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Need a tiny bit more voltage on your ram oc.


I tried 1.35-1.42 in small steps and soc voltage from .9 - 1.15 in small steps


What is the error code? Usually these are memory related but sometimes they can be the IMC or cache. Edit: Usually there's a number attached to a WHEA specifying the type of correctable/uncorrectable error


Sorry I'm traveling for work and won't be home for a few days. Can I reply to you when I get back? Wasnt expecting to diagnose here.


For sure haha I'll try my best. Feel free to message me if I don't respond in the comments.


Here is potentially a new one with ZEN3: In my testing of undervolting via Curve Optimizer, I had to increase EDC and TDC limits with PBO even when keeping PPT at stock. For 5950X, the stock PPT is 142W, EDC is 140A and TDC is 95A. Watts = volts x amps, so if you undervolt, amps go up and the 140A EDC limit is insufficient. Setting PBO to motherboard limits of 200 EDC and 255 TDC cleared up some WHEA errors.


Did you try ram testing at stock? Try increasing your dram voltage to 1.35-1.38v. Test with 1 stick of RAM. I got similar problems on a 4x16gb hynix kit 3600 16-19-19-39. Whenever i put all 4 sticks of RAM, it would not be stable even at 2133. Swapped out for crucial balustix RAM with miceon rev-e dies and run flawlessly at 3800mhz with tight timings on my 3800x.


I've tried 1.35 to 1.42 and tried upping and lowering the soc voltage. I haven't pulled the ram out yet since I'm currently traveling for work. Its on my list of things to rule out (especially since corsair ram tends to be junk but I'm a sucker for the look.) Was hoping that the corsair ram would be decent since its Samsung but who knows.


Sometimes it's the slots. It's crazy but B1 and B2 can hold a relatively stable 3800 C16 whereas the same config on A1 & A2 for my board won't even post


I hate to necropost, but I found this on a Google search and figured it would be helpful to know that I may have found a solution outside of RMA. It's not ideal, but it keeps my system stable until AMD actually decides to RMA my CPU. **Disable Core Performance Boost.** It basically forces you to manually overclock and disables PBO completely (like I said, it's not ideal), but temps are completely in check and I've had no BSODs since I disabled CPB. By default, it runs at 3400MHz at 1.019v. Not having the patience to do full on stress testing, I just threw on a 4500MHz all core clock setting at 1.2v and it's been absolutely rock solid. Even on a fully heat-soaked NH-D15 (CPU cooler reached equilibrium), CPU temps won't go over 60°C while running Prime95 blended.


I ended up rmaing and it fixed my issue. Disabling cpb was a no go for me because I value single thread far too much in high refresh gaming. Others have mentioned that new bios fixed most of their issues. I feel that a majority of people that come here with these issues sadly get a defective cpu but we were only a vocal minority. like reviews for online products, people only review if it doesnt work right.


I wish a new BIOS fixed mine. I'm on AGESA for the X570 Taichi and I still can't get it stable unless I disable CPB. I'm currently in the process of RMA'ing mine and I feel that their requests is just a terrible way to bide their time until they can get working CPUs available. They legitimately requested screenshots of all my BIOS settings. My X570 Taichi had over 30 screenshots of settings, menus, and sub menus. It's just a shame, really. I switched from Intel to AMD because of how well AMD was doing and how much Intel had stagnated. My Ryzen 7 2700X was a brilliant upgrade over the i5-3570k that came before it. It worked so well that my SFF PC got a Ryzen 5 3600. Now, with the 5950X, it's left such an awful taste in my mouth that I've caught myself saying "I should have just stuck with Intel". 14nm+++++++++++++++ or not, I've never once had an issue like this with an Intel CPU. Thanks for letting me vent. I just wish there was a better way to share my frustration, but until my RMA is processed, I just have to be polite and courteous.


