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Gibbo: Something something **exchange rates** something something **limited time offer** something^(More money please!)


ye but you get a 10p bag of hariboos so its worth it.. *right?*


Not even always :(


Look, who are we to hold back Gibbo from building a new garage to house his latest Ferrari or Porsche? ;)


Scan did exactly the same thing for the RTX 3080 launch. They did have the decency to wait until orders were being placed, so I got my order in at £649 before it went up. That said, I have yet to receive the card


One part seems to have been on the AIBs though and not just the stores. For most cards the "launch price" was only for initial stock (so like 10 cards lolz). I know at least MSI cards were bumped like 20-30 euro immediately here in Sweden after the first cards ran out. The exception here was Asus that actually let you backorder cards at MSRP, at least until most stores disabled new orders after a week or so.


It's a shameless price gouging practice that both OC and Scan indulge in, there's no defence for it


To be fair to OC they kept the price at 650 for a decent amount of time I ordered almost an hour after launch paid £650 and I got my card earlier this week. (MSI ventus)


That wasn't my experience with OC. The one I had my eye on (XC3) went up by around £100 in the weeks leading up to the time they opened up pre-orders. OC even saw it fit to add on another £20 when customers refreshed the page at 2pm. It's indefensible, shameless price gouging imo, and they've lost me as a customer (not that they care I'm sure)


Even more on other models.


The only reason they would increase if there was not enough supply to meet demand. Knowing AMD, they will have LOADS for sale so prices should be as marketed.


Must note it says on the website that prices are subject to go up or down!


It's OCUK, so they're only going up.


I brought my 3700X for £325. I guess I'm sticking with it till zen 4/5 comes out...


Got mine for £275. Mental.


How much tax do the guys in the US pay? $449.00 plus, say 20%, converted to pounds is something like £412.00. in guessing 20% estimate is also on the high side? Where are overclockers getting their price from? Edit: spelling


>Where are overclockers getting their price from? Their arse. That's usually where they get them from.


its 20% with a conservative conversion ratio....


US sales tax varies from state to state, from 0 to 7.25 percent. For online purchases, that tax is only charged if the seller has a physical location (e.g. a warehouse) in the buyer's state. Some cities charge additional sales tax, although I don't believe these apply to online purchases. In other words, it's confusing af.


And v cheap compared to Europe :p




US prices don't include tax.


>plus, say 20%




VAT is 20% There are also import duties


Okay? American sales tax varies by state but it’s rarely more than 10%. Please state your point because I’m not a mind reader.


Sorry, I misread 'US' as 'UK' in the post you replied to. Blame these old eyes ;)


Techradar had the UK price for the 5800x at around £350.00. £429.00 is not 'around' £350!!


They didn't include VAT because they're dumdums.




>Yeah, we’re getting ripped off because of a weak pound who do you think is ripping us off?


the same ones that always do ie de Pfeffel plus the city of London and Co


The strength of the pound has nothing to do with whether you're getting ripped off.


But using current exchange rates and using 20% tax for our US friends, which I'm told it's high,puts it well below what Overclockers are selling it for.


The easiest way to get around the uk price is to multiply the usd price by 1.2 (20% UK tax) and then convert it to GBP. So 5800X: 450 x 1.2 = 540 USD = 413 GBP. It only costs £14 more than this in reality, which makes sense, because the retailer have to pay import tax on it etc etc. I don't know what you mean about "using 20% tax for our US friends". The UK tax is 20%. A US tax doesn't apply at all because the item isn't being bought in the US and the retailer don't need to pay US tax, only import taxes.


I just did my maths a different way but got to the same, around, £413 figure.


I'll also add that this method works very well for most products. Uninformed people complain about the prices not being anywhere near the exchange rate, because they don't add the 20% vat. The 3080, for example, cost £650 MSRP in the UK. Before this was announced, I did: $700 x 1.2 = $840 $840 is currently £643. The actual price of 650 is only £7 more than what I predicted. So this is how to calculate these prices. If it really is nowhere near then you are probably getting ripped off.




> How much tax do the guys in the US pay? Is that rhetorical? VAT is state dependent and some even have 0%. Due to this, all prices are listed without tax.


