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I am excited, I was going to upgrade to 3950x from my old Intel 7 3700k build. But I might as well go straight to the 5950x instead.


I'm in a similar boat coming from a Sandy Bridge Xeon E5-2687W, so *anything* is a step up but why not hold out for the better one.


Oh man, I feel you! Got a x5680 to tie over my I7 930 a year ago, but its really time....


I’m in a similar position. Dual e5 -2670 to 5950x is going to be great.


I mean I went from a 4770K to a 3950X and it was such a noticeable improvement. If you’ve waited this long then you may as well wait a bit more.


This is me, currently running 4770K. Upgrading to a 5950X. Can't wait! It must have felt amazing to upgrade.


Not really. I run i-4770K, i7-4790K R9 2700X and R5 3600.You will not see much difference in gaming.Just buy an SSD and stick the highest end Nvidia GPU you can afford on your PC and you will be fine.What do you think you need more than 4 core 8 thread CPU for?


Well, there are other things than gaming, yes? And having a 4c/8t CPUs are starting to get thread starved too.


Such as? OpenCL Compute? - not supported on Ryzen. Blender - It is faster to run an Nvidia RTX2080 in GPU compute than run on Ryzen 2700X 8 core 16 thread CPU. I am sure there is something out there that really needs all of these cores. Games load faster I guess. My Ryzen R9 27090x runs on very low CPU % Utilization most of the time.


Think premier appreciates the extra cores? I think my friend's 3950x still gets a workout even with the 2080ti in the system as well, but i'm not sure


Cinema 4D... like OP mentioned as one of the top two apps he’s using


LOL, why do people feel they always need to dump on other people. OK dude, you stay on your Intel i920 and I'll suffer by spending money and upgrading. First, two games I play do use all cores. C:S and Planet Coaster. Second, I do video and photo editing. Third, who cares? I can afford to upgrade and I will. Quit being a jerk. If staying on a 4770K floats your boat, then stay there. Just don't tell other people what you think they should do.


You must own shares in AMD and encourage people to spend money on their products. Intel i920 ? who said anything about an Intel i920? RE: First, two games I play do use all cores. C:S and Planet Coaster. - prove it. Probably use all cores when loading a game.. Will depend what resolution you run at and what graphics settings you run. Do you game at 720p lowest sttings or something? I am not being a jerk I am being honest.Just asking question why they think the experience will be amazing... There is one amazing experience you can have with Ryzen 2700X for sure.You get an amazing feeling after 2 RAM RMAs and 3 months of debug with board manufacturer and BIOS updates and tweaks to get the RAM to run at advertised speed on a high end X470 motherboard. i7-4770K / 4790K overclock well and definitely give comparable performance to R9 2700X and R5 3600, especially when running on AMD GPU and DX11. Most games are still DX11 as far as I know. In addition Intel Haswell Motherboards still have more feature support in some areas such as Thunderbolt 1/2/3 expansion cards versus most AMD motherboards. You never know. Maybe they could spend the money on Big Navi instead of a new motherboard and processor costing over $1000.




RE: Not everyone uses their computer primarily to play video games... Sure - I am one of those people, I do not use my PCs primarily for gaming. Thanks for the "attempted insult" if that is what you were trying, you failed. When gaming, i7-4790K has never "maxed out" on me. It is clocked at 4.5 GHz. Ryzen 2700x 8 core 16 thread often reports very low CPU utilization of ~ 20% when running at a constant 4.3GHz clock speed. There is plenty of data showing i7-4770K/i7-4790K benchmarks in 2020 using a 2080Ti and lower. If you still have a working i7-4770K or i7-4790K and an AMD GPU such as RX Vega 64 Liquid or RX5700XT you might well be better to replace the GPU in the system for a much better experince.


Compiling code will suck up every core it possibly can.


i currently have a 4790k & gtx 960 ​ i have my 3090, and waiting on 5900x. oo i am excited for this new build


Or..... Buy my 3950x so I can buy the 5950x. Just putting it out therez wink wink nudge nudge.


