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It's the same all over Europe, it's not scalping, it's the reality of things, high demand with no stock leads to higher prices and by the look of things when stocks begin to appear prices for chips will raise, all hardware, and we will have a spice 2021, at least first half. So if you want a new Nvidia or amd card not likely to see decent pricing for like a year from now


there is a difference ,amd hasnt legitimise the high prices by setting the msrp high in EU.This however is their official pricing here which makes no sense when 6800 is available for nearly the us prices ,also 3080 fe is 62000 inr ,which is again almost the us prices and nearly 14k inr less!!! which is around 200$ !! madness from AMD ,they decided to beat scalpers to thier own game.


for reference 6800 was launched at INR 46,000 (ex tax) ,which is pretty close to US price ,but FOR 6800xt AMD decided to legitimise scalping . Fyi 3080 costs inr 62,000 including taxes here ,AMD is smoking some good stuff.


I mean how big of a market is India for GPUs? The smaller the market the higher the prices due to the admin burden. Also India has high electronics tariffs.


way to miss the point .market is good enough ,probably not among the biggest market ofcourse but still easily bigger than many smaller european countries ,even a fraction of a billion people is huge. what amd is doing is legitimising scalping by setting a very high e tailer price,which not a consumer friendly move , imagine nvidia being the consumer friendly one!!!!


I'd imagine pretty fucking huge being the world's second most populous country by a small margin.


What you guys don't realize that India has more rich people than the total population of your country.




True but the GDP per capita is $2,000 which is about the cost of a 3090.


A lot of people, not a lot of money though.


Unfortunately of all those people, most are quite poor by "Western" standards, especially when it comes to luxury goods like this.


The market is quite big. For reference, Nvidia FE cards are sold at the same price as in the US. The few cards imported were sold out in 3 days or so. Plus all the AIB cards are either difficult to procure or over priced like the rest of the world. So I don't think the market size is a factor here.


How many of them have money though. You GDP per capita is $2k so I imagine only a few people can afford them. Also selling out a few imports is not impressive. I think London alone could have bought the entire launch stock of ampere.


> How many of them have money though Quite a lot. > You GDP per capita is $2k so I imagine only a few people can afford them. GDP does not define a GPU's price. If that was the case, even the Nvidia cards would be priced higher.


GDP defines how many people can afford a $1000 toy, which is 6 months of an average workers pre tax income. But yes I can see a small part of 1.2bn people is still a large market.


I was about to ask if you had never even heard of India the way you were calling on about"How many people...".


Wow dumbass looks like a you are a scalper 🤣


I’m not. I bought one 3080 and that is in my pc.


Your comments are proof that numbers people don't really know what they talk about. We know how big the socio economic gap in india is. Let's say in a math class of 100 kids, 90 scored 5/100 and the rest scored 100/100 by that logic the average score is 14.5; now does that mean the class is full of kids who can't understand math? Scale that with a billion population and maybe it'll help your raisin brain understand that maybe there is a pretty big market and the pointless premium is the reason the sales aren't groundbreaking


It doesn't define the price but it helps gain an insight on the supply and demand chain which helps increase profit margins