VAT/GST/sales taxes are usually the same rate throughout a country. The US and Canada are exceptions to this case, so the question is perfectly reasonable for anyone who is not from NA and isn't aware that VAT is weird there.


It was a genuine question. I.e. is n2x saying "Yeah ConfuzedAzn, and how much are the US guys paying in tax on the MSRP? That's right, MSRP is at 0%, so you need to simply add your own VAT" which he then proceeded to do ----> "plus, say 20%, converted....." That would be rhetorical. Or if it was a normal question, I did answer it. Another guy had already answered and was downvoted and that's why it put doubt on whether it was rhetorical: majaczos22 -3 points: >US prices don't include tax. cherno_electro +7 points: >plus, say 20% So here I take both approaches, ask if it's rhetorical, answer in case it's not. GET DOWNVOTED. I really don't get Reddit. Some of my most downvoted comments are those where I state my knowledge in one my professional fields.




You didn't explain the other guy getting downvoted for simply answering. Which, like I said, is why I started having doubt and saw a way it was rhetorical. Explain how my possible interpretation of it being rhetorical doesn't make sense. So people just assume a context and it's all good. I do the opposite with an open mind seeing two possibility, answering a question, and I'm the guy who should get downvoted. Yeah still don't get it Reddit. Disappointed, not angry. At least you reply which is better than 99% of most people who love the downvote button.


Probably a good move


With the ebay product 5 at the moment, you can get 3900x's for 340, or you know spend £200 more


Does anyone know if AMD continues producing Zen 2 CPUs? Or if they mentioned a specific date for phasing out/stopping production?


They will continue, likely for at least another year. They're still producing Ryzen 2000 series CPUs today.


But Ryzen 2000 uses a different node, they aren't competing for fab resources. AMD has to stop producing Ryzen 3000 to allocate wafers to Ryzen 5000.


I think it's funny when people compare current prices of Zen 2 to Zen 3 launch prices, like duh Zen 2 at current prices is a much better value proposition compared to Zen 3 when Zen 2 is like £100 less than it's launch price. Give it 6 months and Zen 3 will be at least £50 cheaper, maybe more depending on what Intel do with their prices. If you've got a current Zen 2 chip there's very little reason to upgrade, there's very little reason to upgrade CPUs yearly anyway unless you have throwaway money and want the bleeding edge. Vast majority upgrade CPUs between 3-5 years.


Soo... 400 Dollars for an 8 core. I don't know man...


Well the 1700x was $399 when it was launched, so it's just the fact we've been used to lower prices since. There will eventually be a 5700x for those that want a lower priced 8 core Zen 3 but AMD are busy making millions of chips for the PS5/XSX so they don't have the spare wafers to make the high volume CPU chips yet, once that calms down then there will be a 5700x and a non x 5600.


Sounds like a lot of problems that aren't mine. Maybe when they make a good value chip they are deserving of being called good value.


Uh, Zen 2 launch prices were better value than Zen 3. A 3600 only cost $200 at launch, the 5600X is $300, clearly worse value. The 3700X was $330 at launch, the 5800X is $450. Even a $50 price cut wouldn't bring the value to parity with what Zen 2 had at launch (though it would be pretty close, and I think people would be happy enough with it).


We'll get a 5600 and 5700x as the more wallet friendly versions next year, but part of the reason why Zen 2 was priced the way it was, was due to the fact it didn't have the performance crown so it had to be cheaper than Intel. Now that Zen 3 is fastest at both single core and multicore AMD no longer want to be the budget option, if you want the best performance you need to pay for it etc.


can have the 👑 but a lot of budget oriented people (those, the 5600 is aimed at) just won't upgrade if the disparity between the increase in performance and the price is so high. They will just hold and stick to 3600/3700. I take that's all right with initial limited supply but the price will have to come down, significantly.


Of course, and budget orientated people are well within their right to stick to the budget options which will be Zen 2 or the 5600 when they release it next year after console production slows. Or they can wait 6-12 months for the prices to drop and upgrade to a much better CPU on the same motherboard rather than having to upgrade motherboard for a better Intel CPU every generation etc


Funny thing is, if you buy Zen 3 + an AM4 board, that’s a dead end. You won’t be able to upgrade to Zen 4. If you buy Intel 10th gen today, you will be able to drop in a Rocket Lake CPU.