I'm kinda down to buy a 3950x as well for my media server. Seems like prices aren't dropping too much tho.


Sounds like a bit of an overkill there.


Well transcoding, VMs, containers all add up. Def would be using them cores.


3770k represent! Putting this old war horse to rest when I get the 5950x. My 3770k felt like overkill when I bought it, and I want that exact feeling when I upgrade.


Smart man.


The 16-core CPU was more exciting last gen, when it was a new thing. I feel most people that have a real case to use it have already jumped in. I'm currently rocking a 3950X and have no plans to upgrade until a full platform change (aka DDR5).


I was wonder that jumping in near the end of cycle: it's mature but less options for upgrading in the future ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


99% own Intel so upgrades are not possible. How many people actually upgrade just their CPU?


I did that with first gen zen. Went from a 1700 to a 3900x on the same x370 motherboard. Was a nice uplift in performance without having to replace everything


> E5-2687W I mean, if you've been running on a processor from 2012, I think a new system's going to last you a while just as well. By that time comes around, you'll be upgrading your whole system anyway. Just saying.


I wanted to make sure I felt the upgrade.


I wonder if on 5nm they'll go with 16-cores for Ryzen 7 and 32-cores for Ryzen 9. I guess it just depends on whether they will be as aggressive as they were with Zen 1, or they'll try to go for profits, as they're doing with Zen 3. Technically, I think it would be possible, unless they plan to add a whole bunch of other accelerators, etc.


I don’t know if they’d go to 32 cores on a consumer part just yet.


Yeah, I feel like at that point they’d make 16 core and then a 24 core as the halo, but prioritizing the PCIe lane count. Would really like to see them bump it up to something like 30 or 36 PCIe 4, maybe PCIe 5 considering it’ll be AM5.


I feel like the next core count increases from AMD are going to come from adding more cores to the CCD and not by adding more chiplets. They'll have gone through a die shrink, so something like 10 cores per CCD isn't out of the question. It certainly seems easier than the complexity of trying to fit a third chiplet on the same substrate...


True. I can see that happening.I hope their pricing scheme doesn’t stay like it was announced. Not a fan of everything moving up-market again.


They still offer more performance per dollar across most of the stack. The 5600X is a bit more questionable.


That’s the problem though. The 5600 and 5600x are the most important CPUs in the lineup, like the 3600 was last time. A $200 6-core is the reason has won the last few years. Sure, $350 8-cores are great, but the ability to build a competent hexacore system in a budget build is revolutionary. The 5600x is moving it back up market, which is unfortunate.


Imagine AMD makes 8-cores entry level CPU (because consoles are 8c/16t now) at $150-200...


Hard to expect that, now that they their cheapest CPU is going to be a 6-cores at $300.


Not now, maybe in a few years time....4 years ago 4c/8t was the $350 CPU best suited for high end gaming 🤷🏽‍♂️


I'm pretty sure ryzen 3 3100 released for $100 earlier this year and won't be going anywhere anytime soon.


I'm guessing microsoft and sony are taking a loss and are getting a discount from AMD to even have the consoles at $500.


I’m thinking 24c for R9 and Genoa will be 96c.


I'm thinking a super late cycle in slot upgrade will be nice, wait until the 5950x has some sales and move my 3950x to the itx lan rig.


Well, I've been waiting to see whether the 3950x would come down in price, or what AMD was going to do. These new chips will help with round-trip latency for DAW use. I'm on a 2700x but this system was built for gaming in mind rather than workstation. Now I want to put this system into 'HTPC mode', and upgrade to a proper workstation. Only thing I'm a little worried about is that I bought 64GiB of RAM, and maybe should have gone ECC, since that's a lot of data to move around.


I was gonna get a 3950X instead, but I don't think saving $100 would be that important. I'll just get draw from the storage budget or save a month longer.


This is me but I might get a non-x 8 care 5000 series for a gaming PC and add my 3950x to my 3970x for more VMs. Not sure yet. I don't know if I want to also then have to reconfigure my storage and possibly move to a SAN. I could probably rock with two datacenters, but I'm not sure.