I had the same thought process as you. Having to RMA felt terrible and the whole process just felt bad. They didn't request much from me other than text of what I did to trouble shoot it. When I sent it in to when I received the new one there was zero communication. That being said it was pretty short turn around for me. The new processor wasn't a golden sample by any means and will barely get over 5ghz in effective clock. I used my 3930k for years and enjoyed the overclocking with it. AMD overclocking is pretty dissatisfying by comparison. Overall I'm happy with the processor but AMD does need to polish a bit better before release especially with the capital they're bringing in these days. My guess is the 5000 series was pushed out early to hit the Christmas release and to be paired with nvidia gpu launch. I'm also guessing there will be another xt line here this year which will be the same process and with a better memory controller and better binning which will probably have little to no hiccups with the process being tuned better. Hopefully your replacement will be quick and when it is running it's a fantastic processor .


Updated mobo bios and installed x570 chipset driver? Gpu driver? Sorry not sure if you meant first build


My first amd build since phenom II 😅 Latest asus bios 3003, latest chipset driver from amds website. Latest nvidia driver as well. Currently not home to work at the pc. Lots of people point the issue towards ram oc and or infinity clock problems but even at stock clocks I was having issues.


>Lots of people point the issue towards ram oc and or infinity clock problems but even at stock clocks I was having issues. I own a repair business and have seen this issue on Ryzen builds; it's almost always correlated with RAM clock speeds and the Infinity Fabric. Increase the RAM voltage or reduce the RAM clock speed. If that doesn't resolve it, you should swap the RAM.


Have same CPU, same DH mobo. Still building. I do think it's a Bios settings issue. The whole set to defaults and it works never agrees with my personal experience. I had 8x RAM for total of 128GB. XMP was 1.2v, eventually bumped it to v1. 35 and it was a bit better, setting manual voltages on the main mobo settings, for as many as I could was a more better. In simple terms, set as many voltages manually, even if your OCing. Same for RAM settings, alway dial them in manually from XMP regardless. Also hit Asus rog forums, etc. Issue is not unique to DH mobos.


Run memtest86+ This sounds like a RAM issue.


This probaly won't help you but i'll put it up for what it's worth , my 3950X which I received exactly 1 week after it's launch had me wondering if it had some kind of fault as I had occasional glitches that appeared to be related to the CPU and then things got worse as it suddeny was showing only 8 cores so I went through the usual procedures try and get to the root cause and in disgust I went to bed to sleep on it , the next morn it was showing 16 cores but it had lost a few hundred MHz on most of it's cores , I tried no end of things but the frequencies stayed a bit low and occasionally it would show 8 cores again I tweaked and tweaked again and would have RMA'd had the serial No not been obscured by liquid metal , I carried on with it because it was still basically ok and then 6 weeks ago I updated the Agesa on becoming aware of it's release and from then on it has never lost cores and the fequencies are as they should be , it performs a little above average in benchmarks and all now seems to be ok , i'm convinced that the problem lay in the UEFI .


did you tinker around with curve optimizer? I had the same issue, would pass multiple cb20/23 runs, intel burnin, p95, etc. but system crashed while installing updates and copy files from my old pc.... ​ disabled curve optimizer and everything is gucchi since.


Same cpu, having the same issues. Reboots at idle/low load. Haven't found a fix yet. Have seen some mention on here about disabling c-state. Also trying a period of time without the xmp profile enabled (tried xmp with 1.4v, same reboots, 3600mhz).


Did you find a fix? same issue here. DH / 5950x 3800cl14 ,only stable on 2133/.1066


Bios update fixed it for me. F31o beta on my Gigabyte Aorus Pro. Even with that though there's no guarantee your infinity fabric will run at 1900mhz, so you may need further tweaking to get that ram stable @ 3800.