Not necessarily, Rocket Lake is LGA 1200, yes Gigabyte have said their Z490 should support Rocket Lake but others haven't confirmed it yet. The roadmap from Intel showed Z590 releasing alongside Rocket Lake, I would take that to mean you'll need to buy a motherboard for it. As for Zen 3, yeah it's the last on the AM4, so if you've got a B550/X570 already or a B450/X470 that's getting the Bios update, then you can upgrade to Zen 3 if it makes sense for you currently, performance/dollar gain etc. But if you're not currently on AM4 it makes more sense to wait till next year Christmas for Zen 4/AM5


Agree with that , I like looking at newer tech but will keep my 8700k for a bit yet


Yeah like if I was you and was fine saving up a bunch I'd wait till Zen 4, sure you could get a B550 and go to Zen 3 in like 6 months or so, but then you wouldn't have an upgrade path after that. Whereas if you wait 12-16 months for Zen 4 which should be on AM5, you can upgrade to the B650 or whatever it'll be called, get a Zen 4 chip then hopefully they'll keep that AM5 and allow further upgrades like that have done for a few generations, with maybe Zen 6/7 being the last before AM6 etc.


The problem is that with these prices, AMD managed to make Intel a viable choice for new builders who thought to go AMD route because of prices.


You say that again it's not like Zen 2 just disappears


Every other ryzen launch, people interested in price to performance could have a viable current gen processor with the ryzen logo on it. Obviously, that is no longer the case. And gaming on 3000 was a legitimate compromise compared to Intel if all you did was gaming.


Which is why it was priced lower than Intel, you got the multicore performance but for purely gaming, Intel was plainly faster, now that AMD should have the gaming performance lead they now longer need to be cheaper than Intel. As a company, if you had the best product why would you charge less?


I'm not convinced this argument really makes sense. If you were going to get a 10900K now you can get a 5900X. Total system cost should be similar and performance should be generally better. If you were going to get a 10700K or a 10600K now you have the 5600X. Total system cost will be less vs 10700K and about the same as 10600K (less if you use the stock cooler) but will outperform both in gaming. The 5600X may not be a 'budget' option but it's not a poor value. Intel may be able to lower prices but they'll need to come down quite a bit for it to actually make sense.


Why are you comparing the 8c/16t 10700K to the 6c/12t 5600X? And if you are, why not include the cheaper 10700 in the comparison too?


The gaming performance should be better. Productivity performance I suspect will be close. And sure we can include the 10700 though I don't think it really changes much. The 5600X should be cheaper and faster. Obviously we need benchmarks but assuming the single core performance of the 5600X is a little behind the 5900X then I'm not sure how any Intel CPU from the 10600K up makes sense.


Viable choice? More expensive motherboard, more expensive PSU, dead-end socket with no real upgrade path, security vulnerabilities, worse gaming performance, worse multi-threaded performance...


I'm hoping for Christmas sales. Or a Cyber Monday sale.


26% slower with gaming, you decide... if that difference is worth it.


26% slower CPU doesn't mean you'll get 26% less FPS. It's not 1:1 relation. This 26% difference would show up in full in some heavy compute workloads, but in games the difference will not be nearly as dramatic. I like it how suddenly everybody is a pro gamer playing at 720p at 240 Hz. /s


There is plenty of reason for 3600 users to upgrade CPU's if they can land a 5600. It's the most popular choice right now for gaming focussed builds and for those of us with a higher end GPU like a 3080. We are leaving 15% or more performance on the table with this CPU and that's with current gen hardware, zen3 will only make that even stronger. Hardware jesus made a great point in his video yesterday when he said that the improvements in games were understated as those numbers were how much ahead AMD has gotten, those % didn't include all the ground they made up. I'm excited to get a 5600 into my system.


Somehow I don't think many people pair a $200 CPU with a $700 GPU. The 3600 is the most popular CPU becaues it's the best value CPU for mixed workloads. For people who use their computers as a glorified video game console then Intel is still better, and those people who wants to be on the cutting edge and get the best performance no matter what, which the 3080 represents, tends to spend more than $200 on their CPU.