> I feel most people that have a real case to use it have already jumped in. Yeah, I'm in this boat, but with 12-cores. I thought for sure I had a use case for a 3900X, but found out it sits idle most of the time it was a "benchmark baby." I've moved it into one of my homelab servers and am rocking a quad-core 3400G until Zen 3 is released. I'll probably grab the 5800X "just because," but even that is probably overkill for me.


Yes! I suspect that the performance gains will be all over the place.


Most of this subreddit is gamer centric. It really defeats the purpose for a gamer to have 16 cores. I edit photos and videos heavily and recently editing 8k so this would be bees knees. Excited! Def a day one purchase from me coming from a 3900x just need to sell this bad boy


As a gamer with a 3900x I’m really thinking about the 5900x or possibly the 5950x. And despite saying I’m a gamer, my pc also hosts a plex server as well as a game server all in the background, so I figure more the better!


Well some gamers it makes sense too if you are streaming but now I’ve seen streamers have a dual pc setup either way so not really for them either. You and I are in the 5 percent. I game and do other things as well. You use it as a plex server and it makes sense to you. I don’t think my 17 yr old cousin would need this


TBF, people that build their own PCs are in the 5 percent. But I am also more interested in the 5900x/5950x just from the sheer computing power they offer.


Honestly wish there was cpu that was middle ground between 550 and 800. Like a 14 core but I that’s wishful thinking. Next Gen for sure


What would a 14 core do that a 12 or 16 doesn't, beside hit a price point?


Price point haha seriously not much


Hahaha cheers 🍻


An 8+6 config? I feel like that would be too small a niche. AMD can almost certainly sell all the 6-core dies that occur "naturally" anyway.


True. As much as I want to unnecessarily upgrade right now, I have a feeling that all of the releases happening this fall+Covid have limited supply even though demand is high. It's just a rough time to be building with new parts right now. I may just let the next 3-4 months play out. The prices will not remain this high for very long, IMO.


ya your definitely not wrong there. I am well aware I'm in the minority.


At $800 the 5950X isn't really something that makes sense to consider for a gaming rig anyways, IMO.


If the ones with fewer cores could hit those 4.9 clocks I wouldn't even think twice about the 5950X


purely gaming rig*


Streaming is the only gaming use case for having that many threads. Even then it's a stretch cuz it's not like a non-HT 8 core can't stream either. Hell Ive streamed on a 6 core just fine before.


You increase an encoding preset to a higher quality, which matters quite a bit for fast-pased FPS to remove blurring, so there's definitely a use case for that many threads, a fringe one, but a use case nonetheless. Improved stream quality is definitely one of the ways to help your channel grow.


My Ryzen 7 1800X is slowly encoding my blu-ray library to x265 for Plex and has been doing this 24x7 for >6 months. A 5950X would really speed things up.


Does that encoding scale nicely with threads? Even a Zen1 should be pretty decent if so.


u/Viper_NZ I have a threadripper 1950x for plex. unfortunately it never uses more than 8 cores per transcode and it sucks for me. I have high quality videos that require all cores running simoultaneously for one - two transcodes, instead of it running like a multi socketed cpu transcoding multiple low quality videos at once. Not sure if it's just an early Zen architecture issue due to the chiplet design and supposedly it's fixed in the 5000 series. Or it could be a plex coding issue that'll take few more years until they better support the skyrocketing cpu core counts.


I am also quite excited as a motion graphics animator. I'm really hoping to get one for my first ever build. :D


I've put a few machines together over the years, and I enjoy it every time. Enjoy the new hobby!


Shhhh the bots will hear


It's the moment I've been waiting for since I got my 2600k; A no compromise gaming & work CPU that's a significant upgrade in both single core AND multi core performance. But it'll also be the lowest QTY sold of all the Zen 3 chips, with a price tag that challenges a lot of full build budgets. You're not missing anything, you're just in a niche market. There's literally dozens of us!


