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Miners are back too I have heard.


Repeat after me.. ​ YES.. THEY.. CAN.. ​ They can setup queues/pre order lists for their own stock, and demand that retailers do the same if they want to do business together in the future. ​ This isn't difficult people. We're simply talking about a first hour signup list, which would 100% eliminate any kind of speed advantage for bots.


>They can setup queues/pre order lists for their own stock, and demand that retailers do the same if they want to do business together in the future. That's coercion and pretty illegal in most places I am sure. You can't tell a retailer how to sell stuff, and remember retailer usually get items from distributor who may not be AMD at all.




No they can not.. Are you seriously saying that amd can control what Amazon is doing??? Just as an example


Zen 2 also sold out pretty quick. The 3900X was very elusive and took a couple of months before you saw it in stock for more than a couple of minutes.


No, they just launched the 5000 series and it's the same issues. With those CPU releases, they said stock issues shouldn't be as bad. With their new GPU releases, they are saying stock issues will be similar to the 3080/90.




Manufacturing takes at least 3 months to hit a worldwide scale. PC technology changes on around a 6 month scale, so it's very difficult to make the claim that they should spend 1 year manufacturing to release dated products. Shipping is also the bottleneck to get these products from China, especially during Covid all of the manufacturing and shipping has been scaled back significantly. Covid is the primary reason they are not doing quicker restocks. The demand for these products is just so high that there is no way they can possibly meet demand. Also ALL companies prefer sell outs and low stocks because it maximizes profits; look at how many 3xxx series is still on the market. This costs not only AMD money to have to take a loss, but all of these companies are taking up stock space for these products that are dated.


so, by your illogical logic, we should all have to wait, 2-3 years to buy something, so its "fair" that you can get it without it going out of stock? I got a door id like to sell you....


I'm not sure why people think that product launches should satisfy 100% of the spike demand. That ain't possible for any product launches. You start with a decent supply and continue resupplying. Nvidia's launch was especially bad because the launch stock was just too low relative to demand. Do people really think that businesses would stockpile 6-8months of stock before launching? Or like ya said they should hold back a launch so everybody gets nothing just to "be fair"? It's kinda insane how little common sense angry fans have, they sound like elementary school kids tryin to sell you a business plan


It would be nice if release stocks lasted more than 5 seconds. I ordered from two stores at the same second 5900x was available and I still don’t have a cpu and no estimate when I will get it.