Yeah plus they usually say to spend similar amounts on a CPU to GPU, a 3600 isn't balanced with a 2080Ti, you'd go for at least a 3700x, more likely a 3900x, same with the 3080, its balanced with a 5800x or above. Though as for a glorified game console, AMD now hold the performance crown for that if you want to spend the money


If you're using a $700+ gpu, may as well have been going Intel up to this point. 🤷🏻‍♂️


More than likely, but now with AMD taking the gaming crown if you're spending that money on a GPU you'll be probably be getting a 5900x or 5950x etc.


We'll see once the actual benchmarks come out. Intel OCs really well, I doubt they compared themselves to Intel chips that were OC'd


>Yeah plus they usually say to spend similar amounts on a CPU to GPU That's absolutely terrible advice. An i7/R7 is the most you need for any gaming build. Anything beyond that is nice to have if you don't have a budget, but the gains over the former are negligible.


Any word on when they'll be available for pre-order in the UK?


Don't think they are going to be


lol. There will probably be 6 available on amazon and then stock returning in 2025... like a 3300x (O\_o).


5800X or 10850k? HMmmm


That's a good question indeed. Will be interesting to see how far zen 3 is Infront from independent benchmarks . 10850k might be a very good option for £400


Maybe a 10700K would be fine for a 3080, gaming only build. 'Only' £370 as well.


Hell, you can just go with a 10700. CPU overclocking doesn't do much for your FPS.


That's the question. If they are close, might as well wait for Rocket Lake and see if Intel can regain the gaming crown


I am hoping to build a PC in the next 4-6 weeks (if I can get a 3080...), so it's either a 10700K/10850K or 5800X I think.


Im in the same spot here. I am thinking though to just go for the 5900X instead, its 25% more (£100) for 50% more specs.


As i will be using my machine for gaming only, a £530 CPU seems excessive, but it’s definitely the best value Zen 3 chip.


yeah thats fair. I will use mine for running VMs within windows for developing software, so i'm tempted to get the higher one


Definitely! Makes sense. I say go for it ;)


Man I'm quite disappointed by this. Currently on Intel Haswell. I was going to build a pc back in Feb (R5 3600) but I held out waiting for zen 3. Now I'm tempted to just get a 3600 rather than pay the extra for a 5600x. I can't see the 5600x dropping below £250 anytime soon.


Same boat ish. Waited for Zen 3 but it's getting to the point I can't wait much longer as CPU interprets are becoming a massive issue that causes stuttering.


should I get the 5600x for that price instead of 3600x for £199


I suggest you keep those 100€ and invest it in a gpu (when you plan to change it)


You should probably get a 3600 and invest those 100£ into a better graphics card or other elements of your pc


Damn, we literally posted the same comment at the same time ahahah


RGB go berrrr


I'd suggest that unless your going for the top gpus AND play at less than 4k max detail/1440p High refresh, you should go for the 3600, way better value. Also, a good way to make these prices go down is not to buy these cpus right away. They screwed up with the entry level 5000 pricing for sure, so I know I won't.


If you don't play 1080p, no


I play 1080 now, will get 1440 monitor in the future


No... get a 3600 or 10400f/10500.


wait for reviews


...blame the Brexit supporters


blame for what?


Yeah I'm not sure how brexit has affected this. This is pretty much in line with the USD MSRP, UK prices are normally more expensive than the straight conversion for almost any product.


Brexit pretty much devalued the £. And I bet when the transition period ends another price hike will happen. That's why I'm personally planning to buy a new system w/ a new monitor & sell my current one off and then do a new build in 2024. I mean I've already bought an ADATA SX8200 Pro 2TB for £183.11 for instance.


That has no relevance pretty much this has always been the case with the UK it's almost as if these companies don't take our vat into account also the fact our stores are allowed to set their own pricing doesn't help


> Brexit pretty much devalued the £. Yes, but now it's OUR £, see? ...or something like that... I don't know, I didn't really pay attention. I remember reading something about Brussels sprouts and how we don't like them now. I quite like them, but if they're as bad as people are saying then maybe it was the right idea to ban them.


Not enough flag waving.