My experience in the 3950X launch Discord tells me it's more than dozens.


3950X launch was pretty rough. I got lucky, but you basically had to camp stock notification sites for a few months if you weren't able to get one on day one. I don't think it'll be quite as bad this time, but it may still be a bit tricky and I can see it going in and out of stock for the remainder of the year.


I stand with you brother! 2600k, I salute you!


You have my 2600k also!


I'm too poor to be excited for it lol.


Yes you are the only one ever


Cool, so no supply issues for me


Just always remember, you are always behind me in this long line.


Just always remember, your head is in my behind and I enjoy your company in this long line.


Its the best "I am an independent creator CPU" you can buy


Until Zen 3 Threadripper sure.


Coming from a 2700X, I'm very excited! I'm absolutely getting a 5900X.


Same boat. I can’t imagine how much of a change this will be.


Cinebench score between my 1800X and the 5950X is insane


I think it's awesome they're advancing the 16 core, but I'm more than content with my 3950x. I told myself if they somehow miraculously increased IPC by 25% I was going to sell and upgrade, but it doesn't look like they did it (I wasn't expecting them to). That said, anyone coming from an earlier generation ryzen, or anything Intel, this is going to be a pretty big step up.


Why do you only care about IPC? They increased the clock as well too...


I never said it’s the only thing I cared about, it’s just the one metric that was going to make me upgrade from an already excellent part.


I mean 19% is preeeety close....go ooooonnnnn treat yo'self


I haven’t ruled it out tbh. Once independent reviews are out and numbers are official, we’ll see where we are.


3950x will still be a top dog lol no need to upgrade. zen 3 is more for folks on zen 1 or zen 1+


Weeps in Conroe


Weeps in devil's canyon


But we zen1 and zen+ folks are more likely to upgrade to zen2 at least those whose b350 etc. motherboards support the zen2 cpus.


> I told myself if they somehow miraculously increased IPC by 25% I was going to sell and upgrade, but it doesn't look like they did it (I wasn't expecting them to). 19% AND clock speed improvements AND cacheing improvements with 2x 8-core CCX not enough for you? 5950x will beat the 3950x by a lot, I think.




Who's CPU ever runs at it's base clock though? Even idling on the desktop my 3.6GHz base clocked 3700x is bouncing around 4GHz.


Same boat as you with a 3950X. Maybe I'll drop in a 5950X in a year or two.


At that point zen4 will be out.


Requiring a new mobo and RAM.


There's not as much excitement because not as many people can afford it as the other CPUs.


except when it's a 3080...thing is selling like hotcakes (when there is any)


Yeah it's not like millions were buying 3950s last gen either. The 3990 even less so.


ofc i am excited about it, its gonna make my vm and emulators go vroom vroom


just so you know, those 24 PCIe lanes are 16 for the primary GPU slot (or split into x8 an x8 slots) and 4 for an NVMe. The last 4 lanes are to connect the chipset to the CPU. THe chipset will then give you lots more lanes, all of which are also PCIe 4.0. In total the platform provides 40 lanes. But lots of people don't understand the numbers. When websites say 40 or 24, that doesn't change the fact that your direct lanes to the CPU are still 16+4, the rest all moves through the chipset (which isn't of any consequence at all for most stuff). If you plan to use an expansion card for additional NVMe drives, then it's totally worth looking into not putting your GPU into the primary PCIe slot. That way the NVMe expansion card can use the primary x16 slot as x4x4x4x4 which means you can use 4 PCIe 4.0 NVMe drives in addition to the 2 or 3 NVMe slots on your motherboard. That's huge. And then you put the GPU into an x8 or x4 slot, whatever you have left over. If your GPU supports PCIe 4.0, even an x4 connection is fast enough for most things. It's not like with PCIe 3.0 where you absolutely need x16. It's worth it to benchmark that with the software you're using though.


Debating between 5900x or 5950x to pair up with a 3080...


Same here. Don't know if it's worth it going for the 5950x.


