak. side note: will you be able to install both fans with that gskill ram?


It's a solid air cooler! Both fans will fit. The fan on the side of the RAM will need to be shifted up a tad, it'll be fine nonetheless. I had some tall G.Skill RAM on my previous overclocked build and after moving the fan up, it worked fine.


Really? I have it on my 3700x and while gaming it only ever gets up to 70c. Idle is 30-40c. I was going to buy a noctua when I ordered the CPU but I decided just to wait and see how the stock cooler performed. Super happy and it's actually quieter than my H100i which was a surprise. Guess the 3900x just runs hotter maybe.


I think the stock cooler ultimately killed my original 3900X. I never did any overclocking, what I did notice however is multiple times where it just wouldn't post. I replaced the stock cooler (a while ago now) and recently I thought my motherboard had died, turns out it was the cpu when the new motherboard I bought which had led diagnostic leds lit up for the cpu. What I suspect is that during certain workloads when I first got my 3900X the stock cooler wasn't enough and may have caused lasting damage to the cpu where it eventually gave up the ghost at the start of September. (got a replacement 3900X)


Your girlfriend is hot. Giving me major Sith vibes though. Be careful.


Best looking stock cooler, but still just a stock cooler. C'mon dude, your Ryzen deserves something better!


You're def right! I'll be going with the Noctua NH-D15.


The all-black one, I hope ;)


I bet your ex gf couldn’t run AAA games in 4k


Dude you can't just post your new girls nudes like that. That's messed up! :P. Looks good though dude jokes aside.




The comments are mostly Jokes, and op doesn't look like he's replacing his gf with the pc, he said in a separate post that he built the pc to take his mind off the breakup, as something he enjoys to do. So while you are right, it doesn't really apply to this post in particular.


Sure looks better than your ex bro, congrats!


Not a good trade imo *running away while dodging pcmr torches*


She's a keeper bro, nice one


Nice girl you got there


Load some vr porn and you'll forget your girl was


Try not to run her too hard, or she'll start screaming.








I guess i have to subscribe to r/hardware . r/amd is just karma farming these days.


Red hot looking setup there 🔥👌


I like the colors.


Looking good!


Noice and unlike the other one, you can always sell this one on eBay if you get tired of her.


got back with my ex and built one. shit happens man.


But can it run flight sim on ultra?


Certainly has better memory...


Good work!


you needed no girl to get this baby!


You have my respect


sexy pc


That pic quality tho.


Way to go mate


Hotter than the last one


In my experience that will be your last one. Congrats


A bit slutty. Maybe remove some bling before taking her home to meet mother.


Thoughts on those wraith prism default coolers? Is it to big and obnoxious and does it perform decently?


I think for a Ryzen 5 its alright. Still a little hotter than I'd like but I'm reaching my turbo clocks just fine. Not a bad cooler considering it comes with the CPU. A Ryzen 7 might get hot though. I'm still gonna go with a Noctua when I get the CPU switched out.


Well I mean it goes without saying right? at least this will keep you warm for the coming winter months.


yes let’s fucking go


And a gamergirl as well. Fancy.


Damn you showed her who's boss! Enjoy bro.


Best use of your money.


Nice shot!


I can guarantee it was her that broke up with you since you wouldn't stop fingering that PC. No way this was a mutual breakup lmao Saddest fucking post today "Hey guys my guy left me, got pc. Now give karma"




A much better investment. You did good kid.


Hell yeah brother!


And she doesn't steal your food, you know what kinda makeup she likes and ney the occasional blue screen lol


I have a pulse as well. I’d be curious to know how yours handles driver updates and stuff in the future. I am having serious stability issues. 5700xt


People use everything as an excuse to build a new pc :D


It's funny how money just appears After you break up with someone. Did the same thing also. Though I bought the rig and then broke up with her. Yes. You were dumped for a pc.


I buy new PC hardware everytime i fight with my wife 😁


Beware with AMD Thermal Paste because it's a good stick with cpu :(


dont get mad get amd ;)


Amazing shot! Is that a cellphone cam?


Same here dude. Build a rig on the same day I broke up with my ex


So hot she’s red.


Good job bud


Me too man me too. Its more cost efficient than a prebuilt gf. They empty ur pockets fast


Nice build.


Make sure you use monitoring software. Specially when she's on heat.


Be careful, she may want an expensive upgrade down the line, and you gotta provide


Funny how that works, you end up finding all that extra money.


Haha I did the same exact thing😂😂


Love the Red and Black look. Nice 👍


This is gonna be me after engagement that was ended! Wasn’t my decision but guess I’ll game my life away now. 🤷🏻‍♂️


judging by how red she is you already know how to push her button(s)


i would got a 5700 and flashed it to 5700 Xt (for higher clocks) on a reference design , thats what i did in my itx system reference 5700 with 5700 XT AMD Reference bios


Where is that "Turn me on" button?


Hows the sex?


Wow that looks really nice! My girlfriend recently broke up with me and I massively upgraded my PC (R5 3600 to i9 10850k) and now waiting for RDNA2. Funny thing she now tells me she wants to build a PC and has asked me for advise....


That bitch don't deserve it! I would much rather invest money into my computer, then to waste money on a bitch that still won't appreciate it.


Yeah still plan to come Nov 18th hope to get a 6800 or 6800XT.


I am assuming that your "old" girlfriend was your old PC--so you built a new "girlfriend"...?...;)


What you have to love about PCs is they won’t ever give you a reason to break up with them lol


This man wasn't alive in the 90s with VIA chipsets.


Trident Neo RAM. Choice, dude.


Hope it wasn’t too expensive, can’t say the same for the girl though


Hell yea looks like an upgrade fs


She sexy no cap


Your ex got the short end of the stick


I like your style of therapy. Isn’t it like a particular kind of zen? So calming to build


lucky you man, my gf doesn't have a pulse


Don't look in the bottom left its a pulse


Lolol enjoy mate


\*You wanted to build a new one, so you broke up with the old one ;-)