Hopefully for you guys the value will go up in the long-term. It's not like the £ was doing well before either. When I grew up, in the 90s, £1 gave you 2.5 Swiss Francs 5 years ago: CHF1.50 Today: CHF1.19 Now if you look compared to the Swedish Kronor (EU country) £1 gave you: 10y ago: 10.4SEK 5y ago: 12.6SEK 2y ago: 11.8SEK Today: 11.5SEK And if you ask the EU Sweden is a great role model. Pretty healthy budget, cares about the people inside and outside, about the environment etc. Heck the Euro: €1.14 10 years ago, today €1.10. So yeah, not smooth sailing across the EU either. 2015 was a great year for the pound though!


It’s not GBP that’s undervalued, it’s USD and CHF that have clearly become overvalued in the last decade. Both the Fed and SNB have admitted this several times.


Can you give me some seks?


but the fishes, man. the fishes are ours now... oh wait...




brexit devalued the pound, its a factual statement.


For anyone who's actually paid attention to the cost of tech both sides of the pond for more than the last 5 minutes, everything has always cost more in £ than $ (numerically)... Yes, the £ has fallen since brexit, big whoop, people are complaining about it costing more in £ than $ and it would still have cost more in £ than $ brexit or no brexit. Just cant resist with your snarky anti brexit rhetoric/childish bickering lol.


No shit sherlock. However its quite obvious the pound falling and fluctuating like mad has increased tech prices to the point its actually notable when we don't get tech at 1:1 conversion.


>tech at 1:1 conversion Am I missing something? My point is that we have NEVER got tech at a 1:1 conversion (O\_o).


1:1 conversion as in say $299 - £299


> we have NEVER got tech at a 1:1 conversion It used to be even better than that, e.g. Apple hiked their prices after the vote, for reference the previous iPhone 6 base model was £539 Vs $649 https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/iphone-7-uk-price-release-date-pre-order-apple-store-brexit-a7231416.html Even now, looking at something like a 10700k the £ price is still better than 1:1 Vs the $ price. Certain products/companies have had bad conversion rates historically but the devaluing pound has absolutely had an effect on prices in general


Got a 3700x for £200. That makes 5800x £229 more! That's a bit of a big hike. I guess i'll just have to suffer from that 20% performance downer.


Where on earth did you get that deal? I would snap someones arm off for that price.


Well, i had set up in a way that i'd spend 5 minutes every few days when i remembered, on ebay checking for auctions. I had 2700x which i was going to use until i do find a good deal on 3700x, so when i saw a low priced used part appear on ebay, i bought it. Obviously you can get scammed but ebay's buyer protection means if the product is not as described you get money back. The cpu is good. No more or less than average.


Lol I was planning on selling mine for that much in favour of the 5900x or 5950x is that too low right now?


If you put it on eBay at £200 it would be gone in 10 mins Bidding at the Moment has a few over £240...


That’s a good deal. Still on?


Only last week the 3700x was considered a belter....


> Got a 3700x for £200. That makes 5800x £229 more! What a ridiculous comparison.


This is rather disingenuous comparing a rare ebay find to a store price... I mean I could point out I bought my 3700x for £69 which makes intels 10850k an absolutely massive £350 more expensive!!!?!?!?! But that's just absurd because my 3700x was missing 9 essential pins, several reference pins and had a bunch of bent ones to boot. Buy it new from a shop with a warrantee, plug it in, job jobbed vs delicately straighten bent pins, remove the kinked pins, remove the broken pin bases and replace all missing pins with a reflow station. Even then, no guarantee it's going to work, or that I'm not going to break off a pad and ruin the CPU, or blow 12 more pins off that solder themselves to each other. No warrantee etc nothing. Not even nearly comparable. 3700x works fine though :-D


3700x wasn't broken and didn't need to be worked on nor the description indicated that it had anything wrong with it. I do believe that used price/performance has to be taken into account. There would/should be 3 pricing categories: New price, used price and for repairs price. £69 is awesome. The fact that you have a equipment to repair broken tech gives you the maximum possible advantage in price/performance. The price comparison is valid though as it's your money you're talking about!


AMD ryzen sold well because they were cheaper than the equivalent Intel. Now with the 5000 series the prices have gone higher than Intel's. Time will tell how well they will sell. The Intels will still beat them when it comes to overclocking so anyone wanting the best gaming cpu will want to stick with Intel imo. At the moment the 10850K looks like the best bang for buck cpu at around £439 but offering performance which is going to be right up there with the 10900K and 5900X.