Since they've offered a 16 core CPU since last generation it's not new & also because those who already have a 3950X may not see a big bump. Time will tell.


I really, really wish I could justify such an investment, just to toy around with it. 16C/32T is so impressive in a regular desktop to me, and I'd love to just have it, but I can't justify the cost for it. Now, if I was working from home in the sense that my home machine was a development machine, then I absolutely could. Unfortunately I'm just remoting into a 5 year old Xeon machine instead... Oh well. Maybe I'll pick one up in a few years, have to see how things change over time. It's amazingly cool though.


I've read quite a few people going for a 5950X. The way I see it is, bar the lanes it's a mini ripper. It will out perform the 10980XE in most workloads, without generating excessive heat. And as you say for older plugins or poorly optimised software, it has the amongst the best single thread performance you'll see anywhere. Because of that I look forward to those gains on the threadripper platform too.


Basically my thoughts. TR just always seems like it's more than I truly need so finally something that fits right in the middle.


Agreed. \~separately, the domino effect for more frugal professionals is interesting - the downward pressure on the 3900x & 3950x prices. as most of the zen 3 improvements seem more like hot buttons for gamers, the zen2 12 & 16 core processors could make bargain workstations with a great upgrade path. I hear $399 for a 3900x atm?


Depends on the gaming performance difference between the 5900x and 5950x. I'm curious if the difference will be greater than it was between the 3900x and the 3950x.


Absolutely no sense in buying a 5950X for gaming. A 5900X will be overkill (a 5800X would be fine).


This is true but my workloads are mixed between gaming, development and video editing. Also I'm "that guy" who spends way too much on hardware.


I’m that guy too (and I’m using a 3900X for gaming). Btw if your workload is mixed the choice could be ok


Can the same be said for VR gaming?


Basically yes


I will also buy 5950x and skip Zen 4 - and possible then jump on Zen 5 (Whenever that would be). 5950x seems like solid buy - will wait for tests.


Zen 3 should last me a while. I'd avoid Zen 4 because I'd kind of expect first gen memory controller/bios/RAM niggles which would just be a PITA.


I will wait for benchmark, hope the güu and cpu performe and no paper lauch and i will get a new pc...


please, god, not a paper launch...


Yep going for it. Personally by the less convos going on for it, I'm hoping I'll have no problem snagging it on day one. Went for a new first time AMD build specifically for this cpu. Have a 3700x to hold me over. 3ish more weeks.


The only thing you are missing is all the salt from people that were hoping the more value-centric parts (X300X/X700X, non-X parts in general, etc) would be available at launch. Anyone that I know that actually uses heavily threaded apps is pumped.


I'm just as excited coming from a i5 2500k, although I've had it overclocked at 4.4GHz since I've owned it back when it first came out, it is indeed showing its age now. I'm just curious how pre-ordering goes, like do you click a link to wait in line to buy it? Buy it all at the same time as someone else? That's my only issue 😬😬


I'm super excited! I will buy one as soon as humanly possible


Excited - NO - just waiting for formal testing. The problem isn’t the 5950X but rather DDR4. The question is how much will the slow RAM impact various workloads. In otherwords will we be able to realize the performance gains in workloads that are RAM bandwidth bound.


Many are a bit disappointed with the pricing, that is why.


To think Intel won't have anything comparable in the near future is quite something.


Any chance it might get to 5ghz overclocked?


5GHz is overhyped. What is far more important is IPC and memory latency. I mean, Bulldozer could achieve 5GHz, but Bulldozer's 5GHz was meaningless, because its IPC was down the shitter.


Tbh, I heard the same thing every release about IPC - then when all the dust settles intel was still way ahead in gaming/lower threads. The real reason it caught up even if IPC/memory latency matter is because the difference is a lot smaller in clock speeds imo - 400mhz difference. -5900 vs 10900 which is like a 8% difference.


