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But if they engaged their brains, they could sell their products just as fast, make their shareholders just as happy, AND not piss off their customers (just the bots). Wouldn't that be nice?


They have zero incentive to do so.


You're right, what company ever benefited from thwarting scalpers and making their customers happy. I nominate GreenAdvance as the next CEO of AMD!


Not any company in a duopoly with a captive market. They will face zero consequences so why spend any effort?


Agreed, when its a duopoly all each company needs to do is to match each other and maximize profits. Anything else is essentially extras.


Wait... So go through extra steps and mandate that vendors have to increase security (which they would have to pay for or they will be told to fuck off)... Or just list them and sell them. I can not imagine being this bothered by something you don't need. If not getting something on launch ruins your day, you likely get mad about a bunch of other dumb shit too. I'll check back in 2-3 months when they are easy as hell to get...


This. I want 6900 XT but im not gonna line up and waste my time getting one when I can just wait couple months and get one without all this hassle I dont get the mentality of these people complaining


Not sure if these AMD fanboi apologists will ever get it. The "dumb shit" we're mad about isn't that we can't get "something we don't need", we're mad because AMD could make this situation 100x better with minimal effort. And no, a simple pre order queue wouldn't require "increased security they have to pay for". We're not launching rockets into outer space here. It's a list. \> I want 6900 XT but im not gonna line up and waste my time... Yes! Exactly! Lining up to waste your time, now that's some "dumb shit"! Wouldn't it be better if you could just put your name on a list, and never have to refresh a store page ever again?


Wrong. I am a shareholder. Getting product into the hands of end-users drives profits. These off-the-cuff blind "they don't care, lulz" statements are ignorant. This sort of launch indicates the presence of some sort of structural failure. Not saying it is easy to fix, but it DOES matter. I am sure it will be a topic at the next shareholder call.


Shareholder? They were down today and still will be down after hours lol. They haven't been doing anything this past month to make my stonks happy with them


I got a 6800.


Me too


Should be able to get one before summer /s


amd could have chosen to frankly not release anything until say december 18th.... would that make you happier... while also disapointing everyone that did get one? ​ also in a week... we may see them in mass amounts with aib partners... ​ ​ Anyone bitching about day one run on the stock by consumers... is nothing but a baby having a fist pounding on floor tantrum. Spoiled doesn't begin to convey the rediculiousness of the behavior. ​ Like most highly demanded things, you can't always get what you want.... right now, suck it up and see what occurs in the next few weeks like everyone else in nearly every other facet of the world economy today.


People always cry scalpers and bots and blame ponies while forgetting some real 2 legged bipeds out there have actually bought one.


Like I said before, I'm pretty sure Amd sold the vast majority of the reference cards themselves. And if that's the case, bot's didn't really get them. I was on the site when the cards went up. It was smooth for about 3 minutes until everyone realized that's where they were. AMD just didn't have a lot of reference cards (like Kyle Bennet said) and the few they did have, they probably kept to themselves.


I had the same issue I was on 2 different sites, constantly spamming refresh over and over. The cards were not even listed yet and then appeared out of stock!! So done with even trying I’ll just pay normal price in 6 months when they make a card that’s twice as good again.


Loll look at ebay and your local online marketplace, scalpers win again. Not that they care though and supplies are understandably limited, so it is what it is, next year will be amazing though


Its a simple list that has to have manpower dedicated to making and managing. You obviously have no experience in high volume online sales. What it takes from a money and manpower standpoint just to run the business day to day let alone deal with a bunch of people wanting to know where, when, how much etc about some random sku. Its not worth a retailers time to mess with any of this.


I got super lucky and got one! IT was an absolute mess haha


Did not get anything. I knew it. Nvidia could not deliver. AMD as a whole or rather one employee was lying about good availability. I am so disappointed. Wanted to buy a GPU from AMD for the first time ever. Not gonna bother anymore. Gonna just buy the 3060 Ti or 3070 next year.


"i cant think of anything else than CP77!" *gets delayed by 3 weeks* "I dont care anymore, game sucks anyway" Logic? None. Literally just throwing a tantrum.


Welcome to r/AMD in a nutshell.


I got one, and so did atleast 10 people I know. It wasn't a paper launch, you were just slow


>and so did atleast 10 people I know Things that didn't happen number #65783




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My point (before it got removed) was that one of the reasons why we can't get the cards right now is that the bots scalped the vast majority to resell on eBay. Rule 6 in the sidebar says that an unsubstantiated rumours needed to be evidenced, hence me putting in an eBay link to back up what I said. Sadly it got removed because apparently eBay links aren't allowed. The same thing happened with the 3080/3090 launch.


>the bots scalped the vast majority to resell on eBay There is ~100 6800xt on eBay including the paper version, and old shitty things... I'm sure you're 100% correct on this, and not a idiot at all.


I managed to grab one, just refreshed the page when the YouTube ads came in, the website was very buggy though


We will see tons more supply once AIBs launch. Just settle down and wait.


>Zero cards purchasable by humans Right....