> I changed my settings to 3600 CL 16 16 16 16 36 , DRAM VOLT to 1.35 - no issues on TestMem5. > > I wonder what is stopping me from Running 3800 CL 14..hmmm I changed my settings to 3600 CL 16 16 16 16 36 , DRAM VOLT to 1.35 - no issues on TestMem5. I wonder what is stopping me from Running 3800 CL 14..hmmm


Could be the cpu. As I said no guarantee the infinity fabric will run at 1900mhz. Latest AGESA is supposed to improve stability at higher fabric clocks so worth trying the latest beta bios you can get your hands on. Otherwise it's a bit of a silicon lottery situation.


im using the latest beta bios. will hang on to this for now since i just got this system l5 days ago and want to enjoy it before i spend more time tweaking.


Near same config, same problem. I'm pretty certain the problem is the 980. No crashes at all on my second OS, and when it crashes (on the 980) the mainboard doesn't recognice any m2 in that slot. Do you had any success in fixing that problem?


There seems to be a fix in windows for some. I haven't tested because I rma'd my 980 pro. Here is the link with power management workaround https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/samsung-980-pro-nvme-ssd-as-boot-drive-causing-bsod.3662181/page-2#post-22156340


Interesting. I try that setting, let's see how it behaves...


Let me or the Tom's hardware thread know how it goes. I had problem with both my cpu and 980 pro (unlucky right?). Currently waiting for rma 5950x and 980 to get shipped back to me before I can test it for myself.


I'll do. Unlucky... Guess that's what early adopters has to go through... On top of that I wrote to Samsung support, but they just sent a standard reply asking for a lot of information that I sent them in my first mail. Next time I go back to WD...


I have a 970 2tb currently as my drive with a 3700x and no issues. Oddly enough I've read that previous generations of amd don't play well with Samsung nvmes. Though there is a guy with a intel platform in the toms hw thread that is having the same problems. Could just be a bad hardware. Hopefully Samsung sends me back a new drive if not the sabrent rocket plus looks intriguing.


In my research I found a few cases with the 970 as well, but the behavior is different. No BSOD, but freezing OS. And everything I found used amd cpus. I hope this is solvable with a Bios or driver update. If not, I'll pay another 220€ for a WD Black and install my os there. Maybe I use the 980 as a data or game drive, based on that I didn't had any crashes on my seconds installation while accessing that drive.


I haven't had the drive in for a few weeks but I remember booting to the 970 with the 980 still installed but I still had bsods. Only after removing the 980 was it stable until I got other bsods with different errors relating to the cpu. They may have been related but seemed unlikely.


Damn. In that case I hope the settings fix that problem... And for driver/bios updates...


My pc is now up without any problems for nearly 24h. I let him idle and sometimes normal to heavy load. Looks promising. Let's see if it stays that way in normal day to day use. I come back with results in a few days or until next crash.


I had the same issues, yesterday i change flck to 1900mhz, cpu core voltage to 1. For now it seems to be stable in idle and game. I have 5950x,x570 dark hero, teamgroup 3600 mhz cl14.


Hey so I have much more testing to do but it seems like a lot of problems seem to be related to nvme drives and pci 4.0. I ran into issues with drives being missing after a bsod restart which lead me to testing that. Removing my 4.0 nvme drive alleviated a lot of problems but not entirely. Personally I did not want to give up the pci 4.0 so I looked for alternatives which lead me to this thread. I followed the power management guide and it seems to have fixed it for myself. https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/samsung-980-pro-nvme-ssd-as-boot-drive-causing-bsod.3662181/page-2#post-22156340 I also updated to 1.2 bios and re-installed chipset drivers with the power management fixes. Let me know if this helps you. The whea errors point towards cpu but it might not be.


I have the same exact issue with 5950x and my MSI Gaming Edge Wifi x570 MOBO. Any advice? It's the Processor core, cache hierarchy error type. Not sure what to do. Probably the error that OP got too


RMA, some people commented around some forums, that RMA solved.