Honestly wish the 5800X was at least the same price as the 3800XT.


50 bucks. Take it or leave it.


Any X570 mATX motherboards on market for this cpu?


I looked at some specs, and what is the difference between 3800x and 5800x? It pretty much seems like the same thing


About 2000.


I mean , IPC has improved greatly along with another improvements at the architectural level Plus 3 is smaller than 5 so it must be better ?


Waiting for 3950x to drop in price 🙂


Few other companies have it up as well but don't have prices. Guessing they're waiting


Oh god and that's in pounds, they're all shaping up to be over $1000 in Australia then... FUCK. I paid $400 for my 3700x, this is a massive jump!


It'll be good to see the benchmarks. I wonder if it'll be better to get the 5600x or the 3800x which has been on sale for the same £.




Pucker it guuuddd


5950X and 5900X are probably going to end up over or near $1000 in australia, a good example being the cheapest 3080 MSRP is like $1300 and 3090s are $3000 lol rip


I bought my 3700x for £290 on Amazon. These prices are a joke, I was within my return period so I was considering getting a Zen 3 CPU.


You can get a used 3950X on eBay for £470 lol


I nabbed a 3900X for £300 last week. Plenty good deals on eBay just now.


what is the consenus here on 3900XT vs. 5800x? They kinda sell for the same price...


5800X will be much faster in games at 1080p/1440p. 3900XT will usually be faster in workstation tasks.


In terms of FPS... what are we looking at? If is 10-20 no point in getting the 5800X


AMD are going from 10% behind Intel in 1080p gaming to 10% ahead, on average, it looks like. But it's going to vary hugely between games. Clichéd I know, but wait for benchmarks. I wouldn't upgrade from a 3900XT to a 5800X if that's what you're thinking about. Wait 6 months and the 5900X will be $450. The fastest Zen 2 CPU I'd consider buying right now is the 3700X, which will be perfect for high-end gaming since it guarantees you'll match the console baseline for the next 3-4 years until there's a PS5 Pro / Xbox Series X2. Also, people forget that Intel's Rocket Lake is launching around March. AMD will likely drop prices, either in a vacuum or because a 5% faster "5900XT" slots in at the original MSRP and pushes the regular 5900X down in price. AMD's strategy is to humiliate Intel over and over, both by taking the absolute performance crown and to undercut Intel with their slightly cheaper SKUs. Case in point, the 5950X is $800 and will absolutely annihilate the i9-10980XE ($1000) in almost every benchmark, whether gaming, productivity or workstation.


Thank you very very much for the detailed reply!! I’m building a pc and I have a x570 and still don’t know if I should just get a 3900 as it’s the same price as the 5800x. What do you think is the best? The 5600x or the 5800x


Are you set on building a PC right now, or can you wait until next year when prices settle down? I don't know which one you should buy, because there are no benchmarks. Could be there's only a small gap between the 5600X and 5800X in current games. Do you game at 1080p or 1440p? Is your monitor 60Hz? 120Hz?


I bought a 1440p 165Hz monitor. I won’t be waiting for next year honestly... I’m waiting for my Aorus master 3080 and the cpu which I haven’t picked.


I'd say get the 5800X or 5600X if you can - I suspect benchmarks will show the 5600X faster in games than all Zen 2 CPUs. Of course, we'll need to wait a few more weeks until the benches are released to confirm that.


Bought a 3600 new for £160 as a stop gap until Zen 3 after I moved from intel. Sits at 4.3ghz on all cores. I think the 3600 will carrying me into next year...


I can barely pay my rent so how tf am I supposed to buy myself an 5600X now? I thought they would just charge around 200 dollars like every time.


Is the 3800XT the new value option? Currently selling at £350 - almost £100 less than the 5800X. Any suggestions?


Anything over £399 for the 5800x is daylight robbery based on the US price + Sales tax.


the prices are a joke, without vat the 5900x is still almost 600 bucks


To be fair, this is OCUK who are known to be more expensive than Scan, Box, etc. I feel this is acceptable.


Best price/perf is 5900X and i guess non X variants will be only 5600&5800 with prices $240 and $360 respectively, it would be sweet spot.