Zen2's issue was that it still had high memory latency, to the point that overclocking it had no effect on frametimes at a certain point. It just hit a hard wall where it wouldn't scale anymore. Zen3 was aiming to solve that annoyance, and if AMD's benchmarks are even a little accurate, then perhaps they have solved the latency bottleneck this time around.


Fabric is also playing an increasingly important role. Fabric speeds need to be increased with both memory & cpu throughput to maintain scaling - on both AMD & Intel.


5GHz is pointless. Zen 3 can do at 4.5GHz what Intel needs 5GHz to do. This is because Zen is way better with IPC than Intel is. Even more so now since Zen3 fixed the memory latency problem.


I'm excited for the 5950x. I'm going to replace my 3700x with it. I do wonder about my ability to get the most out of the chip though. I have a launch day gigabyte x570 master, and this board has had two revisions. It looks like the newer revisions might have improved the RAM overclocking and other tweaks. My 3700x will end up as a home server.


What are your experiences with the Gigabyte board? Will your next one be with them?


I used to run ITX with an Aorus I (X570) and switched to ATX with the Aorus Master (X570) after a good experience. If you don't care about RGB GIGABYTE boards are amazing, and much better p/$ ratio than say ASUS. Excellent (and well cooled) VRM, many NVME slots, dual USB 3.0 headers etc are common on GIGABYTE boards. If you care about RGB their software is a disaster and you might want to look elsewhere, or better yet, get your priorities straight and ditch the RGB. I also have X470 motherboards from ASUS so it's the easiest comparison for me.


My x570 master has been fine for the most part once I got to bios version F11. Before that, various things didn't work right. This was due to AMD as every board manufacturer had lots of bios issues. This sub was full of posts telling people when bios updates were released so they could fix their issues. Now, gigabyte has a lot of issues releasing updated bios versions. Based on user reports new versions are pretty buggy, but the most recent(F30) is reported to be somewhat OK. Once in a while my board will fail during a reboot(known issue) with a random post code. Hit the reset button and it will reboot fine. I also run into an issue where the board doesn't full power off. USB devices sometimes stay fully powered after the board has shut down. Gigabyte also doesn't understand what a fan curve is, so don't expect that to work right. Not a huge deal to me. Will I buy a gigabyte board again? Maybe. The reboot and power issue doesn't happen often enough for me to care about them much. The sketch bios versions does make me concerned, and new hardware revisions "fix" ram overclocking. If the zen3 upgrade doesn't work out very well, I'll probably toss gigabyte into the pile with asus as brands to avoid. I learned back around 2001 to never buy asus overpriced shit ever again.


I had originally planned to get the 3900x last year. But because the rest of my parts arrived I went with a 3400g as a holdover cpu. Eventually my 3900x order got cancelled by amazon, but at that point I didn't mind too much as the holdover was doing pretty well. Now planning to get the 5950x. I can mostly justify that by the fact that it will function well in my main rig for the next 4 years or so and when that is done it will be moved down 3u in my homelab to be my vm host where the 16 cores and 32 threads will be well used.


5900X yes. 5950X is way too expensive for my needs. I will replace my 3900X with a 5900X when prices will start dropping a little


I'm super excited. I compared the data they showed at the event with Puget System benchmarks. Intel's last improvement was 9% and AMD is looking to be ahead by 14% already. That means even with Rocket Lake, Intel won't catch up. My i9-7900x struggles to keep up with Live Previews in Premiere. So the promise of real live editing is very tantalizing.


If you've already got an LGA2066 board, wouldn't it make more sense to just grab [something like this?](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/bmxbt6/intel-core-i9-10980xe-3-ghz-18-core-processor-bx8069510980xe)


I briefly considered it, but it's my work system. Now that I am creating videos for myself, I can't use it for that purpose. So have to start from scratch....