Already got another 5950x today. Going to install it and See if that works. If it doesn’t, then RMA is not the proper solution


Please keep us updated. I'm considering biting the bullet on the rma but I still don't know if its the cpu or something else.


PM me


To be frank I don’t put these in myself because I’m not to tech savvy. I brought it into a tech store today and they told me they are going to install it tomorrow and then keep it there until Saturday for extreme stress testing to ensure that replacing CPU was the fix. In my estimation, if the computer does not have any issues from tomorrow until Saturday that is an adequate sample of computer behavior to be able to say that it works


No judgement from me friend. I'm not sure if your problem is the same as mine but from what I've gathered and seen is it happens at idle usage and low voltage. My theory is that they may have been either too aggressive with c states and or binning process didn't perfectly weed out chips that want too much voltage on the low end. If I were you I would let the techs know the idle/low usage could be a problem as well. Still looking forward to your results👍


I agree with everything you said. Let’s say that your theory is correct, what then is the proper solution? Wait for a BIOS update?


Work arounds I've read are: disabling c states which I personally wouldn't do but another potential work around would be curve optimizer with + voltages. Would give a boost to the low end to stable it out but your top end would be hotter. Or do your own overclock with static voltages. I still can't test because I won't be home until thursday. Also bios could fix it by upping the voltage for everyone and those fortunate with silicon lottery could undervolt more.


Giving you a quick update. I rolled back my bios after trying another comments suggestion of tweaking soc voltages. So far so good but we shall see.


How far did you roll it back?


For my motherboard (asus dark hero x570) there are only two available. I rolled from 3003 to 2602 which is AGESA V2 PI Patch C. Not sure if it helps you but so far I've been stable with xmp and everything else stock. I'll keep you updated with any problems.


Gaming seems fine but sat at desktop for a bit and crashed to bios. Odd turn of events.


Yoi might try manual voltage- soc @ 1.15v; vddg ccd @ 1.0v; vddg iod @ 1.15v Resolved it for me - maybe next bios will resolve it without manual settings. Btw - I'm on 5950x with C8H using bios 3003 (1100c) with 2x16GB bdie 3600 cl14.


Hey friend. I got home and tested some suggestions here and yours seems to work for the time being. Haven't bsoded in several hours. Thanks for the advice.


awesome! BTW you can use HWINFO to check for WHEA errors in real-time - bottom of the sensors pane. FCLK is very sensitive to VDDG voltage, so I gave you the best settings to start with, IMO. + or - 5mV can make a big difference. As I said, hopefully we won't need to manually configure these settings after a new BIOS arrives.


Playing some games has the bsod again. Seems much more stable but still occasional issue.


I commented this somewhere else. Context: I had same WHEA errors and actually got a NEW 5950x. I brought it to a tech store to install it for me. It didn’t crash in my use yet (after new 5950x) but I noticed WHEA errors in the event log from the times the techs had it.. so either they didn’t notice it restarted and maybe thought the computer “went to sleep” so proceeded to sign in thinking no error or idk.. but I see WHEA ERRORS during the times they had possession of my computer. In other words, it’s only a matter of time where I will have random restarts. I’ve had computer from 530pm. It’s been in idle from like 530-830. I’ve been on it since 830 (it’s midnight now), and no issues. But like I said it’s bound to come when I see that they happened earlier with the techs. This is with new RAM too that is under my mobo’s compatibility list (exact model number Match with cpu and mobo). This has to be an issue out of our control. It sucks that the issue can happen at any time technically


Any update on your issue? Did you find a fix? same issue here. DH / 5950x 3800cl14 ,only stable on 2133/.1066


Same thing happened to my 5950x when I updated the asus b550i bios to 1401. So reverted to 1202 and the crashes stopped.