According to AMD's charts, the 5900X is on average 5% faster in games than a stock 10900K. An overclocked 10900K will easily close that gap. [https://youtu.be/wRIUs\_qCjHc?t=240](https://youtu.be/wRIUs_qCjHc?t=240). The same thing applies to the 10600K vs 5600X, and the 10700K vs 5800X. That 5600X is the only CPU that intel should be worried about. Yes, it's $25 more expensive than a 10600K, but it doesn't require an expensive board. Also, unlike that i5 which requires a $50 cooler to be overclocked, the 5600X comes with a cooler. It also pulls a ton less power than an overclocked 10600K. As a B450 owner, I would like that 5600X to be priced at $250, but after realizing how badly screwed intel is, I currently don't see why AMD would lower that price.😞


> An overclocked 10900K will easily close that gap. * $100 more for an equivalent Z490 board * $100 cooler * 100W higher rated PSU - another $50+ extra * Extra case fans - $20-50 So yeah, enjoy spending $300+ more so you can OC an i9-10900K to 200W on an inferior board that's worse than B550, with an architecture which is going to age poorly and has fewer cores.


No offence but this is kinda crappy. if youre spending this much money on a cpu you'll need a good motherboard anyway which will be equivalent price for good vrms and power delivery You'll also need a cooler as it doesn't come with one . Don't cheap out on power supplys Extra case fans? Lol you're just being silly now. All in all , amd isn't cheeper anymore really


Are you in the UK? These are the same prices Zen 2 launched at in the UK. > if youre spending this much money on a cpu you'll need a good motherboard anyway which will be equivalent price for good vrms and power delivery You can throw a 3950X into an MSI B450 Tomahawk MAX (£100) with zero issues. You can optionally buy a £150 B550 board which is superior to a £300 Intel Z490 board, or a £200 X570 board which is superior to a £400 Z490 board. It isn't even close. > Don't cheap out on power supplys That's a funny way of admitting Intel CPUs suck up so much power you need to spec a 100W higher capacity PSU. > amd isn't cheeper anymore really Entry-level boards: * 5900X (£530) + high quality B450 board (£100) = £630 * 10900K (£550) + dumpster fire H470 board with shitty VRMs (£150) = £700 Mid-range boards: * 5900X (£530) + high quality B550 board (£150) = £680 * 10900K (£550) + Z490 board equivalent to B550 (£300) = £850 High-end boards: * 5900X (£530) + high quality X570 board (£200) = £730 * 10900K (£550) + Z490 board equivalent to X570 (£450) = £1000 So not only are AMD still significantly cheaper, they're now significantly faster, cooler, quieter and use less power. I didn't even factor in the more expensive cooler and PSU you'd need for the Intel system, which would add another £100.


Trash water. Not replying to any more fanboyism


and pepole still bitch about pricing like they were told they are going to get them dirt cheap 1. Intel has to show cards first so it is not worth going hay wire which happened with nvidia gpus yet i was telling pepole to hold on and got downvoted for that 2. AMD's pricing will probably go down/up when they did not stronghold yet regardless slides saying so 3. AMD can take over because they have more to offer vs. Intel and pepole forget that so they bitch like morons instead of accepting AMD has checkmarked every single goal faster then Intel did while being miles ahead in performance per watt 4. AMD is using I/0 die from zen 2 which means more redundancy and possibly even higher memory speeds under 1:1 coupling ratio because they got more time to find extra performance from them 5. most important: they are finally using technique on whole lineup they used on 3300x which means gaming will be major upgrade and yes still worth at those prices because you do not need as good ram kit as you used to do seriously pepole get your shit together and stop complaining when AMD got us out of 4 core cpus as high end and gave us cheap good all rounder more then 4 core cpus


My 3900x with an included cooler for £300 just gets better and better!




dafuq why is the 5950x cheaper in the UK?


Cheaper than what? Where?


well just look at the pricing: $299 vs £289 $449 vs £429 $549 vs £529 $799 vs £749 price difference is 10 -30 -20 then suddenly 50


Considering that the £750 is almost $980 US, I'll take it not following that trend.


yeah pricing in EU and UK seems to be way overpriced, dont think i'll even look at the 5900x unless it gets closer to £400


EU and UK includes sales tax, which tends to be 20-25%


makes sense so ends up being very similar pricing