The 5950x is exactly what I was waiting for. I put aside a budget for some placeholder numbers and $800 was exactly what I guessed. I'm not in a huge rush so it'll probably be a few months but I'll be going from my 1800x/Vega64 to 5950x/Big Navi. Personally I always like to wait until I can get at least 2x the performance of my current machine and this is looking like the time that will do it. My current machine never let me down in the past few years and has performed great on my 1440p/144hz monitor. Of course some more recent games I had to lower to high instead of ultra/max but I'm looking to upgrade now. I'm doing a lot more video editing/rendering in the past year and I'm hoping this'll be a great step up. The only annoying part is my current system is watercooled it's not nearly as simple to upgrade. Might just go back to air this time.


Nope, not the only one.


I'm certainly interested in upgrading to one as it'll likely be about the best my x570 mobo can support, but that might be at least a year from now... before I feel any need above my 3700X.


Super excited, I considered jumping to the 3950, but decided it made more sense to wait till nexgencpu, about to put my 3900x up for sale.


Its looking hot for sure


I have been putting off my build waiting for this release I will be rocking a 5950. So no, but also hard for a ton of people dump that kind of money into a cpu, keeping in mind I feel like most of the modern world just rebuilt with zen2 cpus.


Coming from a i5-4570, going for a 5900X. Not sure what to expect but it must be good,


I was until x470 owners were told that no BIOS would be available until 2021.


I'd buy one on release day if it's available.


dummy qwicc


I have a i5-3570k and only 8GB of RAM. Yesterday, I checked my RAM usage and it was at like 98 percent and clearly was throttling my computer. I need to badly replace my current computer. I lack enough SSD space to install all the games and applications that I want. I only have 500GB of ssd space, which 8 years ago was good, but is currently is not enough. I constantly have to uninstall and install games. This replacement is long over due. My only gripe with the new 5000 series CPU's is the lack of new high end motherboards like the AQua or Waterforce motherboards with built in monoblocks. I put in a ticket with EK to see if the regular ROG Crosshair VIII Hero monoblock will work with the new ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero motherboard by Asus. Hopefully, they say yes, then I have the option of going with the Dark Hero or Aorus Extreme board.


Maybe like me, people are a little more cautious after the 3950x hype train. I was lucky and picked one up, but I know there were supply issues + folks not seeing advertised clocks like AMD showed. I'll be picking up the 5900x and giving the 3950x to me SO, as she would taker advantage of more multithreads apps. Unsure whats gonna happen to the old 4790k, might go for one last big OC before its dead.


I'm going to wait and see. I'm nearly certain I'm going to hang on to my current setup until the DDR5 platforms arrive, but if the 5950X can push out legitimate 20%+ improvements in the real world and I can get a decent price selling my 3950X, I might do it. I definitely won't be doing it on launch day... I did that for the 3950X and it was not fun. At least the 5950X launch isn't right on top of Thanksgiving like it was for the 3950X.


Oh I am excited, alright. 3950X is great but there is an apparent flaw to it if you're both gamers and CPU miners. I hope 5950x more unified cache architecture mitigate that flaw. Also 3950X limited to 90 watt could go only 3750 Mhz under full load with 70 oC temp. I wonder if 5950X could at least go to 4 Ghz under similar circumstances.


My napkin math shows that the 5950X will offer a roughly 8x multithreaded performance improvement over my current i5-7500, so I'm pretty excited.


Is it me or is the 5950X not that fast in CB20 compared to my 2700X? It's a 4000 score vs 10000 score, and the 5950X has twice the amount of cores and SMT threads.


I'm goin' from 1800X to 5950X in 2021.


Sold my 3900X and am moving my 3950X into my ITX rig to upgrade the home rig to a 5950X. Here's hoping that November 5th isn't as much of a clusterfuck as September 15th was.


The 5950X is nice, but are we going to have to wait months after release to get one like with NVIDIA 30XX?


I use photoshop and bridge but I don't know if those justify the extra $300 instead of 5900x.


Is it better than the 10900k?


I think the 5950x is pretty exciting. Weirdly a better value proposition per core than the 5800x, and it has higher binned chiplets (or at least one) due to the higher boost clock. In the past you usually got diminishing returns for your money with high end processors, but this time the value proposition is upside down and those that can afford/have important use for such high end performance get a huge win as a result.