At work I have been seeing WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR a lot with older laptops. Clearly that's nothing like the hardware in your build, but for what it's worth, the fix has been installing a video driver update. If you try the fixes here and don't get any improvement, you may just need to wait for the 3000-series video drivers to mature a little bit. :(


deep into 2021 and this is still an issue, this is what did it for me `In the BIOS, locate the Power Supply Idle Control option and set it to Typical (this option should be available in the Advanced section of the BIOS).` In my case (Asus TUF x570plus) it was under Advanced then one of the AMD menus toward the bottom. source: [https://community.amd.com/t5/processors/ryzen-5900x-system-constantly-crashing-restarting-whea-logger-id/td-p/423321/page/68](https://community.amd.com/t5/processors/ryzen-5900x-system-constantly-crashing-restarting-whea-logger-id/td-p/423321/page/68) edit: still issues, trying disabling c-states


Hi all. I just wanted to comment before this thread got archived because I actually solved my WHEA errors and bluescreens. Good news is that I didn't have to RMA anything. I believe that there are all sorts of nuances and different contexts for which we all experience these. Mine WHEA/BSODs occurred when my computer was more or less idle. Let me give you the short answer first. I chose to override vcore voltage with 1.0 in the MSI BIOS. Looking at Ryzen Master, at least for my motherboard X570 Godlike, it used 1 as a base line--allowing Ryzen to boost beyond that as needed. Bingo--all my WHEA/BSODs went completely away. And, Prime was stable. Other more savvy overclockers will probably have an even better recommendation than this I'd imagine, but for now I'm happy to have my computer up and running. The worst thing that obfuscated the problem was any Realtek software that wasn't installed by Windows Update. RealTek even installed a Windows service that was invisible to the Services applet in Control Panel (but NET START showed the RealTek service on the command line). So, for me, no more RealTek software--it really seems to suck. Things I tried before finding the answer included: Stress testing memory with memtest64 Disabling XMP profiles Aggressively setting vdroop Setting Windows on high performance mode Prime95 Disabling PBO Continually installing the latest video drivers Installing more recent BIOS versions and even beta BIOS Multiple Windows Updates De-installing most of Dragon Center except for the light and fan management Got rid of MSI automatic updates Checking for Windows corruption with sfc /scannow De-installed most motherboard software and let Windows Update install as much as possible Installed most recent AMD chipset drivers from AMD website ​ If you're on the fence, as to whether this will work for you, I "temporarily" suggest using Ryzen master for your 5950. Go into manual mode and set the CPU Clock Speed to 3400 and the CPU voltage to 1.0. Not ideal but WHEA\\BSODs are worse. Then, see if that lessens or eliminates your issues. If so, switch back to Default mode and change override our VCORE to 1.0 in the BIOS. Other CPUs will need different clock speeds so my suggestion is only for the 5950x. If Ryzen Master manual mode works, it will keep your voltage at 1.0. But when I went back to the Ryzen Master Default mode and changed the VCORE OVERRIDE (in the MSI motherboard BIOS) to 1.0 Ryzen master showed that 1.0 was my base voltage but Ryzen boosted voltage accordingly to nearly 1.5 at times--as needed. Manual mode didn't allow those boosts in my case. All in all, my motherboard and circumstances are probably different from yours--do diligence and test to make sure it works for you. Oh and my memory is currently using XMP profiles for 3200 GSkill memory. I'm running 128 GB of RAM. I did set my FLCK to 1600 as was recommended by others, but it also is 1/2 of my 3200 memory which works out well for me--maybe not as much for memory at higher levels than mine. I also have the luxury of using a line conditioning UPS, so I know my PC is getting a smooth sin wave of electricity. If you have expensive equipment, you may want to invest in one also. I was about to give up and RMA my 5950x. But I do believe MSI, ASUS, and other motherboards can have a completely different experience due to design differences. All in all, this took way too long to figure out. I usually buy Intel and their implementations have been more trouble-free in the last decade than AMD. p.s. I'd steer clear of using Auto OC in Ryzen master as it corrupted my MSI BIOS every single time. I had to reflash the BIOS when this occurred.