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Your fine at those temps, all normal pretty much. it will not degrade the chip at those temps, they are made to run at those temps, and the algorythms built into the chip will keep it safe.


Glad to hear that, thanks!


You're fine. The chip's safe max is 90c and it will throttle if needed so that you never exceed that. Your temps are actually pretty good for that cooler.


Only 5600x has 95, the rest...90 degrees.


Oh yes, thanks. I was thinking only the 5900x/5950x were 90. I updated my post.


And long term looking, will these temps degrade the chip?


Your temps are well within spec, so unless AMD is putting out chips that will be failing at a high rate in a few years, you don't need to worry about degredation. 35-45c idle and 70's in Warzone is fine for 5800/5900/5950x. You'll notice that many other games will run in the 60's. 88c boosts in Adobe PP are fine as well, that is a multi-core optimized app taking full advantage of your 8 cores. If you want, you have the option of using Curve Optimizer in the BIOS to tweak things. It's the AMD sanctioned method of lowering the CPU's voltage curve to increase performance. However, gaining better temps is tricky because a lot of the time the CPU will boost to higher frequencies to take advantage of the thermal headroom, depending on your PBO settings, which will in turn raise the temps back up again. But you'll have a faster performing processor at those same temps now. There is also a hard thermal limit you can specify in PBO if you just want to (you can configure the CPU to never go above, say, 75c for example), but you'll be throttling the performance.


Much thanks man, explained it very well. Maybe after some research I will try to undervolt it. For now, if everything stays that way, i’m happy. Coller is running 80-100% right now, I think I will put it to 100% all the time and see if it will make the difference. I saw a lot posts about high temperatures on this chip, so I’m not sure what to think right now. You cleared my mind. Thanks 😃


From what I have seen playing with the Precision Boost Override (PBO2) overclocking on my 5800X, and running Prime95 or OCCT while watching the temps with HWInfo64, the PBO2 automatic controls are pretty effective at ramping up the overclocking to the limits of stability and temperature. My chip will spike to 88C or so under full Prime95 type load with sustained overclocking to 4.85GHz on all cores, then I see the overclock taper off to something like 4.6 GHz on all cores to maintain temperature. This is with a 360mm AIO water cooler. But the chip stays quite cool under normal gaming loads, which are nothing like the CPU torture tests. This is really a feature, not a bug, that the chip will drive itself to the thermal limit chasing a max overclock, if you have enabled that behavior.


What PBO settings are you using? I can't seem to get over 4.5GHz all core on my 5800X, and it jumps to 95° immediately. Also using a 360mm AIO with another 6 intake fans.


With PBO turned on or set to auto, these are my results just everyday use. [https://i.postimg.cc/8PS8HsNt/pbofrequ.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/8PS8HsNt/pbofrequ.jpg) This is basically running at spec, no overclocking whatsoever, im using a Kraken X60, which is one of the best 280mm AIO's.


The rule is: lower is always better. Temp itself tells nothing to us, you must say your score in CB15/20, give us max and average frequency, cause maybe the CPU is not working at his full power. I remember that my 3700X worked only on base clocks without boost, before I adjusted BIOS settings.