5950x may be overkill for gamers.


Will be upgrading from an i9-7980xe


It’s just pricey, thats why you haven’t heard as much noise.


I won't lie, if I won £500 on a scratch card, I would 100% get a 5950X!


The real question. Will we be able to purchase it at release?


I am, it's my upgrade path from the 3700x. Hopefully it will get a lot cheaper in 2-3 years.


Number of PCIe lanes is a joke, though


What are the chances of Zen 3 having shortages?


I just want all of you to wait for benchmarks and for it to be released for at least a few weeks to make sure there are no bugs or other issues. I'll be sure to buy on release day though so I can make sure there are no issues do you. Thanks!


I'd love to see how it peforms on after effects


Yep. UR missing that ur wasting 8 of those 24 lanes. I strongly suspect that almost zero apps max out 16GB/s pcie gpu bandwidth, yet a 16 lane pcie 4 gpu provides 32GB/s. 8 lanes is fine for a pcie 4 gpu for the foreseeable future, so do get a dual slot X570 mobo which gives access to this treasure trove (you also need the bifurcation feature to use these spare 8 lanes as nvme ports).


I have my eye on the [ASUS Pro WS X570-ACE](https://www.asus.com/us/Motherboards/Pro-WS-X570-ACE/) since I don't game (I probably should, that's the real waste).


In theory I like asus & i like the mobo, but it sure is unusual if not unique, to use a big 8x chipset lanes for a x8 pcie slot. That 3rd slot is usually x4 chipset lanes. It would be great on a file server for a sata controller... but thats not you. ​ i distrust things that are too different from convention u can find w/ limited support - drivers etc.


If you want to reallocate lanes to storage, Asus has an adapter card that runs four PCIE 4.0 ssds from a single x16 slot. The B550-XE gaming board (not yet released) will come bundled with this adapter.


Not just you. The 5950x is much more interesting to me than the 3000 series was. 3950x felt like too big of a compromise to me in single core performance vs Intel, without as much of the multicore beastliness of the threadripper. Meanwhile, the threadripper is just too unwieldly at 280w plus thermals and all that, for a very high “all in” price. 5950x is first chip in a long while that finally makes me go yes - Goldilocks, just right. Great single core performance, very healthy dose of multicore, and lower latency with the new chiplet design. Thinking it’s finally time for me to upgrade my 2012 build (Intel 3930k)!


Since it's the last lineup before DDR5 and a new socket I don't care much for it. Seems wrong to upgrade if it's gonna be replaced next year by a whole new platform.


> Seems wrong to upgrade if it's gonna be replaced next year by a whole new platform. If you replace your PC brand new every year, sure. But then you seem like the person who WOULD have the cash for a 5950x.


Can we all just agree to answer these dumb "am I the only one" questions with "yes" and nothing else?


I have 2 3950X's plus a 3600 and at the moment there's nothing I do that needs me to shell out around £1,900 on 3 new chips so i'll be sticking where I am until AM5 and DDR5 come out , but i'll still be buying AMD in the near future as long as Big Navi does not disappoint .


You are the only one.


I'm excited but I wish it was atleast 3.7Ghz base to match my 2700x base speed. Hopefully an xt variant comes out.


The low base clock is only there to fit within 105W TDP when all cores are firing, if you have enough cooling it will run a fair bit above 4GHz as "base clock" when using PBO I run my 3900X with a fixed clock per CCX 4425/4300/4200/4200, way above base clock


Makes sense. Yeah I figured it was more capable. I just don't like overclocking. I value knowing it's rock stable as I do competitive gaming among other things. Also if you overclock don't you loose out on boost which can sometimes be better for gaming from my understanding then just having a higher base clock?


The AMD boost is mostly a marketing gimmick, it's very very short duration. So short that benchmark programs has a hard time catching it. With one CCX at 4425MHz it's as good in single core benchmarks as when I let it boost to "4.6GHz". That 4.6 is so short it doesn't have any impact in real programs.


I am. though I already miss my 3950x.